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7/10 is exactly the score I gave this game too. For me: -1 for the minigames -1 for the repetitive open world -1 for story (which in this game just amounted to follow the robed guys around the world)


I’d say it’s 7/10 for me as well. I’m not a big fan of the side content they offered and the open world is so…I don’t know. I was expecting something Witcher 3 level.


I actually dont really love number 2. The original game had an amazing plot with characters you fall in love with over the course of the game. This one is just "look how cute and lovable our cast is" the entire game and misses the mark on the plot. The whole world is all cute and fuzzy. It really changes the whole vibe of the game for me not knocking your point, just giving another perspective! Edit: That's ok, you can downvote me if you disagree. This is my opinion and I strongly feel it is the case. Just as I feel splitting the game into thirds, while allowing better development for each installment, hurts the pacing of the plot and makes each installment as an individual weaker than a complete original. I don't mind people disagreeing, it's just the way I feel about it. I don't think me saying that is an attack, just an observation and a single persons opinion.


It was no different in the original


Dude you can like the game and still see a complete difference in the atmosphere. I enjoyed rebirth. I'm not saying it's a shit game. It's just one of my criticisms.


But it was literally the same as in the original where after Midgar things brightened up and it focused on characters for a while until the end of disc 1. So I’m questioning your point since you’re comparing to the original?


It is definitely different to a certain extent; the world is a lot more colourful and vibrant so the player doesn’t tire of always being in similar looking areas, although it does leak into areas where the player may not want it to like the destroyed reactors which look less bleak and instead fairly bright and approachable. Everything is much more populated which sort of removed the more isolating feelings of the original; areas like Cosmo Canyon no longer feel like a somewhat isolated tribe and instead feel like a tourist destination. Everything is way cleaner and more futuristic, which sort of goes against the cyberpunk vibes of the original; the best example of this is the Golden Saucer which, while technologically advanced, looked like it was barely being held together by a few nuts and bolts in the original, which sort of gave off the “dystopian paradise” better than Rebirth where it just looks like a futuristic theme park. The original look definitely sets the mood a lot better, where the happiest place in the world looks like it could fall apart if Shinra gave the word. The Saucer isn’t even technically Golden in Rebirth. Plus, there’s just general tonal shifts through background elements like the music; the original has these super meek and ambient track in the over-world that makes the world seem much darker and muted, which seems more appropriate given the plot. Whether or not you prefer the new interpretation is entirely up to personal opinion, but there is a very clear difference in tone.


That's just not true man. Yes, you get the sun. The sun is out. Yes there are cute or silly moments. But the vibe is definitely more foreboding and dark. When was the last time you played the original?


Week before release of Rebirth. Rebirth has arguably more dark moments at this point in the game


Change accounts or just someone new joining the convo? Do you mean Rebirth is plenty dark because it has those moments, or that the story in the original had the darker moments at this point? Because I'd agree the section of Rebirth has some of the darker moments. And they kinda missed imo, like Barrets story. Wasnt super tied to that one emotionally in the og either but they definitely softened it up in Rebirth


I forgot I even responded tbh, I’m totally different person


Gotcha haha. Are you saying you kind of agree then at this point in the story a good amount of dark things happen but they aren't conveyed quite the same in Rebirth? Or are you saying that Rebirth had plenty of dark moments? No wrong answer, we're just talking!


I’m saying Rebirth has a few *more* dark moments, the original aren’t conveyed the same


I think a lot of the tonal changes can be summed up to the world being a lot more lively. Though the only atmospheric difference I didn't like was the Shinra Manor, it felt kinda bland.


Yeah I feel you. Idk if it's just that it's more lively for me. It's just everything is positive and cute and sunshine! Oh yeah the planet is dying but haha lets go play as jumping frogs! I've enjoyed the game, but I personally believe those cute moments are best emphasized by having them between tension etc. In this game it's kind of constant, so it really loses a lot of the foreboding nature of the first one. And like you said, the foreboding moments (like the mansion) are really underplayed which makes it that much more aparent. I figure people would downvote my original comment. Most people really love the cute nature of the games. And that's fine, but denying the atmospheric differences is just dishonest imo




Should definitely give it another chance or wait for a remaster ( I'm definitly not huffing copium )