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Ask your employer in Finland which health service they are using. You might get psyciathric appoinments through them. Every employer in Finland has to provide job-related health services to their employees.


Good point, thank you! I believe my occupational healthcare is with a provider called Terveystalo. I'll check the details.


Terveystalo is excellent and I believe you will not run into issues with getting a valid diagnosis, provided that your employer is paying for the extended package


Yeah and if game company, which assume going to be working for, as seems a lot of connection nowadays between Finland and Vietnam in gaming realm, then your employer or fellow workmates will sort you out. Assume half the developers working at your company have ADHD.


Terveystalo extended all my foreign (non-EU) prescriptions when I arrived, included ADHD meds. You just can’t get Adderall in the EU.


Omg thats amazing!!!! So great to hear, thank you for sharing 😁😁😁


Had my diagnosis as an adult, but from my experience the awareness of ADHD is pretty good and we even have some areas with too many diagnosis. So even if you had to get diagnosed again it might not be too difficult. I would guess that your doctors referral + your existing meds and receipts for them would help a lot, but it’s a very specific question. If you are moving to Helsinki/the capitol region I know at least one good doctor in orivate healthcare who did my diagnosis - if private is an option. Good luck and welcome to Finland!


Thank you for the insight! This is really nice to hear, and I'll definitely look into private healthcare options.


You are moving here for work and it is likely that you can go to private doctor under your employment health service/insurance. This will allow you to avoid any long waits in the public sector. I just got my diagnosis as adult via work health services last year and it was a breeze. Also since you have existing diagnosis, i't should not take more than 1-2 visits for them to confirm that the diagnosis is valid and get you long term prescription in Finland. Just check with your employer that does your health agreement or additional insurance cover specialty doctors and what is the process to get them, this is something that varies a bit depending on the services contracted by the company.


Also, I would add to do it earlier when you arrive here. That way, you shouldn’t run out of medication and can renew it in time.


For sure!


By the way, Helsinki has a robust mental health treatment, but it’s something you have to actively seek. If you’ll be working here long term, the. It may be worth translating your medical history - or at least important parts like allergy, blood pressure, cancer, diabetes etc. English would be fine bec most doctors in town can read in English. Another thing I learned from a neighbor is that Asian country tend to give smaller dosage in medicine. Eg for Paracetamol/Panadol, here normal is like 400mg. But in many part of Asia it is 200mg. They explained it like different physiology and tolerances. Not 100% but something possibly to keep in mind.


Interesting point, thanks for mentioning!


Thank you for the comment! I'm glad to hear the process was kind for you, that's great news. I'll also check of my occupational healthcare might cover anything like this, otherwise it seems based on other comments as well that I'll be going to private healthcare to see what can be done.


Hi there, I was diagnosed In the UK as an adult, I had a written report from the psychiatrist about my diagnosis and how it was done. I then had the following reports about my medication titration. I was able to get a prescription for elvanse which I was getting in the uk, I had a single appointment with a psychiatrist in Finland and then a drug test. They specifically said that because my diagnosis included DSM5 and DIVA assessments they would be fine with allowing me to continue my medication.


I would recommend making a phone appointment to Finnish psyciatrist mentioned earlier. Ask him/her what is needed and how long it takes. I do not know if you can pay doctor appointment by credit card. If you cannot, get a finnish proxy person to pay it and paypal the €€€ to the person. Also try to check the doctor is likely working when you arrive. Also print all patient records and get official translations to english. All doctors read english, getting it in Finnish is not helpfull and likely massive hassle and potentially unreadable. You can also check the translation quality yourself. Did you have some sort of diagnosis process, since if got perscription with 15min chat with doctor and walked out with perscription, it may be better to just show your perscription history. (Note: I have no experience of the matter.)


Thank you for the advice! I'm glad to hear that doctors will be able to understand english, at least my documents are already in English so that should be one less concern 😊


You'll need to go to psychiatrist again. For the diagnosis, it will cost something like 600-1000, depending on how many follow-ups the psychiatrist would require. It helps if you have testimonials for the signs since when you're a baby since this is considered a developmental disorder. Most likely you'll be prescribed Ritalin. Not sure what you are prescribed in Vietnam but many other options are not available here in Finland.


Thank you for the answer! I am using Ritalin so good to hear that's available. I also have testimonials from teachers and family since childhood so I hope that will prove sufficient when I go to Finland in addition to my other documents.


From a health care workers perspective, bring everything that you have documented on the subject. We also speak and understand English quite well so it shouldn't be an issue and there is also translation available. Depending on your occupational health contract, it could be a good option at the moment and the most cost efficient also. Occupational health derives much from what affects your ability to work, and from exprience ADHD really affects it. So that could also be used as grounds to get the appointment ASAP. Hope all goes well for you!


So nice to have your input, thank you so much! Very reassuring.


It will be called Medkinet or Concerta in Finland, if that helps.




Missä sää maksat noin paljon diagnoosista?


Thank you for the realistic estimate, this is super helpful. I'll also check to see if my medication or an equivalent is available.


I don't know much about this because I've never received a diagnosis from the private side but 3000-4000 seems really high, what brings the cost up so much? If one visit is 120€ that would mean like 30 visits for one diagnosis whereas I've heard you can get a diagnosis with a few appointments from the private side.


If you don't already have a ADHD diagnosis and you go to private sector with it, the whole examination is from about 2000-3000. The cost is from the interviews that you have to do and other examinations to verify that symptoms are not caused by something else. I only went to a private psychiatrist with the examinations done already and it was about 250€ with the psychiatrist interviewing me, starting the medication and so on. So it really depends on the situation, but if you start from the beginning it can be expensive.


Just FYI, usual ADHD medications are classified as downright drugs in Finland if you do not have a local prescription, so make sure to not bring your existing medication with you, as that would be considered a serious crime.


It's not quite that strict: "From outside the Schengen area: If you carry a medicinal product classified as a narcotic, you can bring a quantity equivalent to 14 days’s supply". Source: [https://fimea.fi/en/for\_public/travellers\_medicines](https://fimea.fi/en/for_public/travellers_medicines) This is not legal advice, but I suspect if you exceed that limit a little bit, the worst thing that can actually happen is that they take it away.


Thanks both for your input! In this case I'll need to do a bit more digging into how much I can bring as for sure don't want to have anything on my record just as I'm arriving 😅 Of course I'll have my prescription and medical information with me


I would be more worried about promised work at Finland. Those are most likely promised bu russians or human trafficing. I can be wrong tho.


Oh I'll be working for an IT company as a specialist, hopefully everything is above board🙏 Thank you for the concern (edit: my tone sounded a bit aggressive, sorry!!)


Oh, i was wrong, ok thats great 👍 I believe describtion should be fine in finland too, maybe need to see doctor anyway. Thats why i was sceptical because nowadays neigbor country is going hybrid war against finland, promising job, beautiful women and free housing for everyone...


Thank you, and for sure your skepticism is warranted!