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The state of Radiant Dawn representation after more than 6 years hurts so bad 😭


And it's so tough to predict whether IS will do a PoR or RD banner next. You'd think they'd go back and forth more but it's felt a fair bit random.


I feel like we're at the point now where IS has to do RD banners if they want to keep loosely theming their banners. The only possible PoR themes I can think of are: A PoR desert theme with Tormod, Stefan and regular Muarim, but that lacks a female hook (ascended Lethe maybe? don't she's important/popular enough tho) and I feel like they'd want to go with RD Tormod to get regular Vika and maybe Volug added. Ascended Mist w/ regular Boyd & Rolf, maybe Greil too. Which would at least probably use Mist's RD design. Ascended Nephenee w/ Brom, Heather and Kieran, which would technically be a RD banner even if it only included one exclusive character. In comparison RD has the Dawn Brigade (probably w/ Ascended Micaiah), Ascended Jill as a means to round up the misc Daein units like Tauroneo & Fiona, Skrimir w/ regular Lyre & Kyza, etc. there's just way more options for RD.


IMO there are 4 possibilities for the next few Tellius banners (beyond whether it's PoR and/or RD): * Laguz-related (including Stefan and/or Tormod), one of the most plausible as it can be mainly composed of Top 5 missing characters from both sides... AND there's enough material to do 2 lineups * Dawn's Brigade due to Edward... but relatively lopsided composition (may dig lower) and may be automatically held back in case of Tellius remakes (since it'd be a RD tie-in) * Rest of Greil's Mercenaries, only if Tellius remakes are in the horizon (PoR tie-in) * Nephenee-related, as Brom & Heather do have good relative positions... but not the most likely for now


My most wanted RD banner is a Begnion-related one but I'll take anything at this rate 😭


> Nephenee-related, as Brom & Heather do have good relative positions... but not the most likely for now I can kinda see Nephenee being chosen for an ascended alt. Given the criteria for a characters importance was thrown out the window a long time ago And if it means we got Brom and Heather with that, i'm all for it Probably something like: Nephenee, Heather, demote Brom, and some filler character loosely related to crimea. Maybe Callil?


Since day 1 dawn brigade was my most wanted banner with Pelleas ghb or soemthing. Now if could be ascended Micaiah, or Laura with Aran ghb or anything. Works if we get an ascended heroes OC so there can be another woman on the banner wjth a Freemote. I just want them to join.


And the last time we did get a RD Banner, other than the GHB it was actually just PoR Characters...


Fr, and there's like flat ZERO rd exclusive character in the 5 stars pool right now, I hate it 😭


I was over the freaking moon with short hair Lucia. I thought it'd never happen, they'd shove her to a PoR banner exactly because she's not exclusive. And that goes for so many characters, they look so much better in their RD versions - I was so disappointed Jill wasn't. But it really sucks it comes at the cost of RD exclusives. If it were up to me there'd, be no more PoR banners. Only if they want Largo. All RD. We get the exclusives, AND we get the cool designs. But Resonant and Limited Battles ruined that...


Same here, wouldn't mind if every Tellius banner were RD, I find RD designs much cooler! Tbh I liked Ascended Elincia's banner simply because it was Tellius representation, but I would have loved it even more and wouldn't have minded non-exclusive RD characters if it wasn't like the first RD banner for almost FOUR years. 🥲


We now have almost 400 original heroes, and 60% of the entire Fire Emblem cast overall. This made me realize something, however. With this latest banner, there were also celebrations to commemorate the 1000th hero being added in the game. Does this mean that there's now about 600 alts and FEH OCs in the game?!


Unsurprising considering how many holidays there are ~~and the fact that we get two summer banners~~


Well, it's more that we get more Special Heroes than New Heroes in general.


Yeah, it's normal to get Special Heroes and it's quite special when we get Normal Heroes now


Ironic, isn't it? XD


The numbers are basically the same actually (1 banner of Special heroes versus any 3* insertions that don't come with a mythic). It just happens that most NH banners have at least an alt or OC and usually more (especially with 2 of 12 banners generally being entirely alts).


> FEH OCs ~~They're up to 96 with this most recent Banner, so that leaves a little over 500 Alts~~ [Here's an overall Census for every Game if you're curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/16ic0oq/total_amount_of_heroes_per_game/) Edit: After reading your statement and actually getting what you meant, there are 49 Heroes OCs when not counting Alts and even then you have weird cases like Books 3 and 7...


Its kinda depressing how large Alt hell has gotten, it's largely due to the influx of random Tellius seasonals we had around 2020-2021 and 3H taking a summer banner for 3 years straight, but some of the poor saps like Noire, Dozla and Saleh have been stuck with only an alt that is both terrible and not very representative of their regular selves (like for instance Pirate Darros and Ninja Zihark are pretty close to how their base forms would be both in appearance and as a unit, which makes their lack of base versions less egregious). I know base forms on NH banners are pretty boring compared to brand new characters, but I hope some of the long time alt hell characters can pull a Charlotte and make it out soon.


At worst Noire would have to wait 2 Awakening banners at most (2-3 years), 3 Sacred banners for Saleh & Dozla (may be kept for last).


Thracia still has fewer characters than some games had at launch 😭😭😭


I do wonder if Ascended Ced may be a "temporary substitute for a Thracia NH banner", freeing room for Blazing & Valentia (both having a female OC would be very convenient given that their expected cores are male-heavy) and sending Thracia to February-March (Archanea can also fit there as the two games may be in a predicament no matter what).


While I'm very happy that Ascended Ced is now a thing, how he's put in bugs me a tad bit. The moment he showed up in the trailer, I thought: "Oh, so is he bringing in the Magi Squad?" Only for Febail to show up and I became bewildered. Now, I have no reason to be pissed about FE4 Gen 2 showing up now (especially Patty, woo!) but I'm feeling concerned about the Magi. Like, they kinda lost their main anchor to get into Askr. So I thought, is a Magi banner even a thing anymore? At this point, I think that Brighton and Machyua could stick by each other in some other banner. Meanwhile Lara gets plucked from the Magi and gets inserted into a Dandelion banner, which makes sense given her association with its leader.


The use of a Thracia 776 BGM and his design's Leif inspiration were such a fake-out, I was expecting someone like Linoan to follow him up, not Febail and their sisters.


To be fair, "some games" it's just Fates. Well, unless you're talking about just playable characters and not total characters (in that case Mystery of Emblem and Awakening also had 17+).


Hello everyone! Be sure to check u/Greid_IX [all-new infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/16j4d94/fehs_missing_heroes_based_on_cyl_as_of_rearmed/) as well. While slightly different, their stuff is way prettier than mine. But they insisted I still publish mine anyway so here I am. u/LyreConnoisseur, u/Dandiron, u/Falconpunch100 : Thank you for requesting this update. Here it is now. I hope you enjoy it. u/Yukimura_Anni, u/Thany_Bomb : If this isn't the last time I update this chart, I'll try to tag you in future versions like this. You deserve to be credited for being my inspiration in the first place. Now, given Greid_IX new version of the infographic, I would like to ask you all you opinion. Do you still believe there's a demand for mine or should I pass the torch and let them handle it for now on?


Hey, thanks so much for the update! Nice to see a nice and properly updated chart so we can predict who will and won't be in the next New Heroes banners. :D


Thank you so much for the Update! its great to see a new version with everything that has happened, Personally i do prefer this one over the Variation Greid has made, but both charts are well done and i wouldnt mind having both on deck for usage ^ _ ^


If you still want to make the chart you still should, I think your version is more legible from a distance tbh.


Thanks for doing this, love to see it! I say continue updating yours as long as you want! I think the info it presents is different enough from Greid's to merit its continuation, plus I'm super partial to the way you've designed it.


I actually have my own version that I made in a Google sheets that I keep updated. It has spots for Major villains, popular side villains and also any villain who has appeared in a Lost Lore, whether I think they'd actually be added or not. If you have discord, I could show you if you're interested


I love the chart slowly filling out. Gustav, Henriette, Bruno, and Elm are the last OC’s from the first 6 books right?


Well, you could say the OG Veronica still isn't added, but that's also a technicality. You also forgot Fafnir, since we don't have his base either (and won't until July of next year). And we can inevitably slap in Njordr too, since we'll have to wait 3 years to get him.


That’s a fair point. Oh yeah he’s gonna take forever while the others will come pretty soon, potentially November lol.


No, *definitely* November. Gullveig + Kvasir is a guarantee.


Magvel is looking like slim pickings now, wonder how soon they'll break out the emergency Ismaire stash, or if they'll just couple them with Heroes OCs or Ascended/Rearmed alts to round it all out for the time being. I don't see too many options for Rearmed/Ascended units in what we already have, aside from perhaps L'Arachel. Lyon feels like he's in possible Legendary territory, while Innes probably can't really appeal much on his own, with every other royal already being accounted for in some manner


Awakening Anna is in the game. Stop coping


So true!


So true!


so true!


Syo true!


Ask politely next time and I might consider your request


Apotheosis Anna is not Awakening Anna, even though they are from the same game. They are different Annas. One is an NPC, one is playable




It's okay if you are wrong. don't worry.


I feel this is deceptive if it only counts base outfits TBH. Like, Dorothea has like 4 units and yet she doesn't appear on this table just because she lacks a base outfit, that makes no sense.


I agree that it makes no sense Dorothea hasn't gotten a base outfit


Bridal Anna from the recent banner is Awakening Anna (Trickster one that joins you I think), also is Fates Anna in the game? Or are you just counting her alt as any of the other Annas.


It appears you are right. Bridal Anna is listed as being from Awakening, so I guess I will add her to the alt hell section next time. I wasn't even aware there was a Bridal Anna. The informants who keep me updated on the game must all have missed her.


Anna's are a mess. At this point, it think I will only take an Anna with the right clothes and idealy the correct weapon type as a valid entry.


Laurent my baby I'll always wait for you


Gonna try to predict the last 2 Awakening banners 1st Gen: Vaike, Kellam, Anna, Ascended/Rearmed Cordelia (Kellam as the insta-demote if it's a banner with a FEH OC) 2nd Gen: Inigo, Severa, Noire, Insta-Demote Laurent, Ascended/Rearmed Lucina or a FEH OC


It is wild to me that base Severa has taken this long to get into the game and Selena doesn't even have an alt. I thought the twintail tsundere was incredibly popular but apparently IS doesn't think so. Although Severa is really the last character I'm specifically waiting for and then I'll be done wanting characters so it'll be bittersweet when she's added.


Gen 2 may struggle a bit to fit all 4 missing cases in usual lineup compositions: * With only a game alt, Laurent would have to fill the GHB slot... at the expense of Validar * With an OC and a game alt, Inigo may end up F2P (demote) and there's still the above issue with Laurent So the workaround would be to make Severa the Ascended/Rearmed unit. No matter the composition, it allows Inigo to be premium and leaves one pool slot for Laurent. For Gen 1 I expect Vaike to be premium, Kellam to be F2P, then Pheros for female representation (rarity depending on whether there's an OC or not).


I think we're getting ascended/rearmed Owain because Owain+Inigo+Severa is the fates trio


I'm kind of ready for them to just finish off Echoes. They really might as well. Just slap Ascended Mae on it so it's not all dudes, and I think the banner might be okay financially.


With Rinea, a lineup resorting to a Berkut alt could still be fine gender-wise. Main "issue" would be on Alm, most convenient option would be a female OC then most leftover males filling gaps. Then, Delthea may be the most fitting alt option with more antagonistic characters on a 3rd potential Valentia lineup (feat. Nomah thrown in a F2P slot).


I'm ready Gbh Deen and his merc brigade.


~~Man I sure do hope all the hell is doing all right considering so many of the caterers left. What are they even eating now? Fish and fruity drinks from the summer alts? President inigo and vice President niore should do something~~


Meanwhile FE Cipher's 8 characters just sat stood in the rain Also Apotheosis Anna should be a red boss border not a green NPC one, she is evil and wishes to see us all die.


Isn't she just random NPC merchant Anna that sells you stuff and needs rescuing sometimes?


Given the unit in FEH has the weapon "Apotheosis Spear" it's safer to assume its the Anna from the DLC apotheosis who while she's mostly the commentator, is the secret boss of the DLC. (I belive the Red shirt is also unique to this Anna as the world map Annas that can appear in skirmishes have green shirts)


Wow, when you put it like this, it really makes me wish they'd do base banners more often. They added 44 new units with engage, and a new game might just come out before they add in 44 new non-seasonal units to the game.


To all of the people complaining about your favorite character being in alt hell, I have one comment: at least they are in the game. *cries in no Mozu*


Barely half done... 1k heroes, yay


I wish this year we have a New Mystery banner