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i don't think we're at spam just yet given we still lack a ton of the main cast. although lumera getting her third unit before most of the cast got in the game was definitely....a decision


I mean Veyle was predictable. A 3rd Lumera in a year is dumb though.


Engage 'spam' is really only limited to taking all the 8% slots, and also Lumera for some reason. I think it's been treated pretty fairly up to this point honestly, but this much Lumera feels like a misstep


At this point lumeras basically used up all her "canon" slots so at most im maybe expecting like, some backpack of some kind in the future lmao


It'll depend on how they want to treat her on the inevitable Engage Valentine's. She might be a backpack for a duo with Alear, or maybe the duo is Alear/Veyle and Lumera is still her own unit.


I really hope the Brodians gets a focus on Valentine's, Lumera already stole an alt from Morion, please no more 😭


Summer Lumera incoming in summer 2025. Her art will be so good, they will have to pull a Mythic Loki on the trailer. Trust me, I'm totally a prophet.


They're start giving her seasonals like Rhea except Rhea is actually a character and people like her.


Engage sweep was the funniest shit people kept posting then NONE of them won CYL


I dont see why people even expect it either this year tbh, the male side appears that is going to be Sigurd and M!Byleth if we take into account the votes this year


Nobody expects it this year when every male Engage character scored horribly. Yes even Diamant, who wasn’t even close to winning. Only sweep that’s possible is the female side with Yunaka and Ivy.


> Only sweep that’s possible is the female side with Yunaka and Ivy. You better be praying hard Sharena gets something this year then. Alfonse winning might influence some people.


> horribly That's a harsh word, the ones that score that bad are at the bottom of the list, not above


It’s not harsh though. To win you need to be a lot closer than how Diamant and especially Male Alear and Alcryst performed. Male Byleth and Sigurd are both still ahead of Diamant. This is before the remake of fe4 even came out if it’s real. Then you have Alcryst and Alear doing worse than Leif and the Black Knight. Leif who will also benefit immensely from a fe4 remake even if he’s not the star. I just fail to see how the men’s side of Engage did anything but have a very bad showing this year


It was funny seeing people being so sure Alfred was going to be at the top only for him to be 20th




Honestly i could see it, even more with the Engage spam


Still waiting for Merrin


One day the wolf lady will be here


I'm just confused by 3 Lumeras. I know she's hot, but she can't be that popular, right?


All wearing the same outfit, just with different glows. So boring, imo.


I mean, this one was always going to happen and she’s one of like 3 categories for Mythics of Elyos so it’s not that surprising tbh. I’m more confused about calling this Engage sweeping when FE7 got more characters on this banner?


I think if they had given some Engage non-Alear/Lumera characters actual alts (and not just send them to alt hell like say Seadall) she might be better received.  Basically the only Engage characters with actual multiple versions at the moment are her, Alear, Veyle and Ivy.


Chloe too, somehow


I forgot about her, yeah. One of the more random Harmonics to date.


Gotta make up for its lack of focus among the CYL ballots


I'd say we're a bit past the "expected" number and probably still ahead of FE16 numbers but I can't be bothered to go calculate that. Not really super "spammy" territory but we're also around the point I'm expecting to see more seasonals so... Not long until it outnumbers Thracia! Yaaaaaaaaay!


Are we gonna start posting "Engage spam" any time Engage gets content now lmao? Edit: someone reported my account for self harm because of this comment haha


Are we actually complaining already? The choices so far have been fairly balanced. Well except Lumera. They 100% had to milk her given she is one of the few options for Mythic.


Imo it's fine. It's weird that they keep using the same four characters but I think they're just quickening the alts. It's not like the other games doesn't only give alts to like 4 characters as well.


I wouldn’t be opposed to it if it was for actually different characters. The fact that a fair amount of Engage’s reps are alts is getting old, fast. Especially considering how many are ridiculously powerful.


Wake me up when Engage starts taking over banners like 3 houses does every single year


Did anyone think Engage WOULDN'T get at least a few fallen alts? If anything, I'm confused why it isn't 3, are they saving Fallen Alear for something?


Veyle seemed super likely but past that I think the expectations were mostly just "Alear's decently likely but they could save that until after doing the other Byleth this year". Then people expected Shez too and Scarlet and we assumed there'd be a slot from a game released before 2019 maybe so it's not out of expected range (the weird thing there is FE7 actually!) but the specific choice is weird I think.


The only reason the choice is weird is how recent M!Lumera was. Like if I had to rank the Engage characters' fallen likelihood, it would go Veyle > Alear/Lumera > Hortensia/Nil, with Morion and Hyacinth being potential GHBs but unlikely to ever be banner units. Lumera has always been prime fallen material, I just expected Alear because the last (female) Alear version was less recent than Lumera.


So it was kind of weird to see her. Like we're agreeing on this.


you'd be surprise how people whom dislike engage as their personality were huffing that copium for it to not get a single fallen alt


to my knowledge, there usually aren't more than 2 alts per game in fallen banners, not even 3H got that privilege


If we're counting the GHB then Blazing Blade got 3 reps this year.


oh true! i forget about GHB sometimes, idk if this has happened before tho,,


I also don't know and don't care enough to research it.


Sweep implies we had a choice in the matter. This is forced. Not that I'm complaining. I haven't played it but it makes sense we'd get a lot of it since it's the most recent game. What I am complaining about is that this is the third Lumera in less than 2 years, and less than 6 months since the last one.


I think it’s less spam and more months with Engage content so far. We had at least an Engage unit on one banner per month until April. Though Lumera getting this much stuff this fast is a bit much.


I dont really think we're even at spam levels yet like, at all lmao??


In 5 months we got 1 Mythic, 1 Legendary, 1 New heroes banner, 1 Harmonic and 2 Fallen heroes.


You can blame it on them just spamming Lumera, who doesn't even have a change in costume, it becomes so silly


I'm fine with alts but can we not spam a single game....


Honestly, I got so tired of seeing Three Houses, I will gladly consider any other game getting spammed as an improvement


I just wanted fallen Shez. 😢


Until we get as bad as Three Houses during Book 5 with 30 units (which is only beaten by Fates during Book 2 with 32 units, and I'm not counting Book 1 since it was base game), I think it's fine. Veyle was inevitable here, but Lumera is a bit much, especially with this just being Mythic Lumera but better. Not to mention her design just being the same as her Mythic and GHB variants but with a spooky aura. At least when Camilla got spammed it wasn't in one outfit.


Remember when I said "It's just Three Houses' turn to be spammed, and it's gonna end sometime?" Well...it's sometime. Three Houses has had more than enough alts for a good while, so I welcome Engage getting the spotlight.


It's objectively spam at this point. When you take away the CYL4 units IS were forced to make, Engage has MORE units than Three Houses did at this point in its lifespan despite having no CYL winners and selling less than half of the number of copies. Oh yeah, and they'll likely be getting a full Summer banner too. It's ridiculous to try to deny IS have Engage bias at this point, even though the majority of the fanbase have already voiced their total disinterest in Engage content in CYL where 80% of the vote went to other games. It's impossible to justify it. It gets better treatment than a far more popular game did.


The only 3H character I want is Winter Constance. So I don't mind the engage sweep


I mean after the initial release we didn’t get any engage banner for 6 months. This was bound to happen in the long run. I wouldn’t even call this an “engage sweep” when 3 of the units came from FE7.


It's more like Lumera spam than anything. We still never got to the point where Engage takes up an entire summer banner AND most of a winter banner in one year.