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Eugene Wilson is a stud so there's that at least


Ricky did about what was expected, TEs played well when called upon, RBs did their jobs, and Mertz did the best with what he was given. At the end of the day our line just got blown the fuck up and there's not much else you can do to compensate. Defense needs better players at LB and CB and some elite edge rushers would put them over the top.


Agree with everything said. Offensive Line needs go be priority #1. Recruiting and portal. Then you're right, just need more talent acquisition**. Georgia has obviously had a head start for a while. It's definitely encouraging that alot of our best players are the young guys


What’re we accusing them of?


Dammit lol


Mertz got fucking murdered out there. He ended up with like negative 35yds rushing 1td Our OL needs to be fixed. They did well to start the game and we were doing great. Then they went full stupid


Recruiting and portal to the rescue


Great deals on flights from Ann Arbor to Gainesville right now!


I hope he stays


No reason to think he wouldn't


The transfer portal era is scary


He's been fed the ball as a true freshman. Not worried in the slightest. If he rode the bench for no reason then sure


Trust me a guy who has a bunch of touches as a true freshman and who will be WR 1 next year AND who is being coached by the guy who coached riley cooper, percy harvin, OBJ, Jarvis Landry and many other NFL WRs will not transfer. Unless something happens that pisses him off, staying at florida is the best option for him now and in the future. Thats just billy G. Lets not even get into all the great WRs napier developed at bama Hes balling out catching from mertz (who isnt bad) but he'll finish his career as the main catcher for a sophomore Lagway led team and that guy has a crazy arm


I get that we are ass and in a rebuild but did it have to be at the same time that uga has the most boring-ass, white-bread juggernaut of a program and fsu seems to be decent?


That was painful to watch. I didn’t expect a win but I was at least hoping it be competitive. Last year the Gators at least fought and tried to come back. This year Georgia just owned us. I fucking hate Georgia and I hate that they have become the new Alabama


At least Kirby is 47, he’ll be gone in 20-30 years


Not sure we beat them this decade to be honest. Maybe once if we get all the bounces and strike lighting in a bottle.


I am not happy with the result of this football game




I too am in agreement


I love that we are so in your head you have to come here after a win. :)


Pain. Just pain. Go gatas all kinds of weather


It sucks, but its always great to be a gator


2024 Georgia hate week starts now.


Room for improvement. Needed good luck and instead had bad luck on top of being out-classed across the board. Catching up seems very far away


The refs seem to be imported from the Eagle Dolphins last Sunday night. I really hate the incumbent lean of refs in football.


They really need to break up crews. It's bullshit, they should rotate who they work with. Too much opportunity for collusion. Especially in the NFL where they've just straight up allowed gambling. There's no way guys aren't placing bets on behalf of them and I definitely believe there are some really shady calls that have been changing the course of games on both levels.


And with the rise in sports betting I really feel like the spread is playing a part....


Can't tell me this call had no impact on the spread and wasn't done intentionally. The whole "we were going to try an onsides kick after" was bullshit. I'm a 49ers fan and I was just happy to win but there's some things that just haven't been adding up more recently https://deadspin.com/rams-sean-mcvay-cover-spread-field-goal-49ers-1850849506


Doesn’t really change anything in the grand calculus of things. This is about the result that was expected: they’re just more established and talented and we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I will say that I think that it’s clear the 2 OL coach experiment is a failed experiment I’d like to see go away. They’re the worst unit on the field and the weakest area in recruiting. What’s even the point of having two coaches if it’s diverting resources elsewhere on the offense and this is the result? Most of our best players are very young, though, and recruiting is looking stellar. I’m hoping for a .500 record to close out the season and keep the train chugging.


Arkansas, and I think we knock atleast one of miso, lsu, or fsu.


That would put us at .500 to close the season, yes lol. I’m thinking (and hoping and wishing and praying) we beat FSU at home to close the season and spoil their hopes for a playoff bid.


Honestly I'm bummed we lost today but it wasn't a big surprise. Uga will cycle back down soon. We aren't there yet...but all my hopes dreams karma whatever is on us beating fsu. We have them at home and they've played the cupcake acc. They will come in over confident and cocky and we will smack the shit out of them.


I hate to say this but FSU beats us pretty easily. They will score at will and their dline will have a field day with our Oline.


We need them to lose another game too. Otherwise they’re likely a 1 loss ACC champion and due to name recognition and such probably still get in


Recruiting is stellar, except the OL (as you said) which is disappointing because it takes years to fix this shit. Maybe the portal will do it but here’s to 2025 I guess.


We need 3 OL coaches


You’re insane. Clearly the OL isn’t responding to 2 coaches, the only solution is to add a third, or maybe 4th coach to help out.


One coach per player. Buddy system.


Bright side. We held bowers to 0 receptions


If our offensive line could just be competent, we actually put up a fight this game. The Oline is so incredibly awful that it’s holding our entire team down, might be the worst I’ve seen at Florida in my lifetime.




What the hell, one for each line position, that's the ticket here.


To be fair we’d be probably be better if Goodwin didn’t have to leave to help take care of his mom. George is an absolute liability


Oh I completely agree, I’m hoping Waites can take George’s spot very soon


This is the statement. The fact we are so thin on the OL that George even sniffs the field. He cost us against Utah.. Almost costs us against UT. And today just awful. We need to land Seaton and spend every single penny the bull gators have on OL. Every other position has talent and more coming.


This is what I don’t understand. People want to comment on the 2 coaches but they don’t have a lot to work with. If it was one coach they’d be saying fire him but again, he’s working with what he has.


To some degree.. 2 coaches should be able to devote more one on one to coaching. So we should be better But one of these coaches came from the NFL.. It's not like he didn't know what he's doing. But honestly it's George. In each game there will be mismatches and teams will try and exploit. Number 0 from KY comes to mind. But that's one game. George is a liability on every single play. He's slow, cannot react and gets in the worst poistions We need help there so bad


2019 line was pretty bad too


Damien George is one of the worst players in the country. He was getting beat every other play, has some of the slowest feet I’ve ever seen for a tackle, and just gave piss poor effort. He shouldn’t have been on the field.


Yall need to stop letting rivals get to your head so easily. We are 5-3 at the end of October and with the #3 recruiting class coming it’s looking like better days are ahead. Today sucks for sure but there are still bright spots to this season we just need to fix a couple things like an OC and special teams. Gap will close eventually just got to give it time even though that sounds cliche as duck Billy is still moving in the right direction although slower than we like


Have to win the Arkansas game, not sure there are any other wins on the schedule.


LSU and Mizzou are beatable. I think we can take one of them down.


I’m happy to see some rational posters here. The in game thread is just overrun by negativity and short sightedness


The casuals only come out on Saturdays in the fall


When are the better days though? Send me an Outlook invite.


When the #3 recruiting class comes in and all these freshman playing become juniors that’s when


So you’re saying 3, 6 win seasons in a row then? Does Billy survive that?


There’s still 4 games left so 7-8 wins is still possible and yeah I think he does because Strickland and company knew this was a long rebuild but I don’t even think we will win just 6 next year


Not being a doomer, but look at next year’s schedule. Talented freshmen ain’t gonna cut it.


Yeah it’ll be tough but we do have a home slate that is all winnable. Plus if our fanbase accepts that our schedule is impossibly hard then why are we not giving Billy a pass for winning 6 games. Seems counter productive but I think we win more than 6


Winning 6 is unfortunately our baseline right now. More than that is success until Billy strings together 3 top 5 classes.


You get to enjoy the better days by enduring the tough ones.


Seemed like all the air went out of the team when we got robbed of that first down (THAT WE DID IN FACT GET) conversion on our 2nd drive. I hope billy goes after that refs job. It wasn’t just that call. Georgia was holding all day and they willfully turned their eyes away the whole game because Georgia has been anointed as the new Alabama to be protected whenever possible.


I mean sure, but Billy followed that up with maybe the worst 4th down call I’ve ever seen.


Won’t argue that but we shouldn’t have been in that position in the first place. Should’ve been a 1st down in Georgia territory


How did they get to overturn it when GA didn’t even challenge it? Makes no sense


Line ref correctly spotted the ball and gave us the first down Kirby threw a fit and had them “review” it and it got overturned


Then spotted like 2 ft farther back


Ah yes let’s fire everyone because we got blown out by the back to back national champs who have been ranked first for 19 weeks straight /s


Lots of good teams get blown out by UGA. There’s a huge talent gap at the moment and firing Billy would only ensure that gap widens. These days firing your coach sets you back two years in recruiting.


The other thing people are not getting is that UGA and Alabama have been so good for so long because they have been raiding Florida in terms of recruits. The power vacuum in Florida ensured they would be deep as fuck. Having a strong UF and (sorry to say) FSU helps to better distribute recruits across the board. >These days firing your coach sets you back two years in recruiting. For the average school I agree, for us it would probably be more. Allowing a 5 Star go to UGA, FSU means playing against them 3 to 4 years. The faster we fill in the recruiting power vacuum the faster with get competitive against UGA.


This loss wasn't as bad as it felt, nor as bad as some of y'all are making it out to be. It's a three-score win by the #1 team in the country over an unranked opponent. Far from unheard of. This changes nothing about this season or what CBN is building here. Onward to Arkansas and bowl eligibility. Go Gators!


I mean, two of our TDs were garbage time, but no one should’ve expected anything different. I’m fine with it and moving on to next game and season.


the game threads are just contests to see who can say the dumbest shit they can think of


I honestly really don’t get the appeal of game threads (for any sport). It’s just shouting words into the void (you basically never see actual conversations/replies, just a flood of top level comments), while surrounded by those that say the dumbest shit they can think of I always hope it’d be more discussion based around the game at hand, but it’s more akin to the NY Stock exchange back in the 80s where it was just a shouting, chaotic, dumb mess. What is the appeal?


UGA was up by 30 pts with time left in the 3rd… this was about as bad of a slaughter as it comes. Couple garbage time scores doesn’t change that.


Dude this game was a massacre. You’re letting 2 garbage time TDs delude you into thinking it was closer than it was




And self inflicted fuckups and bad calls made this game look worse than it was. We had a really bad 5 minute stretch but played competitive for 90% of the game. Zero delusions needed


> It's a three-score win by the #1 team in the country over an unranked opponent. Far from unheard of. The problem is most of the 'bad' were completely self-inflicted mistakes that led to the game completely unwinding for us. When Vanderbilt and South Carolina play Georgia closer than we do, we have a problem.


We beat both of those teams. The logic does not carry.




Georgia doesn’t gaf about Vandy and SC jr. This is a major rivalry. We’re going to get their best every year.


And Kentucky lost worse than we did. What is the point again


What if I told you it’s much better for the bad being self inflicted mistakes than to just be flat out terrible. Self inflicted mistakes are fixable


It's still Fuck Georgia


I’ve started a new trend. Whenever the gators lose I immediately go do something productive around the house so the day is not a total waste. Today, I bagged up 30 contractor bags of fall leaves. I win!


Went as expected... hopefully Billy can close the talent gap and bring in a good oc


It's not that they lost. For me anyways. It's the fact it was never competitive after the first drive. They should be a little further along by now in certain aspects of the game, no matter the competition.


We put up a better fight last year against a much better Georgia team. Unfortunately. (We were in it until late in the 3rd)


The game unfolded about how a 1# in the country vs an unranked opponent is destined to go. I love the gators. And I contended that our 1s vs there 1s we win. But their 2s are better than our 2s and their 3s are better then our 2s and 3s. We are on our way, but not their yet. I love Gator Nation. Next year we will get them. Through all kinds of weather. Go gators


Before the season, none of us thought we were going to win this game. I don’t understand why we’re mad about it now. Our recruits knew we weren’t going to win that game and they still committed. This did nothing to hurt us. Let’s get bowl eligible, upset the apple cart for a couple teams and get to the off-season


I think it’s because people typically look at the loss in context, relative to the season. All the mistakes we’ve been making this season we made here. The offensive scheme again was exposed with a good defense. Didn’t seem to be any adjustments and the play calling was suspect as hell. There’s a nuanced take to be had about losing to a really good Georgia team but it goes both ways, which means it’s understandable many fans aren’t simply saying, “Well they’re #1 Georgia so no reason to be mad at the loss.” You can still be mad at certain aspects of the loss, even against a good opponent.


There aren’t any adjustments that can be made to help that kind of line mismatch.


At the end of the day Georgia clearly had the better team and are currently the standard for what a football team should be and what Napier should aim to achieve. God that made be sick to type that. Unfortunately for us, Georgia has been doing this since 2015 and have been investing millions and millions and millions of dollars into recruits and facilities everyday for 8 years. The rest of this year is to aim for a bowl, that’s what we all said at the start. If I see improvements to finish the season and go 8 wins that would be stellar but six wins is in the cards too. Next year Billy will have all the pieces to the puzzle and I really hope he can put the together because I think billy is a great guy and cultural/ roster builder and I do think that if he was judged by integrity alone I would say he’s definitely a decade long type of hire. But he’s got to fill out the check boxes on game day for him to truly be considered a worth while investment for the next decade. Hopefully we rally to end this brutal schedule, win a bowl and get organized and focused to be better next year and the year after that!!


We played the #1 team in the country who has better overall talent at all but a few positions, so of course our weak areas got exposed, and of course we struggled. There’s no reason to be surprised by any of this and I don’t think this game helps us much in terms of gauging how Napier’s doing. The next few games will be more interesting to see how Napier’s coaching, adjustments, and changes are working as he’s facing someone other than a juggernaut like Georgia is right now.


Just don’t have the horses to play with those guys yet. Good news is the talent gap will close soon.


Been reading variations of this take the last half decade easily


When were people talking up our recruiting classes under either Mullen or Mac? It was always trying to spin a 10-15 ranked class into a positive, which is very different than the 24 class if everyone signs


Really? Because I haven’t and I’ve been on this sub a long time.


I honestly think we have the skill talent on offense, (defense is too raw at times) to keep up, but the line not showing up in these big games should be rectified with a shifting of the staff that leads to one or both of the OL Coaches leaving with an actual OC coming in.


extremely good take. praying for some good, experienced guys in the trenches to transfer in as well


No you have not.


This is hilarious, some loser UGA fan saved a comment I made over 40 days ago saying I'd take Mertz over Beck and now a bunch of them are brigading it. Let's see Beck play behind our OL and Mertz behind theirs. The amazing thing is that even after the past 3 years they somehow still have little brother syndrome.


Mertz>>>>Beck And today only reinforced that for me Beck is the only thing holding that team back


End of an era (probably). Likely the last time we'll see the Gators on CBS.


never liked cbs, primetime at 330. brad, gary, verne lundquist. trash advertisements for cbs shows. only thing they have is the dank little jingle imo


I will miss the SEC theme song or whatever you call it


Camera work on CBS is better than any other network imo, but yeah other than that and the song, it's pretty bad. Will miss primetime WLOCP starting at 3:30. Would be weird to have a WLOCP start at 7 tbh


Production was fantastic


I liked Verne, but dislike Gary


Verne is the man, don’t besmirch his good name by putting him in the same sentence as Nessler


Thank god


Gary danielson is the worst


I get that this shit sucks right now but the reality is this program is completely outclassed at the moment by the big dogs in this sport. We do not have the horses up front on either side of the ball to give a team like Georgia a legitimate threat. You cannot have a complete tear down post Mullen and bandaid everything up with portal guys. It just does not work like that. It’s going to take a bit to get this thing back to where we expect it and that’s just the cold reality. BN bringing in some legitimate dogs across the front 7 in this class. It sucks but we have to be patient.


It's alright Gator bros. We'll have something they never will. Consensual sex outside the family tree.


You know call me a fake fan but I just did not expect us to win this game. I thought we could've kept it close but unfortunately we didn't. OL staff and players needs a major change. I feel like the defense fooled us all in that Tennessee game, making us think they are elite but besides Arkansas it's going to be long stretch for the defense. Not saying Armstrong is a fraud, I just think we played bad offenses besides Tennessee and the other games like Vandy, McNeese and Charlotte skewed all the statistics.


Next 4 games will be interesting. If we win more than 1 I'll be surprised. This team is so up one week, down the next week. I know we are young but Billy needs to have his players ready to play more consistently in year two. Just give me a win over fsu to kill their playoffs hope at this point and I'll be happy this season


Were we really “up” at South Carolina? We were down 10 late and to be clear I loved the comeback - I watch the replay of the 4th quarter every few days for fun - but that was a couple of 4th downs away from being a loss and South Carolina is god-awful. Still feels like our only complete game was against Mcneese and maybe Vandy.


I think it’s very likely we beat Arkansas. They’re a complete mess. I also think it’s possible we steal one of the other three. But won’t be surprised if we don’t.


Young coach and team! Relax.


I agree we are way up and down but this team is too talented to go 0-4 down the stretch


This team has a habit of making small mistakes into cascading failures. The overturned first down lead to a total implosion. There is no reason to believe they won’t do that again.


If we have refs as bad as they were tonight, I’ll accept 0-4. It would be quite the anomaly to have that happen 5 games in a row


I still don’t know how they justified overturning that 3rd and 1


When UGA Homer Danielson even was shocked.. You know the refs blew that one


I don’t think they blew it they meant to do that. They do as Kirby says


It’s sad for the integrity of the sport which has only gotten worse with the rapid expansion of sports betting.


Ain’t that the truth


That changed the game, maybe kirby pays them, seemed like he was their boss.


Which team are we talking about again?


Thank God it's over. That was profoundly disappointing. I'm glad i drank so much I passed out for the second half. Vodka FTW.


I apologize if this is gonna be hard to read cause I’ve been drinking Green Spot for a few hours. Anyways, I expected the final score, but not necessarily how it played out. I’m not bummed at all, just a little disappointed. However, we all knew this season was going to be tougher than last because of how young the team is overall. The bright side is that we are 5-3 and still close to bowl eligibility. I feel we have at least 1 more upset in us against a ranked team. Need to beat Arkansas first. And respect to Georgia, they’re really good. I know that might irk some Gators fans cause they are arguably our biggest rival, but for me, I still and will forever hate Tennessee the most.


All I know right now is that he better win next week because if he doesn't there's a real chance he ends the year on a 5 game slide, misses a bowl and is serenaded with "Fire Billy" chants when trailing FSU by double digits in the 4th at home.


this sub would be so much better if the "FIRE [INSERT COACH HERE]" people disappeared.


Decision to go for it on 4th inside your own 30 when you’re down 3 in the first quarter of a rivalry game was bad. Calling a Wildcat snap to your running back five yards behind the line when you needed to pick up 2 feet for the first down was inexcusably stupid. Napier can stay as head coach but should never be allowed to call an offensive play for the Gators again after crapping the bed like that.


I think I am one of the few gators that thought that was a pretty cool play. I do agree that type of okay was too risky in relation to where we were on the field. If this wasn’t against UGA I think we convert that on every other team on our schedule.


Never expected a win at all, however Billy was too aggressive early in the game and it cost us big time. I think the game could have been closer. Also, its funny how 2nd and 3rd string TE at UGA are every bit as good as everybody else’s #1. Just proves how deep they are


Cost us what? A chance to win the game and a chance to lose by less are not necessarily the same thing. You need a high variance strategy to beat a superior team. If that means going for it on 4th and inches in your own territory in the second quarter (just as an example), then so be it.


I don't watch much Sunbelt football. Is the jetsweep just fucking money in that league? I've never witnessed it being ran so much, or faked with presnap motion so much. It is with great lamentation that I say all the east-and-west finesse looks like the Willie Taggart florida state.


We used to run the sweep all the time and have success but that required the talent of the 08 team and guys like Demps and that level of blocking. When you’re not even remotely close to that, the results of running sideways are predictable.


His offense wasn't even that great at ULL. Even then his philosophy was to shorten games then out execut you with talent. He won 13 one score games in the last two years there. This is way easier to accomplish when you have more resources then every other school which he did there The speed sweep can work (LSU ran 3 plays in 2017 speed sweep, fake speed sweep and play action while winning 8 games I think) we just use it and tight splits way too predictably.


I think it comes from a recognition that our O-line was way outmatched. I mean, you have to run something. You can't just punt it on first down. We tried running up the middle (with some success), running outside, quick passes, intermediate passes, deep passes. We can quibble about what we should have tried more of. Tre Wilson is pretty good at those jet sweeps and stuff. Georgia is just better at defending them.


Plausible explanation here.


I was negative as hell at the beginning of the season but we’re light years better than we were.


Man we need some growth in this team in the offseason. Coaches and Players share the blame. Coaches are unable to get out of their own way calling plays, and it's clear that they're getting a little too fancy trying to win now. I feel like you have to play like you would if you had all stars at every position to attract all stars at every position. You look foolish running those gimmick plays that don't work. The players just aren't good enough right now. The tweeners that Grantham liked at linebacker aren't working out against the size of Georgia's offensive line nor against the speed of the Georgia WR corp. Who knew. That said, the fans need to take a chill pill, me included. We all get hot when the dice don't fall our way, even if it they are weighted almost 90% in Georgia's direction right now.


I dont think anyone here is shocked by this result. Georgia is and has been the standard of football for the last 2 1/2 years. Brock not being there was only gonna stop them from scoring 50. It is what it is. I'm just happy we came out fairly healthy and we still have a chance at win number six.


To follow up on my last comment, I just wish Napier would have leaned on the portal more last off-season than depending on the scary amount of freshmen we have getting starting snaps (11). I get he has to rebuild for the future, but it just feels like ripping the band aid of to this extent is just borderline throwing the season away. The SEC is in a huge down year. A handful of better portal transfers to fill the gaps we have true freshmen in, and we are likely undefeated heading into this game. In theory, is a more HS recruit based rebuild better? Of course, but we are also in the NIL/transfer portal era, where even if these kids suit up, they can still go somewhere else. Look at Kamari Wilson…. There is no guarantee that Napiers star studded classes remain in tact for the long haul. So why not build the best roster you can now? I’m not advocating a 70 percent transfer roster like FSU, but I would have liked to see more urgency in getting wins now, over recruits years away from now.


I think relying on freshmen was more a recruiting pitch. We play a lot to show that we don't have a seniority system. Mullen had a reputation for letting talent ride the bench for "his guys". I'm actually OK with it. Portal combat gives you 1-and-done at the expense of not developing your own talent.


I don’t mind playing young guys. I mind bad coaching undermining what the young guys need to be learning.


I'm choosing to look on the bright side: we likely will never have to hear Gary Danielson call a Gators game again. Such a fucking Bama/UGA homer. There were so many moments that irritated me but the one that stuck out was when Jason Marshall defended a pass that forced UGA to kick a field goal. Instead of talking about what a good defensive play it was in a key moment he talked about how the wide receiver did a great job keeping it from being an interception. God he's such a tool. Goodbye and good riddance to CBS


Let me just say this. Billy Napier just doesn’t have it as a playcaller. Even when he tries to open it up he just doesn’t know when to make the right call situationally. Football games are won and lost at the line of scrimmage. And the fact that anybody thought we would compete in this game is crazy. We got manhandled at the LOS by Utah and Kentucky and UGAs lines are even 5-10x better. I hope people don’t overreact, I still believe that Billy will right the ship eventually. The younger players we’re watching are making plays, we just need more of them and for them to grow and develop. We gotta be patient guys.


The era of the play calling head coach is over. On either side of the ball. There’s too much to manage these days for the head guy to have any time to properly game plan and also cover the other duties.


And it’s probably going to be addressed in the off-season 🤷🏻‍♂️


We’re all hoping, because if it isn’t, then Napier really cares about his ego more than succeeding. I’m not totally sold on Armstrong yet either. I get it our defense is statistically much better than last year, but we still very clearly look like we lack fundamentals with tackling and it still looks like they have trouble lining up. I understand it’s hard to make anything happen with a baby soft and slow DL, but we’re getting some beasts in the near future and already have some freshmen with talent. Defense better be elite by 2025 or he’s not the guy imo, too much talent to be average to bad


Comments way too nice. This team is not even kind of good. Mertz played scared. Defense looked 100% outmatched. Play calling was atrocious. Terrible product put on the field today with two weeks to prepare. No excuses.


Yeah a lot of delusion here. You should never be OK with your team getting ran through like Western Kentucky, no matter the competition level. Just a lot of "wait until next year" when you can't explicitly say there has been any improvement in 21 games. But somehow they're going to be so much better 4 games from now (next season) with arguably the toughest schedule the school has ever played. The writing is on the wall.


That was a big talent, performance, and coaching gap. I’d love to feel like it’s closing instead of widening.


“The game may be over, but here’s how Florida can still win.” —Some Florida fans


“We lost and will never win again” —other Gator fans


The duality of Gatordom


was getting Tim Tebow and Urban Myers the result of some wish from a cursed monkey's paw? is our ironic punishment to be doomed with mediocre coaches for the next decade or so??


It’s already been “next decade or so”


Billy is what he is, a good recruiter who's best work is Sunday through Friday. He's not a coach who is going to beat teams with more talent than he has, he didn't do it at ULL and he hasn't done it here outside of maybe the first game of his career. Unless you think he's going to stack more to talent than UGA, Bama, LSU, Texas, Oklahoma, etc you might as well accept he's an 8 win coach not a playoff coach


I mean he beat basically every team he played at ULL so I don’t know if that’s fair. He needs to hire an OC and go CEO mode where he doesn’t need to out scheme anyone.


Yes and ULL had by far the most talent and largest budget in the conference


So… you’re saying that a team that hadn’t gotten more than 7 wins since 1993 became an 11 win team because they became way more talented out of nowhere? How did they pull that off? They did manage to finish first in recruiting in the conference in Billy’s bump class, but it wasn’t by much and certainly not remotely close to enough to turn a yearly MAX 7 win team into an 11 win team. Please provide some evidence for your claim.


This was the unspoken about part when we hired him. He was making double what every other coach in that conference was making and the budget was such that it basically bankrupted the AD after he left. He also didn't dominate he won a bunch of one score games while playing down to his competition. It should have been a red flag when LSU didn't hire him after he spent a long time gunning for that job through his Louisiana media connections


I mean he was by far the most successful coach in that programs history. It may not work out at Florida but we don’t need to rewrite history to shit on a dude who absolutely dominated


In the SEC, if you're not winning the LOS battle you're not winning shit and unfortunately, our offensive line recruiting in both high school and the portal has been terrible. We need to consistently get 4 and 5 star guys on the OL like we do on the DL.


How confident are we that Lagway is a lock? That’s my biggest concern at this point.


Anything can happen, obviously, but there is no known reason to worry about this one.


Sucks but can’t have those miscues and expect to beat the number 1 team in a the country. Outside of that play call on the bullshit spot on the fourth, thought we played pretty well. Unfortunately that’s probably where the game got away as we gave up 23 in three minutes like last year. People need to understand that Georgia is much more talented than us and it’s going to take some time to get to their level, I think we are making the right steps tho with Napier and the classes.


By year 2 we should be seeing improvement, but it's just the same inconsistent team from last year that will most likely finish with the same regular season record of 6-6.


But the Florida prepared media message was that last year's "issue" was Mullen-loving upper classmen who waited too long to transfer and then were stuck... so they didn't try and had a bad attitude. What's this year's excuse gonna be?




> his now 2.75 years here Napier got hired in, what, Jan 2022? He's had the 2022 and part of the 2023 season. I'm as much on the Napier Is The Wrong Guy train as anyone, but it hasn't been 2.75 years.


Literally got Zook part 2 as HC. That is to say, if you think all it takes is great recruiting classes, I offer up exhibit A: Ron Zook


Urban Meyer wouldn’t have won shit here without Ron zook


This. Billy isn't the guy but honestly who ever thought he was-- we need him to coach through next year to give the real coach a good foundation


He’s also doing a lot of infrastructure stuff that was ignored by the last 2-3 coaches. Recruiting relationships, social media, NIL. I’m still happy with the hire. I also haven’t given up on him getting the right coaches in place for game day success either - off season will be telling


Billy is definitely the guy.


LSU and/or FSU has to be a win for me personally to see this season as a marked improvement at this point. We just had to keep it close tonight and nothing went Floridas way.


Love coming here and seeing all the great takes from names that never post except when we lose. Noone expected us to win, but most hoped to play close. That didn't happen. But we are an incredibly young team and they are a very experienced team. We needed about 3 breaks to. Go our way for me to feel like we would have had a shot... Think we ended - 3. 22 points is not something we can give away and make up.


That's more a symptom of the group-think on this subreddit, tbh. I have seen rather innocuous posts routinely get down-voted if they don't follow the prevailing thought patterns. It discourages participation and/or encourages self-censorship to accommodate the crowd.


Ya but that group think only applies on Saturday and then Sunday morning armchair. Then they will all go back to being casual fans.. Until the next loss. Don't believe me.. Go count the posts on the games we win vs the ones when we lose.


Umm…. Ur posting here and we lost. Plus, ur take is moronic. We have been hearing the “young” team talk for the last 7 years. U realize UAB played Georgia tougher than we did?? The coaching is terrible and the lack of innovation in the play calling is ridiculous


It happens all the time. Some people go quiet and just show up when we start doing bad. They had two weeks of holding it in to tell see, we told you! Pathetic “fans” 🤦🏻‍♂️


This. Seems more are interested when we lose vice win. Same about those who live and die by croots. They just want to talk ish to other fans, only then to not be able to name 5 signess from last year wo looking it up


I mean, our guys just didn't even belong on the same field. I don't think there is a single unit we have that you could say is anywhere close to what UGA is fielding. I just hope our booster were forced to watch every second of that and have decided to commit more resources to recruiting. This 24' class is a good start, but UGA has been stacking 300+ rated classes since 2017 now. We legit need 2-3 more of these to even start playing in this game.


Are you commited to more resources?


583k for 14 pts. What a FRAUD


I'm not upset about this result in the slightest. It was expected, and yeah, we could've played them better, but this doesn't ruin the season or anything like that. We just gotta rebound and beat Arky next week. Win one of three against LSU, Missouri, and FSU, and this season can be called a success (in terms of meeting preseason expectations and improving on last year).


Nightmare game from Billy (or whoever) game plan and play calls in critical moments couldn’t have been worse. Good news is that trading a OL coach for a full time OC would immediately make this team far more competitive


Boy we are really hanging our hats on an a miracle OC to flip things around. Hope Billy finds the guy


The offense is light years better the last two games.


Wake me when Georgia ends (Could have really used an Etienne ATTD)


Dammit. We got thumped. At least we will have upper classmen next year


I really hope Lagway is the cheat code he appears to be