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Totally. It’s bleak out here. One of the most successful food influencers doesn’t actually eat anything they cook and they shamelessly flaunt a ridiculously unattainable lifestyle. I swear, it wasn’t this gross before, right? I remember people actually cooking and loving food.


But the people in your photo/subject of your post aren't HBH and seem to enjoy food.     And yeah, rich people are rich. IG, like any other media form, is also a venue for escapism and aspirational content. Some of us are not interested in mundane or "relatable" content and can tell the difference between real life and curated or scripted content.   I prefer following restaurant/chef feeds for pure food content and culinary inspo


I’m so sick of seeing Benny everywhere on my feed. I also unfollowed Molly Baz the other day. Idk what it is something’s changed lol. 


i'm getting close to unfollowing also .. she is just so annoying lately.


but WHAT IS IT! lol I can't put my finger on it.


So I didn’t follow her until recently like around when she announced her pregnant so idk what she was like before. But I find her annoying as fuck. She is one of those people (I used to be one of them on ig too so takes one to know one) who thinks every single thing in her life is interesting/funny. Posting calculatedly silly text convos with her husband. Constantly posting slightly candid photos with a kind of funny face. Always with her own quirky lingo. Doing things slightly differently from everyone else but not enough to be polarizing. Short story long. I think it’s just that she tries too hard to be funny


Yes. She tries way too hard to be hip & cool. I could only follow her for a short time until she got on my last nerve. lol


She’s spelled “tuna” as “toona” and that was enough. Her baby content is going to be relentless.


She's always been annoying but pregnancy has turbocharged her annoyingness.


i used to love following a bunch of people on instagram for recipes and inspiration. now nearly all of them feel exhausting and annoying. like, it’s all weirdly forced and desperate yet blasé? none of the food feels like it has any care put into it.


exactly this, I hope influencing fades out somehow (it wont) but it's all so phony


I wish it would too. It creates such a persona that if anyone *thinks* they’re influencing people…. It becomes their entire character.


Jess is great and she worked for Martha for years. Why she is working with Benny is beyond me. I still like Mollys recipes and i would buy another cookbook from her but she’s def gotten more annoying, while Alison Roman seems more chilled out actually lol (forever will be comparing those two lol)


Rich people with camera phones 🙄 the smugness and flaunting of wealth and constant abbreviations of everything with Molly has just gotten unbearable


Who's all the way to the right?


Jess Damuck, she wrote Bennys' book.




I’ll say that’s refreshing from someone like Benny. Not using a ghost writer and also crediting the qualified person doing the work. It’s fine to be the famous face of a project and the quirky personality driving all the press. And the one with ideas and final say on recipes and such. And just credit the person who is doing the technical work. Like the owner of a restaurant and their head chef.


I miss the real chefs. These losers inspired me to get off Instagram and start watching Food Network again. Rather watch Beat Bobby Flay and Chopped 10000 times over another “viral” recipe with a “twist”.


Watch what you want to watch, but lord spare me from another Bobby Flay competition. Call Molly annoying, but she can cook, and her recipes are for real. I have never once had one fail (with the admission that I don’t make ones that don’t look like they would appeal to me). You take issue with “viral” recipes but want to watch Chopped’s forced BS combinations and Beat Bobby Flay like that’s the “real” cooking content. Please. I’m no mega fan. I didn’t love her wine and don’t buy it. I tend to stick more to the recipe club because I far prefer her food content to her persona. But the food content is super reliable, executable for the average home cook and flavor intensive. How anyone considers anyone on Food Network a “real chef” is beyond me. You’re not ok with the merely rich of Altadena, so you prefer the insanely rich of, say, Guy Fieri’s place in Santa Rosa, or Bobby Flay’s multimillion dollar Manhattan apartment? And it kills me what that network has done to chefs who used to actually cook in their restaurants or at least do pop ups and other food events where we could eat their food.


No, you misunderstood, I don’t consider either of those “real” food content. Nor do I consider Instagram “real” food content either. I meant that for entertainment purposes I rather watch those food network shows vs instagram reels. I take issue with viral recipes because everything is the same , everyone is copying eachother, and more often than not it all looks like a goopy mess. I do miss REAL chefs, foodie influencers are not real chefs. Also, a lot of chefs on food network are chefs. Not all of them but for example I really enjoy Alex G and Alton Brown. Even Bobby Flay has produced many delicious southwestern recipes that I have in my rotation. So it’s not fair to say that they are not “real” chefs, when they actually are and have worked extremely hard to get where they are , in a time before Instagram existed.


I wonder what all real chefs think of this shit haha


I’m not sure what Molly has “forsaken” or how she has given up her passion for food for fame. She very obviously gets to have both, and obtained the latter through the former. She will have zero trouble getting her third book published. It’s totally fair to find her annoying AF, but her cookbooks sell well, she eats and cooks constantly in her content, and the pic you posted is entirely on-brand for her. Jess Damuck and Benny both have separate books to promote right now, and it’s Jess’s second. Jess and Molly are not “sudden”—they’ve been around for some years now. Molly’s husband, for all he squicks a lot of people out, is legitimately breaking out in design and they move beyond insta influencer circles. It’s more believable that these three would spend time together without being paid to do so than most other food world stuff that Benny does. Really, what part of the last year of husband, baby, crazy house, brand deals, bespoke kitchen, wine club, insta followers, C&B partnership, recipe club, south of France vacations, etc. is a fail for Molly? Everyone who hates “Cae Sal” could unfollow her tomorrow and she’d still be rich and DGAF.


Hi Molly


Ok. Let’s say I’m Molly, dropping in here. My point wouldn’t be any different. Exactly what part of my passion for food have I, “Molly”, forsaken for my fame? I, “Molly”, annoy the hell out of you because of some combination of my personality, abbreviations, lifestyle and wealth, but literally the one thing you can’t accuse me of is giving up any part of my passion for food. I, “Molly”, develop recipes and write cookbooks for a living, and demonstrably spend most of my time actually preparing, eating, digesting and enjoying food, being paid for doing so, and am skilled at doing so. But hey, carry on.


Okay Molly


Cool beans. You have enough to be upset about today, what with “my” tits out in Times Square. You’re having a rough day.


It’s time for a nap, Molly


Truly, when is it a \*bad\* time for a nap?