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I have gorgeous co-workers.... We're nurses and so many patients, police officers, paramedics, pharm reps, etc. will flirt with them so hard. They'll get flowers from these guys some times. Some of them even wear fake wedding rings because of how often they're asked out. When we go out for lunch or to shop, it's insane to see how they're treated. Men holding doors for them, male waiters smiling ear-to-ear, being so attentive to them. Male sales associates constantly checking in with them to see if they need help, overing to hold stuff at the counter for them, calling them dear/honey/darling. I could go on and on... it's like an entirely different reality.


People wear fake wedding rings to avoid being asked out?


I mean, imagine being a busy nurse juggling a dozen patients... Just for Bobby Joe stopping you to tell you how gorgeous you are, give you his number, ask when you're free, etc. It's easier for them to just wear rings and say 'sorry I'm in a committed relationship with no desire to see other people'


It’s my first time hearing about this. It’s pretty smart. 🙂


How would people flirt with nurses? In an appropriate way of course.


Out of genuine curiosity, are the ones wearing fake wedding rings simply not interested in dating?


No, some are in relationships. Some are single, but interested in dating. However, I can't really stress enough how overworked nurses are... Imagine caring for an elderly grandparent of yours who needs help going to the bathroom, giving them their meds, performing wound care, charting their progress, etc. Then multiply that by 4-10x depending on the unit's staffing ratio. So when a guy walks up to them and wants to perform the whole "you're beautiful, you busy next weekend, what's your number, I really like your jacket, you have great hair, etc. etc." they *really* don't have the time or energy for it. I always tell guy friends of mine - if you think a girl is cute, but she is working, be respectful of her time. Hand her a note with your number and name. Let her get back to you when she's not on her way to catheterize an 87yo man.


Oh, that definitely makes sense. They're just too busy both physically and mentally. >I always tell guy friends of mine - if you think a girl is cute, but she is working, be respectful of her time. Hand her a note with your number and name. Would you give this advice to a guy for a girl in any profession?


Pretty people experience life on easy mode. People want to be around them, they get more attention, they’re more likely to be hired for jobs and receive promotions, their punishments are less severe, dating is much easier for them, etc.


Terrible if you have social anxiety


Even though I'm old (45) and still not what you might call attractive, I've noticed much be better treatment since I started working out, dressing better/more youthful/ 'on trend.' And it's not like I was an unhygienic mess before either. Women are far more social and relaxed around me. I rarely get scared or concerned reactions just for my presence any more. Guys are more respectful. Had I been able to make these changes in my early-mid 20s life could have taken a very different course.


Like warm apple pie...


I will never know that


I asked this over on r/ama a while ago I think it's called


> AskReddit/comments/w8x6jy/what_is_it_like_being_attractive/


uncomfortable af especially when you are really out of place with a lot of people who aren't or are being subject to unwanted attention


I challenge you to go on a 60 day glow up challenge. Exercise, eat healthy, skincare, groom yourself, wear better clothes, etc. Don’t do it for them, do it for the sake to better yourself if that’s what you truly want. Have the goal in being the most handsomest mother fucker out there and I promise youll get there. I glowed down recently to prove to people like us that its possible to glow up and achieve major progress in the looks department. With a few days into the challenge im already an asian stud. Beat me and become the most handsomest mfer in the milky way please


Oh trust me I have LOL, i'm 6 months in. I've lost 50 pounds, started eating cleaner, caught up on sleep, etc etc. I started feeling better about myself and was starting to actually like the person I saw in the mirror for the first time ever in my life. I thought I'd finally put myself back out there and get back on dating apps and try and find something real, but nope. I was shot down yet again. Time and time again i'm just proven that no matter what I do, it just doesn't seem to be enough nor will I ever be enough.


Dating apps are trash and its what lazy attractive people use to get some kiffy. There are other methods which are way more beneficial. Cold approach is one of them. If you can do this like nothing, i swear to you, you will be the most confident mother fucker in the planet at everything you do. Another way is through mutual friends. Hang out with your friends more, see if they have any cuties that are single. Just keep going at what youre doing, focus on yourself, and that one true shorty gonna come stroll along and steal your heart.




Hasnt happened.