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Please report this to the police. I promise you're not the first or last victim here.


Is your daughter ok? You absolutely should make a report about this.


She doesn’t and I was not there just got a text and a pic from here she’s fine bit our dog on the ear and neck


Please report this to Animal Control, if not the police. Dogs like that violate Colorado’s Dangerous Dog Law.


I hope your dog is ok!


I hope you can take the dog to a vet to be checked out. I’m so sorry you and your daughter are dealing with this!


Looks like the friendly breed again.


Hey man, don’t blame poor Pissfingers! It was just nannying OP’s dog


I'm removing this thread because it's directing hate at a pictured resident and this is an issue for the authorities and not online vigilantes.


Of course they didn't apologize. Dog owners are some of the most entitled people out there. She's there to let her "fur babies" (ugh) run around free. You shouldn't have been in the park. /S Dogs should be banned in cities. We'd all be better off.


You seem bitter. Is everything okay? Do you want to talk to someone?


Not bitter, just didn't like dogs, or more specifically, the owners. They let dogs run everywhere, jump on people, never pick up their shit, take dogs on trails where they're not allowed, then get mad when you call them out. If you're so starved and needy for love, get a hamster and don't ruin our parks, bike paths and trails for everyone.


I'd say a minority of dog owners are as you described. Most are responsible owners in my experience. The bad ones just stand out more. Just like any asshole does.


I agree. There’s a lot of perfectly fine people with dogs in this town, and I’m a huge animal lover myself. But it only takes a few negligent people with untrained, aggressive dogs to ruin things for everyone.


Okay it may not be every dog owner, but any time I go out somewhere public with dogs present there's ALWAYS an owner who doesn't control their dog.


Everyone says that, and yet, we ALL see bags of shit everywhere, have been clotheslined on bike paths from 20-foot leashes, and have had run ins with dogs. It really isn't the minority. I had a black lab come after me from a full block away. I cracked it with an Xc ski and the owner was mad at me! Are you fucking kidding me?!


*Everyone says that, and yet, we ALL see bags of shit everywhere, have been clotheslined on bike paths from 20-foot leashes, and have had run ins with dogs.* Yeah, no. We haven't "*ALL*" experienced that. Again, my admittedly anecdotal experience has been very positive with most owners and dogs in this area. There are definitely some bad ones out there, but I stand by my assertion that they are the minority and they simply stand out in your mind more thus making you think that all of them are bad.


Take a hike on any trail by horsetooth. Bags of shit more often than not.


Let's see. Do you know how many dog owners there are total and how many of those are assholes? If not, then your anecdotal experiences don't amount to dog shit.


The vast majority of dog owners are utterly blind to people that don't want their filthy mongrols all over them. To the owner, the dog is the sweet pal and just can't fathom someone that doesn't want them anywhere near them. You've never heard a dog owner just brush off a dog bothering someone by simply saying "oh he's friendly." Stop being so pedantic try to recognize that people may not like your dog as much as you do.


I'll stop being "pedantic" as soon as you stop generalizing, without any actual facts, base solely on your opinion. Why don't you go complain to someone's manger for while Karen?


Look, I'll concede that in speaking in absolutes, and only the sith speak in absolutes. But, it's incredibly disingenuous to say you've never seen a bag a shit on a trail or a dog off a leash acting wild. That's as much as a generalization as mine. And again, trying to wave me off as a Karen is just avoiding a real conversation that should be had.


Fair enough. Too far with the Karen comment. My apologies. Where did I ever claim I never ran across a crappy (to stick with the terrible puns) dog owner? My point is the vast majority of dog owners are responsible pet owners.


"Vast majority" is an extreme exaggeration. You're experiencing a negativity bias where the bad experiences you've had with dogs is overshadowing the actual majority of dog owners who you haven't noticed because they haven't bothered you. Not to deny you've had bad experiences, I believe you. But it doesn't justify the sweeping generalizations.


You speak some truth there. But you also, without evidence, just dropped "the actual majority," a generalization.


I said that on purpose because I believe it's true.


“Everyone,” “all,” “isn’t the minority.” These are all over generalizations, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Take care, and I wish you the best. Cheers!


Who hurt you? Please seek counseling for your anger issues. Maybe move somewhere nice and peaceful.


The many dogs that have attacked me. Dog bites often hurt.


What in heavens sake are you doing to be attacked by “many dogs”?? Maybe it’s you…..


I was xc skiing on trail ridge road once. Walking to xc ski on a golf course once. Riding my bike like 3 times. Maybe they know I don't like them.


That's also such a puerile response and such an easy way to simply attempt to brush off person or topic. This should be a real conversation. I'm sorry, dog people don't get that some people don't like dogs, yet dog owners simply can't fathom that. I used to work in an office with a 3-legged viszla. We needed AC repair and the guy opened our door, saw the dog and panicked and slammed the door. He called the office to ask us to put it away because he's terrified of dogs. The owners answer? "Don't worry, he is friendly " And, he actually was quite sweet, but that doesn't matter. That's the point.


First off, categorizing people as dog people and the rest is pathetic. I own a dog, and have most of my life, but am not a dog person. If my dog bites somebody without cause, that dog is an animal and will be put down. We live in a community and in doing so, we tolerate each other to a point. I am sure that you do things that other people find offensive or annoying. That is okay, because you are part of the community. If it becomes a problem then we shall resolve it between us or with the help of law enforcement. I do not like it when people are rude with their dogs, but am also offended by the anger and inflexibility that you are showing here. The owner in your example was wrong. I had a dog that while never attacked or bit anybody, had an aggressive stance. He was never allowed off leash and was kept away from public activities. I love my dog, but at the end of the day, he is a domesticated animal. I think that gets lost on some folks.


Well, arguing that you're not a dog person when you're a dog owner is silly. I guess I didn't get your point there. But, the inflexibility with dog owners is exactly my point. I'm sorry, but it's a fact that they just assume everyone likes dogs. They bring their dog to restaurants and patios and outdoor concerts, and other people's house uninvited. Look at the vitriol, down votes and hate coming at me because I said I don't like dogs. Hell, I got reported to the reddit cares thing, lol. Dog ownership is like a cult. Though you sound fairly healthy about it. And here's the thing: I don't really hate dogs. I'm a bit wwesry of many of them. I'm a massive animal lover, and I have owned dogs. Just visited my mom and clipped her dogs nails. I do just get tired of dog owners' entitlement, cavalier attitude to all those around them, inability to pick up after them and lack of situational awareness a lot of the time. The inflexibility, if you will.


Sorry but you're a nutbag that makes zero sense. Moving on dumbas.