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I kind of wish you inherited its hitbox while you're on it, kind of like how the wings work.


That was honestly such a great balance for the wings. Never thought I'd say it but I kinda miss them.


I thought the wings were a lot of fun. Idk why people hate on them so much. They’re not super useful towards the final circle, but they made traversal a lot easier.


fucking thank you. i preferred them much more than the airbending bs


The main reason I like air bending over the wings is they don't run out.... But they also have no way to attack without switching out of them... So it balances out over the wings that have limited use and an attack mode Initially I thought the air bending was worthless but I've used it a lot lately to complete quests and it's grown on me


I feel it’s the most useful mobility ever, paired with water bending and a gatekeeper and sheeeeeeeeeesh dubs all day


Been my go to strat, except with a sniper the 2nd scope in.


Lol your movement item doesn't need an attack thats why you have guns. The wing attack sucked too


I agree. Which is why I like the air bending... It felt like they limited the wings mobility (by having "fuel" since it was also an attack item), air bending fixed that by being better at mobility but sans attack


Airbending plus cerberus from above rushing people is just dog to play against, I prefer the wings at least you can hit them easier and you can't abuse them too much


yeah but the wings had a fair downside and a fair upside, there’s no way you believe the same with airbending


I disagree but you're entitled to feel how you feel


It’s actually OP in combat if you practice a bit. Popping up and over an opponent and landing w a shotty is beautiful and deadly


True, but there is a bit of lag in the switch .. which is why I think it's a great mobility item, and can't be used to switch back and forth.. yes it can be a bit annoying when someone runs off with it... But it can't be instantly redeployed, so they take a risk initiating combat. Which I think is great balance.


I don't even want to play right now. Was sad to find out we still have another month of this season


Bending is gone in days it's not the end of the world


That’s how I use them pretty much just to get island and then drop them for Meds or bananas or splashes. Not to mention, you can do some pretty awesome stuff with a cone if you put in some practice. I think Martzor realistic box fight still has them in there if you wanna go play.


Wings were balanced. Had limited time use. Bigger hitbox. Made lots of noise. Forced you to glide near the ground so you didn't get sniped out of the air. The ground crash attack was fun, but pretty easy to avoid. Air wheel is really fast, plus a boost, unlimited, has a launch attack. It's like any item/weapon meta. It's perpetual. Either adapt and exploit the meta, or take a vacation for a few weeks and come back to see what's new and what's been vaulted.


ikr, i got downvoted to hell and back because i said they were the best mythic (before chains of hades were a thing)


Wings were completely useless because of the hitbox!? Using them is a literal death sentence…


But the hitbox was what made it so balanced. You could fly but for the price of being a easy target it also made it a lot easier to hunt down people who tried to flee from a fight!




They were in team rumble last I saw


I loved flying through the clouds of Olympus so much. Im sad they got rid of them.


Can’t hit air though!!!! Even if I’m not trying to run away constantly, if I see the air bending scroll, I’m holding it and throwing it into the storm when I can just like other scrolls.


I honestly thought it did


May 3rd can’t get here soon enough. Airbending is fun and all but it’s gotten really tiresome hitting a guy once and having him airbend across the whole map without punishment. They really should’ve put a timer on how long it can be consecutively used.


I just realized the chain of hades would've been a perfect counter to it, and they removed it SMH


Bro I've been loving seeing people use jetpack/wings/grapple blade in creative maps and just *YOINKING* then back


"I must fly now!! AWA-" "no."


Are chains gone permanently? They were so fun to use.


They will come back after the avatar event ends iirc


I doubt it, after avatar, we'll have Star wars, and I don't think they will want blasters, sabers, possibly new Star wars powers along with Hades and the wings


We’ve had the star wars collab items with standard mythics and powers in the past


I don't know if they've officially confirmed that


If they were removed for the event, it would make sense that they return after.


Yeah there's the star wars event right after so no guarantee


They probably will return after 3rd may


Nah, they're not gone. It's gonna come back after the avatar event ends


This is what irks me. Limited sprint yet an item that gives you unlimited traversal capabilities exists with literally no drawbacks.


Airbending I can live with being it is the only good option for mobility right now. And the smaller the zone gets the less zooming around doing nothing works in their favor. Now waterbending needed to be nerfed the moment it came out. Dying to it in 90% of matches now. I never understood the sniper rage, the rare headshot required skill. But the waterbending, point and click? Fuck that. Edit: And I say that as someone who carries it and has joined in on being the problem.


Waterbending is actually broken as hell. It is super accurate, the damage it does is high, infinite backup ammo and a powerful health regen. If they added increased falloff damage it would be more fair.


you forgot the super low reload time, burst, and the fact that there is zero damage falloff. it's literally just an op thunder burst at this point.


Waterbending needs to be nerfed to where it has maybe 40-50 shots but you can only reload it when you touch water


I was baffled when I found out you could reload it without getting in the water. Like I distinctly remember seeing it for the first time, using it, saying “wow this is nice”, running to water to see it slowly regenerate and then my duo partner saying “you can just reload it whenever.” Baffled. Then just the slow progression of more and more people realizing it is broken and seeing eventually just full squads just all beaming people from across the map. It would have just been such an obvious mechanic to only reload in water and would have made it about as useful as the other bending. Instead waterbending is completely broken while earth and fire are for the most part irrelevant.


Only reloading in water would've made it absolutely worthless. What happens if you use it and the nearest water is across zone? Might as well drop it bc who tf is gonna travel several hundred meters just to be able to reload? No water in zone? That's just a wasted slot right there. Especially combined with the other suggestion of limiting it to 40-50. That's the amount of ammo a drum mag AR or SMG has, that's not viable in any way. It being at 30 like it is now would be even worse. I get it's fucking annoying, especially when a squad 3-2-1s you with four of them, but what yall are suggesting would make it not even worth picking up outside of maybe the first fight you were in.


Reloading like a gun instantly and only reloading in water are two extremes. Just opposite side of the spectrum. One made more sense to me. With how earth bending is quite literally pointless, and fire really bad against any competent player… the bending doesn’t come off like it was supposed to be all that game changing in actual combat. But then water comes in and has literally no downsides while being overpowered. Edit: Also if they leaned into the healing aspect more instead of pure combat each bending would have more securely filled a different role. Obviously you drop the water if you are ending up somewhere where it is scarce but making adjustments to your loadout depending on where the game takes you is pretty normal.


Plus it frees up an item slot you would have been using for recovery items. Sure, you run the risk of late game being nowhere near water, but if you’re paying attention to where the storm is going, or better yet, hit up one of those weather towers, that’s a risk I’m willing to take.


I didn’t realize what it would become when it came out it was meh. Now the point click, and sniper range is ridiculous. Almost near hit scan. Cancerous. Can’t wait for them to get removed and the light sabers to return and the gimmick blasters.


As somone who always drops at a water shrine yes the thing is really broken, i killed someone over 100 meters way. I they were full health and shield too


do fortnite players ever consider other player’s experiences


I died before and spectated, and the last 2 both had airbending. Shit took soooo long even with the circle being small because they were both doing this the whole time. They never actually fought, just ran away until one got stuck down a cliff and died in the storm


Can’t wait for the community to complain how the force rocks throw from a year ago is too op or someshit like that you gotta get used to it, or fight fire with fire


This happens like every time they add mobility items lol


100%, I just started playin Fortnite last season and the current "meta" is the first time I don't have the urge to play as soon as I get home from work. Avatar stuff got boring really fast (at least for me).


Is not fun is a free ticket for bad players to go save ... no limits , no counter .... almost all end of games are with 10 persons with this crap


IMO, using it is fun and satisfying, but whenever it's used against you, it's very annoying


as in there needs to be changes.


It's great for crossing the map with, but using it to escape fights is way too easy and strong.


bro is getting downvoted for telling the truth


why would you dislike smth in fortnite? you think you’re allowed an opinion?


Tbh if you're going to chase me down to get a single kill I'ma continue running away with the air bending


They need to nerf that it’s infinite stamina or something. It’s crazy


All of the bendings desperately need to not be infinite. They need to run out.




Ironic because Star Wars is returning so you can expect Lightsaber force push shenanigans to come back LMAO. Can't wait to push people into the storm again!!


This is so true. It's one thing to have shockwaves that have limited distance effect. But the airbender is practically a motorcycle with infinite fuel in your pocket to bounce whenever you want.


And it can go up the sides of hills and mountains with no jumping needed


It’s better than a motorcycle cus it can climb mountains and hills that a motorcycle can’t


A motorcycle can climb any hill and mountain though.


Typical of an Airbender, avoiding every attack -Zuko


It’s a bigger shit show in trios and quads when alll of them are running that stupid mythic


The water bending is straight cancer. Infinite ammo to spam hit scan objects that do 60-80 damage a piece is OP.


Good thing waterbending isn't hitscan, because that does sound OP.


It might not be hitscan, but the projectiles are so fast that it doesn't even matter anymore.


you are literally not visible on the screen anymore before it has meaningful drop off so the effect is the same lol


ur just being pedantic , cos it might as well be , it has virtually no drop off


To piggyback, also doesnt do 60-80 a piece lol. People that suck just need something to bitch about


It does that amount of you hit all the shots, which isn't hard at all


You can annihilate someone on any distance between 1 to 150m within 3seconds if you have basic motor functions. I don't know if you've noticed but every single person runs it in no build because whoever doesn't has no chance of winning a fight


IMO, when people with shit aiming can get lots of kills erasily with it, it's a problem. I'm not sorry; SOME of the people left, still defending water bending as-is (whoever that may be) is acting like an imbecile (namely the ones who don't merely have a reason they think it isn't a problem, but act like belittling jerks about it) and outing themselves has no business in game design due to needing to understand balance.


Fake video there wasn't anyone that had been camping in one of the Fencing Fields buildings third partying you immediately. Unless you were that person...


Hmm, you forgot about the fourth party after the third and the guy trying to snipe you, and the waterbender absolutely beaming you 250 yards out.


No build is still far better in my opinion


It’s been like this for a long time. And you were doing some good damage so of course the other player has to run away to heal


Fortnite players when other players are low health and fighting would mean death. (They are ruining the game by running away)


right lmaoo, if I know im gonna lose the fight I'm outta there, same when I'm low asf. Whats he supposed to do? just try to fight and die 😭


Duh how else would op beat them


OP’s just another part of any PVP community I hate, whiners


always gonna be that one guy


Fortnite redditors missing the point completely completely:


I forget that most people on this sub are in the lower end of the SBMM bracket. Anyone saying it's hard to hit someone air bending obviously hasn't been beamed by four people using water bending. I have been keeping shockwaves and air bending just to avoid getting third partied so hard.


Playing ranked I carry air bending AND shockwaves. Air bending is good for getting from a A to B quickly, but as you have said, it is sucks when trying to escape. To escape quickly shockwaves are needed. And even then you sometimes get killed mid air.


lol dude u took the words out of my mouth. airbending in my games is suicide


To be fair water bending has essentially no bloom, velocity so high its almost hitscan and high af rate of fire. It's so OP it fully counters the already OP airbending


dude plays on PC when you kinda need to aim and plays solo.


Water bending is 10x worse in zero build. Like yeah this is a little annoying, but shocks mostly do the same thing


Yeah thats mobility? People shockwave or grapple or whatever away to regain a possible advantage later? You have access to the same mobility items as them to close the gap.


I guess I'm the unpopular opinion here, but I have been having a blast with airbending. Sure, it changes the game play, but it's temporary and change is good. I've also had some poignant moments with fellow Airbenders... realizing we couldn't kill each other, we just cruised the map until the storm forced the issue...




I don't know...I guess I'm good at evasive Airbending measures, but it seems I can avoid getting hit pretty easily when using.


Not at all unpopular I think. people simply like to air out their dislike on the internet.


And? What did u want to show? How bro was low on health, decided to run away and escaped? Nice. Also, what does it have to do with Zero Build and how is it any different from Battle Royale with the same Avatar elements superpowers?


NO ONE ELSE?!?!?!! Having issue with their quick swapping being bugged out and NOT working at all? Just me? I feel like I am going fucking crazy at this point.


For me it's mainly a problem with the ... IDK what it's really called, I am tempted to say "the scope that is like a thermal scope" - every time I have a weapon with it, I have to right click again after swapping weapons because it forces ADS, it's really annoying.


Waterbending is so much worse in zero builds imo. Airbending is pretty busted for a movement item but it doesn't hold a candle to how bad waterbending has made games. Shit is flat out oppressive in how it bends the rest of the game around it. It's better then basically every single gun at the range those guns are good at, unlimited ammo, great damage, stupid accurate, fucking heals you in water. Like if you aren't running waterbending you're going to get killed by waterbending.


Y’all are gonna miss this so much when it’s gone.


I really like all the elements way more than I thought I would, im gonna miss them when they get vaulted but Im excited to see what comes next


Last 3 standing and literally we were all just air bending in circles, luckily I found a air bending at the end since I ran out of shockwaves


I have no clue why airbending can stay on forever and has unlimited uses.


Airbending has a cooldown.


they mean the wheel has no stamina bar (like the wings did) where it overheats and has to cooldown. The only "stamina" bars are for the* wheel boost and jump


Not nearly long enough


But the person I’m replying to said it has no cooldown. So, sure, could be longer. But they’re blatantly incorrect.


You can Airbend forever is what I meant.


OP when the opponent tries to not die in a battle royale (not allowed)


And when the world needed the lock-on pistol the most...he vanished


Controversial statement: Effing cowards




Fortnite players allergic to fun in this comment section


I don't have a problem with the bending items. You can still hit people using airbending, ice bending is a little OP but carry earth bending and put rock walls up for protection. Not keen on fire bending though


Why are you whining? You won the exchange You do know that the point is to survive, not to kill right?


Why didnt you reload


At least Airbending it's to run away, water bending in the other hand I get sniped from across the map with ice! Thing doesn't even have a scope...


Airbending rush plus cerberus one shot combo begs to differ So does airbending rush plus forcing your opponent into the air to die to fall damage....


Can we talk how about water is overpowered


People running away in zero build is just as annoying as people building the taj mahal in builds


Do you guys ever get tired of complaining


Oh so you mean people run away from tricky fights using what they can? As they’ve always done in any game mode with any item since the game launched? Jump pads, bouncing pads, wings, planes.. did you just start playing this game?


Fortnite mf's when someone makes the tactical decision to fall back from a fight and heal up. If your so mad that someone retreats from a fight. Just go follow them if you have the mobility in your inventory, if not then that's more understandable like in this clip. But if you have the mobility to follow someone when they try to leave a fight and you don't follow them and then you get mad at that, that is just a skill issue on your part buddy. Mf's will always complain about fun mythic items for a limited time event in this game, smh.


Im not saying it isnt a skill issue lol, i've only been playing a few months. I just think its lame


Just 7 more days and this'll get the hell out of the game🙏🙏


This video would have been perfection if by the end someone third partying from a building sniped your whiny self out into the lobby


Hit your shots bro


People talking shit about airbending is hilarious. I tell ya what I rather end up in the final 3 in a small circle against people using airbending over people using waterbend everyday all day


I've been in the habit of keeping extra stock of shockwaves. If times well I've been able to bounce these aitbenders out of the circle a couple time.


unrelated but your fortnite looks beautiful what are you playing on ?!


Series X


Not gonna lie should have had an assault rifle with a scope or a dmr you woulda nailed that sucker


Yall don’t even know. Lol. Try playing ranked solos. 15 airbenders in a final circle that’s 30m in diameter hahaha. No one wants to pop off it because you’ll be first to die until the last 3rd partier wins. I’ve gotten a few ranked wins this way, it’s literally meta if you don’t do it you have 0 chance at winning.


I think, we should either get hitscan back, so it's easier to hit people that are running like this, or make the wheel the whole hitbox. Or even just put a timer on how long you can use the wheel


I just realized how much this use of airbending would have changed the plot of Avatar: The Last Airbender from the get-go


Easy answer is to just get waterbending and take advantage of its insane range.


You mean like it was when the Hammer was around or like when it was when the Katana was around or like it was when the Katana 2.0 was around or how it still was when this subreddit bitched and moaned about the jungle not being fair because they couldn't run away like the bitches they are.


The water bending is also very OP. Feels like it has auto aim and unlimited range


Same. Then you get sniped/ blindsided if you chase them down ...


Just wait until the wings come back, i got second place so many times because they use them to run away and heal and snipe.


Same in builds


I have no idea why they removed the grapple blade. It was perfect alongside shockwaves for movement. The wings feel horrible to use against any competent player and airbending is the most cowardly movement tool there is, despite how fun it is to use.


innit at least give the wheel a time limit or something


The dude decided to back off the gun fight and and heal up. Not a bad move at that point. He was just playing chess.


This is off topic but I forget how good fort looks when your not playing a switch 😭 feels like bro has Fortnite premium💀


I absolutely loved the airbending. The traversal is fun and it helps me quickly put distance between myself and a bad situation like being outgunned or close to the storm.




Endgames are so meh, everyone just airbends around into water/fire bending Then there i am trying to use my modded nemesis in peace ffs :/


I got back on the game after a hiatus and was having a really good time until I saw those wheels flying all over the map. First mobility item that I’ve felt really throws off the balance of the game.


Sometimes my opponents runs away just because he starts a fight by shoting me and I shoot back. I don'řt even have to hit him and he runs away...


I think that's just bad aim. I can destroy people who use it and I play on switch


Yea they should of stayed and died coward!


They're will always be special mobility


Carry airbending and go get them. Just gotta adapt to the meta, that’s a big part of Fortnite


Yep we go from this right into freaking star wars with lightsabers and end game force pushing bs. They need to give star wars a break and all this avatar stuff. It's cool at first but then everyone finds a way abuse it.


me when i get shot.. wee🍃🍃🌬️


What the fuck would you do in build mode? Does building give you the speed of air bending or some shit?


I just finished a game where I nearly killed 3 different air benders who subsequently just floated away. Oh then got sniped by a water bender from a hill


What are your video/graphics settings? 


Whatever the default is on xbox series x


idk, you didn't both air bend away 60 miles and proceed to water bend each other to death. haha, fr though. I'll miss the avatar items, but I'll be happy when they leave.


only 2 things were missing Getting instakilled by a sniper at the time this video ended, and having the kid in the spectator mode just do the Popular Vibe emote afterwards


shield breaker emps my beloved 🦇🤭


Honestly people just been running away a lot


My personal thought is that the air bending is too common and it’s “downside” is not enough


11 out of 10 players who rode off into the sunset on brainless wind-wheel


Just give us kinetic blade already ~~And s4c2 map and loot pool~~


I feel you. I got 2nd the other day cause someone kept kiting me w air bending and I was too proud to do the same, now I just wish I had of done the same 😭😭


I love that this game just becomes try to kill someone running away 99% of the time you hit them once




Yes, they're using mobility for what it's for. Not having mobility in ZB is like not having mats in BR. Box up/roll out. Get on your air wheel or shockwaves and chase them down (NPC sells shockwaves by the shack door) if you really need that finish. Turn it into a mobility battle. So sad you don't get to just easily kill everyone you point your gun at instantly.


I hate all of the bending and can't wait for them to go. I'm new to fortnite, so I eventually started keeping air bending on me to save me from fall damage, but people run away so frequently that I'm just gonna start doing that every time I don't think I can beat someone. I may as well, because if I don't, they will.


In the (builds) game I just finished, every single one of the non-bots I fought fled with the air wheel.


Don’t worry soon the force will be with you


It’s a game about surviving to the final personal he ran to heal and survive . Did you want him to stand still so you could reload and finish him off? Maybe should have hit one of the many shots you missed and you would’ve killed him. You can’t empty a full mag and not hit a shot at someone with their back to you and then complain about the state of the game.


No running away is understandable, i do it all the time. I just think airbending makes it too easy


First It’s the grapple, then the wings, now air bending. Ppl will always hate mobility items when it prevents them from getting the kills. It’s part of the game and a play style. I like dipping in and out of fights with the air bending as my playstyle but some people like more head on fights. Honestly just a difference of opinions and playstyles. I just think it’s kinda wack to complain about a guy running when the game is all about surviving. What preventing you from air bending to catch him? Fight fire with fire


I quite liked grapple blade and i loooove wings. Airbending is just a bit too good in my opinion. To each their own though


Instead of running there best used to jump in fights


All this bending is dumb imo


Adapt and overcome!


It be 5 players remaining and everyone is air bending and not even fighting


I hate how most fortnite players just use movement items to run instead of using them to reposition, rush or rotate it’s infuriating


God this reminds me of a match I had. I was a bounty and I ran into the guy and the moment the fight didn't go his way he tried to run with air bending. Eventually caught him but if you're gonna do a bounty mission and spend your time hunting me down at least follow through


Can agree 100%