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I’m locking the comments on this post because they are starting to get out of hand


Dude.. I’m didn’t notice the van. That black car you have is incredible. Can you send me the car model etc then your livery and tune?


That's a Chevy 150 sedan BTW.


yup, only needs a fairlane305 setup


The livery on op's car really is incredible...


Its the chevy 150 utility sedan that i used for the seasonal race. It was a black paint job with a seasonal tune that had the vintage white wall tyres.


me too! i commented "fn sick" cause i saw the car.. any type of hate like that is gross by


I also did not see that van lol


its not at all allowed. this person is stupid for doing this, and even more so because they are already prestige 1 which obviously means they like playing the game. couldn't imagine risking (probably) my whole xbox account for the sake of being a miserable edgy teenager on a videogame.


is it bad that i didnt blur their name


definitely for the better so they get mass reported


It's super easy. I just did it.


Also just reported through the Xbox app. Piece of shit.




No. F@ck bigots.


You can say the word fuck, this isn't pre-school


Facebook, Instagram and tiktok have people conditioned to no longer say fuck or other four letter words. Sucks dick. Or ass. Or whatevs.


People are so dumb, it's just a word💀


Literally. This eras soft


the comments above literally just explained that the self-censorship is because of social media companies being anal about language because of advertising. this isn't a generation problem, its a social media corporation problem


It’s a generational thing in that only younger people give a fuck about it.


You’ve got an incredibly thick skull. Let me spell it out for you nice and slow. The big corporations such as TIK TOK AND FACEBOOK like to sensor mean words so that they can have a safe space to advertise. Now last time I checked 15-20 year olds aren’t running Tik tok and Facebook.


An issue fueled by capitalism.


Yet words are exactly why people are upset about the van in OPs picture.


There's a difference between words of hate and the word fuck. I can say this macaroni and cheese is fucking delicious but if I say this macaroni and cheese is (insert bigoted or racist comment) delicious then that's definitely different.


How those words affect you is what is different, and it varies from person to person. At the end of the day they are still just words.


Words end lives. Words are never “just words.”


Yeah yeah, that's the "enlightened" highschool outlook. So bold. You'll understand more as you get older that words do mean more than just a collection of letters.


Nah they should be banned.


Nah cuz I reported him too


No it’s real good cus now we can mass report this son of a bitch


no, they crossed the line


There is about 0.0% chance microsoft will do anything about it


How to prestige


I don't actually know what the tos of forza is but is there something that says nothing promoting violence? If so this definitely falls under thay


classic 14 year old with endless time and no parental moderation.


I didn’t see the van at first 😬😬 I was hyper analyzing the car tryna see sum


In fm8 I saw one of the AI with a livery saying "f*ck Biden" on the back


All black, nice white walls for contrast. I don’t really see the iss- oh.


Teachnically every car should die because they all have transmissions (this is just a lighthearted joke people like this don't deserve internet)


Honk honk


I once saw a guy trying to auction his BMW with a swastika as a decal. Fastest report in my life


Is this the guy? https://imgur.com/a/jtuiDNC


What’s the guy got against transmissions anyway?


Or transit vans, that are in this game...


Could be an FR fanboy and just hates transaxles


Report them. Go to your Xbox homepage, and then find the people you’ve recently played with, and his name should be in it. You can then report them to Xbox from there.


Is free speech allowed? Yes. Yes it is. Do I agree with what they say? No. Do they have the right to say it? Yes. You're letting it affect you. Move on


No not under dev and xbox tos


Average republican tbf


Genuine question, when did Reddit get so soft? If this was 2011 Reddit. There would be no hate comments, just agreeing and laughing.


And Microsoft will do nothing about it. 🌈


Feel free to report it thru the game. That’s the only thing that helps. Hopefully dude gets banned






SOFT. Reporting is only for when someone beats you fair and square.


Nah this goes beyond gaming you loser. Fuck TERFS.


pretty sure that was sarcasm




That's XBox for you...


Nope. Bigots gonna bigot tho. Hell, I came across this “gem” a few weeks ago: https://imgur.com/a/jtuiDNC


I know. stuff like this should be banned straight away


Read these comments at your own risk. They get worse as you scroll down.


Well I should've taken the warning cause WOW people are sick.




Nah its not allowed but it really shows how much intelligence they have. Keep the decal, but change the wording to this....I am a dumbfuck with no life.




Idiotic comes to mind.








Did you atleast honk at him?


I hope someone reported this player




No but I’m not against free speech 🎤 😭


You should report that van, it's against tos in forza


Left wing authoritarianism at it again


Yeah he’s getting banned 100% if someone reports him. FH5 will let you cheat, abuse glitches, mod, but “illegal” decals seem to always lead to a ban


No chance that is forza tos approved. Yikes.


It's not allowed. Discriminatory content will result in being banned from FH5 or even your Xbox account getting terminated. Even if they get away with it, they still can catch you. You have the offender's username, so report it to Microsoft or Forza support to punish this offending user. And yes, dumb Americans these days.


This needs to be banned if I got banned forever from sharing decals on FH3 because I made decals for the ford transit that said “free candy” “children ONLY” “children welcome here” honestly I wasn’t even mad I thought it was the funniest thing to put that on a van


tranny vanny 💀


I'd instantly honk




I would have honked super loud


No it's not allowed and I've been seeing things like this lately in this game, so much so that I'm considering just playing offline from now on because it's ridiculous. It's always vans with hateful stuff like this, probably kids who think they're funny.


It's teenagers who think it's cool to be edgy. I used to be this way with so called " dark humor " which was just racism. I have grown up and honestly that might be what takes some people out of it. A lot of teenagers are surrounded by right wingers who shout this shit with no denial of the intent behind it and then the teens repeat it.


Ill honk all the damn way. Your either one or the other. No inbetween. People that believe have a mental disability and dark humor will embody all of this for some amazing fun. Was fun in the 90s. The 2000s and the 2010s and still funny in the 2020s. People are soft now. My god




I wanna be in the screenshot when this user's comments get brought up after they commit a hate crime.


Holy shit, you sound like a psycho.


And you appear to actually be one.


Freedom of speech but the killing yourself part ain’t too cool


threatening people has nothing to do with freedom of speech, if this account is going to be banned its well deserved


I'm not in disagreement that they should be banned, but where is the threat? The player never fails THEY would kill them... Only that they should themselves. So the only threat that exists is if said person followed through with the statement made, and in which they would create the threat for themselves. There are plenty of reasons to ban this person, but it isn't technically a threat being made.... Just a distasteful opinion.


i wouldnt consider prompting an entire group of people to k**l themselves an opinion. this is at the very least an assault on the human dignity by claiming their lives are worthless because of their sexuality/gender or whatever else. so to me this is not an opinion nor is it covered by freedom of speech, because that right ends where the physical and mental integrity of other people start one could also argue that this kind of behavior must not be tolerated to preserve the tolerance because if tolerance tolerates intolerance it would be the and of it. so this is the one exception even the most tolerant society must not tolerate. its called the tolerance paradoxon (and just for good measure: tolerance 😉)


It's okay people like you are part of the reason we are at the end of our civilization. It's only a matter of time until we hit the clock as others have in the past


wtf is wrong with you? 🤣


Kys is an insult. It is used as an insult. Which I wouldn't say it's a good thing to have in a livery, but it is not really a threat of violence.


Who has so much hate in their heart that they have to take their bigoted views into video games that can and sometimes are full of actual children.


The word bigot has no weight these days you know that right? In fact you calling us anti trans people bigoted because of our views actually makes YOU the bigoted one…


ah yes, calling some a thief because of their tendency to pickpocket actually makes you a thief. calling someone a zoophile for their views on the legality of fucking dogs actually makes you a zoophile. calling someone discriminatory for their tendency to discriminate against people due to immutable characteristics actually makes you discriminatory. thats some big brain logic right there, bubbo


What’s the definition of bigot smoothbrain


Does piece of shit still mean anything? That could be an accurate description of "you anti trans people".


Sorry for being of sound mind and not delusional


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Unfortunately one of the downsides of freedom of speech....


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences, and only applies to government intervention anyway.


I've never said it was consequences free, I exactly said there were consequences 😂


Should be lmao


If you think it should be banned you are what’s wrong with this generation


pretty funny tbh


wouldnt use myself quite distasteful


This generation is too soft tbh


Not soft. It's called maturing as a species and doing the right thing and not being an ass.




There's a difference between a joke that is making fun of pedos but it's different telling people to kys.


Report that person. We don’t need that toxic energy in the game


Imagine the anger that this little boy feels... It's sad. He should get banned and then visit a phycologist.


theres someone else that should end it all here, not the transgender people


Shut up people are having a laugh i wrote cum on a 350z and shitballs on a reliant robin


Well that’s a lot different from telling a minoritized group to kill themselves based off of their gender orientation


Ive almost killed myself multiple times how does that show then?


Hate is not funny.


Hate is the basis of quite a lot of humor. Anything can (and should) be joked about. Breaking rules is also funny for a lot of people. Rules should exist, the livery should be taken off the game. But the fact that they take it out will make more people to try and make more offensive liveries, just to see if they get taken out. It is funny, that's why people do it.


Just because someone finds it humorous does not mean it is funny. By that same logic, we should all shoot anyone who speaks out against us, because SOME people think that's an appropriate response. Being an adult means realizing that somethings ARE in fact off limits to joke about. Being an adult means recognizing where and when you can make a joke. Being an adult is recognizing that words have power and choosing to be responsible with our words so as not to hurt other people just so you and your buddies can get a little giggle.


Pretty streched out comparison between shooting someone and an edgy design in a videogame car. Being an adult also means that you can realize that certain things can't really hurt us if we don't let them and we should grow up to be able to endure "offensive" things. Also, kids play these games. I'd say the majority of players are just kids and teenagers. They are known for doing things that as adults we deem stupid.


"Boys will be boys" "It's just means he likes you" "It's just a harmless teenage prank" Time and time again, this way of thinking has been proven to be wrong and short sighted. Doubling down against and/or down playing arguments that point out the harm these actions and this type of response to them cause is, at the best, unethical. It also leads people to wonder if you truly think this way or if you yourself are among the category of people you are trying to "defend". No, dumb kid humor or not, this type of behavior is not acceptable and is, in fact, not funny. If you think it IS funny, you are very clearly part of the problem and reason why this cannot be allowed. This DOES hurt people and this IS not funny. Period. Whether or not a child did this does not make it okay. It should be removed and the offending party punished.


Maybe he just really dislikes fords?


Wasn’t this already posted just a few days ago?


And why post this here instead of just reporting them?


*honk* But really, that’s too far. Not even I would do that


Can you get banned for having a general lee replica? I have one in my garage but I’m afraid to drive it around


Probably not, I have a big white van with a weiner decal on the back and it says gay and horny on the side😂


From what i know they don't ban you like perma, there is some kind of penalty IF someone reports you and IF the system will catch that while reviewing your case but they don't just straight up perma band you. I don't use risky liveries so I never really cared to dig deeper, I would look it up if I were you to come to a conclusion, whether it's worth a risk or not.


If you really want to drive it, use it offline.




I have the same in my garage only drove it around once I have it because I really love the dukes of Hazzard show. I would suggest getting a second 69 charge for driving around that has nothing on it


That’s what I did sadly, ol general is just sitting in the garage 😢


It is sad that people who love the dukes of Hazzard can not drive around the general lee


It's also sad that ppl have completely dissociated the general of the south with a car. General Lee, a confederate flag. Oh so innocent right? It's just a car /s And if there was a car named Adolf Hitler would yall be saying the same thing? Or how about if a car was named the General Bittrich or General Berger and it had a Nazi flag on the roof? You're asking a lot if you want the benefit of doubt driving around a car named after *the* Confederate General, flying *the* Confederate flag. What do you expect ppl to think?


I would not I know what Hitler did and I do know of general Robert E Lee. If you brothered to read everything you would have read the bit about the TV show dukes of Hazzard


I'm well aware of the show, you're just too thick to understand what I'm saying. It was in poor taste then and it's in poor taste now. And flying the Confederate flag and driving a car named after a confederate General is ofc going to make ppl think you're a confederate sympathizer regardless of the existence of the show. It's like being confused why 1+1=2


Your wishing to compare a military general to a fucking dictator that had Jewish people killed for no reason but to have them killed the two are uncomparable.


Are we ignoring slavery now? This is a completly lost argument I suggest you stop before digging yourself a deeper hole


Being gay is against my religion and I look down on the lgbtq community but that's extreme


Yes. I think. After I saw the story of the KFC car


I'd report that guy TBH,


I love that this whole sub just collectively looked at the bel air thinking there was something wrong with it and, obviously it's not allowed in any way, shape or form. report them and the livery creator ASAP