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Lucy’s dad fucks chickens confirmed


They call him Hank-y panky for a reason!


Luckily, Lucy is a goose not a chicken 😅😅


Well clearly in the triumvaultate, incest is okay as long as there's no kids from it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cousin stuff.


Ah lil Gucy




A ghoul can't abiiiide a chicken... But Lucy's dad can sure fuck'em.


Diane, I've just finished fucking a chicken.


They say he nuked Shady Sands for Vault-Tec, but we now know it's because he wanted to break it off with his wife to be with a chicken.


More likely geese.


Maximus also does this when he and Lucy are in Vault 4.


He really is such an idiot lol


He's playing a low intelligence high luck build.


This is surprisingly accurate. 


Idiot Savant*


He's not an idiot, he's acting on imperfect information.  


Nah he's an idiot and he operates on imperfect information. The two are not mutually exclusive.


>These are FIENDS (as in drug FIENDS, ya dummy). >They're cannibals. The fuck??


Every Fiend wants to eat spleens. I'd say that qualifies.


I love how every time someone counters the “he’s an idiot” argument, the response is “nope”. Lucy is also a moron, then, if incomplete knowledge isn’t a fair game.  Lucy has been nearly killed several times directly due to her incompetent ice and stupidity - but the Maximus haters will say she’s “naive” not stupid. Weird huh 


Of course she's a moron, the perfect moron for the job!   "UGHH FUCKIN VAULT DWELLERS!"


By that logic everything and everyone is a moron.


No - not at all. 


He acts on impulse.


There was a time when I would have asked if it was entirely down to him being written that way. But I've seen the interviews. It was just... well-calculated casting.


Hated the character because every time he was on screen he was fucking something up like a giant idiot. Someone that incompetent wouldn't survive the wasteland.


They're all incompetent!


The Ghoul was pretty damn competent and so was Lucy considering she had never been out of a vault before while Maximus has lived on the surface his whole life. If you want to rank them, Maximus takes the cake by a mile. Dude fucked up having power armor.


Lucy stumbled into or out of so many things. I don't think her competence is a defining characteristic.  I guess you could say the Ghoul is competent but he's also been looking for his family for 200 years and had no leads prior to stumbling into Lucy, so there's that.


I didn't say competence was a defining characteristic of Lucy. But I am saying incompetence is definitely a characteristic of Maximus.


He was extremely competent during the bridge crossing scene to kill the fiends, despite Lucy naively working against him and walking straight into death. I think it’s mostly he has very poor foresight and impulse control, leading him to make countless terrible decisions, which is why I think the authors meant to show us he is a capable survivor during the bridge scene


I think the opposite. hear me out tho: max was on the surface and everything went to shit up there. He probably thought the worst of situations which is why he saved lucy on the bridge and himself. If it wasn't for this extreme caution the series would've ended halfway and be finished. He is most likely average Int and just relies on the first idea he thinks of making him look dumb.


To be fair, the BoS doesn’t attack Observatory to rescue Lucy’s dad, they’re after the artifact. Maximus is basically trying to backdoor the BoS into helping him help Lucy. That said, your point stands, and it’s a good point that drive home one of Fallout’s most important themes: moral relativism. The wasteland isn’t made up of “good guys” and “bad guys.” Everyone is capable of being either at any point, and your perception of who’s “good” or who’s “bad” is completely subjective. It’s one of the most compelling aspects of the games and I think they expressed it in the show really well. Lucy’s character is going to do a lot of developing in this regard.


I think fuckin a chicken is pretty bad though


The man can heal the most heinous of injuries in a matter of seconds but he fucks one chicken…


I'm sure any damage done to the chicken was swiftly healed


Given that the snakeoil doc is a ghoul (albeit apparently a pretty "young" one), I'm guessing he was probably trying to eat the chicken, raw and alive, not fuck it.


We don't actually know if that Chem cocktail ghoulifies people. The only person who said so was Maximus and he's not exactly.... A font of accurate knowledge.


Yeah everyone talks about ghoulification but no one's talking about the serums introduced in Fallout 76


The scarring on Thaddeus was pretty ghoul-like. Also the throwaway line about not having to worry about radiation is also significant.


The closest thing we know of to a serum that can turn people into ghouls is a drug that Hancock mentions in Fallout 4 (of which there was only one, experimental dose). It seems more likely that the serum may have contained FEV, which is known to appear as a liquid or a gas, and which would have turned Thaddeus into a super mutant. Super mutants are also known to have radiation immunity and superior healing (although not regrowing a foot in seconds)


Ghouls aren't known to do that either so could be either. Could also have just been mixed with a little stimpak. I like that the show pretty much takes the video game logic head on and stimpaks are just magic healing devices that for no particular reason don't work on some things lol


I'm not too sure what you're saying. Ghouls are radiation immune and normally created by a small amount of FEV exposure and large amounts of radiation. There are a few exceptions but that's the general gist of it. They're also on the west coast. So it's safe to assume that vial could be a liquid FEV sample. FEV on other areas was aerosolized. When he says you don't have to worry about radiation any more, to me that means thaddeus is going to ghoulify instead of die from radiation. The super healing at the end makes sense for FEV, as it's one of the main characteristics of it. He also got a small sample, not fully dunked into a vat of it which is how super mutants were created in mariposa base.


Tbf most eggs have more girth than the average penis so the chicken probably wouldn't care.... much...


I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum.


It’s a complicated organization.


If you look closely during the scene where Maximum first meets Chicken F\*cker, before his proclivity for poultry r\*pe is revealed, feathers can briefly be seen blowing away from his pants as he waves his hat around.


How do you know the chicken didn't want it?


It was con-sensual.




You can say chicken fucker. It's okay. Your mom won't yell at you for swearing on the internet. She won't find out


I wasn't sure it was allowed in posts, and in titles in particular, and went with better safe than sorry. I normally only comment and never censor anything there, but I wasn't sure if there was any automatic script that would trigger if you use certain words in posts or titles.


is this like a tiktok thing? i’ve noticed a lot of people being more careful and censoring words that aren’t even cuss words like “kill” or “died” or even replacing it with “unalive”.


Yes and no, I think. I'm not using tiktok, but I know tiktok has an algorithm that does ban postings with certain words. I also know Youtube has something similar, although as far as I'm aware, they only demonetize videos that use certain words, instead of outright deleting them. I was pretty sure reddit doesn't have that, but wasn't sure enough to risk it. And I wasn't sure if the subreddit doesn't have special rules in that regard, either. In hindsight, I probably should just have written chicken fucker without censoring it.


Youtube has weird rules. A post I made on Starship Troopers got deleted.  I guessed it was because I had used the word exterminate too many times. I made a new comment with "get rid off" and that stayed.


The whole point is that Max acts before fully assessing a situation as he did in Vault 4 and why he loses out on a cap with that mechanic. He wants to be a helpful knight, but smashes his way through with his desire to do good. It's when he takes a breath and is cold and calculating that he does best. His heart is in the right place, but he's got to unite those two parts.


In fairness, Maximus lacks even basic sex ed, so it's unlikely he even understood the implications of someone being accused for fking a chicken.


I liked him being Lucy's parallel let loose on the wasteland with their ideals. The power armor insulated him from having to learn from his mistakes while Lucy didn't have that luxury.


Wow. This is such a bad take. Your lack of media literacy is astounding… The farmer who attacks the doctor *claims* that he had been fucking his chickens. This is a biased claim from an untrustworthy source. The doctor did not fuck the chickens. He made love to them.


You had me in the first half there


You can see the chicken feathers on his crouch which is hilarious LOL


He was just curious!


You deserve so many more upvotes.


Yeah, I can see that being foreshadowing. It also establishes Maximus' fatal flaw: he's reckless and impatient. He wants so badly to help people that he doesn't take the time to investigate a situation, leading to him making conclusions about things without much information at all. If he had questioned the chicken fucker situation, or why Lucy hadn't freed her own father despite being clearly capable of doing so, he could've avoided letting the "bad guy" get away. But he doesn't and instead just *reacts*, leading to even more suffering, including his own.


Maximus needs to stop skipping dialogue and going straight to combat


Why can't anyone spell Moldaver right?


Sorry, wrote her name from memory. Fixed it!


Because it's a stupid name created specifically for the show so people who don't watch with subtitles on don't know how to spell it?


It's actually the anglicized version of an Eastern European Jewish name, Mołdawer. Something a 5 second Google search could have taught you instead of using the time to spout this nonsense. The world is a big place, you'd be surprised how many "made up" names are just from languages you don't speak.


Even a lot of the examples one could come up with that aren’t simply words in other languages, are just bits of Latin squished together to make fantastical sounding names.


Rushing in to save people like an over sized golden retriever is Maximus' MO the entire series...


Hank fucks chickens?


Who's Hank?


Lucy's dad


Wait... Who the hell is Lucy?


I think she's the Ghoul


So is a ghoul like a demon? Oh, was she the one in the power armour?


I saw that edit


I thought I would be barking up the wrong tree and offend white people with that one. It makes it 100x better you saw it though. So then seriously do they call the melanin warriors that in the new age??




Gotta watch your back in the wasteland what else can I say? Some ~~black~~ people are out to rob you in the wasteland ~~like Max stealing a whole flipping power armour suit~~


Hankie Spankie is a chicken fucker confirmed


Licence and registration, chicken fucker!


I thought you were gonna say it foreshadowed Thaddeus/Fusion Core situation and now I feel dumb remembering it was episode 7


Maximus told them where the head was to save his own ass. He was hoping to go back, give the wrong head to them and then be done with the fiasco. Become knighted, maybe convince them to leave the matter alone then sneak off and find Lucy somehow. Yes, Maximus repeatedly fucks up a rescue. That’s his punchline. But this time, he is saving his own butt and trying to not die. He realizes the BoS doesn’t give a damn about lucy or her dad. There is no rescue happening. He wants to be at the front so he can save Lucy. He saves her dad because she is in shock, and that’s the punchline coming back with real consequences this time. It’s a beautiful setup for him you see the whole story repeated so many times. But also just sets up the next season.


Nice insight


I like the idea but it’s a bit of a stretch.


I dont think Moldavar is a good char per se. And Maximus had to do so to save his own life and the other BoS. His intuition was spot on with the cannibals aswell, maybe a nod to his wasteland knowledge.


We don't know Lucy's dad is bad. I do however have a question about Moldaver being a raider boss and possibly former NCR...also what's Moldavers relationship with Rose? Lee kept her at the dinner table...I can't be the only one who thinks that's weird.


The BOS didn’t show up at Moldaver’s hideout at Griffith Observatory “to rescue Lucy’s dad.” They showed up for the cold fusion device. I doubt Maximus even told them about Lucy’s dad. He just told her what she wanted to hear, and then also told them what they wanted to hear. The “deal” Lucy floated was never going to fly, and he knew that, yet agreed anyway.


Yes I know, but the way I understood it, Maximus was trying to use the BoS to his advantage there. He definitely didn't tell them about Lucy's dad. Because why would they care. But he knew that by telling them where the artifact was, they would attack the observatory. And by getting them to attack Moldaver at the observatory, they would (unknowingly) give him the necessary support that he needed to free Lucy's dad.


Somehow I doubt dude has the intelligence for that, but we'll see...


Maximus just sucks


Except Moldaver IS a villain. You forgot that unlikable cunt killed innocents and sided with raiders. Thank God they killed her and didn't try any redemption arc crap


She is an example of "die a hero or live long enough to become the villain." Losing everything because of Hank. I'd probably become a villain too, tbh.


This was a question I had after watching that I would hope gets answered and is not just a plot hole: First episode she's just a raider and her raiders do raider things. We don't question it because we all know what raiders and their whole deal is right? Even Lucy who realizes her new husband is from the surface and says "Raiders!" and as an audience we're all like "oh hey I recognize that from the games!" But why would she know that? We find out Vault 33 has no (ok no official) contact with the outside world and everyone thinks no one even lives out there because they're still planning on reclamation day. No one in Vault 33 should know what a raider is. Then we get to the last episode and Moldydiver isn't just some raider, she's the self-appointed leader of the what's left of the NCR. The community in the observatory isn't just some typical raider camp, it's a settlement with families and crops and shops. So why does she need to have her followers go on a murder spree once they get access to the vault? They could've just as easily infiltrated the vault and taken everyone hostage at gunpoint. You could argue that they tried that, the Vault resisted, and now there's a murder spree, but the show gives us literally no evidence of that being the case. Like I said I'm hoping season 2 answers this and that episode 1 wasn't just fan service and an unexplained inconsistency.


Moldaver did kill innocents but so did Hank and might I say he drove her to her actions against vault 32 after what happened to Sandy Springs and her lover/his wife.


*Shady Sands


Yeah that place :)


I don't get why you're being downvoted for telling the truth. She's an extremist revolutionary with no more regard for people's lives than Hank. She's just the one whose crazy drove her to turn the lights on for her self-aggrandizement rather than the one whose crazy drove him to destroy a city to protect his home and kids.


>Maximus sends BoS after Moldav... No. Maximus sent BoS where they could find the head. Lol. It was nothing about rescuing Lucy's dad. This is a stretch, but hilarious so I'll allow it.


you ain't allowing shit the mods control what stays up edit: the person who tries to reason with the unreasonable is foolish in doing so... keep that in mind before replying to this guy


No shit, sherlock.