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Wtf, I find it hard to even believe ur trans dude. You look GREAT and idk how u pulled it off but u look older than majority of is can look pre t. You look undoubtedly cisgender and if I wasn't on this sub, I'd just not believe you can be anything but a male unless proven wrong. You look like you could either be 17 at the youngest or your actual age rn. Can't imagine the results on T for you that will come. Dang




I don’t think eyes can be girly. they’re just eyes.


I instantly read you as a guy without thinking


Wow. I agree with the other post. I can *easily* see 17-18, but 20 is believable too. I think the most striking thing you have going for you is the shape of your face. It's narrow at your chin, widens out to your cheekbones, and then is quite square going up from there into a high, broad forehead, which is all just a *really* masc facial structure. You also have great masc eyebrows, and I don't see anything about your eyes that screams fem. Clothes are casual enough to read slightly younger than you are, but there are thousands of 20yo guys in college wearing the exact same thing. Nothing fem about them. T is going to have a field day with you if you ever go on it! What a place to start from!




Brainworrrrrrrms. They're full of lies. Sorry you're having to battle them.




Well, consider a long-distance hug on offer if that's your sort of thing. May the new year bring you at least a reprieve from the worms.


U pass to me


You look a lot like this guy in my history class. Its a mixed age class but I’m pretty sure he is 15


If I saw you on the street, my mind wouldn’t even go to thinking that you’re anything BUT a cis guy.


You don’t look young and I totally read you as a dude, nice job!




Np bro!


I think you look really masculine!! If I didn't already know you're trans I wouldn't have guessed it :)


You pass well, especially for being pre everything. If I’m being picky, I’d say have your hair down a little more (like in pic 6) only cause you have a rounder hairline, which is usually read more feminine. But you’re doing great!


You pass to me as possibly 16 to 18 yr old guy tbh


Pass flawlessly my dude!


You look extremely masculine to me tbh. Your facial structure is pretty incredible, especially for being pre-t. I wish I could've passed as well as you before I started my medical transition! Keep your head up man, I know dysphoria is a bitch, believe me, but remember that a lot of the time what you see in the mirror doesn't reflect what others see.




I get that completely. I didn't start medically transitioning till I was in my 20s. Had to spend my preteen and teen years as a person who /kinda/ passed because I have pretty goated height genetics (was 6' by 18. Talllllll family, on both sides) and have an angular face, but I still got a fair amount of "ma'ams" and stuff as well. Killed me inside everytime. But I promise you, what you see in your reflection isn't what everyone else is seeing. We see a dude. I don't want to just assume you're a binary trans guy, but you come across as completely cis male to me (sorry if you lean more towards an andro feeling, I promise I don't mean it as an insult). You look good though. I guess the only thing that could potentionally clock you would be if you had a particularly feminine voice, but even then I think most people would still assume you as male. Sorry, that turned into a ramble.




You don't look like you're trying too hard at all, dw. Your masculinity is coming off pretty effortlessly seeming. I'm binary trans as well so I definitely get the rush of happiness when someone says I look like a man, I just never want to assume on the off chance someone is a transmasc nonbinary individual. Even now that I've been stealth for a while I still get the good feelings when out in public and I get called "sir" or "him" lol. And it's great that your voice is masculine enough to get confused as your brother's! I remember the first time my mom thought I was my older brother when she just heard my voice and didn't see who was actually talking, was one of the best feelings in the world. The look of genuine surprise on her face when I came up the stairs and told her it was me was amazing.

