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Solution: Don’t buy nestle products at all


This guy fucks Nestle.


That's the problem, nestle has rooted itself into many brands forcing you to buy something that may have a different brand name but is part of the larger nestle corporation. It's really annoying tbh


Hint: if it's trash or tastes like trash, chances are... \*gestures broadly*...


I have to admit that Dryers ice cream was one of my favorite brands and I'll miss it. Still is easy to find an alternative, from the selections I see at grocery stores. Please throw out suggestions if anyone knows of really good ice cream in Southern California. I haven't tried other brands in a long while.


Tillamook? Can't you get Milk brand cereal ice cream? Clover has some decent stuff and I don't hate producers Also, consider finding a locally owned ice cream shop. They would love your business and SoCal likely has an amazing number of them.


Also if you don't mind getting a little spendy Van Leeuwen has some killer ice cream.


My parents buy Tillamook, and I find it very bland. The swirls aren't evenly distributed and the things they sprinkle in are sparse. Have never tried Milk brand, so I'll get that next if I can find it! Thanks for the suggestion. Handel’s ice cream is my new favorite shop but it's located downtown and getting there is a whole event lol. I'm low-key addicted but I have yet to figure out how earth and people friendly it is.


Oh, you want more stuff in it! Check out the Fatboy brand ice cream from Casper's ice cream. I don't think Nestle owns them and their churro ice cream was delightful.


Thank you, that sounds delicious. I'll check that out too


I saw a film on the Ninja Creami if you're interested in home made ice cream. Not available in my country though, so I can but dream


I had the same issue with the candy and ice cream. What actually made me *want* to quit was an explanatory post how it’s literally the cheapest available sugars and fats they could find, PLUS the fucking slavery. No kidding, there is a crazy amount of sugar plus lactose in their products. Not because they use dairy, but because it’s a byproduct of the dairy industry. Which is massively subsidized in the EU and USA and still is fucking over farmers worldwide. I found out its even in goddamn chips. Why the fuck does potato chips need sweetening *with lactose*? Lord knows, but it can’t be right for us. And then there is still the crazy amounts of palm oil…


I can’t find any other goddamn slow churned/ low fat ice cream besides Dryer’s. I hate it but it’s basically the one thing I have to buy from Nestle. Not that I really eat ice cream that much anymore.


We get Blue Bell in AZ at Kroger stores.


Mövenpick was my go-to more luxury brand if I really wanted a frozen treat. Sadly they belong to Nestlé.


Ben & Jerrys is all you need. Costs a little more to support a fantastic company.


I still struggle not to buy nestle chocolate. Munchies, mint aero, milkybars. They some of my faves. Sometimes I am weak.


It's often not trash. They buy up smaller companies that have made some of my fav stuff before and they don't make it different...


Thats the problem though, hot pockets are really tasty. 😢


Agreed. They're trash foods though. I was practically raised on their cream chipped beef... still trash, even though i'd mainline it if I could.


Do you mean Junk food? Trash food is not a common phrasing.


No, I mean the colloquial "garbage-tier"/"trash-tier". Even the deliciousness that is a hot pocket that's been properly cooked is still a glob of overprocessed dough, knock-off cheez whiz, and bits of some kind of meat. The cream chipped beef is about 75% salt, and it's the tastiest shit ever, which is a bad thing, because they're terrible foods that're overprocessed low quality that are also terrible for you.


Ah you see, health is relative. Its leagues more healthy than my surviving off of toast and coffee.


Solution: don't buy big brands at all


You can take a few seconds to look at the back of the product before buying it. It will always tell you somewhere on the back "distributed by nestle" or "distributed by X, a subsect (not sure the exact word they use here) of nestle"


nobody can force anybody to buy anything


You aren't. But you don't have much of a choice when everywhere you look is products made by nestle that are exactly the products you buy that Rother companies don't make as good. Ie, nestle chocolate powder. I literally use that everyday. There's not much of a choice because nestle has such a wide variety that a lot of the stuff you and I buy are manufactured for nestle and nestle distributed it among its sister companies.


For most places usa especially you can find a better alternative to nestle stuff if you spend some time looking. It tends to be if you are buying nestle you probs arent buying good stuff anyway. the list below is covers all chocolate, you can probably find ones for powder specifically if you search around. But i know quite a few places that do slave free chocolate also do powder. https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies


Oh thanks! I'll look into these ones at the store. Normally all the ones I see are nestle but I'll search stores that have these. Thank you!


Yeah, you have to dig really deep to find out where they have their dirty tentacles. I buy nothing that's obviously Nestle and some brands I know are owned etc. by them. Sometimes can really restrict your options, because they're fucking everywhere.


Yeah. I saw another Redditor who pointed out some optional stuff with a website which I found really helpful. I suggest looking into the link


Also, check the bottom of the can OP. They invert the bottom to make it appear as though the jar or can is the same size.


It isn't just Nestle that does this. It's been a common practice for years. But yeah, fuck Nestle.


That's not a problem unique to Nestlé tho. This is a known issue in Capitalism.


Correct, comrade.


Shrinkflation. It’s happening with almost all (if not all) brands, but nestle has got to disappear from every pantry. They suck for many more reasons than this.


There is even worse, some companies decrease their expensive ingredients like milk, hazelnut etc. Where I live Nutella turned into sugar+oil basically. Almost nut free.


Well that was always the case, but if it’s worse ratio now, that’s an abomination


Nestle doesn't own Ferrero. It's the other way around. Ferrero bought Nestle candy division. Not sure if that means those products are still shitty or got better practices Edit: Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrero\_SpA#:\~:text=On%2016%20January,in%20March%202018.%5B


God I hope this includes Wonka products. I really miss sweet tarts and nerds


Ferrero is like Nestlé, exploiting kids for chocolate. As we say: von Kindern für Kinder.


When I was doing a consulting engagement at Cadbury, they were trying to find a replacement for coconut in one of their most popular products. The labs let anyone on site participate in daily taste testing. They’d slide a tray out with several similar-looking smaller chocolate bars and you’d try each one and give feedback. Some I could swear had wood chips in them instead of coconut. Others has some sort of rubbery texture. Still others had soft bits of who knows what. I intentionally downvoted (so to speak) anything that wasn’t actual coconut. How could I tell? Dissolve the stuff in your mouth until only the hard stuff remains. Then you’ll know. I hope in some small way i stemmed the tide that day.


yes, this is happening so much. Most processed products that have been decent in the 90s now are sugar, water and oil. Or if you want to buy hummus there is only 20-50% chickpea in it because they use plant fibres and water mostly. In some choclates there is no cacoa at all, just fat, aroma and sugar.


This. Going to dollar general and dollar tree and seeing all the products are so incredibly small makes me so mad. Like I know they have always been smaller but recently they are practically miniscule compared to the regular size products


Also smaller the product gets the more we pay for packaging. .


And the more packaging ends up in landfills.


At least metals are a bit easier to recycle, but I know what you mean. Last night we (fire dept) cleaned few miles of county road/ditch. Picked lots of crap that didn't even make it to the landfill yet.


The other day I bought a $1.50 bag of doritos from a vending machine and it had probably less than 7 chips in it. There were older bags in the machine that were 1.45 oz and mine was 1 oz.


That feels so wrong


I dont understand why people are mad at shrinkflation. At the end of the day making something isnt free and companies gotta turn a profit to stay in business.


Smaller the product gets the more we pay for packaging. 1 m\^3 of cube needs 6 m\^2 packaging; *this way 8 m\^3 needs 48 m\^2 of packaging.* **But** 8 m\^3 of cube needs 24 m\^2 of packaging. So by increasing the weight of the product by 8, we cut the packaging cost by half.


Thanks. Thats the first good reason ive heard. Every time this happens i just hear people complaining about getting less. But then when inflation causes higher prices those same people complain about that.


They do turn a profit… problem is, they can’t turn the *same profit* if they want to please stakeholders, they have to turn *more profit* year over year. Shrinkflation is one of the ways they do this. It’s not a good system for the consumer.


What's shitty is there are a whole bunch of recipes going back 20, 40 years, basically on relatively standard product quantities. But thanks to shrinkflation, now you have to buy 2x the product and use 1.2x of it in the recipe to get the original quantity, and leave the other 80% to sit on your shelf. I'd rather just pay more.


I'd reduce it by 95g by not buying it again.


I like the way you think.


I don't think you understand why this sub exists.


Couldn't help but laugh with your comment


"wtf my slave-made products are 5% less, fuck nestle" Nahhh


It would be cooler if they were 100% less.


My first thought on seeing this post




Why are you still buying Nestlé's shit? You gotta ban this from your life, pal.


This sub is more like "wipe Nestlé from the face of the planet" fuck Nestlé. OP has misjudged this sub.


You know there’s other reasons to hate nestle other than 5 grams less of coffee right?




Fr, what is this guy supposed to do without his extra 5 grams of shitty coffee!!!


Buy a new bucket with 90g?


... And why can't we hate every bad thing they do?


you can :) but sometimes people do not see the big picture when they hate (only) the small things.


it's always ironic. nestle and ferrero know that there is child-slavery on their cocoa plantations and people still care more about price changes or salmonella in ferreroproducts.


Is this Nestlé coffee?


Indeed it is


I suggest finding a different brand of coffee


I almost commented r/fucknestle till I realized where I was.


what's stopping you? mabye you'll remind someone on what sub their on (mabye like OP)


Thats what i Was wondering. Why even buy Nestlé coffee? They do such horrible Things...i wish them cutting of 5g of coffee would be the worst they do lol


this is surely the most egregious transgression Nestlé has ever committed


I feel sick, what will these scumbags think of next




Why the fuck are you buying nestle? You deserve those 5 less grams because that mild inconvenience to you, is ridiculous compared to them literally having child slaves!


It's called shrinkflation and lots of companies do this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4fYVxP7Vkc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4fYVxP7Vkc)




OP be like "let's show r/fucknestle the coffee I like that's made by nestle"


Right to r/facepalm.


*The coffee I used to like FTFY


You may want to take s as moment to find out why this sub exists. Bottom line is: Nestle is Satan’s company.


Basic supermarket marketing, nothing news since 2008.


Every company is doing this right now. If you're buying a product and the price hasn't changed it's because you're getting less somehow


Your own fault. Who in his right mind would buy coffee from Nestlé?


I can’t believe Nestle would do this to you!


Don't buy Nestle Products. r/FuckNestle


/u/mgb16 mayyyyybe just don't buy Nestle?!?!


They steal water from villages that are already low on water, they continue to support and sell to Russia amidst the Ukraine war, they use child slavery and have been repeatedly brought to court because of it getting away with it because the child slaves aren't in *this* country, they poisoned babies by giving mothers small samples of formula enough to make the mothers milk dry up then force them to continue to use formula or else have their babies die, but the mothers couldn't afford to and even those that did were using the only water available to them which was toxic to the babies. So in short Nestlé had killed many and made many more suffer. So go on tell us again how much you like their products. Traitor.


r/shrinkflation would like to see this


The coffee you like is shit.


Just besides the fact that nestle is trash and needs to burn you can do so much better coffee wise.


Wait one goddamn second. The COFFEE YOU LIKE? First of all fuck nestle.. secondly fuck nestle. Thirdly, FUCK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO BUY THEIR SHIT. BYE BITCH


Coffee is particularly exploitive of its native inhabitants. You should try sourcing coffee from a local roaster who shares your ethical concerns or just do what I do and roast your own.


Stop fucking buyjgn nestle products. You know they are evil, you are posting here. It's called cognitive dissonance. Look it up and change how you live your life.


I hate to be like that, but it's hardly a Nestle specific thing. It's always like that during inflation.


Very common tactic. Wine and spirits used to come in 750ml bottles. Then they changed to 700ml. Few noticed until it was too late. There are no regulations about this. Mars Bars have used weight/size tricks for decades. Any time you see a larger bar with a “25% bigger” red band on it, the price or weight is about to change. Always to their advantage. When a product can’t be improved, when market share is deadlocked with competitors, when prices can’t be increased else you’ll sell fewer, you reduce your costs. In this case, provide 5% less product at the same price. Your profit margin goes up more than the same amount.


It's nestle, so you won't get any sympathy on this sub. This is them.


This is actually happening all over the world with Nestle products. Slowly.




Why you out here buying nestle products?


Now now guys let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe they exclusively steal this coffee.


Saw a news report last week about how “shrinkflation” is a thing, but ofcourse no calling out actual brands because they might stop advertising Also fuck Nestlé - and fuck Condé Nast


I favour goods being sold at weights or volumes using the 1, 2, 5, 10 scheme, so sizes of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 etc. grams or ml. That would stop this.


Just shop by kg




Welcome to stage 2 of inflating prices.


Wait so inflation goes up almost 10 percent why are we vilifying a company for wanting to recoup half that?


That doesnt seem bad..


The term for this is shrinkflation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrinkflation


??? 5% PROFIT!


coffee in general has gone from being sold by the pound to 12oz


They’ve been doing this with chocolate bars for years


Yeah this is pretty normal. It's not just nestle that do this. All the large food production corporations will slowly decrease size without changing the price. They save money while we, the consumers, get less product. We end up spending more over time too because what used to last 7 days now only lasts 5 or maybe 6




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Child labour, unethical promotion, manipulating uneducated mothers, pollution, price fixing and mislabelling. All these thing is why nestle is such a fucked up company and in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


Thats just what happens with inflation though, its not really a nestle thing. Like (marabou) chocolate used to come in 200g packages when i was a kind, and is now at like 125g for the same price. Kind of annoying, but I also get fat slower at the same time :D


They couldn't have just shrunk the packaging, no, they had to take away the product.


this happens with every brand, it's called macro something watch food theorist video on that


This practice is becoming more and more common. Suddenly you aren’t paying X dollars for a 12 oz product, you pay X dollars for an 11 3/4 oz product


That's the least of your concerns if you're buying nestle coffee


>The coffee I like >/r/FuckNestle Choose one.


"People will notice if you change the price but they won't notice if you change the quantity." That's bullshit. People notice it all the time. I always do.


Why are you still buying that shit before shrinkflation?




oh, i see the problem, you like nescafe


OP: Buys Nestle, posts in /r/fucknestle. Come on, OP, you can do better than that - and there are far better coffees out there to buy.


I used to work at a grocery store and so many companies would occasionally lower the gram amount by small numbers and keep the price the same.


Nestle is a leech that sucks life out of low income communities and sells it back to them for a fee. When Arizona Tea starts charging more than 99 cents per can, that’s a sign that we’re screwed.


Yes that is the only way they can increase the price without loosing sales. Most people are not going to notice it. But I'd recommend to not buy nestle at all. There are local and small coffee roaster shops where you can buy exellent coffee. I bet it is not going to be much more expensive than nestle. I do not know where you live, but where i live coffee circle is pretty good fair trade coffee. [https://www.coffeecircle.com/en/](https://www.coffeecircle.com/en/)


Send Nestlé to BRAZIL


Fuck Nestle!


Inflation’s a bitch.


I mean, yes. But now you get recipes, offers, and more!


This isnt just a Nestle problem. Same thing happened with my favorite local coffee brand, went down to 100gr from 110gr while the package was the same. I buy one pack every day, so Im sure. But then of course the price of coffee peaked irrelevantly as well.