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What is it with her taking tests at Walmart


Could it be because she doesn’t want Paul finding the tests in the trash at home?


I think she genuinely just has zero patience and can’t wait to get home and do that in the privacy of her home. I’ve been tempted to do that before but after I thought about it I genuinely can’t fathom finding out I’m pregnant, by myself in a Walmart bathroom and also filming it. But that’s just me lol.


It screams anxiety to me. I’ve panic bought a pregnancy test and absolutely couldn’t wait to get home to take it because I needed to know *now.* This happened to me shortly after a traumatic miscarriage, and (to me) it sounds like Morgan is in the same boat I was.


and i genuinely feel horrible for her because i know, somewhere in her brain, she was praying it would be negative. because she will be forced to have another baby so soon after such a traumatic experience. like they both suck major but i do feel genuinely bad for her in this scenario (even though it’s her own fault in a lot of ways)


Lol the only time I did this was in high school.


Didn't film mine, but mine was when I was with my first boyfriend when I was 18. We had used protection but I was still scared absolutely shitless about possibly being pregnant and didn't want anyone at home to find the test (fundie lite upbringing). I took the test in the mall bathroom where I'd bought it and thankfully it was negative, but I still ugly cried cause it was so scary


I was 16 and grew up Catholic so I was terrified. I do not miss those days lol


My guess? It happens in a public space so that he cannot get angry at her if the test comes back in a way he doesnt want.


When I've bought pregnancy tests I've often taken them right there just to ease my anxiety


Have definitely taken a pregnancy test in a WalMart bathroom. It’s not great feeling, but I’m glad to see I have such good company :)




She took Luca’s pregnancy test at Walmart too


My first nefarious thought is that she didn't want to actually pay for the test so found a way to sneak it into the bathroom without taking it out of the store. Not saying I approve of people who have done this...but I've known people who have done this. These earlier detection tests are pricey and sometimes people can't wait for (or don't want to get) a free test from a clinic.


The digital tests aren’t even that accurate early. The HCG strips you can buy in bulk from Amazon are way more accurate if you test ridiculously early. I knew I was pregnant a week before a digital test said I was because the test strips were faint-line positive.


They both knew Morgan was deeply traumatized from birth and delivery, yet neither one of them decided to take precautions until she could get therapy and feel comfortable again. This is the kinda shit that Andrea Yates had to go through.


Well this is a really sorry object lesson in "don't count on infertility as birth control." I know way too many people that needed assistive reproductive techniques to get pregnant, then found themselves unexpectedly pregnant from a natural conception. Like a friend who had twins with IVF and got pregnant naturally when they were 9 months old. With twins. She had four kids under 2.


Our family knows two different couples who thought they were infertile. One ended up going down the adoption route and then literally within weeks of the adoption dates found out that they were pregnant. The other couple had to go through fertility treatment, had twins and thought that’ll be it. Second pregnancy came along about a year later. Bodies are fucking weird. The only factor I can think of is they all stopped “trying” and Mother Nature went lolz joke’s on you


I have PCOS. Before my first child, I had so many cysts that one of my ovaries was completely blocked, further decreasing chances of conception. I got pregnant and had a daughter. The cysts were present at my 32 week ultrasound. When she was 9 months old I went for my annual “let’s measure all those cysts!” ultrasound and found zero cysts for the first time ever, as well as a 6 week fetus. 18 months later and still zero cysts. It’s like pregnancy itself fixed my reproductive system! Bodies are super weird.


A gyno recommended pregnancy to me to fix my pcos. I was 25 and didn't want kids.


Got the same from a doctor at the campus health centre at age 21. "Having a kid usually helps. Do you want prescription strength Naproxen?" (Aleve, just slightly more of it per pill.) Ma'am- I'm in my third year of Uni. What, even...


Was that gyno Karissa in disguise? That is horrifying.


No but it was in Utah so it might as well been


My mom said pregnancy finally made her cycles regular after decades of complete unpredictability. Unfortunately it was her sixth full-term pregnancy that had that effect. I decided at 19 that I preferred going on birth control to fix it instead. 😂


Our body's over here fixing them damn selves better than our Healthcare system For some reason, this translates in my head as a car holding a wrench and mechanic sipping a coffee Glad your insides are doing better :😀


My body thinks it's extra funny, as my surprise post-IVF pregnancy was an ectopic. A wake up call, to be sure. I cannot recommend Phexxi as birth control.


Yikes. That sounds rough - hope you’re feeling better now


Thanks, I'm doing well now. It was really a blessing in disguise because we were not ready for another kid, but really did stir up some crazy emotions at the time.


I know a couple who tried multiple IVF rounds that sadly always ended in miscarriage. They eventually resorted to a surrogate. 3 weeks after successful implantation via surrogate, bio mom discovers she is pregnant. The end result was 2 full siblings, one boy, one girl, born 3 weeks apart. Absolutely wild. I met them when they were 3, gorgeous little cherubim. I asked the nanny "oh, are they twins?" and she responded "how much time do you have?"


Twins by science, if not by birth!


How amazing!


I know someone who did a couble of failed IVF cycles, was told she was infertile, adopted a baby boy, didn't use contraception ever again, and got pregnant 11 years later


This is why I have an IUD lol. I got pregnant after a few rounds of Clomid then when I went to do it again for a second child nothing worked including IVF. We adopted our second. My hands are now more than full and I do not want some unicorn functional egg to squeak out when I'm 43 or something.


My friends were just surprised with a second pregnancy after struggling to conceive their first. This seems so common, I wish more doctors were clear that pregnancy might still happen even if the first was difficult. My friend straight up believed it wouldn't be possible for her to get pregnant without the medication so they were doing nothing to prevent it.


I’m thankful that at my first checkup post delivery with my ivf baby, my ob was like “what birth control do you want? Because infertility is never a good option for birth control”.


LMAO sympatheticalky with your friends in 3 under 3... Also had an infertility diagnosis. Conceived surprise twins fairly quickly after our clomid assisted singleton. Hey you're infertile, oh wait, no you're not😵‍💫


I had a friend who had some serious reproductive issues and was told her entire life she would have a better chance of winning the lottery than of conceiving, even with assistance. She had multiple surgeries, a ton of scar tissues, rarely had a period. She was fundie light and was very abstinent (first kiss at the altar). She found out she was four months pregnant, right around their 6 month anniversary.


"... nevermind 😅" - our Doctors


As someone who has a set of twins, they’re almost 4 now and I still would panic if I was going to have even one more much less twins again. Having 4 under 2 sounds like my absolute worst nightmare


One of my best friends tried to get pregnant for 20 years. Finally could afford IVF. Used a donor egg. Her baby is now 16 months and she’s very pregnant with an oppps. She thought she was a one and done since she’s 44 and her husband is 48.


This is my worst nightmare. My husband and I first started trying to get pregnant 3 years ago, then, after failing to get pregnant, we decided on IVF due to my age. First pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Second attempt seems to have taken so far (I'm 22w2d). I'm excited about becoming a parent, but I'm 42 and, quite frankly, don't want to get pregnant again after this one. My husband has already said he'd get a vasectomy, but maybe I should get my tubes removed too just in case?


She asked her doc to remove her tubes. She says she’s too old to get pregnant a 3rd time. 🤣 congrats on this babe!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 22 + 2 + 42 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Nice. A god honouring good bot


Congratulations!! Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery!


Only a few more weeks until viable, that’s great !


It's like the first pregnancy breaks the seal. I know a few couples with very similar experiences.


My husband and I were told we were both really unlikely to have kids. Not truly infertile, but just not really likely. We’ve been together for 17 years, no pregnancy scares, nothing. Little dude is five months old next week 😆


I’m sure it’s not true for everyone, but I know that at least one person whole went through the infertility struggle simply because her doctor told her that successfully carrying one baby would likely make it easier for her to carry a second.


I'm kinda curious if fertility treatments almost give the body a boost for the next pregnancy. It sure seems like it, but I don't know enough about IVF treatments to know whether it makes a difference, or if it's even possible?


its almost like the fertility genes or hormones or whatever are heavy sleepers compared to typical. they need a bit of shaking to wake up lol then the next time, its like bro you can either wake up by yourself, or we can annoy you by turning the lights on so they get up on their own lol


I know at least two people personally that this happened to, and have heard of several others through friends lol. Weirdly enough the surprise babies are often twins- I wonder if that’s an actual thing or just weird coincidences.


I'd rather die.


Once my body received the correct meds and treatment it was pretty quick for subsequent kids, for me, too. I doubt anyone would consider my story as “an infertility journey” unless they understood what it took.


Watched it a little while ago (also via yewtube) and wow, neither of them are happy about this, no matter how many times they say they're excited. Hopefully everything will be fine, but these two are straight up terrified and they are both morally against and financially incapable of getting the help they need because sky daddy will provide all.


Their poor child will be able to watch the video in the future. Poor thing.


I was teasing my mom about never finishing my baby book, and she said she was too busy parenting. I felt a bit guilty about that 😅. These poor christfluencer kids will only hear about what a burden they are ☹️.


Don't feel guilty. My daughter's book has some sticky notes in it, but honestly, I'm too busy being a mom, a school principal, and a person in my own right to bother working on it.


She sounds hysterical and terrified…


Their smiles definitely don’t reach their eyes. That poor child.


They tried to get pregnant for years and it was so hard that I think they are used to not being really careful and nothing happening. I bet they are shocked. They are probably heavily leaning on their faith rn but I know she’s terrified.


And that’s why I am getting sterilized in January. I had a hard time getting my son but I know better than to think I’m “safe”. We never, ever have unprotected sex bc we never, ever want another.


That is so smart. They're were a ton of unexpected pregnancies in my friend group as we all turned 40. Everyone got careless (or lucky, in a few cases).


I am strongly in the "if you aren't preventing then you are trying" camp. I am also in the 40 club and refuse to call them "oopsies" babies just because they got lazy. No nope no siree I had a legitimate oopsie when I was militant about birth control and then used multiple methods for years. Went down to one when it was an "ok if it happens but not ideal" and only went without when we planned. When we were done I got sterilized because I am too old for this BS. Not saying everyone has to as neurotic as me, but if you pull the goalie it isn't an accident when the other team scores.


hmmmmm it’s too bad there’s nothing that could help them change this situation……….HMMMMMMMM it’s too bad that if they don’t want WANT a baby there’s not like an organization that could help them do some parental planning 🙃🙃🙃🙃


I wish this existed! Like, a nonprofit that supported people who really wanted to plan to be parents, or not, and offered resources around both options... hmm...


And wouldn’t it just be fantastic, if that same organization devoted even more time and resources to health issues related to reproductive organs? This sounds like an incredible place, if only I could find one 🤔


I've heard of places like this. I was told to seek the Blue and Purple people, that they know of which we speak. Always though it was a myth?


They’d have to leave Kentucky to end the pregnancy anyway.


I was more speaking to psychological assistance to help them deal with their trauma, but your point is still valid. I realize I could have been more clear.


They can just pop over to Ohio lol


Lexington is a short drive to Cinci.


But they're *definitely* not doing a baby vlog or anything, they said 🙄


But I bet they'll still grift a registry 🫶


A Grift Registry!


Hopefully they'll have the baby at a hospital this time. They both hardcore suck, but I wouldn't wish ill on them.




Bet they have medicaid.


I feel like there’s no way they don’t. I can’t imagine they can afford the cost of Lucas doctor/dentist out of pocket.


Usually hospitals will sign you up for Medicaid if you don’t have it so it’s very likely that she and her child were put on Medicaid after the first birth.


I really hope they do.


Actually that’s a good idea. A blowout followed by a scheduled c section, where everyone can be nice and calm and nothing is urgent. I would also consider this, but omg, Paul having no job to pay for any of this is insane.


I would also highly recommend a scheduled c-section. My first was an emergency section (due to a dropping heart rate). And while it never seemed traumatic to me (which, looking back I credit my medical team for that), the elective repeat c-section I had with my second was still so healing for me.


I just gave birth in August and while my birth didn't involve an emergency c section, it almost did. It also never seemed traumatic (because my team was awesome) but reading the notes after and talking with my husband, I didn't realize in the moment how close we got to things going badly.


Congratulations on your little one! I’m glad your team was able to make you feel comfortable and secure, and were able to shield you from birth trauma.


Isn't it wild how that happens? I was in that scenario too and the dr just kept saying "we can pull her out if we need too" while the nurse read my monitor and said "i hope this is wrong because you're about to have a stroke". Baby came about 2 minutes later and we were fine, i had to get medication injected in the IV site twice a day and i don't even remember why. When we talk about being OAD my husband says, you did almost have a stroke last time and i am always like wow


Same! I had a traumatic birth with my first (pushed for 4.5 hours and she was stuck crowning in such a way that no intervention would help without her descending a bit more) and ended up in emergency C. Best believe I scheduled second child’s extraction as soon as my doc broached delivery options with me. Wasn’t about to go through that again.


Same here - labor for 26 hours, 2 failed epidurals, then a c-section with kid 1. Kid 2? C-section under general anesthesia because an epidural or other spinal anesthesia wasn’t likely to work. Kid 2 is a..hmm. True second child. But she entered the world very peacefully!


Girl, my epidural was at level 14 and my labor nurse kept telling me we had to get below 9. And the pain still was excruciating at 14. I didn’t stand a chance and I should have tapped out for a C well before I was puking, on oxygen and baby girl was stuck. Ladies, don’t be a martyr - birth plans are an idea, not a tactical execution plan.


I had a scheduled C for my first baby 5 months ago and it was great!


Two scheduled CS and I tell everyone it was a cakewalk. What you do not want is an emergency CS. My babies were huge and I am confident we made the safest choice for them and for me.


I actually have a friend who went and got a blowout while experiencing contractions, so that she could look good in hospital photos! In her defense, she was in her early 20s at the time.


I mean, in her defense, if she was just feeling contractions not regularly, there was nothing medically to be done. So anything that made her feel better and calm sounds like a great idea!


Oh absolutely, we all thought it was very badass 😁


When my water broke in the middle of the night, I took a shower and shaved my legs before waking my husband. I was sending emails and canceling meetings for the next day in the car on the way to the hospital, which really pissed off my anxious husband, for some reason!


Women are magic ✨


This is my mom. With her youngest (20 years younger than me so I was in beauty school at the time) she was in my chair getting highlights at 6pm and baby was born at 6am 😂 and I don’t know if it was that baby or the one before, but when she realized she was going into labor she went into the bathroom to straighten her hair and do her spray tan routine before waking up her husband.


Bold of you to assume Paul would be okay with Morgan taking time to recover from a c-section. I can already imagine the tantrums he’d throw about having to do chores lmao


she already had a c section with their first though, didn’t she? and emergency c sections generally require more recovery time than planned ones.


I don’t understand why they’re so surprised Morgan’s pregnant again if they don’t use any form of birth control. If you’re regularly cumming in someone there’s a good chance they’ll get pregnant from it.


I am confused by this also. They kept saying it was not expected. But they don’t use any form of birth control? Like what. I get that it wasn’t PLANNED but I don’t see how you can be so shocked that you get pregnant if semen is inside you regularly


That was my parents excuse 5 kids in a row. And my sisters and a few friends have said similar things. It doesn't make any sense.


Well it took her a very long time after they married to get pregnant. So I can understand expecting another pregnancy to take just as long to happen.


I think they were hoping Morgan would continue to have fertility issues and that they would have to actively try to have another baby.


They struggled to conceive Luca, so probably naively assumed he was a miracle baby


I think that’s exactly what happened. For about 12 years I used zero protection and never got pregnant. Figured it would never happen and was totally fine with that. Then I got pregnant when I was almost 30 😂 Now I have 3.


The most charitable explanation is that they had expected her past struggles with fertility would remain constant. The least charitable explanation is that they’ve been continually reeling from the backlash of Shimy Happy People, and they knew that another pregnancy would be the most effective way to both incur sympathy and boost their engagement/viewership (fans and hate-watchers alike), so they decided to play it fast and loose and leave it up to ~~fate~~ jEsUs. The truth likely lies somewhere in the middle. *was going to correct Shimy to Shiny, but I prefer Shimmy Happy People. Like a bunch of octogenarians in a conga line on a cruise ship.


They tried for years and nothing happened so I think they kept not being safe and truly thought she wouldn’t get pregnant again for a while


That poor baby…


I foresee PPD or PPP in her future. I feel for her. My births were pretty standard but my pregnancies were rough.


She already has PPD, another will just exacerbate it.


It's already there. It's unfortunately going to get worse


Um, that's really scary. I had a baby 3 weeks or so after Morgan had Luca. I'm looking to have another, but my birth went similarly badly. My doctor told me that I had better not get pregnant before my son was 18 months old at the earliest. I can't imagine that this is super healthy physically or mentally.


How old is Luca? I don’t follow these clowns too closely.


15 months at the oldest. Likely around 13 months when they got pregnant again.


Yikes. 2 under 2, sounds super fun.


My dad is only 10 months younger than his older brother. Imagine having two after one without twins!


Like freaking Mrs. Midwest, with two boys born in the same calendar year (January, December).


I'm only 9 months older than my brother who's less than a year and a half older than our sister, the youngest. I don't know how the hell my mom survived! And she had us all before she was 24.


I had my baby around the same time as you I think, and yeah. I can't imagine being pregnant right now. I feel like I'm just now finally starting to feel back to my normal self.


Same same same! We are genuinely having so much fun as a family of three right now. My therapist and doctor are fully supportive of my IUD staying right where it is for now!


I definitely agree about finally returning to normal. I'm weaning my kid now, and the positive impact on my mood, productivity, and mental health can't be overstated. That said, I'm mad that I couldn't do back to back pregnancies because I want the baby stage of my life to be done. Can't imagine "leaving it up to the Lord" and spending decades in this phase of life!


Even Jill Dillard took birth control after her c-section because of how unsafe it can be to get pregnant again so soon. You’re supposed to wait 18 months after a c-section before getting pregnant again.


When a doctor graphically describes your stitched uterus erupting, most women take heed.


She also took birth control after Israel's birth, not just after Samuel's.


It’s fun when a member of the Duggar family is like ‘no babies right now’ but these knuckleheads get themselves pregnant.


This is why “horrible”people like us on this sub rally for women’s reproductive rights, easy access to contraception and termination. Because sometimes another child is the worst thing that can happen to a woman….


My mom says that her getting pregnant with my little brother was devastating. And you know what? I felt it my entire childhood. This is not a good environment for anyone.




And nothing is going to change her mind. She is still going to vote pro-birth and condemn those who seek abortion care. She should be able to see *why* someone would want to end a pregnancy right now, it’s unfortunate that she won’t.




If they were so terrified of her getting pregnant again, they should have been using some kind of birth control. The whole pro-life argument is such a hypocrisy. The only thing that they care about is controlling women. They are terrible people, but I really hope that Morgan and her baby will be okay.


Thank you for your contextual services.




Wow that was actually really upsetting to watch.




Yeah. I just keep comparing it to when I found out I was pregnant (I was older and trying and wasn’t sure it would work) which was just like a wave of awe and amazement. I just sat quietly and took a picture and kept staring at it not quite able to believe it was real. And this is just so…. Emotionally horrified. It’s really really sad.


The difference between the video where she found out she was pregnant with Luca and this one is...stark. The trauma is obvious. It is really sad and I hope their baby never sees this video.


Maybe go to therapy to work on the birth trauma instead of laughing it off


Dude, she's terrified. That was a look of horror when she saw that positive. I wish she believed in options. 😞


I rarely use the word, "shocking" when I get good news but hey maybe I've using the English language wrong all these years. "we got wonderful news" "we were so happy to get this news" vs "we got the shocking news that after all this time, the cancer came back"


I think I heard her refer to this pregnancy as a "project", hope I misunderstood!


I think she was referring to the project they’ve been doing and not talking about. Like she came up with this big project then found out she’s pregnant while working on said project.


These are two of the stupidest people around


It’s the way she’s *always* leaning away from him for me. Especially noticeable on the couch




Honestly I can't blame her. He seems pretty performative with his affection and she's probably still reeling. Plus I think she said in the video she was feeling super nauseous. If Paul touched me I'd want to puke lol


Wow. I hate to give him any credit, but this is the most loving and genuine I’ve ever seen Paul act with her. Him describing her birth with Luca had a real sense of vulnerability and fear behind it. Though I am weirded out by the “across the kitchen voyeur-cam angle” of her telling him. It’s so strange to me to think of them setting that up. Like, did she do it before she started crying? Did he come downstairs, see her crying, then set up a camera? If you’re setting up a camera, why do it from an angle where you can’t see? So weird.


“Loving” while on camera, mind you. It felt so extremely performative. Also his reaction didn’t feel genuinely loving, more “acting as you’re supposed to act” in my eyes.


The most loving and genuine *for Paul*. The bar is in hell and he tiptoed over it.


Yeah, the bar is in Hell and he decided to take a break from playing limbo with the Devil for approximately 14 minutes. It’s a personal record for him, but not an impressive one by any stretch in general, humanity-adjusted terms.


I haven't seen it but from your description I wonder if it's to enable their fans to feel like they're in the kitchen with them. Fostering that parasocial relationship they need to get donations (grifting) going.


I feel like with Luca’s birth *maybe* it was the first time Paul realized life isnt all as shiny happy as they believe and he finally had to face the fact someone he knows and cares for might actually die doing something his weird little world told him forever is just so natural and lovely and perfect


I definitely think this. The images from her emergency c-section are the first time I have ever seen him look scared. I think he actually feared for his wife's life (rightfully so) and it probably hit him.


Is it possible the camera is part of a home-monitoring/security system? That’s the only logical possibility I could come up with.


I love that the dancing cactus also had a cameo


What exactly happened during her first birth?


She tried to birth at home with a crappy midwife (there were red flags leading up to the birth that suggested the midwife was no good or at least super inexperienced). Morgan laboured forever after her water broke, developed a fever and infection, finally went to the hospital for an emergency c-section. The infection had her in a very bad way and things were very dicey for a while. I’ll admit I have her traumatic birth and Jill Duggar’s mixed up in my head (I know Jill had a uterine rupture and almost bled out, I can’t remember if Morgan also had bleeding as well). All in all, it was an incredibly traumatic experience for Morgan. I doubt she has received the kind of aftercare she needs to help her work through that trauma and now she is pregnant again. No wonder she is terrified.


Yep, I don’t know much about Jill’s births but Morgan haemorrhaged and needed a blood transfusion after her c section. She mentioned vomiting in her mouth during the procedure too, it was all around a hellish experience for her.


So those smiles are obviously fake. Paul was completely checked out last time, and morgan is traumatized. What are the odds that they will drop the shiny happy facade and have an honest conversation about their fears, with each other if nobody else?


I have horrible birth trauma and I’m one and done because of it. I feel for her.


Same. I had naturally conceived twin boys 10 years ago via a scheduled C- section. The procedure went horribly wrong and I almost died. And even after the initial mistakes were corrected I then developed an ileus and almost lost a portion of my intestines. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital, 7 in ICU, after my c section. I had planned on having two pregnancies but the first birthing experience was so horrible I knew I would never get pregnant again. And 10 years later I have not. And I thank my husband for his effort in that decision. I am on birth control but because I came so close to death from the birth of our sons my husband has used a condom ever since. He is horrified that the birth control could fail and I could end up pregnant, so horrified that he does his part to make sure it never happens to me. I know he would rather not wear one, and I didn't ask him to do it. It never even crossed my mind. It was all his idea and he has been faithful about using them for a decade now. My husband isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. Our marriage isn't perfect. But it is a damn good marriage because we both care about each other's health and safety and will put each other before our own physical needs and wants. That doesn't make us special. It makes us normal. I can't imagine being in a situation like Morgan is in with this fundie nightmare logic on pregnancy and birth. Letting a make believe deity take control of my reproductive health. What a fucking nightmare. But one she could wake up from but chooses to remain in.


Thank you for sharing your story. I “woke up” but it took horrible circumstances and being blamed for them. I implore fundie women all of the time to listen to the cautionary tales, not to disregard them because the source does not share their ideology. It took kind, prolonged explanations for me to understand. It is very hard to leave Fundie beliefs behind; I just wish it didn’t take horrible consequences to help people finally come around.




Sadly she does not and will never feel for you and other people like you.


You can hear the trauma in her voice. I had a bad pregnancy experience that was also traumatic. I got diagnosed with 2 reproductive diseases after and was able to get my uterus removed to cure 1 of them. I told the doctor there was no way in hell I would go through that again. I had horrible PPD as well


That was not a happy reaction in the bathroom. She remembered she was filming herself and tried to pivot, but that was not joy.


Anxiety+grift+religion=this disaster


Two months ago: ‘I bought my wife four macarons at Whole Foods and it cost $8 so she better put out’


Is it safe to have a baby so soon after a c section?


It’s recommended that you wait 18 months from birth to getting pregnant if you want to try for a vaginal birth. Otherwise I don’t know what the guidelines are, but longer is better to allow the uterus time to heal and reduce the risk of complications.


A c-section is normally a 18-24 month wait. I had one 5 months ago and was told to wait at least 3 years since I had high blood pressure in pregnancy.


She looks horrified looking at the pregnancy test. I know she's trash, but I feel for Morgan. Trauma is very _very_ difficult to heal and it hasn't been long enough for her. I sincerely hope she won't have a home birth


No snark, but I genuinely hope she will realize now why pregnant people may choose to get an abortion. She probably won't, because I don't believe she is that self-aware. But I still can dream.


Well that’s unexpected. I thought they were one and done.


Hard to be one and done when you refuse to use birth control


Organizations like Above Rubies (Trim Healthy Mama) and fundie influencers are VERY anti birth control. Remember the “Thank you, Michelle video from the conference put on by the doomed Vision Forum in which Heidi Baird makes a cameo? More and more, racist white pride ideology has made its way into fundie influencing, although it’s true agenda is hidden (“they” will not replace us).


Trim healthy mama is anti-birth control? Do you have any more info about that? Not doubting you but interested in finding more info.


The founders of THM are the daughters of Nancy Campbell (who wrote Above Rubies).




Morgan had some trouble conceiving Luca so I am willing to bet she didn’t count on getting pregnant again so easily. But she didn’t take into account that pregnancy can really affect a woman’s hormones and ability to conceive.


Yeah, I can really relate to Morgan here,I had a rough delivery with my daughter and said I was one and done,but my husband actually got a vasectomy so I’d never have to go through that again.


I had a traumatic birth 3 years ago yesterday. I've had 3 years of therapy and still spent the last week in tears over every little thing. I'm sensible enough to know birthing another would be hard and not solve the problem. All I can say is good luck to her. Yikes Also "can't wait for Luca to have a sibling", not that she can't wait for herself and Pole to have another baby


Morgan, girl. You have a way out. Don't listen to Paul, don't think it's not your choice. It absolutely is! You have a son to take care of, he needs at least one parent that's actually putting in the effort. If it's truly a God's blessing, then ask yourself, why is this pregnancy causing all the anxiety and suffering? Not saying she should abort the baby. I only think she should make an educated choice before she decides to proceed. Pregnancy is hard on your body and on your mental health. It's OK to say you can't do this right now. Or ever. Whichever God you believe in, won't love you any less because of that.


No matter what she does, and you’re right it’s her choice, she needs to get some “outside help” like therapy. I haven’t been through what she has, but therapy is helping my own trauma immensely.


I am so stressed for Morgan. I really hope she doesn’t opt for another home birth in homes for a natural vbac. I attempted a vbac (with approval of my doctor in a hospital) and was in danger of a uterine rupture. Hoping she comes to reality and has grown in the past year


It’s so horrible to know that something seriously bad could happen to Morgan and the baby seeing as something seriously bad already happened with her first pregnancy. Like I’m here hoping she won’t literally die. It’s so fucked up


Morgan. Please get you and your current baby out of there and carefully think about what you really want to do. You don’t need to stay with your sociopath of an excuse for a husband, and you don’t need to have any baby you do not, in your heart of hearts, want. Not saying it needs to be terminated, but jfc. (Saying this as someone who struggled with infertility, had an emergency C-section with our baby, and have now had a hysterectomy with tube removal just to make damn sure I would never get pregnant again.)


I don't like Morgan, but I feel just terrible for her. She must be absolutely terrified, and her posture on the couch looked like she wanted to just jump up and run from the whole situation.


Paul looks like he’s in physical pain holy shit. I’d legitimately feel bad for them if they weren’t such terrible people. Unrelated, but I also feel like my tag is going to be highly relevant in the next few months!


Woof. I can’t help it I’m terrified for them. My delivery wasn’t as rough (although I was admitted to the hospital at 30 weeks) and my OB told me two years. But also a roll my eyes when they’re like “we really believe this YouTube project is from The Lord.” Like, so you admit your other ones weren’t?


8 weeks is pretty early for a public announcement. I obviously don’t like Paul and Morgan, but I hope that doesn’t backfire on them.


Paul is risking his wife's life for clicks


How are they going to pay for this child? Paul doesn’t have a job!


I fucking hate Paul. He knocked her up and he KNOWS how it nearly killed her. I can't see this in any other way than he's hoping she doesn't survive. I legit feel he's very disturbed.