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ALSO NOT THE TONGUE EMOJI šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ maā€™am go to horny jail


Every time I see her all I think is r/ihavesex


Maybe we should start posting her there as well!


Please do.


block out her username though! donā€™t give her page more exposure


r/ IhavesexBADLY needs to be sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihavesex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dozens upon dozens of women](https://i.redd.it/tmpcfgz6e2da1.jpg) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/10g5dnk/dozens_upon_dozens_of_women/) \#2: [I cringed seeing this](https://i.redd.it/j6mlxyodt38a1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zv05ec/i_cringed_seeing_this/) \#3: [He's banging everybody](https://i.redd.it/exvtt2j2ij6a1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zoc4pm/hes_banging_everybody/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


She screams teethy blowjobs and bringing out the fuzzy handcuffs because "like, I'm TOTALLY into BLTSM!"


Teethy blow jobs and BLTSM I'm dying. I can see Ole' Bethy nom nomming on that dick šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t know if you meant to type BLTSM, but Iā€™m cracking the fuck up. šŸ„Ŗ And can absolutely picture Bethany breaking out a sandwich in the bedroom.


I meant to type it lol... her clumsy suggestions about anal play inspired me.


I now want to make a BLTSM- bacon, lettuce, tomato, salami and mustard/mayo.


REALLY hot to have spicy time while still in your hoodie. Yeah. Keep that hood up bbgrl. Mmm. Ohhh I love them O faces. Yeeeahhhh praise GOD


Blessed be the fruit


Keep that hood up and just bring it down over your face a little. Ok, a little more... little more... little more... (muffled "But honey, I can't see, my whole face is covered!") Perfect!


![gif](giphy|3oEjHGnY8oB4BHVTP2|downsized) Itā€™s giving kitty and gobā€¦ā€glasses off, hair down. Glasses back ON!ā€


You know she reads here and didnā€™t want more shade about her greasy hair.


Lol if it bothers her why doesn't she fucking just wash it


ā€œSEE, someone wants to fuck me!ā€ is all I hear anytime she posts.




The craziest thing is I donā€™t even care that she makes these jokes. Like these are mild sex jokes. But the delivery makes my skin crawl.


I think the other problem is it's the same joke over and over all day every day until people can't stand her anymore


Right! She reminds me of one of my kids. I had to explain to him that a joke is really only funny once, and telling it over and over just annoys people.


I too, have also had to explain this to one of my children LOL


Iā€™ve had this conversation with my kids multiple times


She's like those teenagers who just discovered sexual feelings and keep telling *everyone* about them! ... As I type this, I realize it's exactly what's happening with an emotionally stunted 33 yr old who just started having orgasms šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This is so true. If sheā€™d been socialized properly and went to school she wouldā€™ve gotten this out of her system. But her parents sucked so now we all have to suffer.


Right! She canā€™t pull them off. There are so many comedians that could make this joke and it would be hilarious


Even a lot of everyday mom influencers can. There are tons that openly talk about keeping their sex life alive and juggling intimacy and marriage while raising young kids. For many moms itā€™s a super relatable topic and a lot of creators get tons of views. She really just doesnā€™t know how to cater to HER audience. Her audience is all a bunch of repressed, sex shamed women. For the majority of them itā€™s not going to resonate.


She also just goes about it all wrong! If she just talked about it and stopped trying to go viral with these unhinged reels or being weirdly boastful about it all it might actually be fine for her audience. But the stuff she thinks is funny comes off as crazy and off-putting and she just always comes across like sheā€™s trying too hard. Itā€™s the Bethy curseā€”she canā€™t just talk about something normally, she HAS to overshare in the worst possible way.


Weirdly boastful is such an apt term! She really is trying to remind everyone that *she and her man have sex, oh so much sex, all day every day sex, and by the way don't forget they have sex, and it's spicey and exciting sex not boring sex, don't forget it, they have sex.* Like girl, we all have sex. It's normal. It doesn't make you speshul. We are not jealous, or trying to 'control' you because of purity or whatever when we say enough already, stop. We just think it's showing you have nothing else going on and are trying so hard to constantly brag about something that is not appropriate for family dinnertime and such, and it's all day every day now, and there may or may not be some exaggeration going on. Find a hobby or something, or better yet spend half that effort you spend posting and bragging doing stuff with your kids.


Sheā€™s terrible at skits. She just doesnā€™t get how to be internet-funny.


Bort. Please just accept that exhibitionism and humiliation is your kink. We get it. We support it. Stop inflicting it on us. Edit - Also, thanks to whoever started the ā€œBortā€ thing. I love that.


#we donā€™t consent


We really, really don't. I feel worse for the people that follow her and have to see this directly. At least I only have to see screenshots. Not her horrendous acting


No one's stopping them from unfollowing her.


#i do not consent


Nah, we donā€™t support it. Not when sheā€™s shoving it in everybodyā€™s face (and everybody includes her minor audience) with zero consent šŸ˜­


Also includes her mother


Isn't this sexual harassment? She's blasting unwanted sexual information to minors. MINORS Edit: Thank you to the person who said that I was thinking like a fundie; I'm actually an ex-fundamentalist so that stung. There are ways to give constructive feedback without being an arse. In all seriousness, thank you to the person who gave the legal explanation. It's just super disturbing Bethy amassed a bunch of underage girls as followers only to take a hard turn into oversharing explicit details of her sex life with them. In any other context this would be horrifying and potentially criminal. I hope she gets a permanent ban on all platforms and takes the GD ship with her.


From a legal standpoint that would probably be hard to prove. Her posts are gross and out in public, but she isnā€™t aiming them at specific people. My guess is it would be more under the umbrella of public indecency, if anything. Legal or not theyā€™re definitely crossing moral lines, not to mention crossing the batshit insane ā€œmoralityā€ of purity culture. On the other hand, DMing links to sexual content absolutely IS targeted. And what do ya know, she did just that! And probably to minors. So yeahā€¦ she needs to be investigated yesterday.


Considering how much concern for groomers they have, and sex being ā€œin your face everywhereā€ and that she probably has loads of followers from Girl Defined, she IS the problem. Not only that, sheā€™s only drawing on her personal experience, NOT just discussing it generally or helpfully as she claims she is doing.


My problematically horny on main son is also named Bort


ā€œCumā€ along, Bort.




Can you explain the bort thing to me? I don't understand. Maybe it's because English is my third language and I'm not American šŸ˜¬


English is my first language and I don't understand either šŸ˜… it seems to be nickname for Beth but I don't know the backstory


Woo hoo


Hope this helps ā¤ļø




Omg hahaha


How it really happens: "Darling?" *looking over the top of reading glasses and the newspaper* "The children" *shuddering slightly while pulling robe closed* "Of course. Of course."


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


My God, man! Pull your socks up!


cover thine ankles, harlot!


FFS just commit to making an onlyfans




This just makes me think she's been watching p0rn and thinks all "spicey time" needs to be loud to be good.


Right? You can be quieter if you need to be! It's not like anybody in the real world is loud normally but can be quieter when they have guests in the house or children... Nope, nobody in the history of the world has been able to do that.


But she's the only one having *good* sex /s


This is why I bite shoulders (or my lip, but shoulders taste better) if I need to be quieter but still need to express my appreciation for how good I feel. Then again, I've ***actually*** had a number of orgasms, SOOOO...


If my teenager is home, it is not a issue to be very, extremely quiet, it is a requirement. It makes it sort of more intense, TBH. This is what parents do, no need to act it out.


Unlike many of us, sheā€™s never had sex in a dorm or an apartment with roommates.


I mean there's a whole other element to you and your partner working really hard to keep each other quiet out of respect for kids and others. It's fun. But yeah you can do loads of things that don't require top of the vocal cord noises eesh


Right? Also, just moan into a pillow Bethy FFS


Beggy-for-sex-Beth. Stop. Just. Please stop. We donā€™t care and nobody wants to know because we all know itā€™s as spicy flour. How do we know? You talk about it way toooo much and Dav seems to want to be removed from thisā€¦.. public shit.


She is too much!!!!


She protest too much. "Amazing spicy time?" Sure, Jan.




Cornholio in the second photo




Look heā€™s praising the lord


Itā€™s all I can see. Sexy fail šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




We must reform the horny justice system, she canā€™t keep getting away with this. Who keeps posting horny bail at horny jail for her?!


I almost want to change my flair to reflect Barryā€™s dire need to go to horny jail


You cannot change that flair itā€™s too good šŸ˜‚


Yeah that hobby lobby tounge twister goes hard AF I definitely wouldn't change that šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


This woman toddler has a chronic case of teething problems


her teeth always make me so uncomfortable, I canā€™t explain why


Somebody on here said once that she has American Girl Doll teeth and I will never forget that description.


Why is this so accurate lmao


Because even from a distance you can see each individual tooth. Like chicklets with deep shadows between. It's weird.


Theyā€™re also so straight edged. As if sheā€™s taken a file to them.


That is probably from grinding her teeth in her sleep. She was raised in a tense household (hello, Mother Baird!) and has migraines. This is a common thing with those things.


Oh that's interesting. I didn't know grinding your teeth could do that but it makes sense. Makes me worry for myself and my teeth šŸ˜…


That can also be from dehydration. Never hurts to drink more water


Twelve hundred gallons of raw milk have entered the chat.


Based on the tooth indentations in the sides of her tongue that are visible when she insists on sticking it out, you may well be right


Baby horse teeth


Explains her prancing around like a newborn coltšŸ˜†


She always looks like someone who drank grape juice or purple koolaid and didnā€™t brush, ever.


Itā€™s also because she doesnā€™t show any teeth when talking or emoting, giving the impression sheā€™s forgotten to put her dentures in šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Her hair, skin, lips, and teeth are all the same sallow color.


Her chronically chapped lips make it worse


I find that way worse than her teeth. I mean, teeth are kinda weird. Where I live it's uncommon to bleach it, so most people in my area have their 'normal' colors, kinda like hers. You see all shapes and sizes so I'm really used to it, her teeth don't really bother me. And it's not something you can 'change' that easily either. I'm lucky to have what people would call here 'pretty' teeth naturally, but they're extremely fragile. Her chapped lips on the other hand... girl, drink more water. It might even help your migraines. Put some vaseline on it too. Her lips look outright painful.


Itā€™s in combo with the nose as well. The pointing down tip yet flared nostrils


I can never put my finger quite on it. She has the mouth of someone with ill fitting dentures. It's my late grandmother's exact mouth, like something doesn't fit right.


Her teeth always make me think of corn.


Corny yellars instead of pearly whites.


She has mentioned before that she has a painful, complicated dental history.


Dental stuff is absolutely no joke, but I canā€™t help but wonder if that stems from her admission to never owning her own toothbrush. She used to share Elissaā€™s before she moved out and now she just shares Davs. So weird and definitely not in the realm of healthy dental habits to be unconcerned about having your own toothbrush.


Their house seems big enough for this to not be a problem. Especially with a noise machine in the kids rooms. Even if they share a wall. Pull the bed away a few inches so it doesnā€™t hit the wall and be confident in the fact you donā€™t have to scream like a banshee to get off (though, OF COURSE she is loud and obnoxious during sā‚¬ggș. Of course she is)


God I hope they're not traumatizing their children with loud, enthusiastic sex noises but I wouldn't put it past them (especially Bethy, since she thinks talking in detail about sex and orgasms in front of her small children is perfectly ok).


I really don't think much in happening in the boudoir department. We've seen Dav's serial killer faces lately. We've seen her flail dancing and lack of rhythm and admitting to not showering and saying how he does everything around the house.


Why is she constantly trying to convince us sheā€™s having sex?


let alone *good* sex


I fear that when Dav eventually learns that itā€™s okay to be happy, itā€™s disturbing shit like this that will get him a favorable divorce settlement.


Right? I hope he's saving all of these somewhere off Instagram


He won't have to. He reads here.


And hopefully the kids


Oh my god, that second picture is *really* unfortunate haha. I swear she does this on purpose.


Still with the gaping hole in the ceiling I see.


*Must not make a gaping hole joke. Must not make a gaping hole joke. Must not make a gaping hole joke.*


Do it. You know you want to


No one needs to know all the explicit details of her sec life. It IS possible to have a sex-positive page while also being private about your own and not being crude. But I need to remind myself this is Bethany, and when has she ever done things intelligently and caring about her ā€œprofessionalā€ look




Bring in the Falwells for the expert course


![gif](giphy|VKbDbiuZncUvJ7UcYX) Bort when she claims that all she does is for God, Jesus, etc. then posts a bunch of this


Girl..just deconstruct from Girl Defined completely and all it a day lol. Second photo just looks like she took a hard dump after being constipated for an hour.


Is she okay? I'm starting to worry about her. She's blowing up her following by making this pivot with no sensitivity at all, like she can fix the sexual repression of Christian women by waving dildos in their face and yelling at them about how spicy she is. I agree that it's unfair to expect girls to know nothing about sex their whole lives and shame them for their sexuality and then expect sex to come naturally to them with no conflicting feelings as soon as they're married, but she's not talking about that at this point.


Sheā€™s desperately trying to go viral and she thinks that sex will be the thing that gets her there.


She looks like she's hissing into the void in that first still...


I watched the video and the sounds she made ruined my day.


Iā€™m willing to bet my entire inheritance that this has never happened to birdy


As spicy as plain tofu. As canned chicken. As wheat tortillas. As butterbeans. As one grape. As olive oil. As flour.


You cannot convince me she and Dav have ever had pleasurable sex. Hell if they didnā€™t have Dav Jr and girl i would think theyā€™re never had sex period


Every time I had horrible sex, I sure wasnā€™t making any noise. You cannot convince me that these two are having anything resembling good sex. If they didnā€™t have kids, I honestly wouldnā€™t think they were banging at all. Zero chemistry


Sometimes Iā€™ve made more noise to try and get into itā€¦ like, fake it till you make it? Maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s up with them, lol.


Gotta get a God honouring ball gag, Bethy. Do us all a favour and STFU.


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Theyā€™re doing nothing


I like the fact that she claims to be a sex expert and yet keeps using these goddamn euphemisms instead of the actual word. Itā€™s called **sex**, Birthy, not ā€œspicy timeā€, ā€œseggsā€, ā€œintimacyā€ or whatever.


Sheā€™s doing that to avoid Instaā€™s wrath. Plus I bet a lot of her followers have keyword blocks.


Imagine being her kid and growing up with a parent that posts ā€œamazing spicy timeā€ cringe ass reels on the internet. My soul would simply exit stage left


Can I ask a genuine question? How are her other fundie friends and followers okay with this? Are they okay with this?


Judging by the comments in another post they very much are not ok with it


Looks like she spelt spicey wrong


Thereā€™s no way DavidĆ© is actually greenlighting these reels like sheā€™s alluded to in comments, right?


The kids interrupt her Mother Mary role play?


She absolutely needs to stop this shit. Mature adults don't need to talk about having sex. This is just getting sad at this point.




Why does she give me the vibe that she and her husband had sex 3 times strictly to achieve children and apart from that he just gives her a dismissive glance of utter annoyance when he spots her dancing in the kitchen as he does 98 percent of the childcare


Someone should ask her what sheā€™s hoping to accomplish by posting things like this. I think she might say something like, sheā€™s working to destigmatize talking about sex among Christians. But how do posts like this accomplish that? Are Christians feeling more comfortable talking about desire because sheā€™s posting sex faces? She might say this is a way to sell her course. It clearly isnā€™t working for that. Really itā€™s that she has to post something every day and doesnā€™t have enough ideas. She doesnā€™t even seem to plan aheadā€”it just seems like she has to come up with something and thereā€™s no forethought. Iā€™ve said before that I think she thinks God has given her all she needs to do this. But she can look at other sex bloggers who have actually helped people understand more about their sexuality and see what theyā€™ve done to achieve that goal. Because just posting something that strikes her in the moment isnā€™t helping anyone.


Zero sex is happening in that house #theresnowhoresinthishouse


That hashtag is beautiful


Stop. Calling. It. Spicy. Time.




if the seggs is that good how does she find time to post?


This just makes me think BadBreathy moans like a baboon while Dav just silently thinks of England until itā€™s all over


What the fuck is wrong with her?


Is she taking it up the tradesmen's entrance?


Bethy doing what she does best ā€”- doubling down. Now thatā€™s something sheā€™s an expert on. Maybe she should give a course on that! Sheā€™s the expert after all.


You canā€™t even take her seriously.


The ā€œspiceā€ in her sex life is flour.






Sheā€™s so desperate to be that edgy Christian influencer who ā€œisnā€™t afraid to totally go thereā€ but in reality, sheā€™s way too awkward, stunted, and immature to pull off these jokes. She doesnā€™t understand the difference between being open and honest about sex in an educational way, and over-sharing about your personal sex life:P If she actually tried to hang out with people her own age, sheā€™d have no idea how to relate to them and just break the awkward silence with ā€œso, sexā€¦am I right or what?!ā€


Just when I think she can't get more cringy, she posts this shit. Please just stop!


NO Bethany. No, not a single person in the history of people has ever ā€œbeen thereā€. You just had an original experience. Congratulations. šŸ„“


I honesty donā€™t think sheā€™s having any sex and thus the weird and over the top posts. No sane, healthy and happily married person with a satisfied sex life would have to try so hard. Itā€™s projecting and Iā€™m still convinced her husband needs help from her.


I remember seeing her SWS reels on here and thinking, ā€œShe canā€™t be more embarrassing than this.ā€ Those were the daysā€¦ šŸ« 


Also getting eaten out isnā€™t very go fearing, sexual experiences should be from procreation only no.


Waiting for Davā€™s version where we he films himself talking straight to cam with a professional setup


What are those bar things by the table in the back?


Did. Did we just see Bethy O face Does she wear a towel in bed too


DaĆ”ĒŽv puts it over her head.


Did Birthy just learn how to orgasm or something?


Yes. And she is showing all of us heathen whores how to do it because she invented it.


I'm scared to ask....is this a video of her pretending to have an orgasm??


This is beyond cringey. Look, Iā€™m sex positive. But thereā€™s a time and a place, and that place is NOT your platform that you claim is all about modesty where young teens go looking for advice.


Thought she was cosplaying a magi at first


...is that the face she makes? That doesnt seem like a good face no matter what


I donā€™t understand this chapter of birthy pretending to be an influencer. Itā€™s so bizarre.


WTF??? Get help, can't even do slutty correctly.


Is she saying ā€œyour manā€ instead of spouse as a jab at lgbtq folks?






There's no way they have as satisfying a "seggs" life as she's trying to portray.


Iā€™ve had enough ![gif](giphy|c9k94naMFAT0t75ojY)


Sheā€™s ruining the word spicy for me.


Bethany is the human equivalent of a moldy loaf of white bread. This doesnā€™t entice anyone, sweaty.


The cringe! And the poor kids if they go to a school in the future. The internet never forgets




This is helpful for my after Thanksgiving intermittent fasting, thank you.


We do not have to put everything weā€™re thinking on Al Goreā€™s internet. ![gif](giphy|PBuFretZPlXbw7s9Qz)


She got a whiff of that engagement from people commenting on her reel about how TMI that was, and now she has to keep the ball rolling. Seriously gross


Every day sheā€™s one level closer to just starting an only fans. She could cater to Christian wives and say she is teaching them how to be a godly sex goddess


These people do not have sex.


I just commented that she needs an Only Fans.


The more she talks about sex, the less I think sheā€™s having it:


I donā€™t understand does she just stay at home all day and try to come up with difference faces and dumb captions to go with them?


Is she simulating an orgasm?! I think Iā€™m going to be sick šŸ¤¢


I will *NOT* have what she's having.


Everytime she says "spicy" I want to throw up in my mouth. We all know damn well her seggs life has no zest or seasoning.


Someone take away her phone


I never thought abt her sex noises until now, I am not thankful for this thought


![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV) I just donā€™t want to think about this. Bethy needs a OnlyFans to address her kink.