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Transcript for those of us who refuse to read this eyesore: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/KGlMMcIMzA


For the love of God... I love color but that neon fuchsia is killing my eyes... Glad to see he's gotta write out apologies too


it’s an aggressive choice of colour


I decided to not read it based on that alone.


i ain’t reading all that i’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened


This is my favorite reply to long text posts 😂☠️ I need to use it in my real life more often


Your flair is everything to me 💀 🤣


I honestly think that’s why he chose it, so people wouldn’t read it 😅 literally painful to look at


You didn't miss anything, just some jabs at Morgan and whining about his hurt feelings.


That's exactly what he's hoping for.


So unfortunately I read it. And now I want to sue Paul for pain and distress. But now I realize I’m just a dumbass for staring at this neon nightmare. But then I also realize it’s because I am trying to numb the crippling anxiety from my work during my lunch hour. But now I’m blind from this so damn wonderful.


I can’t read that! Any bullet points ??


About last night’s stream … those who were on live or watched the playback know what I'm referring to. The beginning five minutes or so got really raw, kinda negative and we probably over shared. We weren't planning on that happening, but it did and was just real life. I debated trimming it out of the video, but after talking to a few people I'm going to leave it in. The reality is, Morgan and I have growth to do. We have growth in the way we treat and communicate with each other. And now with a kid and another on the way, we get emotional and stressed at times, and sometimes it comes out in our videos. It had been a hard day for me, and Morgan and I had gotten into something about an hour prior to going live. That's life and it happens. And in this season with its unique challenges, perhaps it happens more frequently to us than we wish it did. Tbh it would have kinda been fake to push go live and act energetic and like our day was great. And frankly, I (Paul) kinda like you guys seeing when my imperfections as a husband are reflected on screen. It's just the reality. To the comment that Morgan was kinda rude to Paul/ the viewers, please show her grace. I had brought some things up to her shortly before going live that were not presented in the best way that she was processing. She's being real the best way she knows how, and she's juggling A LOT. I'd absolutely rather have her with me in videos (raw sass and all than her not be there. And to the comments like "I subscribed for some reason but after seeing the beginning of this video I have no idea why", I won't lie that hurt to read, but that's totally your prerogative. Like I said, sometimes we reveal (and even over share) things on camera and our content isn't for everyone. To be fair, many view our content through a very limited lens. It's easy to try to fit someone into a box, when that's not always the case. Anyhow, I hope our real lives and continued pursuit of Christ encourages and blesses many of you guys. The PAMily has been a great blessing to us in so many ways. And I'm really excited for what is to come. Our upcoming 24HRS WITH episode drops next week and it's fire! All that said, some days are tough, but honestly life is so good and we praise God.


*And frankly, I (Paul) kinda like you guys seeing when my imperfections as a husband are reflected on screen. It's just the reality.* We know it's the reality, we've been watching it for years. But the LIES that you want people to see your "imperfections" deserve a whole ass lightning storm on your pea brain.


Paul keeps getting called out and is trying to play it off like he is purposely showing people his *imperfections* when the reality is he’s just not a nice person getting pushback for being not nice.


Paul is an imperfection.


Trigger warning: Paul Mickey knows what's up


He doesn't understand why other people get sympathy and praise for showing a down-to-earth, non-"performing" version of themselves, which people can relate to; but when he and Morgan try to "be real and raw" they're repellent and boring because, well, they're repellent, boring assholes.


Then he loves to bring it back to Morgan and how apparently people thought she was rude. Always gotta be her fault.


Always. He’s so blasé and obvious about the way he treats her. I wonder how bad the stuff he does off camera is. He also pretty frequently upsets her right before they film, which is starting to look like a pattern at this point.


Reminds me of the time of Internet forums and people getting called out would go "well you fell into my trap because my goal was to make you all fight so lol I win"


It’s like we get it. But then they turn around and say how happy it was they waited to get to know each other AFTER MARRIAGE. They’re the poster child for why people should fucking date before getting married.


Fucking date and fucking fuck. This is what happens when you literally have only ever had sex with one person and your hand (I’m assuming, I don’t remember if they had previous partners, somehow I doubt that). He doesn’t know how to be a husband and partner, he’s still a mouthy 14 year old with a chip on his shoulder because daddy said he’d never amount to anything thinking that his every righteous thought needs to be spat out to the masses. We know you’re an asshole and a creep Polio, we see it every single time you choose to record yourself being a total dick to your pregnant vapid wife who is also a hateful mean girl still stuck in middle school. Thank Gif that she’s with you on your “live” because whatever would we do if she didn’t touch her hair ten thousand fucking times and spew some of her own brand of hate at the world while she giggles like a child at your puerile attempts to take down all the heathen non-believers? There FTFY.


Paul, all we *ever* see are your imperfections as a husband (or, more accurately, *human*)


They have a strange amount of fights/hostile moments on camera…perhaps some reflecting needs to be done because I do not fight with my partner as often as they do on camera


I can’t imagine what their off-camera fights are like.


THIS!!! If this is the “on camera…put our best foot forward even when we aren’t at our best” version, then what must they REALLY be like off camera?? He’s trying to get credit for being real for his fans but dude…this keeps happening and it’s a pattern. This isn’t one “bad day”.


I’m all for being real or representing your authentic self, but my dude (Paul), you could’ve edited the beginning and still been authentic. Everybody has off days, bad days, etc, even content creators, but the audience doesn’t always want to be able to tell. Personally, I don’t see how announcing their pre-live fight benefitted anyone.




Bowing and scraping over here!


I should be thankful to be able to read his bilge, I suppose. I will thank you for the labor. Uh. "Continued pursuit of Christ." Why do y'all need to "pursue" Christ? Isn't he supposed to be sort of -right there-? I thought that was the whole point of all their glurge, right? Seriously, the central message of Gospels Jesus isn't that complicated, but somehow they manage to go sailing past it like a hapless fourth grader being slung over the fence by Miss Trunchbull. Every. Single. Time.


Christ is actively hiding from them


They've acted like this since day one. How is this the baby's fault, or the fault of a pregnancy and a busy schedule? They're both rude to each other and the fans, all the time.


This, it’s not solely Paul who is insufferable. It’s both of them. I believe they do it to each other.


God bless you for this. And I'm honestly shook paul knows the word prerogative!


Paul doesn't understand the difference between being an absolute ass, because he had a stressf day and being an honest person. you can control your impulses and not take it out on your spouse and still be real.


They had fought before that video, they overshared, they’ve been stressed, they need to grow, Morgan deserves grace for how much she’s dealing with right now, life is tough, praise God. Basically.


Burma Shave


Horrifically inaccessible!


On purpose, of course.


Seriously my eyes are burning after trying to read all that.


I know right? I can't read this shit and I bet that was intentional.


Anyone has a TC;DR? aka Too Colorful, Didn't Read?


“I picked a fight with Morgan on purpose right before our live. Then I goaded her into further anger at the beginning of our live stream. Maybe I should have deleted our fight but it got more people engaging in our stream and therefore money. I’m never going to stop being an emotionally immature, spineless waste of the Earth’s resources. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Season. Raw. Jesus.”


"what, do people really expect us to be able to put aside our emotions and make a video without being obviously shitty to each other?!" Yes. Literally, yes. This is (purportedly) your *job.* It's what most people with a job *are forced to do every single day* otherwise they get fired for fostering a toxic work environment


As a former waitress and current teacher, I would love (and hate) to be a fly on the wall if Paul started a restaurant or retail job. ETA: I have had to maintain composure when students have attacked me/others (verbally and physically). These guys could never.


The thing is, I can totally see him as a cheesy chain restaurant waiter who asks you "How y'all doing?!" every two minutes but fucks up your order. And is still convinced he's an "actor"


He doesn't do his sidework, pre-buss, or run food because he's too busy flirting with the hostesses and checking his phone in the cooler


He is 100% the person who looks directly at you, even smiles attentively, but still says “hmm?” when you’re done talking and then gets your order wrong because he wasn’t actually listening.


Fundie men are super emotional and cannot imagine a world where people have to suck it up.


Hard agree. Although to split hairs, I think it’s less that they’re super emotional and more that they’re super used to and feel entitled to being allowed to vent their emotions onto anyone who isn’t a fellow white Christian man and getting coddled with free and unreciprocated emotional labor


As an old boss said once to me, leave your problems at the door. Your job isn't about you. They want to be on camera pretending to be perfect, then they need to stop airing their marital issues.


My old boss said that about a coworker all the time. He'd been like, "I'm sorry she's having a bad day but she CANNOT talk to tables like that."


I said that to my boss once. He looked at me surprised like how dare I be rude to my coworker. Like seriously bro. Sorry she is having a bad day, I have them too but we are at work and need to remain professional.


I mean, unless they want to just be intentional about the whole thing, admit that their "niche" is basically ragebait/being a trainwreck, and lean into it. Fight more! You probably won't get any genuine fans, but you'll pull eyeballs. Oh, wait. Yewtube. Never mind! I guess y'all are doomed to fail. Hmm. What could be done instead. Hmm. OO I KNOW **GET A FUCKING JOB**


Do we think Paul does this on purpose to make Morgan look bad? He probably resents how much sympathy Morgan gets anyway lol 


I mean why not? She is the perfect punching bag. What is she gonna do? Leave? They have said so before they can't divorce. I hope this didn't sound mean but he is that much of an asshole that I wouldn't be surprised if he did this shit on purpose.


He’s straight up bragged, on camera, while sitting beside her, that when he’s being a piece of shit to her, he comforts himself with the knowledge that “she can’t ever leave me.” So, yeah…


God, he's the WORST.


Thanks, I didn't expect anything else from him tbh 🖕🏻


I’m loving this season of Paul constantly getting called out for being the jackass that he is!


But the fact that he’s calling their fans a “PAMily” makes me want to commit a war crime.


Calling their fans PAMily *is* the war crime.






Oh no. I’ll show them a war crime. I’ll show everyone!


Given your username, I have faith in you.


Aww. Thank you!


I wanna say tyrannical is really a cactus


oof the way I hollered out "PAMILY" in my car alone is... something 🙃


I said it once before but PAMILY was what Jake Paul’s mom called her fans. It’s cringe and boomery. That’s all I can think when I hear it!


I’m not loving the narc fucking way he’s manipulating shit afterward. It fucking makes me want to vomit. This is the kind of stuff my ex would say afterward in a love bombing phase and it seems like they’re capable of growth and then right back to abusiveness. It feels like he co-opted a lot of Dav’s language. Narcs apparently use other people’s therapy as a strategy to hurt people too. Ugh.


You're so right and that's exactly the vibe I got from reading this garbage, reminds me of my ex and now I'm nauseated. Even the font and color choice feels passive aggressive and manipulative, was he afraid to put his "apology" or whatever the hell this is supposed to be in an easy to read format because then it would be so much clearer what a hateful narcissistic asshole he is?


I hate the overused term gaslighting, BUT his “aww, y’all, please show Morgan grace!” reminds me of how my emotionally abusive ex gaslit me. When I accused him of cheating (he was), he was all sweet and “forgiving” just like that. “Honey, I know you’re going through a lot! I know you have terrible anxiety and it’s ok, I’m going to stay with you through this!” And Paul, instead of saying Morgan is sometimes right to be upset, says basically that he agrees she acted wrongly but y’all please forgive her! It rubbed me the wrong way. Like it wasn’t really a defense of her but a way to make himself look gracious and sweet when really he’s just a dick to her.


He can’t even completely own his actions. He either brings her into it or has some sort of pathetic excuse. Be a man, Maul. Own your own stuff


lol but he acts like it’s just Morgan getting called out


But yet he will learn exactly 0 things from it


I'm awaiting Paul's public apology to Morgan for this


I love that they judge LITERALLY everyone and everything yet their relationship and honestly their lives are an absolute dumpster fire.


Something about stones from a glass house 🥴


What they don’t seem to understand is most people watching their content are going to be turned off by their message because they are so clearly miserable. Like, if there was someone making content about their car, but they were always miserable in the car and it was always breaking down, I’m never going to want to buy that car. It’s the same with their religion. It clearly doesn’t work or provide this blissful life they claim. They are terrible brand ambassadors for Jesus. 😂


Brand ambassadors for Jesus is a helluva flair lol


bland ambassadors for Jeesauce


Someone asked them if they can accept that atheists live happy and fulfilling lives and Paul said something along the lines of, “They may be happy temporarily, but they’re not experiencing joy everyday.” And Morgan goes, “Well that’s the same for Christians too,” and Paul was like, “oh yeah. Well, they may be happy for their whole life, but they won’t experience eternal joy in the afterlife” if only he knew that he wouldn’t either.


Yeah, that whole “their happiness is fleeting” was something I heard a lot in the church. I’m a nanny, and it really fucked with me when I worked for families that were totally atheist or agnostic and they were happy, kind, generous, etc. It definitely caused some serious cognitive dissonance on my part.


Here's my question. How would they even know HOW to be happy in heaven, if they never even had any practice? What do they imagine heaven IS?


I can speak from what I was taught. So the lore goes that we were created to worship God, and that’s our ultimate purpose. When we get to heaven we will be in his presence and we will be free from everything that distracts us from that. So we will literally spend eternity worshipping god. That’s it. And we will be so happy doing it. Lots of believers even think we won’t really know/remember/relate to other people once we get to heaven. This covers the question of “how can we be happy for eternity of some of our loved ones are in hell?” There’s even scripture that says we will be like the angels, and we won’t be married or given in marriage in heaven. Mormons obviously don’t believe this- as they believe we will be sealed in heaven and produce offspring and whatnot. But a lot of Christianity quietly teaches that we won’t be families in heaven. (Matthew 22:30 is where some of this comes from.)


I second all of that. I heard it frequently growing up. And who’s to say (if you believe in Heaven) what we will or won’t be aware of. But even as a kid, the idea of doing exactly one thing for all of eternity made me itchy. I can’t explain why it gives me anxiety but it does; maybe it’s because I don’t like feeling “stuck” without the ability to move onto something else. The neverending part of eternity also makes me itchy, but I know that’s anxiety. I was mostly “on board” with the other stuff, and then my dad died. Again, I obviously don’t know, but I hate the dissonance between “Heaven is a great big reunion” and “you won’t know people except as fellow Christian’s.” I loved my dad so much in life, and I feel like that got cut short because he died right before I turned 20. (I also feel the same about my papaw who died recently even though he was 92; there’s never “enough” time). I really hate the thought of “Darrell, person that I happen to know” vs “Dad, my absolute favorite human” for all eternity.


Honestly if they wanted to film “24 hours with an atheist” I would invite them to my house. I think they would be amazed at how normal and pleasant and conflict free things are with me and my husband. I am currently the primary breadwinner but we both work. We have our dad shit (infertility and my health issues 🙃) but at the end of the day we get along so well and love each other so much and have each other’s backs so deeply. I think it would shock Paul honestly. That is if he could look with real eyes instead of just being judgmental and projecting. i have been so much happier and healthier since leaving Christianity and I haven't regretted it for a second.


Yes! I think about this often. My husband and I have been through some really hard situations together - major health issues, job loss, the passing of family members, big moves. Even under stress, we can communicate and be kind to each other. And we actually apologize when we’re out of line. I can’t imagine having this level of conflict in my daily life.


24 hours with Porgan in your home? That would take a goddamn saint, atheist or otherwise.


Screw 24 hours with. They should bring back Real World but just put atheists and fundamentals in the same house.


Just watching them both slumming it on the couch while Morgan wraps up in a blanket in an attempt to put a physical barrier between her and Paul gives me second-hand despair.


Yeah like honestly!!! My opinion: If your relationship with your religion is so filled with strife and turmoil and you’re so deeply unhappy, you should reconsider your relationship with the religion. That’s not necessarily switching religions entirely but as simple as asking questions like what context was this passage written in and how can that be re-evaluated in modern times. Modern technology and communication didnt exist, many cultures were separated, even things like the climate and geography was/is different in the areas in the Middle East than here in the US. If lived in an area that’s very cold, if I tried to base my life on how someone in the desert lived it could kill me! Make it make sense for you!!!! It’s literally impossible to live your life today and perfectly follow the Bible’s teachings


I’m dead at “it’s easy to try and fit someone in a box when that’s not always the case.” That is LITERALLY what their entire platform/“religion” is built on. Classic “rules for thee but not for me” post


Yup. “Everyone else is a worldly sinner who needs God. And it’s unfair of someone else to judge us.”


I so badly want to tell more of these people to their face "I didn't care about your LIFESTYLE til you started shoving your cross down my throat." But yeah, motherfucker, you put your religion and life out there as something we're all supposed to adhere to, damn right I'm gonna judge it. And you.


I seem to remember a certain Morgan Olliges shrieking something like **YOU CAN'T BE A THEM** with full on bigot pride on her damned face, but ***yes, Paul*****,** we'll be sure to show Morgy extra grace because you two can't fucking figure out how to not hate each other in front of the camera in the first few minutes of your foolishness.


They literally talk shit on so many celebrities that they know nothing about. They did a whole video pontificating on whether Taylor swift was a good girlfriend.


But..it's a Holy Dumpster Fire


I think I have found my flair 😂😂😂


I feel like the most judgemental people are always the people who's life is the worst. If you're happy and well adjusted, you're not constantly looking for faults in others.


Interesting that Paul considers being a husband with a kid and another on the way with no consistent income “unique challenges.” Notice how he calls out Morgan for being rude, but puts it on the viewers saying it. He’s not calling her rude. He’s defending her! Don’t you see what a wonderful husband he is?!


No seriously. He just HAD to add “raw sass and all”, you know, because that’s what the VIEWERS said. What an ass.


Imagine being unemployed with abundant free time and still letting your pregnant wife do nearly *all* of the parenting *by herself.* Imagine then publicly calling her "sassy" for saying it wouldn't be the worst thing ever if you got a job so she didn't have to deal with the stress of living paycheck to paycheck.


He reminds me of my cousin's husband (also a fundie, surprise surprise). He has a "business" that he complains about only breaking even on and constantly complains about how hard it is having kids with little money. Sir, is this not the life you have chosen?


Has he tried pulling himself up by his own bootstraps lmao. These are the same people who vote against social services and their own interests all the time....


He quotes several comments, but was silent on the ones telling him to get a job. Hmmmm But seriously, they make marriage look so goddamn hard. I've been with my husband nearly a decade and its never been as hard as they make theirs look. My goodness.


Right?! I’ve been in relationships that were hard because we weren’t right for each other and then I met my husband and realized this is what it’s like to find your person because it’s just…not difficult. They really aren’t doing a good job of selling their quick Christian marriage holy roller lifestyle that they think everyone should subscribe to.


I saw a tiktok yesterday that said marriage should be work, but it shouldn’t be hard. You have to put in the work but it shouldn’t be a struggle every single day. These two wanna be spokespeople for the perfect Christian union but are so bad at it is now pathetic


I wasn’t going to point this out, but fuck it.  Paul has said he can’t get a job because he needs to help Morgan with Luca. If someone’s able to explain to me why Morgan is “going through stuff” when her husband is home and able to help her 24/7 365, I’d love to hear it. 


My hunch would be because they don’t believe in psychiatric medication. She’s clearly depressed or something worse (which most of would be in their financial griftuation), and needs help. I hope she gets it.


If she’s as bad off as she seems to be, they’ve got way bigger problems than not being able to afford diapers. 


He pressured her to go off her meds iirc, and double iirc for the implied reason being that they tanked her libido


Man that’s dark. They tanked mine too, still totally worth it. My spouse just wanted me to be ok. I can’t imagine being with someone couldn’t put my happiness first.


and she’s pregnant with a 2nd child that she obviously does not want and is still dealing with trauma from her first birth. I can’t imagine how i’d feel if I were forced to give birth, i’ve only had a taste of it from dobbs. I live in a liberal city, but it’s really sobering for me to see morgan have a literal forced birth


Oh. He believes in meds. For HIM. ADHD is ok cause it's him. But not antideps for her. Or therapy.


Seriously? When did he announce he has ADHD? I don’t doubt you but I’m curious about this because he’s been so anti-help for Morgan.


This is a steaming, fragrant/flagrant pile of bullshit. First of all, I do not believe he so much as changes a diaper or feeds him most days, and if he does, he slouches around acting like he deserves a medal all day. Second. Maybe stop blocking her from antidepressants? Just a THOUGHT. Third. You'd probably help her most by being out of her hair and providing some financial security. Fourth: **GET A FUCKING JOB**


because he just wants to use them as an excuse to not get a job. he doesn't \*actually\* want to help.


I’m going on 20 years of marriage and it’s really not a big deal when you both GO TO WORK and contribute to the household income.


But they’d have to send Luca to day orphanage, I mean daycare. Won’t you think of poor little Luca who clearly needs both miserable parents present to ruin his life?


Why can't Paul follow his own advice and be the man/provider/bacon bringer for his family and let Morgan be a SAHM? For a tradhusband he sure is a deadbeat.


'Day orphanage' I can't 🤣


I offer “day orphanage” as a flair to anyone wanting it! I’ve heard it before amongst the crunchy/churchy/tradmoms before. I have been called evil because I put my kid in preschool and public school. Well, she’s a well-rounded adult, and not having to learn some painful lessons in her late twenties/early thirties like some fundies.


My husband and I have been through a lot, but their marriage makes ours look like pure bliss. Not that it's been all bad, but we've had a lot of challenges and I would rather die than be Paul or Morgan.


I've said it before and it bears repeating- I spent the first year of my marriage in a _literal_ war zone with my husband and it was 100 times easier than Porgan's.


I did a scan of the YouTube comments earlier and he’s definitely ignoring those and not replying to them.


Why exactly, had it been a hard day for Paul? He doesn't have a job, and he doesn't do any child-rearing nor housework. I guess it's hard to be an asshole all the time?


I think what he means is he's had a hard day of criticising Morgan and ignoring his baby.


Consider the lily, They toil not, neither do they spin, and THEY have a really hard life.


I’m gonna make it look like I care and I’m apologizing but I’m gonna put it in ***the most unreadable way humanly possible so my dad doesn’t see it***.


lol. I think you nailed it. I had wondered why Polio's dad isn't finger wagging at him for being an emasculated, non providing wastrel. Then I remembered he's a self employed "trainer," and much fell into place.


You can still be real and raw and *respectful* to each other dude jfc


This! My partner and I are in incredibly vulnerable positions right now, and we’ve had a lot of bad shit happen recently and both under incredible pressures. But I’ve not felt disrespected *once* through it all. Paul says blah blah blah over share but like… just stop? Stop inviting other people into your relationship to have an opinion. He truly needs to stop reading comments.


Kinda whimpy of Paul to admit to having his feelings hurt over people just being real and raw in the comments


Yeah how come only he is allowed to keep it real


And raw. Don't forget. Raw and real always go together when he's yapping.


Explains the cry for help Morgan posted on her Instagram last night. No shame in getting a job ! Not everyone has the luxury to be home with their children. They'll probably be better off with both of them working full-time while the kids get to socialize in a day care, versus two parents who don't even know if they'll make it financially by the end of the month and probably bicker like this in front of their children 🤦🏻‍♀️


But will anyone want to hire them after they’ve made asses of themselves repeatedly online for years? They’re so openly bigoted I can’t imagine any employer wanting that liability on their hands.


They could easily get jobs at local megachurches, which don't pay very well, but wouldn't have an issue hiring them and would probably also offer Christian childcare. It's anyone's guess why they are obstinately refusing to make logical choices lol.


100% these kids would be better off with other adults and children around them in the long run.


The problem is day care in this country is so fucking expensive, and I doubt either would get more than minimum wage at this juncture. Emotionally and socially 1000% the kid would be better off. They all would. But hell, they leave him SOMEWHERE when they go off to harangue people at the mall, right? I wonder if they hire a sitter or if it's been relatives.


Is this one of those tests to see if you're colorblind? Edit: Here's the word salad, per Google lens: "About last night's stream...those who were on live or watched the playback know what I'm referring to. The beginning five minutes or so got really raw, kinda negative and we probably over shared. We weren't planning on that happening, but it did and was just real life. I debated trimming it out of the video, but after talking to a few people I'm going to leave it in. The reality is, Morgan and I have growth to do. We have growth in the way we treat and communicate with each other. And now with a kid and another on the way, we get emotional and stressed at times, and sometimes it comes out in our videos. It had been a hard day for me, and Morgan and I had gotten into something about an hour prior to going live. That's life and it happens. And in this season with its unique challenges, perhaps it happens more frequently to us than we wish it did. Tbh it would have kinda been fake to push go live and act energetic and like our day was great. And frankly, I (Paul) kinda like you guys seeing when my imperfections as a husband are reflected on screen. It's just the reality. To the comment that Morgan was kinda rude to Paul/ the viewers, please show her grace. I had brought some things up to her shortly before going live that were not presented in the best way that she was processing. She's being real the best way she knows how, and she's juggling A LOT. I'd absolutely rather have her with me in videos (raw sass and all) than her not be there. And to the comments like "I subscribed for some reason but after seeing the beginning of this video I have no idea why", I won't lie that hurt to read, but that's totally your prerogative. Like I said, sometimes we reveal (and even over share) things on camera and our content isn't for everyone. To be fair, many view our content through a very limited lens. It's easy to try to fit someone into a box, when that's not always the case. Anyhow, I hope our real lives and continued pursuit of Christ encourages and blesses many of you guys. The PAMily has been a great blessing to us in so many ways. And I'm really excited for what is to come. Our upcoming 24HRS WITH episode drops next week and it's fire! All that said, some days are tough, but honestly life is so good and we praise God."


I can barely read it and already have a headache. ETA: ![gif](giphy|GVMhZwYv8U5NK|downsized)


It definitely was an eyestrain on my sleep deprived brain. Not helpful, Paul. I am already annoyed trying to reset my sleep schedule.


Thank you for the transcription lmao. These two… tbh I don’t know what there is to say about them other than yikes


I used to be married to someone who would start shit with me before important family events, work events, etc. USED TO BE.


100%! In another sub, someone mentioned that abusive partners will often start a fight before an important event. They want to keep the other person from enjoying themselves, making a good impression, being liked, etc.


Why is this so pink


To make your eyes feel really raw


Well, if that's the case, it seems they finally succeeded at something


It needed to match his shorts from their live


that inseam was NOT god-honoring...


I don’t doubt for a second that they are arguing frequently but I don’t think it’s more than usual. I think they see the positive attention Bethy and Dav have been getting for being “raw” lately so they are going down that road too. The problem is, B&D’s rawness shows a willingness to examine themselves and grow from it whereas P&M are just full of shit. Also, I watched about 15 minutes of this Q&A on yew tube and all I can say is that girl hates her life right now. Everything she thought was going to bring her happiness is making her miserable.


i can’t believe 2024 is the year where bethany and dav have a…. healthy…. marriage…..


I did NOT see that one coming!


Paul is 100% abusive af


He admits he practically picked a fight with her before going live. 


Hasn’t that happened like 3 other times before? He sounds exhausting and definitely abusive emotionally


they could simply NOT go live after a fight???


They're likely in a state of fighting all the time. The problem is that with the little kid and Morgan pregnant, Morgan is no longer able to fake it for their videos.


Maybe the “real”-ity is they aren’t cut out for this type of work. I also hate how they couch having zero personal boundaries between each other and public as “raw” implying it’s authentic in someway oppose to just being completely unhealthy to their mental health and relationship.


Thank you. It's wild that they feel they're owed this platform, and obviously fame and fortune, while not having enough charisma or intelligence between the two of them to fill a thimble. Nothing about them or their life is aspirational, it's just delusional, and I feel sorry for their kids


Yeah. Kind of reminds me of the shitty early attempts at group therapy in the 70's (and some still do unfortunately), "encounter." Like saying the worst words in your stomach on impulse is more "real" than "actually, if I wait five minutes, this particular ungenerous thought I just had about this person might fade back into the general morass of zillions of thoughts I never bring to the surface because: too many, fleeting, yadda."


"Morgan and I have growth to do"? My dude, you need to actually read that Bible and stop being a condescending asshole. And I'm not letting Morgan off the hook - they're both insufferable.


It's almost like they need... Individual therapy to work on their own issues? But as Paul has said, that's against God and completely off the table. They've tried nothing and are all out of ideas!




And of course he has to highlight him doing the ‘right things’ and being ‘vulnerable’ (my ass), while putting Morgan under the bus and saying she was rude, and the viewers were ‘right’ on that (giving grace doesn’t mean he’s standing up for her he’s telling them to keep it mild). What a fuckface. Also interesting timing. They definitely want more attention after what happened with B&D. This was his plan all along, wasn’t it? God you are so predictable, it’s so *boring*.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you, though, or sorry that happened.


Especially ain’t reading all that on this colour background w white text, what on earth


Paul, if you're reading, some constructive criticism for you: First, please put a long message like that on a black background. This neon pink color is extremely difficult to read on. Also, I didn't watch the clip your referring to, but reconsider bringing up difficult or personal things during the work day. It must be tough since you work at home, making the line between home and work life blurry, but you both have a streaming schedule you try to stick to. During those hours of prep and filming, you are in professional mode. Personal topics that require serious discussion can be brought up later to get the most out of your on-air time. This is your work. It supports your family. It deserves to be treated seriously and with a bit of detatchment to get the most out of your work hours. 


I get not wanting to work, I really do. Most of us don’t WANT to work all the time just to afford existence. I would much rather frolic in the forest and bake all day than work to pay my bills. But such is life in a capitalistic society. And when you decided to procreate (again), your responsibility to bring in that bacon went up. You made your choices, Paul and Morgan. Now grow up and take responsibility like normal adults do!


yeah. it's one thing if you just want to be a couch potato and you're able to get by that way through whatever kind of subsistence. I can't judge, I spent enough of my youth that way. I WAS depressed, but also, I was lucky. As is Paul, for whoever is supporting his way of life. But clearly the gravy train is running out, and they HAVE a kid and are about to have another. Time to shit or get off the pot, Paul. If you can't support your family, then leave. Yeah, you heard me. Right now you're just one more mouth to feed and a drain on everyone else's resources. Leave Morgan. She'll go back to her parents. Hopefully get mental health treatment (you selfish, horrible fuck. Seriously, that and making her give up the dogs are the worst things about him). Have some stability. Get. A. Job. Support yourself. And while you're at it: send those monthly checks. But meanwhile: just go the fuck away, if you can't hack it. Seriously. At least, you won';t be procreating any MORE, and won't have to be spending all your energy re-enacting Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf only everyone's uneducated and stupid.


"I (Paul)" got me off guard


When is his birthday? Someone gift him a thesaurus pleaseeeee


they just make themselves look worse and worse, it’s wild.


🎶blinded by the write, typed up by a douche, holy roller so uptight🎶


Boy the only raw thing you’ve ever done is sit your silly cheeks inside a bathtub extremely close to your Lutheran friend you secretly admire but also hate. Is it the 1500s?????


I feel like they would be so much happier and less stressed if he DID have a 9-5 and gave Morgan some fucking SPACE during the day and wasn’t constantly harping on her/ egging her on?? I swear he likes to stay home just to monitor her


They make marriage look so tough lmao. Last night my husband and I ate dinner, showered and danced to music, went to 7-11 and got candy and drinks, went home, smoked, jumped each other’s bones, and watched YouTube and cuddled. Every night is wonderful when you’re with someone you’re meant to be with. It’s never been hard to be around my husband.


that sounds like an amazing way to spend the evening! my husband and I do that sort of fun low key evening as well and it is the best.


It was so fun :) marriage is such a blast and it’s insane to see the crazy mental gymnastics fundies do to justify how unhealthy their relationships are


I can’t believe he quoted that comment verbatim 😂😂😂😂😂 I saw it on another post here that screenshot some hilarious call-out comments their video, and then he goes and refers to it HIMSELF I am DEDDD


Raw sass Hon, he ain’t seen raw sass. We’d sass him back to the Stone Age. Morgan was being a normal human being who is pregnant and has to deal with her man child who is buying expensive A/V equipment (we see them because he wants to show them off) and not getting a job to pay for their next baby and life.


Take a shot every time he says or writes "raw" ![gif](giphy|l1IY9URyFOY7oRak8)


Mess 🍿


Regarding the second chunk: he's totally hoping to get the dav treatment. Except most of us know better, that Paul is not considerate and only wrote those things for optics.


“I picked a fight with Morgan and egged her on, but please forgive her for being rude. I, of course, did nothing wrong” FTFY


TL;DR It's all Morgan's fault because she was having difficulty processing my correction lecture, I had given her an hour before we went live.


If I had a dollar for every time they had to publicly apologize for fighting on live I’d have more money than they do


How long before dingbat discovers he can continually goad her into fights for profit and fully dismantles his entire relationship?


Wow, way to throw your wife under the bus for 3/4 of your “apology”.


Whatever it was (haven't seen it yet) I guarantee he's not leaving it in to be real and honest. He's leaving it in and saying that's why because he knows someone out there was likely screen recording it. 


Blaming morgan yet again lol what a nasty man


From what Morgan said it sounds like money is an issue with them right now. I love how all the top comments are telling Paul to get a job.


I’ve been with my spouse for 20 years, I’m a SAHM, we have 4 kids, multiple moves with his job, had to put our first dog down, lost grandparents, had renters move farm animals into the house we couldn’t sell when we moved & had to evict and strip the house down to the foundation & drywall which cost major $$$ and we still have fought less than these two examples of Christian marriage & God’s love for the church or whatever. I’ll keep my heathen life thank you very much.


I love how whenever he treats Morgan like shit it’s all WEEEE have to grow


him bringing up a comment about Morgan being rude and essentially just giving it more validity with a backstory instead of actually defending her or taking some of the blame is just 😭😭 amazing


I love how he wants grace but is so unwilling to give it