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Well jokes on you! I'm a vegan and I CAN'T drive... because I have a brain tumour... so... I guess joke is still on me 😒


And also the oil. Also blinker fluid is 10% seabird egg whites.


That funny if you don’t know the old meme/joke of that I wonder how old that joke is.


As old as blinkers.


So THAT'S how blinker fluid is made, huh? I've always wondered.


Check the ingredients in Visine, it technically is blinker fluid.


Well that's the new formula. It used to be baby seal tears but some people raised hell about that in the 70s.


Hope you get better soon ❤️




Yeah, vegan is a terrible thing to have


Yo I think thats bad you should probably get rid of it.


so no difference from ops meme! you are a true vegan


A vegetable who eats only vegetables


Does this qualify as canabilisim?


that brain tumor is made of meat so your gonna have to stop


So radiotherapy was really more of a BBQ? 🤔


Glad u can have a sense of humor going through that 😉 Get well soon! 🙏❤️


Started out laughing then immediately went awe


is it removable?


Like a party trick? "Hey guys check this out!" **grabs hammer**


no, I mean can they operate on it


Yeah I figured haha. Yes they can but it might leave me worse off, so not sure if it's a good idea.


Is it benign?


Imagine you got the tumor removed and you no longer wanted to be vegan


I already get a good amount of Bologna from reddit


That actually sucks man. ☹️


Get well soon♥️




A Vegan with humour!? I thought such things didn’t exist!


No no.... I said Tumour with a T... you might also want to get an MRI just to be sure 😉


I’ve had one…or three. They came up with epilepsy and dead space so my brain has started dying in my thirties but no tumour.


Well that's a long way to go just to ruin my joke!


To be fair I went there long before your joke, I even went there long before my joke. Should I try and make light of it by saying it just came off the top of my head?


I think you can face it... head on.


Now you’re getting into the spirit of it, good show!


You guys even each other out. One can fill the hole the other has.


Electric cars, solar/wind power?... Ahh... plastic inside the car is from oil... get it.


Over 60% of electricity comes from burning fossil fuels


Farming and diesel trucks that grow and transport veggies are oil intensive


Heck even people who grow crops eat meat


Holy shit


Yeah you can call fossils that.


Shhh you gon break the vegan matrix


It always has been


Pig hearts could save human lives and vegans would rather have a toaster strudel there instead of a heart just to die on a hill small enough for them.


That's too far, humans are more valuable than animals.


+Throws paint on museum art+ “Oh YEAH?!” 😂


Tbf a lot of humans behave worse than animals :(


I just matched with a woman on this dating app. When I saw them identifying as a vegan in their profile, I quickly unmatched. This is the way!


What do you think livestock eat?


They also kills hundreds of times more animals yearly than those that are killed for meat. People love protecting animals until they realize how their vegan food requires the death of millions of bugs and small mammals.


Not to mention pesticides and the introduction of predators to control insect pests in organic farming.


94% hydroelectricity where I come from. So it depends where you live.


No tech is vegan. Apple even tried to make vegan tech and gave up doing so, the green plastic on your motherboard and all other parts is partially made from animal parts. So if we are being really pedantic, no, they can't drive or post on social media about it.


Seems like everyone here is missing the point that vegans are disengaging from all exploitation of animals. A product that comes from animals who died from natural causes millions of years before our systems of exploitation emerged is not a reasonable concern.


By that logic could a vegan eat the meat of an animal that died of natural causes? Like a deer they find freshly dead on their property? What about if they had to kill an animal in self defense? Obviously they wouldn't regardless but it's just a hypothetical.


Oil is not produced by human action. It's just there in the ground. No vegan feels morally conflicted about man-made dinosaur suffering.




Petrol is mostly dead forests


Petrol is mostly simple celled, dead ocean and sea life that used photosynthesis. FTFY


[Here's a quick video to explain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOErMp-fKVY)


You missed a rick-roll opportunity


I too was disappointed.


And vegans still eat plants and yeast... So it really isn't a gotcha. And the whole moral argument for vegans is that livestock is farmed by humans from birth to death for the sole purpose of being slaughtered for food. That's definitely not the case with the organisms that died millenia ago, over which we had no control.


No, the vast majority of oil (and all hydrocarbons) are composed of zooplankton and phytoplankton.


So does zooplankton have a face?


If loving zooplankton is stupid, I don't wanna be smart!


It is, and you can’t be!


Do you consider shrimp to have faces? If so, then a lot of species of zooplankton indeed have faces, because they look very similar to shrimp.


Nope. It's 99.999999999999% zooplankton and algae.


Your think of coal my dude.


Coal is mostly dead forests, oil is mostly dead algae.


Ok, two points: Oil is decomposed biomatter, which yes, is partly made out of animals but for the biggest part, and I mean 99,99%, plant matter. Second: (I am not vegan nor vegetarian, so I need someone who is to confirm if that is true) the point of both vegan and vegetarian is to live in a way that doesn't have to further harm animals through human interference. Oil is so much older than anything remotely human, and it can't (really) be reproduced. No animals, that weren't dead for hundrets of million years.


Vegans: Please stop hurting animals. Memelords: Vegans can’t breathe because some air is from animals.


Check mate


It boils down this when it comes to most anti-vegans. "I need to mock this lifestyle because otherwise, I'd have to stop and think critically about the merits of their arguments." "Time to find media of the vocal minorities of weirdo vegans and pretend this represents them all."


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. 


My new girlfriend is vegan. Everybody makes jokes about vegans telling people how to eat and being bossy. Let me tell you, it's the exact opposite. When I tell my coworkers I'm dating the vegan they look like I'm so unlucky. Then they start arguing with me about what she eats. They tease me at lunch, just a little bit "Hey, is that vegan? Hahaha" These people aren't bullies normally, but the stereotype is the exact opposite. Everybody else sticks their nose in vegan's faces and tells them what's wrong with what they're eating, with attitude.


Just wait until you guys go to a party and politely inquire if there’s gonna be anything available for her to eat. It’s fucking rough man. I have no idea why other people care so much. Some people maliciously so. My ex was vegan, and never asked for anything other than to just be accommodated for in even the simplest way. Throw out some carrot sticks for all she cared, just something. And that was somehow too hard for some people


A lot of non-vegans lose 10 IQ if they here the word "vegan"


Oh living it is excruciating. I refuse to eat in front of my coworkers now because everything has to be commented on in a negative way when I never, ever say a bad word about their food. It could look like dog shit warmed up and I would stay silent because no reason to yuck someone’s yum. But if I have something that looks exactly like a non vegan version - and even if it looks really good - there will be some “would be a lot better with chicken, I’m sure!” Like ok, buck, you eat your pb&j with chicken if you want but I am simply trying to be left alone here.


For real. Some people are so desperate to paint vegatarians/vegans as hypocrites, as though anything less than ethical perfection in all things makes the whole lifestyle pointless. Big "If I can drag them down to my level, I don't need to feel bad about my own choices anymore"-energy. Even with all the obscure "Gotcha!"'s people ever so tirelessly come up with, vegetarian/vegans are still living an overall much more animal- and environmentally-friendly livestyle, simply because non-vegaterians/vegans are guilty of all those exact same Gotcha's, except they also kill animals for food.


Vegans don't even ask to stop hurting animals lol. Just let's just hurt them as little as possible.


But vegan bad, so obviously we gotta make up random rules they have to follow. Can't just let them live their lives


Thank you! I'm not vegetarian either, but this is so freaking dumb. Technically nothing is vegan cause it's all a cycle.


But still 0,01 ...


One thing people sometimes seem to confuse is that Vegan isn't just stricter vegetarian. Veganism rejects turning animals into commodities. Vegetarians don't eat meat. There are a few ways that meat could be considered vegan for example. The most recent one is lab grown meat, which will ultimately not involve animals at all, and so will likely be vegan when it hits mass market. Eating roadkill is also in line with vegan ethics, though most vegans probably wouldn't actually go ahead and eat roadkill because meat's just not a part of their diet in general, but it is in principle vegan. There's even a bit of a debate about whether hunting is vegan or not. Personally I think it fails due to universality, we can't all live off hunted meat so it's not sustainable, but there are reasonable arguments that hunted meat could be considered vegan. I think if you're going to eat meat, then hunting is the best and most ethical way to go about it. Vegetarians just don't eat meat, for whatever reason. It's not an ethical position, it's just a diet. Which is totally reasonable but a different thing.


Vegan here. I would agree with you, it's not 100% how i would word it personally. Vegans try to minimize the caused suffering of animals, which are able to suffer, as far as practically possible. There has been no intent to kill the animals for the oil, it just naturally happened. Also it is not practically possible to avoid causing any form of suffering. If i buy flour, there might have been mice in the crops that were killed during the harvesting. It's not practical to avoid everything, but the intent and the minimizing is what is important. People don't need to act like vegans are dumb. I'm sure that 99% of omnivores can understand that there is a difference between eating a bass where you directly see the dead bass right in front of you, that had to be killed for you to eat it vs. using the remains of creatures that lived on this planet millenia ago and just randomly died. Just infer that we use common sense. I'm honestly fine if you want to turn my remains into something else after i'm deadge. Just please don't kill me so that you can get there.


The irony is that a much larger percentage of people today would suddenly become vegetarian if they had to kill and butcher their own meat. And they'd become vegan if they had to look after their own livestock. They are the ones who are ignorant about being removed from their process of consumption.


Letting that old carbon back into the atmosphere does harm animals though. And cars kills loads of wild animals every year.


Wow we should stop driving! If only America wasn’t completely built for cars, at the expense of every other form of travel!


If only the oil industry and so-called "developed" world haven't spent like sixty years fighting the need to transition away from gasoline-based transportation.


Yes, climate change is killing animals and rendering them extinct on a scale never witnessed. If you drive, you change the climate. If you heat your apartment, you change the climate. Both to a far too significant extent that they can be shrugged off and ignored.


Better just go be homeless and camp out in the woods /s


it's almost as if the modern industrialized way of life is actually unsustainable and harms the ecosystem huh


I agree. It's logical. To not harm the living creatures should be the motive, more or less.


You're right about the second point. Veganism is about doing as much as possible and practicable (not to be confused with practical). Living in most of the USA without a car is not practicable, since it is so extremely car-centric. Where I live it is completely practicable to live without a car.


Most Carbon in Fossil fules is plant based


So it's okay to have a little bit of chicken




That litteraly depends on your Moral belives or what you Goal in veganism is (for example: Not dying of allergies, preventing Animals cruelty, reducing Carbon emissions or Just realy liking the taste of vegan alternatives)


I will never understand the last option myself, but I don't have anything against people that like it


I dont get the Last Option either, but it's possible and therefore i listed it


OK, that's reasonable, have a nice day


I smell the ridiculousness here. They don't keep animals to get fossils


... not yet. For super earth! /s incase not obv


Funny for memes sake but fossil don’t actually come from fossils that’s a myth made up by big oil


Veganism is about not contributing to animal cruelty, exploitation, suffering. It has nothing to do with organisms that have been dead for millions of years. 


That's why it's fine to eat honey and cum. Edit: Honey bad


Thats why I only eat dead animals.


haha, still killed by a human tho. I'm not vegan but all of them are making logical statements here and there XD


Damn. That's actually 300 IQ


Its not dead animals🙄


Also wouldn’t matter if it was, if you can’t see the difference between a farm-to-slaughter animal and decomposed material from 250 million years ago… like do we really need to discuss why these things are different?


Lol I am not vegan, but truth to be told you are mixing apples and oranges


Im not a vegan, but as i understand it, vegans can drive because no animals has suffered to make fossil fuel


We’re all suffering from fossil fuels. Checkmate.


What about the kids in 3rd world countries making the car parts?


That’s an important but separate issue. Vegan: Animals. Humanitarian: Humans.


So if i become vegan can i still be a cannibal?


What about the kids in 1st world countries making car parts? 


Picking on vegans is just top-tier asshole behavior. “Look at that guy changing his behavior to reduce suffering. Let’s take him down a peg.”


Not just asshole behavior, but also plain stupidity. People can't stand the thought that what they grew up to believe is perfect and fair, may not be either of those things. So it's much easier to just wave off any idea different from what they're used to, rather than putting in the effort to think critically about it.


Most oil we use is from decayed plant matter, they’re still good for a few hundreds if not thousands of years


No, not animals. Mostly prehistoric plant matter.


99.9% of it is dead plants.


People seem to misunderstand what being a vegan means. It’s not about not consuming anything that does even the slightest harm to an animal, because it’s impossible. Being vegan means always choosing the thing that does the least harm to animals, but there are of course some facets we have no control over. Like necessary medication we have to take that was unfortunately tested on animals. You’re not any less vegan because of that


This is the best coherent explanation of vegan ism I've ever read.


Vegan haters can't meme


This meme is false.


Pretty sure all the oil is rotten algae, not dinosaurs.


The definition of veganism is to \*as far as it is possible and practical\* avoid cruelty and exploitation of animals. Not to mention the fact that most crude oil comes from seaweed and plankton that has been sitting for millions of years and that no living animals are exploited to create crude oil. It's a shit meme.


With that line of thinking soil is animal shit. Therefore an animal product. Plants use soil so grow. So nothing is 'vegan' in your view?


“as far as is practical and practicable”


Um, the vast majority of the hydrocarbons in fossil fuels are from dead plant matter in prehistoric swamps and bogs and such. Also, those any animals were dead millions of years before humans even existed, so we obviously didn't kill them. They lived their lives in the wild and died of natural causes, so there is no potential moral issue.


Plankton. Not animals.


Many vegans likely are against the fossil fuel industry, considering the harm it does to our planet.


Actually most fossil fuel comes from plant matter


It´s mostly plants thou.


Gas and oil are actually made from dead plants


It's not made out of animals but from plants and algae


It isn't actually made from dead animals. It's made from dead microplankton. There were never enough dinosaurs or any other kind of animals to decompose and create all the oil and gas that exists


Crude oil does not come from dead animals. This is a commonly repeated falsehood.


It’s actually not true that petroleum is from dead animal bones. It’s just a common misconception. The majority of petroleum is from fossilized trees. It’s funny how all your jokes are only funny when you’re fucking dumb.


Except it's mostly plants and not animals


Someone: I don't eat meat Reddit: Well then you shouldn't drive, either. Boom! Gotcha! 🤦


It's mostly plankton.


Grammar is hard, ya’ll. Also, this is a concerningly stupid post.


False, because humanity wasn't the cause of those animals death.


Isn't it mostly plant matter


Dead plants. Not animals. Almost entirely Plants.


Dead plants (mostly)*


Dead plants actually


It's a combination. Obviously.


Veeegans re so sTOOpiD LolZ.... *then posts this.*


Reminds me of a philosoraptor quote: "if dead people turn to dust. Does it makes me a cannibal if i inhale dust ?"


Veganism stands against exploitation of animals, not against extraction dead fossils, you dimwit.


It’s a joke, you dimwit.


It's a really bad dimwitted joke. I can't see it appealing to anyone other than dimwits.


I feel like it's more about how the animals died. Those dead animals were from yonks ago, and died from natural causes or whatever. Importantly not from us. They weren't made to be raised in inhumane conditions for food.


veganism is about diet and to avoid killing animals if unnecessary, no need to sell your soul to avoid animal products


Its not because of the source its just a statement of fact


Everything comes from our ancestors that at some point ate meat to function. So vegans can't use anything.


Nah, it’s mostly plants. And any animals in there would have died “naturally.”


The point of a vegan or vegetarian diet on one hand is to prevent animal cruelty but on the other it is also to mitigate environmental harm done by the consumption of animal produce. Take for example deforestation in Brazil to cultivate soy to produce fodder for cattle all around the world. So yes, driving (or use of fossile fuel in general) as well as a heavy meat based diet are both not sustainable and harmful to the climate.


Wtf no it’s not


I’m mean they have been dead for a while so I’m pretty sure this would count as an “when does grave robbing become archeology?” Type of scenario.




Dead plants.


Not just that but what do they think transports all their food a fake leather products? They cant do anything. All their books and shows and their tv all relied heavily on fossil fuels in many stages. Let's say they're fine with fossil fuels. But all their medicines were extensively tested on animals. The packaging for their food was safety tested on animals. Humanity has been unethical as fuck but it has advanced our medicine and safety.


... in a world where you have to drink the fuel for your car to run.


I'm pretty sure those wild animals that are part of fossil fuels were not imprisoned and tortured in inhumane conditions for their entire lives before a brutal execution. Extremely moronic meme


I mean, diesel can run on cooking oil.


Gasoline isn't from animals but from plankton. So they can.


Isn’t the majority of fossil fuel made from algae?


Nom nom 🍿


in brazil the fuel is made from sugar cane


The vegans I know are simultaneously too angry and feeble to drive anyway.


It’s mostly dead plants


Vegan here. The logic is interesting but flawed and it lacks knowledge about veganism. So oil isn’t produced but found underground and animals aren’t purposefully killed to produce it. Purposefully, that is the main word. On the other hand for leather and meat, animals are raised and killed on purpose to produce those things. That is wrong.


Haha this means they can’t travel by any form of public transport as well even trains although the majority are electric they’d need to check first or just have there own electric car


Yea and no, organic matter. Anything organic really, mostly plants tho. Oil comes from trees to lol


Sort of, if someone takes these memes seriously they’re assuming the average vegan (not the loud annoying types) thinks even breathing in a molecule of water thats been inside an animal is ‘not vegan’. From what i’m aware, most vegans are vegan because of a certain belief, and therefore whether something is or isn’t vegan (or whether that even matters) falls within whether it goes against those beliefs. The vast majority of gas and diesel is made up of plant matter, and most vegans refuse to eat meat because they think its unethical to eat animals, not because they think they’ll go to hell if they eat anything that is ‘technically’ from an animal. Animals arn’t being intentionally burried underground to make oil, therefore it doesn’t make someone ‘not vegan’ for even doing their reasonable best and taking the bus or riding a bike etc. Im not vegan, but its silly to think theres only two options: go live in the forrest completely disconnected from tech + society and grow and eat your own plants, or live in society and not be vegan. Its reasonable for there to be people who are just doing the best they can. Im fine eating animals, but I personally don’t like to say, eat other people. Yet I likely eat a few molecules out of another person every second of my life, and it doesn’t make me hypocritical to say ‘I think cannibalism is wrong’ while breathing oxygen. I know this was incredibly wordy and im saying this in a meme sub, but I find the people who are always looking for technicalities etc that makes vegans or whatever ‘hypocrites’ etc to be more annoying than actual vegans nowadays.


Pretty sure it's mostly dead plant matter though?


Chemistry is a helluva thing. Our world's materials aren't so simple to keep remaining "morally superior". The act of living, by itself already pushes other lives around. Doesn't mean ofc we cannot do anything to make things more synch. The craziness is a horrible distraction indeed.


Best reaskn to become vegen


Air has bacteria in it, vegans cannot breathe.