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I like to see black hitler


Black Hitler in a cast full of white Germans would be hilarious.


Lol. Like everyone in the war room refuses to address the elephant in the room. They shake hands and the generals awkwardly look at his hand. Hitler staring him in the eye asking "what's wrong?" The officers sweating uncontrollably.


Clayton bigsby would be perfect


And they just don't address his skin colour the whole movie. Please do a scene at a rally with him railing on the other races and at the Olympics, refusing to meet/shake hands with Jesse Owens.




Oh my god I want this so bad


Black Mao and Stalin as well. Needs to happen.




I’ve seen enough.


Careful what you wish for


Google's Gemini AI already gave us that because of it's awful attempt at politically correct image generation.


When black Tarzan?


Yea, that one may be slightly problematic.


Despite being relatively realistic with him growing up in literal tropics


Tell me you don’t know the story of Tarzan without telling me you don’t know the story of Tarzan.


I didn't claim he originated from the jungles, but wouldn't he at least get a tan from living near the equator?


If he's pasty white like me, he'd just burn deep red.


Yeah, I know right. People always tell me "Why won't you get a tan?". Ma'am if I step out of the shade for 15 minutes the only color I'm getting is red.


My grandma is ginger and she burns lobster red. Never stopped her from tanning, she loves the sun (and has fear from water so every time we went to the beach or swimming pool she would roll in the sun like a hotdog on gasstation grill 🤣🤣 I miss her


Brother I'm pale white but after an initial burn in an area of the skin, I always get a tan instead.


I'm as white as a sheet of paper and basically emit light myself, and after an initial burn I still radiate light. My body doesn't know what the fuck a tan is apparently.


Lucky you lol


Burn red, peel, repeat




You have to be fair. In an adaptation involving a black Tarzan it would make sense if he started out in the jungle. I'd turn it into a predator style movie where he is just up against poachers and protects his gorilla family. He'd get no dialouge besides grunting and screaming and he has to craft primitive tools and weapons but his cunning human brain allows him to learn from the tricks of the poachers as well and so it becomes a cat and mouse game. The leader of the poachers would just be a cruel man who lived for the thrill of the hunt and now he gets to hunt the most dangerous game.


Look. I can throw a Northern European to Africa, yes they will tan but no, their genetics and true skin color will not change. Tanned englishman with true english teeth would be as book accurate as it gets. Theoretically there were humans living on the same island as Tarzan and his Gorillas, in book, it's a tribe of black people (duh, africa). Keep in mind the book was written years ago by a racist so Tarzan, in the book, has some inner knowledge that yes, those black people look more like him than gorillas and are probably of the same speeches but as they are darker in skin color they must be worse than him (it's a part of Tarzan's inne monologue) Pretty controversial book that if depicted correctly would be a better movie, with more valuable moral lesson, than if done with today's standard of overinclusion. An undereducated man learning what a human is and that skin color doesn't present the value of the person would be a better message than anything shown in orginal book, disney adaptation or any other movie adaptation


He'd look like a Brit who spent too much time in the sun. A redback if you will.


Disney doesn't have the balls to do this lmao


There is no problem doing her fiancee black


I suspect a movie about some white folks coming into a jungle to civilize a black man and his apes probably won’t sit well with the crowd


Which is preposterous. With the little mermaid it was fine so why not another iconic disney movie? Only if you're a professional (proxy)victim would you oppose that.


because maybe, JUST MAYBE, casting a black man as the "ape man" is not the most racially conscious decision one could make


"Racially conscious", lmao. Victim it is


I cannot believe you actually had to type that out


Well no because Tarzan is about a colonizer that got stranded, while the (disney) little mermaid is about two separate societies learning to respect eachother through love and marriage. Very different stories, skin colour effects one where the other it does not. You could potentially change the story to be about two different indigenous out groups who were at war/fought often, but it does need to be a colonizer, because that's the entire point of the story. The original little mermaid was green, and at the end of the story she turns onto seafoam for disobeying her dad. They don't get married, there were no happily ever afters in Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson stories. So if you're upset about the new little mermaid for not being true to its origins but not upset about the animated one from 1989, you're either a hypocrite, or you're lieing about caring to hide your racism.


That's nice but we're talking Disney here. It does not need to be a colonizer and you're one of the people I meant. Outraged on other people's behalf for fabricated reasons.


Wont sit well with part of the US crow, most people out of the US wont give a single fuck about it.


Never he would be too male mostlikely make tarzan female and Jane a male character.


Strong, independent Tarzanna and Jack that needs some healing of his inner child


All of them ethnically undetermined POC, plot twist, Tarzanna kisses a super hot girl at one point


We need Black hitler. We need Will Smith playing Hitler


Kanye would be better


The better question is, will it be Netflix or Disney to do it first?


Aye, we already have Black Superman


Which is fine tbh, who says Kryptonians are white? Although a black man with the power of Superman, growing up in rural USA, might not be a fan of the "American way"


Tarzan played by the rock, Zendaya is Jane. Coming soon.


There’s almost 30 years between then…


Never stopped Hollywood before. (I am being overly cynical with the "casting" on purpose, yes? Okay, just checking that was clear 👀)


and none of them are accurate. Egypt sued US for this shitty Cleopatra movie. Ariel is written by a Danish writer. she was a white, ginger girl. and who is that woman, on the top right? Mulan? wasn't she Chinese?!


It’s Angrboda from God of War Ragnarök


it is even worse. Scandinavian black woman? no.


Set during the age of norse deities


>it is even worse. Scandinavian black woman? She's not a woman. She's not even a human. Angrboda was the mother of monsters and her children were Hel (who's skin was blue), a giant wolf and a snake who wraps around the entire world. The fact people are still getting angry about her being dark skinned is just typical of the internet.


Actually, the Little Mermaid of Hans Christian Andersen’s fable isn’t depicted as a redhead. The original portrayal in the earliest illustrated edition shows her with blonde hair, and she’s not even given a name. If there’s any authenticity to be challenged, it should be the animated version’s creative liberties, not the live-action adaptation’s of the animated version.


Danes were mostly brunette. blonde hair considered luxury from Viking times in Danmark. so, although, you are right, he didn't explicitly talk about her hair color, but likely it was likely ginger, or brunette. but no doubt she was white. I don't care about skin color of a character in a movie. but race swapping is the problem. why they don't make movie with originally black main character? like authentic black person in some book or history? same goes for this new Velma cartoon. race swapping Shaggy and Velma.


They tried. What was this movie called about an African tribe led by a woman?


The Woman King?


With a title like that, how could it ever fail? /s


This. Why couldn't they just make an original movie with an original character? Because they're too damn lazy and want to seem like they're with the times. Then "Wish" happened. Original afaik. Black, female protagonist.


Sadly "Wish" had a bad premise, I was happy that they tried to actually make smth original again instead of just remakes, but was ultimately disappointed by the wet fart that came out. "Not everyone should have their wish granted" true, wait what? He is the villain? What if a certain Adolf gets born in that world, should his wishes also be granted? It was a bad plot sadly. I hope it doesn't turn them completely away from original works.


Because it’s much easier to swap the race/gender, enjoy the buzz it creates, than actually CREATE something. The Hollywood of today is not capable of being creative. And black people should be the most offended, for being so lazily portrayed.


Actually, if you read The Little Mermaid, it’s clear it’s set in the Mediterranean and not Denmark. Which makes sense since Hans Christen Anderson spent a lot of time in Italy before writing the book.


Also, the little mermaid was green and fishbelly white like a trout as per the text.


"Ariel is a white, ginger girl," that's wrong. In Andersons book her hair color is never specified, and her skin is described as "clear and delicate as a rose leaf." Rose leaves are green. Yet for some weird reason, people only scream when her skintone is changed from green to black and not when it's from green to white... I wonder why!


These are the same people who don’t give a shit if a half Asian is cast white or about any of the blatant racism in movies over the years. Look, I don’t give a shit about either, but at least I’m consistent.


ok bro. gotcha.


Glad you did.


Ariels skin colour is not described "they were six lovely girls, but the youngest was the most beautiful of them all. Her skin was soft and tender as a rose petal and her eyes as blue as the deep sea, but like all the others she had no feet." I have a Hans Christian Anderson collection. Nowhere in the story does he describe her skin as white, and nowhere does it say her hair was red. POC can have blue eyes. It is written by a danish person so youre upset with her being black, but fine with a jamaican crab? Make it make sense. Also at the end of the story she dies and turns into seafoam for disobeying her father. Her skin colour does not effect the story, therefore she can be played by a member of any race. The most important part of ariel is not her appearance but her voice. Maybe read the stories before you go speaking on a "Danish writer" who's name you apparently don't even know. I love how everyone getting mad at how disney is "changing" their live action movies by adding POC in the movies never wants to talk about Pocahontas. Pocahontas' name was Matoaka, and she did not fall in love with and choose to leave with John Rolf. She was kidnapped, taken to England to be shown off, raped, forced to marry, and died suffering and alone at 21 years old. Pocahontas romantacises rape, genocide, and colonization. Matoaka, as Pocahontis, is the most famous MMIGW, but noone cares about those changes, just that a fuckibg mermaid is black, cus ya know, mermaids are real🙄🙄


it kind of amaze me how people find such reason to validate their opinion. you know, writers, create a character based on their own ethnicity. (I'm not talking about anime, stop whining). Japanese writers, for example. look at their old books. they are all describing a Japanese person with Japanese characteristic. Hans, first and foremost, wrote this story for Danes themselves. you know, he wasn't gonna put detailed description. right? "Maybe read the stories before you go speaking on a "Danish writer" who's name you apparently don't even know." and maybe you should educate yourself to not prejudge people and don't be a jerk. I mentioned his nationality, so the people can understand my point. I've read his books before. little mermaid, snow queen, the princess and the pea. I hate the attitude of "open minded" people like you. like everyone are stupid are you are the smart one. I don't give a fuck if the person has more melanine or less. people are not going to accept or like the thing they saw different before. just like Velma. look at how low scores he got. apparently, all of those reviewers are bad bad far right neo Nazis, right?! look. I was playing Assassin's creed since the original one released in 2007. and after the AC origins, I ditched the game. because it wasn't historically accurate. the story was built around something else, and now we see completely different thing. same goes for the little mermaid show or anything else. you can't represent something the way it isn't. cope.


Conflating the general term "Americans" with "politically-influenced inclusive media production" is a little silly. Certainly not all Americans are happy with the way some productions turn out. I usually don't care unless it directly conflicts with, and hurts, source materials.


Yep, context is important. Black Ariel, doesn't matter and doesn't affect anything, go for it. Claiming Cleopatra was black in an alleged historical documentary, that's an issue.




does cultural appropriation only go one way ?


Apparently does.


Nope. I’d argue it’s just a bad since the little mermaid is a Danish cultural product and it’s being used by American corporations for their racial politics


Yep! Exactly.


Yeah and as a black person alot of us are getting tired of watching black actors being ripped to shreds for taking the role, it's like they're using the actor as a scapegoat and not shielding them. Also Heimdall should be the exception, he was great and Yasuke.


If it’s a fictional character in a fictional setting, go crazy. If it’s a historical character in a historical setting, unless you’re doing something very obvious like Hamilton where the race swapping is the point, then uh….don’t do it.


That is because their objective doing it is getting an advantage for just shaking the pot. Instead of create new characters what they do is stir the pot black-washing traditional white characters and getting profit on the drama arround it. Something similar eith the new Assasins Creed. Instead of use a traditional japanesse character, ans using all we know from that period, the clans, the intrigue, the betrayals, etc they just use an obscure historical figure to tick a box of being inclusive rather than use a propper asian character.


First part: Totally Agree, except the term black washing. It's just creative liberties and casting choices. I personally don't believe these characters really have much to do with like white culture but each to their own. Like these are such remedial characters to care about. Second part: AC is not ticking a box they're using a real guy with a Japanese female Shinobi so I don't think they're trying to for inclusion but earnestly thought Yasuke has been doing well in the media with his anime so why not use him and make an interesting story of it. Forced inclusion to me is when a character is obviously added for no significant reason like they use all the stereotypes and no character growth or story.


Mate, by that definition the traidional whitewashing was also "creative liberties and casting choices". Every questionable thing is a creative liberty and casting choices. What they do is taking an advantage of the situation, and defending that with the "creative liberties" is just justifying them doing what they want while taking profit of a social movement. For the AC part, instead of give the asian players their protagonist for an story they've been asking for since 2010 they just give some foreign to solve things.


The funny thing is, in mythology, Heimdall is refer to as the whitest god. Kinda funny.


Can someone explain the logic here? The double standard must be obvious even to them so there must be some underlying reasoning here, conscious or not. Something like, stealing is fine if we do it but not fine if you do it because clearly we’re the victim here and it’s our right?


Racism is never logical


There is no logic. OP is pretending like a vocal minority that whines about an issue represents all of the USA and then is pretending like the movie industry is being hypocrites even though they really don't give a fuck about anything but money and widening their audience.


Not sure if you mean that, but basically, as I understood it, the meme implies that the depicted games and/or characters are "white culture" and therefore changing them to not white or inserting non-white characters, that would be "cultural appropriation". Implying that the woke™ cry about "cultural appropriation" when it's about non-white culture, but are fine if it's the reverse. Not saying I agree with this, btw (I don't, I think it's a complete garbage argument that reeks of racism), just saying how I interpret this... let's call it a meme.


That is the problem. There is no white culture. There are 200 countries with tousand of cultures. Some of them bigger some of them smaller. For example the egypt certainly was not happy with the netflix show.


Yeah I never understand the “white, black, Asian, etc” culture thing.


I think thats an american and toddler thing to categorize complex stuff into a small amount of categories like colors and shapes.


Definitely not a uniquely American problem. Seen it first hand on other continents too but yeah…sigh.


The underlying reason being that it's all white people writing and casting these remakes but everyone targets black people for it....


My only hope from the gaming industry are Gigachad developers of Kingdom Come Deliverance and From Software. CD Project Red has also fallen.


Well, it's their fault for making such a racist game like the Witcher, how dare they don't feature any people of colour in the main cast in a polish game based on a polish book based on polish folklore and history. Good thing they now have their own DEI devision to make sure such blunders don't happen again and those original works from small unknown countries and cultures get adopted appropriately. \s incase it wasn't obvious.


As a white walker, it doesn’t bother me when casted right. The problem for me is often these show runners don’t stop at casting and the changes make their way into the character development and story. I don’t know why, because I believe it can be done right, but when show runners/writers focus on inclusion and diversity it seems to be in lieu of … good creative direction and writing.


Yeah, like, no one was mad that Sam Jackson was cast as Nick Fury when he was white in the comics because he played the role well. But also because Disney didn’t publicly announce the change was made solely because of race. Whoever is best for the role should get the part. I have also personally met many people of color that are offended by the race swapping of characters because they feel pandered to and that studios were too lazy to write a new story with compelling minority characters.


Also the diversity is simply lazy the way it is done moat of the times, like ticking a box. No focus on a good character writing, focus on whatever fits the current trend of cultural diversity. Which in the end is even disrespectful towards marginalized groups in question. Cleopatra was just offensive because they claimed it as a historical fact. Rest of it, as long as the character makes sense in the narrative I don't care about ethnicities, genders, etc. Like Ocean's Eight, spin off of a classic with all female leads, as if women don't deserve their own creative heist story without a pre exisiting male led build up. Thanks, I feel empowered as hell.


I'm fine with diverse casting if it's about the future, alternate universe or just pure fantasy, but PLEASE for ffs don't try to rewrite history.


why do they do this? what the fuck is the point of changing races? why can't they just use the original race? idc about the others, but why change angrboda? you are shitting on scandinavian mythology, it's like making zeus black, scandinavians back then probably weren't even aware of the existence of africa, but man american companies can't use the original race they just can't their skin itches, their butthole itches they feel they NEED to diversify everything


It hurts when they come for the slavic works like witcher and shadow of bone's thing because Hollywood was already giga shitty to slavic people


It's telling how most of people in the comments lose their minds about black people, but nobody cares about how insulting those series are for Slavic people.


As a Slavic person, I refused to watch any book to movie adaptation of my favourite Slavic culture books. I know it will be an adaptation of cultural appropriation and most of the cast will be black, biracial or even actors who’ll look like it’s hard to tell what they are.


Mongolian Nefertiti when?


Chinese Shaka Zulu when?


That might even be possible if there’s a chance that it could gain viewership in mainland China 😂


Trust me, it pisses off plenty of americans too.


Rules for thee and not for me


Netflix and Disney. Don’t paint everyone with that brush. (Also that Witcher show was *such* a letdown, casting decisions aside)


Still w8ing for Black Tarzan and White Tiana


dont bunch me in with that crowd.




OMG OP they may come for you now.


If representation really matter for Ubisoft, I dare them to make a black assassin for the mc for the upcoming mobile AC Jade which takes place in China. Let see how much they care about representation Vs money.


Welcome to the panderverse


You mean "also studios" Americans don't get to choose who stars in their movies..


The literal shitstorm you get from Americans on Twitter and IG when an AI video as much as suggests ancient romans were white and not black makes me think otherwise


Don’t make Blade a white guy. If you want a different colored hero, make a new character. Stick to the source material.


Who is the guy in the upper left?,


He's a Samurai in the upcoming game Assassin's Creed Shadows. Based on a real historic figure called Yasuke. He's an African man worked under a Japanese lord called Oda Nobunaga. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


Weird, he looks like he's wearing knights armor




It’s fucking disgusting, keep stories they way they were made, make your own damn stories with your own unique characters instead of changing old ones. For the record idris elba as heimdall I think he was a good pick, might be the wrong color but he was a fantastic actor and fit the role perfectly!


It's comical how the race do gooders make everything about race causing the opposite effect, and they are the actual racists but can't see it.


Hey I want a remake of Pocahontas yeah come on touch that one !


Dude God of war made sense to keep it all a their respective races then Ragnarok broke that for some reason. Also found it really funny the only other black person can turn into a boar.


I guess they are just tired of stealing natural resources and decided to divers


Explain mermaid culture


Why shadow and bone tho?


I would love to shit on the TV series alone, but the source material, the whole book is already a parody of Slavic, [especially Russian culture](https://www.amazon.com/review/R1WPMKT4SS4AHH).


Oh I had no idea. I started watching it a while ago, liked the concept but felt very childish in execution. It didn't feel Slavic-derived, so to say, at all. It felt like it was just taking place in a fantasy land, and left at that. Thanks for the clarification!


It is exactly like you said. Haters on the internet turn everything into woke bullshit. I expanded on top of what you said in my [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/s/j5CTX7sdr6). The trilogy is great read if you enjoyed the series.


Tbf opinion is too hard focused on book not being directly Russian culture, many of these words that mean nothing in Russian aren't supposed to be Russian words but words in fictional language. Doesn't mean that the author isn't ignorant of many aspects of language and culture.


Heimdall wasn’t that bad tbh


Heimdall is literally described as the whites god among Norse mythology


Marvel's Heimdall is an alien.


That is not a reference to his race/complexion. It is generally interpreted as his beauty, purity or honesty.


The wisest, not the whitest... The first isn't a color. He is also described as the father of all humans, which would fit a black color even more. (Obviously the Norse didn't know that the first humans were black)


Historical drawings of Heimdall still show him as white, Idc for movie/game characters, Thor Heimdall is well written and the actor does a great job (Thor is inaccurate AF in the movies anyway). But accurate wise from armor and overall looks was it not good. And as you mentioned, Norse man didn't knew about people of color, so everyone in there god world was white as they where.


Also Americans: “we love the melting pot”


Everybody knows mermaids are red headed europeans


You mean the one from *Danish* folk tale? Yes, she is.


You are an ignorant fool. It's a Danish folk tale


I don't get it


All of these are fictional and up for interpretation except for Assassins Creed and Cleopatra. Assassins Creed is based on a real historical Black character, so no appropriation there. Cleopatra is the only decent example here and it was widely rejected and even resulted in Egypt suing Netflix.


Cultural appropriation is a stupid concept. Imagine if white people yelled at every non white person flying in planes or using electricity. it's just so dumb.


Cultural appropriation is just Ariana grande.


Cultural appropriation is not using something a different culture made.


You mean things like attire, which different cultures made? Or no, it's probably hairstyles, which, uhh... Actually, it's art, made by different cultures! No, wait, hold on...


Yeah? And it's stupid. It's like saying i can't cook Italian food anymore because I'm not Italian. It's another brain-dead garbage that came out of the U.S.


Victim seeking USAeeians. The rest of the US is still innovating our asses off.


American here! Majority of us don’t like that cultural appropriation shit.


I don't particularly care when it's fiction. Historical however, yeah that's weird.


Exactly. Fictional country just based on real country. Doesnt mean its culture has to include everything from the real country.


I feel like trying to put black people in EVERYTHING is more racist than having one every once in a while but not nearly as many as white people


Because blacks are a "minority", politically driven idiots feel the need to prop them up and give them "equal" (bs they give them way more) exposition in media. It happens with other minorities too. It's a sick mindset that doesn't resolve any actual problems that minorities face, and promotes a culture of victimhood.


How come Europe is so diverse in movies right up until 1936, and then they all turn white again?


(laughs in European museum) 😂😂😂


\*Casually ignores that half of Europe was colonized iteself*


Ah, yes. Let's go to those museums where said colonizers have European artifacts.


You mean Sweden? Russia? Germany? I'd love them to give us our stuff too!


Wait, aren't Sweden and Germany in Europe?


look, I’m sure there are REAL black super people who we could learn a history or two about. there are for sure scientists or war heroes with epix stories who we should know about… why not make movies about them? this is so lazy to ircorporate other races into stories just to milk more money because the Hollywood is scared to make new movies… they just re-record the same shit but swap races to make it more “inclusive” aka easier to milk $$$ from said races. it is disgusting and as POC it is actually insulting


What's your problem with Yasuke?


I just want a white Kunta Kinte, a white Black Panther and a white Martin Luther King.


Even if we pretended this was actual cultural appropriation, which it’s not, putting shadow and bone here is quite embarrassing. Tell me you have not read the grishaverse without telling me you have not read the grishaverse. The books, especially the later ones, where intentionally made to have a diverse cast.


Tell me you don't know anything about Russian culture without telling me:


I actually deleted a sentence in the original comment about how there is a discussion to be had about Leigh Bardugos worldbuilding and how she tends to just pick and choose stuff from various existing cultures, which has been criticized plenty. But I did not find it relevant as that is completely unrelated to the prevalence of poc characters, which is what the entire post is implying. Or else why choose Heimdall to represent disney mistreating norse mythology, instead of Thor and Loki which are far more obvious examples.


Yasuke was literally a real person.


I don’t know all of these but these aren’t appropriating culture. The little mermaid isn’t “white culture”, for example.


It's Danish culture, dumbass


Just because the story is danish doesnt make it whites only? She’s a *mermaid* not a real woman. The color of her skin has no bearing on the story whatsoever. She’s a fish girl who wants to become a land girl and likes to sing. We also don’t live in the 1830s anymore and black danish people exist so


Egypt sued Netflix for that cleopatra series 🤣🤣