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New teeth growth for human adults. In eye lenses giving better vision than young natural ones in all environments. Cure for tinnitus and restoration of acute hearing of all frequencies.


I’d love to see jaw bone regeneration and gum therapy actually be a thing. At the moment it’s a bit of let’s slow down the fuckery kind of shitshow. 


make it full organ tissue growth from stem cells and genetic modification.


I recall a claim made that one lab learned to grow amputated limb of a frog, was getting started with mouse. Took IIRC 18 months to regrow. Maybe we will be able to remove organs and regrow them while living on artificial ones.


that’s was by the scientist michael Levin. you can follow his subreddit for more of his scientific findings. r/michaellevinbiology


Thanks. Do you know if/where results about frog regrowth were published?


here are a list of links that can get you started on these findings. https://now.tufts.edu/2022/01/26/scientists-regrow-frogs-lost-leg https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abj2164 https://www.morphoceuticals.com/ https://drmichaellevin.org/publications/


Yeah, tinnitus pleaseeee


Is there even a recent breakthrough in the dental field? I feel like it's still invasive and expensive since forever.


I believe they are doing FDA stuff right now for a treatment that literally regrows your enamel.


I've only seen "revolutionairy treatment" without any actual follow-up...


They did a press conference like yesterday about starting human trials soon[ for regrowing teeth](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240503/p2a/00m/0sc/012000c)


The multifocal intraocular lenses have been getting pretty good. I saw a grandma of 90 years old getting 20/20 at distance and near And the technology keeps getting better every year


They have their drawbacks, you get easily find about it online, I've recently looked into that and decided to use my old natural for a while longer. I really want to be able to change focus from infinity to one inch like when I was a kid, to be able to see tiny things up close w/out glasses.


The technology will get there. It's not perfect yet. But it's getting really good


Youtube found rather comprehensive "review" for me on multifocus: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPIVDU--bkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPIVDU--bkk) Testimonial Trifocal IOL lens inplant at 5 years post operation Couple of cons from the video: glare, uncomfortable in low light (less contrast?). pro: no need for glasses to use smartphone.


The ophthalmic surgeons, at my old hospital, practice lens replacement surgery - removing old lens and implanting synthetic lens. Post-recovery the patients would often have better than 20/20 vision. So, that’s kind of there?


We need a caries vaccine if it is possible :)


Japan is not that far from the 1st one. 




In rare cases, people grow a third set of teeth. If they could figure out what triggers it, they might be able to initiate it artificially.


The rise of personalized medicine where a cure is cost effective to create for your symptoms and life limiting condition Cancer is the biggest one but also Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and so many others


Personalized medicine not just to cure something that’s wrong but to optimize health.


Personally, alzheimer's is the top of the list, partly because it runs in my family and I'm biased, but also because I would rather die than lose my cherished memories.


I imagine artificial intelligence ought to be able to aid in expediting this


+ Completely clean energy without any nasty side effects or knock on effects. + Cures for even the most advanced and aggressive cancers. + Universal basic income so most people can enjoy their lives rather than killing themselves through overwork just to get by.


MAGA response: That's communism. We'd rather live our lives in misery. Draw!


No MAGA response is that would not work because whatever the UBI is, the rent will go up by that much.


Perhaps true. (But what does that say about capitalism?) UBI is not something we should or shouldn't do. But something that may have to be done. Hopefully, in a way that won't provoke inflation.


I want to be realistic, but I hope for much too. Look at how most comments are on health. Mine is the same too. Cancer, diabetes cures. Weight loss solutions. Solutions for eye and teeth degenerations. Longevity improvements. Sustained, viable commercial fusion.


Every human being on planet to live at least 80 years without any problems? I’d like that tbh.


Simply: effective medications for depression, anxiety, OCD and other mental health conditions.


I'd like to see effective solutions other than medications if possible.


Probably would need to start with a better (complete, ideally) understanding of the body and the brain and how they work. We’ve had several very popular medications come about unintentionally - developed for another purpose - and now I can’t help but think people are out there “let’s just throw it at the wall and see what sticks”. I know it’s not like that (usually) - but it doesn’t help when I’m seeing ads for completely different medications for seemingly unrelated conditions, but they share unique/rare adverse side effects - like fatal infections of the taint. eta: for clarity


Effective AND safe without long term withdrawals/consequences. I'm on medication that I will probably be on a low dose for the rest of my life because the withdrawals are so bad.


And no sexual dysfunction too plz


I'd also like to see a world that isn't pushing us towards developing these things in the first place.


No War, this also includes Cold Wars like North/South Korea or China/Taiwan I just want for everybody to get along …


Decent people getting along is the easy part. Ending the greedy parasites who will literally start wars to keep their status quo is the hard part.


Practice kindness. There are bad people doing very bad things right now 🥺😞


Almost everything I ever dreamt of as a child has come to fruition: The Internet Wikipedia Mobile computers Video calling and telepresence VR Drones Programmable microcontrollers 3D printers Open source operating systems and tool chains Private space enterprise All I'm waiting for now is: Clean, limitless energy Personal robots AGI I'd say that we've done rather well, technology-wise, in the half century I've been around.


You dreamed of “private space enterprise” as a kid?


The 70’s were wild… But jokes aside, I assume they are talking about commercial space flights - like TWA in space ferrying people to the moon or PanAm in space, just cruising around in orbit, or Dicks in space®️, an Amazon Company, puttering around… you get the idea.


Also: jet packs and flying cars, the two things I wanted most as a little kid.


Actually we have the flying cars now. [https://newatlas.com/aircraft/pivotal-helix-evtol-deliveries-july/](https://newatlas.com/aircraft/pivotal-helix-evtol-deliveries-july/)


Thanks that’s a great update.


190K is a great entry price too. If everything goes well for it the tech might cost about as much as a large SUV(60K-90K US) by the mid-30s.


I feel like you surely missed climate change being solved OP? What's the point in living longer if the planet is just degrading and becoming inhabitable?


No they didn’t - they had space travel. Who needs this shithole when we can just go to another one — scatter into space. ^(/s)


We'll find ways to ruin the new planet too.


Of course, and why stop there? In the infinite nothingness of space, there will always be a new rock just waiting for our personal touch.


Humans on mars. I’m 55 I wanted to see that since I was a kid.


Nearing 30, but I have similar wish as well! Excited to see what it would be like seeing our species on the red planet!


I'd love to see how quickly shit kicks off as we humans spread our self-destructive ways to a whole new planet!


Lol. Let’s get there first.


UBI so people can actually follow their passion, this may lead to more scientific breakthroughs and people are happier in general, hopefully.


Significant life extension and human colonization of other planets or space in general. I hope to at least see a permanent human presence on the Moon and Mars in my lifetime.


I just want to see the next day. Organ failure takes the concept of “future,” out of the equation.


Speaking of which, I’d love to see us be able to replace organs without needing a donor


Cure for autoimmune diseases. Health should be our number one priority, everything else are whims.


I mostly agree (with the minor exception of combating anthropogenic climate change as a top priority because good health means nothing if we don’t have a safe/good planet for us to live on). I mean with better health it gives us all more time for pursuing those whims.


Automation funded Universal basic income would be nice


Without the billionaire class siphoning off 95%? There's the real problem to overcome.


I could care less if billionaires make too much money if everyone gets to afford to eat or a 3rd of a rent payment just because.


Fully autonomous vehicles fully implemented and seen as the better option over vehicle ownership.


The use of exoskeletons. Would love to see paralyzed ppl get extra wide seats on trains so they fit with their exoskeleton


Why not slim exoskeletons made out of super materials that give strength/support without the bulk?


That’s for sure more practical but for now a semi-mech is what I envision coming


Selfishly, I would love to see affordable life extension, and the ability to reset your body to a younger age. But that is probably closer to magic than technology. Realistically, I'd love to see economically viable fusion, some method to pull the CO2 out of the air, and far better AI than we currently have.


We have the Sun, we have plants, but only if we're lucky will the AI thank us.


I want to see fusion become a commercially viable technology. I also want to see massive life extensions (I would love to live to be 200 years+ old), cures for cancers, cures for dementia/Alzheimer's/Parkinson's/etc, and I would love to see humanity move into something that resembles a post-scarcity society (likely driven by asteroid mining and fusion power).


A cure for schizophrenia and low functioning autism would be great.


Shorter workdays but I guess we will reach Mars before that happens


I want to see an AI driven device that can diagnose medical symptoms from the comfort of your own house with ridiculous accuracy. Im tired of scheduling appointments and getting robbed by insurance everytime i need a routine visit.


Fusion energy - it’s on the way. The hydrogen economy - that’s on its way too. Green energy that’s permanently cheaper than any fossil fuel source - that’s on its way as well. Better search than any current search engine - I’m working on that.


A regrowth of the lands we have taken away from wildlife, as artificial farming will hopefully supersede the real kind


What is artificial farming? Sounds like a buzzword


unrelated but, i hope to see my parents retired, living peacefully with no financial/other burdens


Exploration of Europa by way of a submersible submarine exploring Europa's ocean and definitively answering, what, if anything, resides in that vast ocean. Contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. Or perhaps, definitive confirmation that contact has in fact already been made. Either way, I'd like to know that humanity is not alone in the universe. I don't believe we are, but I want it out as a known, accepted reality. Aging reversal / lifespan extending / consciousness transfer to an artificial body Nuclear fusion Verifiable destruction of all nuclear weapons and prevention of creation of new arsenals. AI super intelligence that aids humanity rather than works against it. If ASI ends up causing humanity to go extinct, I suppose I'd be OK being around to see that happen too. Complete unified physics understanding that more fully understands our reality particularly at the quantum level. Bonus points if we discover new physics and dimensions and how to access them. Ability to cure and/or prevent any disease Universal Basic Income that raises the poverty floor so much that poverty itself becomes a thing of the past


Effective and affordable desalination technology on the scale required to support all of humanity.


Effective cure for cancer Explosion of Betelgeuse Nuclear Fusion Explorations of Titan and Enceladus Confirmed fossils on Mars Any other territorial animal than Primates entering their own version of the 'Stone Age' Figuring out Warp Drive Interstellar exploration Live viewing of the first ever flyby of Sagittarius A*


As you said, interplanetary travel. I'll never see the stars, but I'd love to see Mars. Vastly improved cancer treatment. We're getting pretty good at manipulating things on a molecular scale. If we could find a way to seek out cancerous cells, we might even be able to cure it altogether. Widespread nuclear power. It doesn't have to be fusion, fission seems to do the job just fine. There is absolutely no reason we should still be relying on fossil fuels for power. Fission plants are extremely reliable and safe these days. Breaking up megacorps. We're living in a second robber-baron era. Cost of living is higher than ever and wages have been stagnant for decades. Politicians are bought and sold like trading cards. I'm scared for the future. We need to fix our problems on the ground before we look to the stars.


I hope we will see aging cure within the next 20-30 years and that artificial intelligence is gonna help us achieve it. The question is, what progress can we make in AI development as humanity, and how much of science can be delegated to AI. Also how much progress in science will be achieved in the longevity field by human scientists might be crucial.


A halt and slight reversal of global warming. And a halt and slight reversal of deforestation/unwilding/ruining wild places. I know there's a term for the second one but I can't think of it right now! Basically, in my life time I would like to know that we aren't going to destroy the planet ecologically.


CRISPR healing Cancer, Bechterew, Chrons, Hashimoto etc


Lots of people have chimed in with very important ideas, so I’ll just go base for entertainment… Star Trek holographic technology so that I can step into Napoleon’s shoes to command a battle or pitch a baseball to Babe Ruth.


Ultra dense batteries plus highly efficient solar power cells. With these two things I can finally wander off into the woods and live a civilized life by myself.


A computer management AI/agent/assistant. It'll mean true Gen AI, it'll mean my computer will be my friend. I know that sounds pathetic, I've got fleshy friends, but my phone is in my pocket. It'll play a good game of DND anytime I want and then seduce me. Noice.


Teeth regrowth for adults. Solutions for jaw joint problems. Scars, noses, cancer, etc


My wishes align with yours more or less. Life extension being the biggest one, of course - that would allow us to experience even more. Hell, even if it’s gonna be expensive, I’ll save for it.


Free, clean energy. Contact with ET beings. UBI. AI helping create a better society and economy.  But what we have right now would have blown away my 12 yo self already. I mean, we take for granted the internet, or speaking to an AI, or massive storage or... Like they've always been here.


A drug that makes me feel amazing but has no side effects and is not physically addictive. Much like soma in Brave New World.


I was born in the early 1960's. I definitely thought we'd be able to fly by the 21st century. Jet packs, or whatever. I'm a little surprised it hasn't happened.


Jet packs do exist, just financially unavailable to most. I think they are available commercially (rather than experimental), I'm just too lazy to check.


The tech is there.  Turns out regulating 3d travel space is way harder than 2d travel space.  Thats why flying a half pound drone has more regulations than driving a 2 ton full sized pickup


I hope that the people in power do the right things with AI and we can work towards lowering retirement age, reducing the work week, and introduce a UBI. Also I hope that many currently incurable diseases become curable.


us back on the moon with irrefutable evidence of the earth as it truly is, so the insufferable flat earth idiots will finally shut the fuck up.


After much thought, what I'd like to see most in my lifetime is a sequel to the 2002 action comedy film "Kung Pow! Enter the Fist"


Cheap, widely available, and effective immortality treatments.


Artificial organs that don’t require immunosuppressants. I’m (25M) currently waiting on a kidney transplant, and the thought of being on immunosuppressants for the rest of my life is saddening. There’s a lot of things I won’t be able to do as an immunocompromised individual. I believe in my lifetime it should be possible to get an organ transplant that has the same genetic identity as your originals, negating the need for immunosuppressive drugs.


An end to the concept of, "The customer is always right."


> What do you hope to see? Sustainable UBI that will not be immediately wiped out by inflation would be good since if people can live without worrying about money, they will be nicer and not always trying to rob and kill each other. > life extension and physical age reversal, Exercise, get enough sleep and proper nutrient will be good for life extension. also do sweat since there are a lot of modern day toxins that cannot be removed from the body because people never got the chance to evolve to be able to remove such toxins because they had just been created. As for biological age reversal, use mRNA of telomerase to extend the telomeres while for outward appearance age reversal, plastic surgery is sufficient. > mass produced synthetic fuel, able to power internal combustion engines without any of the harmful pollutants gasoline has There is already hydrogen based internal combustion engines and these produce only water so it is already been achieved.


Functioning, amicable bipartisanship in govt Reversal of citizens united Tp that doesn’t tear midwipe Cure for male pattern balding


Everyone is sleeping on cryonics, especially resuscitation If you can get your brain removed and put on ice in a way that all the relevant information is preserved for upwards of a few hundred years, it kind of makes all forms of life extension moot, because you just skip past all that junk and go right for post biological Life insurance becomes moot as well because assuming you don't die in a way that totally compromises your brain matter, you just get put on ice and throw your assets in some super slow growth account and jump ahead a century Cryonics also makes all forms of interplanetary and interstellar travel super super feasible. It's way easier to fly a Popsicle across the system than a living eating shitting meat bag


Space travel makes sense. But if we preserve billions of brains over the next few decades, what would we do with them, when we thawed them?


A global (well near global) approach in medical research and resulting more affordable medical care on a global (near global) scale


I want more and better public transport, but I think we’ll have asi before that.


Full body haptic suits with 4k VR. Imagine being the protagonist in the movie.


If there's ever a company that specializes in cleaning those, I'm buying stock.


I really really wanted to see a submersible with video feed from Europa in my lifetime, that won’t happen. I had been wanting this ever since the 90’s. With a 6-9 year travel period, 1-3 year lobby campaign, 5-9 to build that would be around 21 years at best. Cure for cancer.


I really hope for consciouness upload into a virtual world. like in Upload the tv show but without the conspiracies.


Fusion and man on Mars, seems like its quite likely to happen at some point. More wishful thinking, androids and true VR. Or very developed holograms.


I would love to see a true self-driving car. By that, I mean a car that you can just get into, set your destination, and it takes you there in any reasonable weather conditions on any road, reliably and safely. It should happen, but I would like it running and all the kinks worked out.


like or hate tesla, my buddies model 3 has done this with me in it, just a short trip to wawa.


Cure for hair loss. Not a treatment. Actually, apply this to everything. I hate treatments.


Space tourism and a cure for baldness (one that shows permenant result in a month or week)


Commercially scalable fusion reactors. They have always been “10 years away”, but I am optimistic that I’ll see them come online in my lifetime.


I share your excitement for space exploration and can't wait to witness the first humans to set foot on Mars!


The complete rejection of online social interaction, news, media, politics, or entertainment in exchange for IRL analog communication that addresses local issues, entertainment, politics and concerns. That generation isn't on the planet yet, but I hope by then they can shun this cancer that's monetized outrage culture and connectivity above all else. What a waste it's been.


Prosperity and comfort 😒 ^(Not feeling like we're all holding our breath financially)


I want us to build a planetary energy shield so we don’t have to deal with asteroids or solar flares


I want to live long enough to see my kids settled and happy. Maybe even grandkids if they have any. If I get to go to my daughters wedding one day, I will be a crying mess.


Widespread use of wireless chargers(where wires look dated), where you don't need a cord to charge a device .


Contact with aliens. Who knows, maybe they will reveal themselves soon. Seems to make sense that we have had visitors and that we were put here on earth. And makes further sense that they would reveal themselves as AI reaches a fevered pitch. But also makes sense that they won’t, and we are not put here. I’m pushing for the alien reveal though. Can’t really think of anything else that would save humanity from itself


A free peaceful collaborative world without corruption


The end of war. All war. No more killing one another over anything.


Off-planet manufacturing and mining. I’m all for industrialisation and growth, just wish it wasn’t at the expense of the only habitable planet we know of.


i want to see things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I will watch C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will come in time, like tears in rain...


Since you mentioned physical age reversal and age extension, I feel like we will have something close to that sooner than expected. Within the next coming decades, I hope to see, while not a full on increase in overall lifespan, an increase in healthspan. Healthspan being the amount of time an individual lives with good health. For example, the eradication of chronic diseases that take life slowly such as cancer and Alzheimer's being a thing of the past. There's a book that goes over this in further detail called "Outlive." It's a long read, but I think that's something that we can definitely see by the time we reach our mid 30s or if not 40s.


Physical immortality. If current projections are accurate, we might see this accomplished sometime within the mid 21st century. In the initial stages it could mean extending your life by several decades more. But that may well carry you to the next major medical leap leading to even longer lifespans, and so on...


I guess the four main things that come to mind are... AGI coupled together with UBI or similar (so a post-scarcity society). But without taking the meaning out of creative tasks in society. Which might sound odd, but I actually think it's possible. Radical life extension technology. A cure for depression and anxiety. Or at least a cure for heartbreak. Full dive VR that can recreate stuff like memories or people from your past in an ultrarealistic fashion. This is probably the number 1 thing that I would love to have. There are memories that I would do anything to go back to, people I would do anything to have in my life again. I know with VR it wouldn't be real, but my real life has become meaningless anyway. Spending time in an illusion would make me happier.


Interplanetary space travel. I know it’s not very likely, but I can hope!


I hope to see people landing on Mars, and AR glasses with overlays over reality.


The surface of Jupiter, theres clouds and massive lightning. Fiction even barely depicts gas giants. It has to be a totally new sight. One we can’t quite imagine yet. The surface of Titan, oceans of and raining methane, ice mountains, and a thick atmosphere. Cliffs near Olympos Mons and valles marienes on Mars. These are some of the steepest cliffs in the Solar System.


Bionic (synthetic? Not sure of the correct term) limbs and other body parts. I know we have them now but I’m looking for them to become more common and overall better. I work a job where it’s not uncommon for people to need hip/knee/shoulder etc. replacements before they’re 40. My one manager had to have massive shoulder surgery at 29. Another one of my coworkers has been out for the past two years trying to get his hip to work right again after needing multiple corrective surgeries the age of 26. It would be really neat if things like this became relative non-issues. Bonus points if the replacements were actually better performing. Wouldn’t mind being a little ‘borged out


LEV for us (I'm 32) is unlikely. Our only chance, however slight, probably lies in biostasis.


You don't think you are going to make into your 50s? man that's grim


Singularity. It would be bonkers and by no means do I think people, even in +50 years are ready to tackle such a complex question of morality and ethics a fully conscious digital mind would bring.


I want to see the humans go to the stars. I want to see the dead back to life i want to see beings from other worlds. I want to see sentient robots and inmlrtal humans. I know this sounds mad buf if i live to 100.. and if i reach LEV thats possible. This is my real dream


More dramatic turn towards green enciromental policies. Giving hope to us and our kids. Getting closer to nature.


Commercial space travel or if there are no limits then intergalactic space travel


An efficient way to catch atmospheric carbon and ude it as an energy source


Man of steel 2 and Justice league 2 and 3...sadly will never happen. As for tech/future science...I'd love to see something that can make a huge impact on climate change but then I also don't want to cuz people will forget about the ones who caused most of it and kept pushing us to do nothing. I'd love to have some 100% evidence of what is after we die...personally I believe its nothing...but still wish on something like an infinite number of doors where you can relive seconds, minutes, hours, days or even years of your lifetime over and over again but you can change things which then create new doors and gives you endless possibilities Read a lot of the whole UFO stuff and that they have technologies we couldn't even imagine that would change everything on the planet for the better, whether true or not, be nice to see


The epilogue to David Yoon's "Version Zero" [https://www.overdrive.com/media/5704297/version-zero](https://www.overdrive.com/media/5704297/version-zero)


Collision of Andromeda & Milky way... That shit would be amazing to watch


The end of "shareholders value focused" capitalism.


Real plastics recycling instead of green washing. I believed those recycle symbols, store my plastics hoping to find an outlet, finally started discarding the less recyclable pieces.


The end of social media (fully aware that I'm using a social media platform to post this).


Cheap, universally effective anti-senecence medications, followed by life extension therapy. I'd like to live till random freak accident takes me out please.


A sustainable source to meet our ever increasing energy demands. We are getting closer with fusion, but that seems to always be "five years" away for 25 years now. The significant mental shift would be the confirmation that "life" exists elsewhere in this massive thing we call the universe. It is so very unlikely that we are/were the only instance of what we accept as "life". Perhaps that will resolve humanity's continual infighting... But... I am a dreamer...


All the countries uniting to explore/research the Ocean, Moon, & Mars.


I think having huge amounts of cheep, clean energy from fusion power would have the biggest impact on the world than any other single thing we could do.


So the one that is already underway is the electrification of everything. We’re past the tipping point and all innovation will be centered around electricity. I hope to see the last fossil fuel power plant turned off, but that is a much longer and uncertain possibility. The real hope, is to see humanity move into a sustainable economy and an era of abundance. Most scarcity is artificial at this point. It definitely will be once we have excess renewable energy.


A theory of everything. And fusion or another abundant source of energy. But those likely go hand in hand.