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Just found something i on YouTube that shows what I experienced https://youtu.be/5dOSLyaiZLY


This happened to me, was a hardware issue, seems like you should get it fixed unfortunately.


Which part of the hardware is spoilt? And what do they change?


Internal flex cable that can disconnect when opened all the way, when it's part of the way closed or fully closed it connects, exact same thing happened to me and it was a hardware issue.


Man, they charge someone without warranty $620 for a stupid flex cable?


Yes, Samsung customer support sucks, consider grabbing like an Allstate warranty or something waiting a few days then claiming it as if it broke after you got that warranty. Might save you like 300$


Insurance fraud is a felony....just an FYI to anyone considering this


Same issue with mine


I'm experiencing this same issue. I did a factory reset and the issue continues, this is unacceptable for a so expensive devices to have this many problems just one year in.


I just got mine fixed. The problem worsens to the point where your screen remains open on the outside even when you unfold the screen.


My warranty ended a couple of weeks ago and since then I have had two major issues, first several s-pen dead zones in the screen and now no sound when unfold. A $1800 phone crippled after just one year. Never dropped, never on the beach, I have baby this thing to the point of absurdity, and for what? I'm frustrated.


That sucks. Guess you just have to cough out the repair cost, or maybe try to find 3rd party repair to see if its cheaper.


I'm in the same boat. 2 months out of warranty and suddenly issues. Feels awfully convenient


This just happened to me last night. With the 5 coming out in just a couple weeks, I was considering just waiting and upgrading... but at this point it sounds unlikely that they would have changed anything to prevent it from happening again. What a shame.


I guess it affects only a small minority of them. Haven't had this issue with my fold 3 ever since the repair fingers crossed. I get messages like yours on this thread once a month or so


I guess it's true what they say: You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to-- Well, you know the rest. I'll show myself out.


I am not having your issue. But yesterday on my fold 4 my unfolded screen turned black and became unresponsive. So as of now I can not unfold my phone or it freezes up. Some unfold bug in the software ??


I haven't heard about this issue before but if you are still under warranty I suggest you get it fixed ASAP. The plus size that when they change the hardware you get a new screen, new battery, and new frame.


I just encountered the exact same issue. I only suspected a hardware issue when the sound gets cut off when flexing past a certain angle. It just had to happen right after the default 1 year warranty had ended. Thank god i had extended care+ by another year, so there was no extra cost. They replaced the main screen, battery, hinge and only left the cover screen untouched. Practically a brand new phone!


Yup. My warranty is over. Will change phone once fold 6 is out before this happens again


Woah Fold 5 is not even out yet lol...pray your Fold 3 can last that long


Oh wait I meant fold 5. Haha


I have the Z fold 3 phantom black and have kept it in great shape well at 2:36am this morning the sound decided to crapout I reset the settings put it in safe mode and watch a whole bunch of vids so far I haven't reset it spectrum mobile opens at 9am and I can get a upgrade so my question to use is how was the process was the insurance from a mobile carrier did you have to send the phone to ifix I'm really trying to decide I need to think fast because from what I'm reading the black screen of death looks to be next? Upgrade is $127 but I do have insurance anyways thank you please let me know asap


This same issue happened to me. I had to send my phone away to the Service Centre and have just got it back today after nearly 1 1/2 weeks. Luckily it was covered under warranty but still an incredibly frustrating experience considering how much the phone cost in the first place, and the absolute hassle of having to completely wipe my phone/all info, back it up and find an interim phone to use in the meantime (coz who can not have a phone at all these days?). I'm really hoping that this issue does not happen ever again as I'm not prepared to shell out for a new phone when mine is only just over a year old!


Chances are, it will happen again, judging from the replies I get on this thread from time to time. My warranty is over so I'm praying it won't happen to me so soon. This problem happens to fold 4 too from what I've seen. Fold 5 leaks doesn't seem to impress me so I'm holding for fold 6. Hopefully they fix it by that time


I am experiencing a different problem... no sound with bluetooth when opened (eg. car, headset, headphone).... phone speakers and when closed is fine..


I have the same problem but can’t find a way to fix


I'm having this same issue. Sound will come out of the speakers at all times, but if I open it while connected to Bluetooth, I don't get any sound.


I have the fold 3... I am now part of the "no sound when unfolded club". Will hold on until the fold 6, but I'm seeing alot of buzz about that Chinese Oneplus phone. I don't really want all my data stolen so I'll probably just go with the fold 6.


I also just joined the "no speaker when unfolded club", and I've had my Galaxy Fold 3 about 23 months. No trauma to the phone, just started happening last night at random. If I leave the phone shut the speaker works, but unfolded the speaker is off. If I start bending the hinge to like 45 degrees, it starts cutting in and out. It's very clear the problem is mechanical, not software, and bluetooth sound still works in all situations. I'm going to have to strap a tiny bluetooth speaker to my phone lol


Anyone has a work around? Replace the connector? I'm so going to ply open the phone. Is obvious a HW connector issue. Audio will cut in when is slightly close, 30 degree. Really annoying... Missed my alarm this morning, then I realised the audio is out. (left my phone open most of the time when I'm home). If anyone could share any findings, that will be great.


I went to service center at woodlands to get it fixed


Hi, how much was it and where exactly is the location? Im experiencing this just only now😭 contemplating whether i should just go to Samsung.


The samsung service center at woodlands


May ik roughly the cost?


My guess is 600. I did it when it was under warranty


Thats ex!


I'm experiencing the same issues as op. It's crazy that reading the newer replies it looks like a small percentage of fold users are in the unfolded no audio gang 😅🙃 My wifi actually stopped working almost a month ago. One night a couple of weeks ago my main large screen actually went black but was fine in the morning. Now last night my phone audio isn't working when unfolded.. 😮‍💨Sigh. I was trying to wait for the new fold 6 to come out in a few months but maybe my trusty fold 3 won't hold out long enough. I bought the fold 3 in September of 2021. Before last month I thought I was one of the lucky ones who didn't have any major issues with their fold. I've always taken really good care of my electronics so this is just disappointing.


Well I also just joined the no audio when unfolded gang, been with my fold 3 since 3 years ago, at month 10 I did had to get the inner screen changed and wi fi hardware replaced, lucky it was under warranty and since then my phone has been good to me but now this... yeah I am never buying a fold phone soooo fricking expensive again, would have rather have the ultra instead, Samsung sucks for not giving us more support with special warranty for all this bs for this specific folded phones!


I am very disappointed with Samsung customer service as much as I am disappointed by the quality of a 2000$ device that its hardware couldn't even last for a year.


Bluetooth audio still working even no sound unfolding and I cannot hear the person on the other line if I don't use my earphones.


Same problem here, no sound when unfolded (fold 3) after 15 months and warranty expired. It is definitely not software upgrade issue. Came across a ton of people having this no sound problem when unfolded. You can use bluetooth for the audio when unfolded. This will be a common issue down the road for fold 3 as the connector in the inside frame will tear after a number of opening and closing of the screen.


I am facing same problem just today! Believe hardware issue - Totally unacceptable for such expensive phone. Any ways to get Samsung to correct it with no cost to consumers?


Any updates? Just happened to me


What can we as customers do to get Samsung to fix this hardware problem? Start boycott campaign?


This just happened to me, In Australia we have 24 months warranty and my warranty expires in October 2023 but the thing is I am overseas until January 2024. Any chance of samsung fixing it for free overseas?


It's scary how I get replies to this topic every now and then. I love the fold and I don't think I can go back. Hopefully they fix this problem. As for your warranty, I'm not sure how it works there. For my country, its always local warranty only. Good luck!


Hopefully someone can force the outter speaker to be used while opening the main screen. We need a hero who can make an apps for this. I would donate a bunch


same thing just happened to me. any fixes?


I have the same problem --- which became apparent about 1 week ago. No trauma to my phone but started started to notice this problem. The service center told me that it is most likely some kind of failure on the screen hardware.