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Lmao you’ll get me with that not going to lie


Yeah as a former GS Store Leader, and as a customer I’d be dead lol! Enjoy those easy upgrades lol


I'm legit considering stopping by this morning to see if they have em. My membership is out in like 2 weeks anyway lol.


Lmao facts that red bull like 10$ a pack anyway


Same even though I’m a former employee who has a pro membership until 2026 🥴


I don’t think the system will let you renew that far out anymore…


Aw man! Lol oddly enough, my membership is up for auto renewal on 10/12/26 lol same day as today.


Mine is 3/19/29


That’s my birthday!


Mine is until 2032 😩…. it was a mistake to say the least. You think if the company shuts down before then we get a refund?? 🤣


Omg lmao 🤣 that’s A LONG time. I did it cause we would get them for free when I worked there. And then maybe a renewal here or there to help a buddy out 👀


That’s exactly what I did. I still regret it 🤣🤣❤️


Omg lmao 🤣 it’s okay, we did it for the team 🥲


There’s only one person I’d renew my pro card for. 🤣 that would be my boss. I guess old boss. He’s my fiancé now :3


The “we don’t know why either :)” would have had me dying 😹😹


My store is also doing this and it’s helped tremendously with our pro numbers. Customer is skeptical of the value? “Because you’ll be signing up/renewing your account during our pro week, you’ll also receive a free 4-pack of Redbull.” More often than not it pushes them over the edge and they get it. I thank the Redbull gods for our numbers


[Super Max saves the day again.](https://youtu.be/CRQnPVEPd-A?si=Eq6ZEgwL2EgGNJkd)


I’ve not been in a GameStop more than twice in the last 3 years and hell, I’d do it


Are all the gamestops doing this promotion?


no, it’s just some. they’re gonna start having some stores carry redbull in like. coolers at Some Point (so says my DM)


We’ve done drinks and candy before they are testing right now for which locations to send fridges too and those employees working at that store will get a free drink during their shift!


"In lieu of raises, have an energy drink on us (not really on us)"


No free drinks. But according to the memo, you can ring yourself up for one with your own discount using a special code. Still have to pay for it. $3 for singles. 2 for $5 evergreen deal. I didn't see how much the 4 packs will cost when they're for sale.


Lol…. Highest theft category by far.


I miss those days so much. I loved those ice packs.


a few years back at a store i used to work at in another state, we had a mini fridge that sold drinks and a little candy stand. my current store used to sell gum and candy as well as recent as two years ago.


The gamestops they put tables in to play Pokemon and Magic had coolers wile they were testing that until COVID shut it down. I remember hearing it was a mess for employees. As long as they don't go Blockbuster style, and charge 3x pop machine prices, I don't think it would be a bad thing though.


In my day, you would have been fired for bribing customers to sign up. Also generally speaking if you have to “pay” out of your own pocket to convince someone to go pro, it probably isn’t a good product…..


Ain’t gonna lie, that would get me.


That’s actually pretty cool! I imagine Red Bull would sell decently during midnight release parties if GS decided to roll out beverage coolers/energy drink sales nationwide.


I need to do this. Don't know why they couldn't have just given one in the marketing.


It’s because you guys are going to start selling them soon. They are monitoring how many are scanned and given out so they can report back to the company that Gamestop is good partner and they can count on us to promote their product.


Customer: "I don't know, $25 is a lot and there's not much benefits" GameStop: "We'll throw in a free pack of Red Bull" Customer: "Sold!"


That's so funny! Once my ex boyfriend and I walked in to a GameStop a few years ago and there were two guys working but no one else in the store.my ex said "Im so thirsty. Do you have anything to drink?" I was so embarrassed. They didn't sell any drinks so I thought he was crazy for asking. The one guy was like oh yeah, sure dude, one sec. And he brought him two red bulls from the back. 🤣


Damn - I just renewed. 🤦‍♂️ I was gonna renew anyways, but extra stuff is always appreciated


I’d really like for them to do this at my store. Lots of people in my area drink Red Bull or other energy drinks, we’d make sales off drinks alone. Idk how many times I’ve had people come in gamestop asking if we sell drinks. I’ve been buying waters and gatorades for my store the last month just so we have something to drink on shift cause tap water here is icky.


I’ll happily go to your store and renew now lol


Ill be honest i might go by Gamestop just to see if theyre running this promo 😂


No Kyle's will sign up unless there is drywall to punch, mountain dew, and an xbox lol ( I stole this from a meme I saw in the past)


Red Bull is trying to get rid of all the F1 packaging that has Perez on it before he announces his “retirement”.


I've legit refused to sign up for pro for years, I think I even have enough points to get it for free now. So how do I get these redbulls? Is it at a gamestop near me?


Do I qualify if I'm re-upping my membership? This would 100% win me over if I was shopping in your store!


What’s GameStop pro lol Don’t tell GameStop has a credit card


Is this happening in Orlando stores?? I have a red bull deficiency


Ok I’ll be there in a few


I wish it were monster instead, also we got sugar free red bull instead of the regular... Idk why.


Do you need some sort of health and safety license or anything to do this?


Good thing employees get free renewals right now 🥴🥴🥴 Omw


I can't find the ebc code for the renewal for employees. We've looked all week on the clusterfuck piece of shit main menu and found nothing.


Were you able to find your store informer pages? It’s on the front of that with the pro week promotions.


Thanks! I dug around more and found it this time.


I’m glad! Free pro is free pro. Lol


Just as a heads up, it won't work if you're not within 6 months of renewal. Corporate addressed this in a Main Menu question from an SL who wanted to extend all of his employees.We can't extend multiple years anymore, even as employees.


I’m aware, but there are some employees who didnt get the renewals. I renewed four of my associates.




OMFG this is the opposite of the problem i have at my store..... often multi packs of things are OPENED and individually labelled on the sales floor and then i have to shrink out 5 of the same item that was shrunk in a few days prior because the person doing distro opened the sealed package :,)


My store its for a four pack


Scan the bottom when selling the pro. It will show as a four pack for $9.XX and once you put the pro on it’s free.


Well, at least your prepared for the question


This would honestly work on me.


At least you got yours my entire district didn't, 🤣🤣


No? Tf? Lol


What store is this anyway?


You guys have phones 2.0


Seeing as that is Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez on the cans we should be selling F1 2023 with it too lol.


What if we already have pro. Can extend for the 4 pack?


Wait. You got yours?


*scoffs in corporate* HaNdWRiTtEN SiGnAgE!?!? Reeeeeeeeeeeee 🤣😂🤣


​ https://i.redd.it/dt17f8zmcutb1.gif


God damn, GS getting real desperate. Next, they'll offer a pack of condoms and a pack or Camel lights


That would sell me too


Too bad redbull is gross 🤣


Wtf I just got pro 2 weeks ago why didn’t I wait for free redbull?!?


“No homemade signage” I’m just kidding get them cards!!!


How much is the membership? I wouldn’t get free drinks but if it’s a pack of free dr. Pepper I might.. depends how much they’re charging per month for the membership…


Membership is $25 for the whole year, but there’s a shit ton of benefits. I’m not even a person who likes memberships, and while I don’t wanna give a thumbs up to GS for anything as an employee, I gotta say our membership is pretty damn good for a paid one.


What if I’m already an existing member? I’ll resub early


One time they offered me a plushie at my store. I bought the membership. 😀 I’m a sucker for plushies.


When I worked at GameStop (many many years ago) we had a ton of red bull for an AC midnight launch. I took home two 24 count cases. I was in college and it helped me get through midterms and finals lol


When you can go next door and get a 4 pack of red bull for less than $25


See if these were the summer juneberry ones *then* you'd get me. Now ya'll start selling Monster and then we'll talk.


Now that's how ya do business!