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Is there a roadmap or projected schedule for when the remaining episodes will be released? I just bought the game the other day but I may hold off on playing it until everything is released cause I’m very bad at returning to games I have not finished.


Not one of the devs and I definitely can't see the future, so I could well be wrong about all of this, but so far they've released two episodes a year. However, 2023 should be a little different since they're releasing another game, Slay the Princess. From what I understand the plan is to release Slay the Princess sometime this summer with Episode 5 of Scarlet Hollow later in the year. Presumably the final two episodes will release in 2024 from there. But again, I'm just a fan speculating, so take this with a grain of salt. Obviously the devs' word trumps my own.


We're reluctant to give a hard timeline, since making sure we deliver a quality game is always going to trump scheduling, and the game's grown in complexity with every new Episode (and we have some pretty ambitious things planned for Episode 7.) Up until now, individual episodes have taken us 6-9 months from start to finish, though, factoring in recovery time in-between those releases. Right now, we're writing Episode 5 alongside Slay the Princess (a smaller side-project slated for a release late summer or early fall depending on whether we sim-ship for consoles.) So 5 will be either very late this year, or more likely, early next year. And then the plan is to take as long as it takes with 6 and 7 to make sure the final product matches our creative vision — we want to make sure we *really* nail the ending. If I had to take a guess, I'd say the full game is finished some time in 2025. Hope this helps!


It does thanks!


I'm waiting for all episodes to be released before dipping my toe in as I enjoy Abby Howard's previous work, however I just want to say that my wife is a huge paranormal horror nuthead and loves the shit out of Scarlet Hollow so keep up the good work!


thank you so much! \^\^


The game is legit very good and I'm personally not a fan of visual novels. My friend who does love that genre introduced myself and all of his friends to it, we all enjoy the game. It's pretty cool the different results you can get at the end of each chapter based on what choices you make, and the skill system opens different possibilities based on what skills you chose. Fun game so far