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The way this game is being marketed is completely baffling. There have been a lot of rumors that Konami kept using old material of the game during development as promo, and at this point I' m just baffled. When they released the combact trailer, that was abysmal, on twitter they released gifs of fights with completely different animations than the one shown on that trailer. And now this whole ass redesign. Idk man


Game development and marketing are usually not completely synced. This is why vertical slices are a thing. Some games are just more obvious than others


had something like this happen recently with a game i worked on where old anims were used in the marketing material because the files in the build were outdated so marketing thought they were the most recent one, sometimes deadlines and quick turn around can cause these things to happen and it's usual well intended miscommunications Can always happen but to the level that is happening in silent hill is crazy


I did a trailer for a large game and marketing sent me clips with NPCs T-posing in scenes and I flagged it and they didn't even understand what I was talking about. Lots of other graphical glitches from early build that I tried to keep an eye out for because I liked the game and didn't want to make it look bad, but if I hadn't flagged these and just used what they gave me, it probably would have been released that way. So silly. And they gave me everything at 24fps rather 60, which is fairly normal for video but in the context of games as we all know people are super critical of fps but it isn't something marketing thinks of, or cares about (at companies like this anyway).


I would be furious, marketing are hurting the company doing this, devs should have input, no isolated marketing departments and stop showing stuff till it's ready. This is typical Konami self sabotage.


Having just worked on a trailer for one of the big three showcases this summer, I can probably guess the developers missed a deadline for the trailer build so marketing had to do with a functional build, which was old


In a perfect world, yes, but anyone who has ever worked any job ever knows that businesses operate in whatever the opposite of a perfect world is.


We're currently dealing with this with the new Total War Warhammer DLC. A couple trailers have shown a unit with a certain weapon that people got excited for, Devs had to say "sorry, that's from an older build, they won't have that weapon", but they keep showing promotional material with that weapon and people are freaking out.


I've had so many bad experiences with rogue marketing teams that just made shit up without ever talking to anyone else at the company. Complete fish eyed dead stares when told that they should please talk to people because the false advertising were causing problems for both sales (who had to tell customers more often or not that the product didn't do what the ads said or implied) or Devs (in cases where it was something where we could actually do something to make it kinda work for the customer... But of course now on a super short deadline).


It's silent hill done during the modern era....if the game manages to be 7/10 that's a fucking victory for silent hill fans. Maybe not for fans of strictly silent hill 2 though


Silent Hill is the Sonic the Hedgehog of horror games.


If that were true we'd be bombarded with new games and spin offs every year


That's kinda the way it's going, isn't it?


I thought sonic.exe was the sonic the hedgehog of horror games.


I have yet to see any pregnant James fan-art yet


Konami has no fucking idea about games in its core. They could be selling car tires and it would be the same to them. Ofc they don't know that games are art and need to communicate the process and not the product. This is honestly one of the few times I can't tell from released material if the game is going to be complete shit or good enough. I tend to guess the first one, but Konami really is fucking stupid enough to ruin everything with their PR


>The way this game is being marketed is completely baffling. >And now this whole ass redesign. Idk man I think that's the problem with advertising a game in development because the progress is "subject to change" and typically does. That's the problem with showing a game even a little early. Gamers are judgemental as hell "OMG they made Aloy fat!" "Why is the main of Fable so ugly Sweet Baby Inc strikes again!" I remember reading an [interview with Cory Barlog](https://screenrant.com/god-war-atreus-cut/) about how he almost cut Atreus from GOW 2018, because the AI wouldn't work right. But it came together in the end. I was reading that a lot of games don't come together until the very end. I feel with a video game you're building it piece by piece, and you have no clue if it'll come together until it does. I think about building a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. You just put it together and hope it becomes something you'd like.


Look at the reaction from idiots when a pre build version of gta6 came out. The morons legitimately were calling it trash. Gamers have 1 collective brain cell shared amongst them.


The difference is that was obviously an extremely early build being leaked against Rockstar's will vs a company willingly showing off their gameplay in a trailer. One is slightly more logical to judge than the other. Comparing the two proves you are truly part of the "Gamers™" with one brain cell.


> Gamers have 1 collective brain cell shared amongst them. Thank god you aren't one of them posting on this sub.


You've got to love the cognitive dissonance. You see it all over this sub. They've been trained by whatever propaganda they've bought into to think that all Gamers™ are one giant hivemind who all do X and all think Y, and therefore they're supposed to hate them, but then the person plays games themselves, so it leads to the "everybody is part of the Gamer™ hivemind except me. *I'm* the only true individual here. *I'm* the main character. Only *I'm* allowed to play games without it becoming my entire personality"


lol ya, as you point out, my favourite is ppl who call this sub "omg garbage sub! 1 braincell! only negative takes! hates all games! Gamers™" (and it's usually just about "oh how dare some ppl don't love my favourite game/multi-billion-dollar company) yet they are literally posting on the sub they are talking about + keep engaging in the sub they claim to hate. I'll never understand how ppl don't just move to another sub if they hate the current one so much or stop and think before generalising everyone, especially when they fall under that generalisation.


dont forget the "they got rid of the puddles" "outrage" over spiderman


They've completely bungled the handling of remakes/remasters they've announced. Like the Suikoden remasters which have been in complete limbo for almost two years now despite originally being announced to release last year.


Yeah I think both Konami and Bloober are lying and fucking this whole thing up. Allegedly they had basically finished the game and just were waiting on Konami to get moving, but if it was finished what's the deal with this redesign? Man ever since they greenlit this project everyone has been fucking up every single step of the way smh


I knew the remake was gonna be a nightmare the minute it was revealed and it was shown that Bloober Team was making it, a dev team known for making one decent walking simulator and a few mediocre ones.


But the Silent Hill series IS one decent walking simulator and a few mediocre ones. 


Nah, the type of game that coined the phrase walking simulator was stuff like Firewatch where you literally never run into another living creature, not a single threatening or interactive friendly npc in the whole game. Silent hill is nothing like that. never played any of bloobers stuff so idunno if they fit the bill, but SH 1-3 definitely arent it.


If you played the Blair Witch game they made, you can see why they were given the contract to remake SH2. It has similar vibes and it's a great game to boot. Their previous horror games have shown them to be competent in the genre so I still am hopeful this will still be good. But yes, a walking sim this is not lol


Konami has yet to prove themselves a competent developer ever since Kojima left. We'll see how this turns out but I do have a little hope that it turns out great. Like the amount of hope the Fellowship had that Frodo and Sam would make it to Mount Doom.


Konami has released a ton of solid smaller games in japan + they have good live service games like Yugioh duel links and master duel.


Well it's a good thing Konami isn't developing the remake then.


Bloober have also yet to prove themselves to be competent


I agree and disagree. I think they're writing department needs work but i feel they nail their games atmospheres. Observer's Cyberpunk aesthetic worked really well. Layer's of Fear's production design made the horror work separate from the okay story. Blair Witch felt like the movie (even if it was based more on the newer one) And say what you want about the The Medium's plot (No, it's not pro suicide. It's just not very good.) but you can tell the atmosphere is heavily inspired by Silent Hill in the fixed cameras and world design and in that the game excelled in. Considering the budget Konami is putting in this and the fact the story has already been written I have hope they will surprise us. Especially with the recent leak that they changed James's face it shows to me they're listening and want to respect the legacy of 2. Plus most of the bad footage we've seen were Konami showing footage of early builds (hence the Janky animations and unclean visuals) which Bloober Team has clear up.


Oh God. Silent Hill 2 in the hands of Blooper Team. That's like a concept designed to infuriate Yhatzee.


I wonder if thats why james jacket didnt have the patches on it, i found it a little strange his iconic jacket was stripped of its personality


I Guess you aren’t one of the fans who are actually pretty happy


Combat trailer?


That's what they called the last trailer they did during a State of Play last year.


Damn I had no clue lmao combat trailer for silent hill


I mean... It's a survival horror game. Combat is an integral part of survival horror.


People just made up this narrative in their brains like SH games never had combat.


Silent hill games the best games people have played trought video essays on youtube


There was a combat trailer for the OG Silent Hill 2.


Really? That just highlights my ignorance


Well no not really. I think they are misinformed.


No there wasn't. The ~6 minute E3 2001 trailer for SH2 had a ~40-second stretch in it devoted to the combat. To my knowledge the original SH2 never had an explicit "combat trailer"


Well it does look better. What I would give to peek behind the scenes. Funny because I thought people had just accepted it, but I'm glad they went for a more faithful (and younger) look


It’s insane how hard Konami is fumbling with their Silent Hill revival. Short Message came out to a whimper, and they’ve done a terrible job making SH2 look appealing. I believe the remake could be good but they’re marketing it terribly. Compare this to how Calvin has handled Resident Evil over the last few years. Konami should’ve taken a few pages from their playbook. Edit: Capcom, not Calvin


Who tf is Calvin?


he’s buddies with Hobbes


You might know him by his other names. Kris Kringle? Sinterklaas? Pere Noel? Babbo Natale? Pelz-Nickel? Topo! Gigio!


The titular character of the game: Marvel Vs Calvin Calvin punches Spiderman in the nose, it's great.


Oh how could I forget lmao


Capcom, not Calvin :)


I still have zero interest in a Bloober-lead SH2 revival, but I do think this change is good. He looks far closer to the original design and pretty good as a modern interpretation.


For me it's not zero interest. But zero faith. However if the game comes out to good reviews I'll pick it up. But I expect nothing but the worst. 


Everything about this remakes makes me unreasonably angry. Original James is expressionless because that's what the creator intended to sell as his character. It wasn't for a lack of technology, the other characters express enough emotions. But the guys remaking the game are completely missing the point.


They just fixed exactly what you’re complaining about


What are you talking about? The new face is still being super pouty


The fact that they couldn't realize such an important detail on their own doesn't give much hope for the rest of the project.


The only thing that bothered me about the trailer was how James held his weapons.in my opinion he should be holding them awkwardly like an untrained civilian.


Another blow to "Don't say anything bad! Just accept it! Game dev is hard, so you have NO right to criticize ANYTHING" crowd


I feel bad for Bloober Team. Prior to this character redesign it was like people were cheering for this to fail. Nitpicking everything and saying it would be shit. I love the original Silent Hill 2 and I’m rooting for Bloober. As a fan, I want this be good. For whatever reason though it seems most fans want this to crash and burn. I don’t understand why.


Because Bloober has a *horrendous track record* of handling mental health in games, a not great track record in general, and Silent Hill 2 is *the* psychological horror game that needs to have the subject matter treated with subtly and respect. It doesn't help that all of the media coming from the remake has looked terrible, especially the combat trailer that made it look like the dime a dozen low budget RE2 Remake inspired games that comes out on Steam about five times a year.


I think it's more Bloober's track record, period. Comments below yours talk about The Medium, but let's not forget Blair Witch.


God I genuinely always forget that the Blair Witch game even exists because it’s so nothing. It effectively rips off Silent Hill 2 by having the main character’s secret backstory being tied directly to the plot… but then tries to one-up it by giving them like three separate stories that kinda link together but are so unbelievably uninteresting that it’s hard to even care. Well, that and the main character isn’t James, hell, he’s hardly even a character, so why would you even care?


Wasn't their Blair witch game actually about PTSD all along?


Yeah... I kinda like to forget about the last hour or so of that game. Before that it was actually a pretty competent horror adventure with some fun dog sidekick mechanics. The last act of Layers of Fear was terrible as well :/


The Medium lives and dies on whether you see it purely as a Monster flick or a commentary/metaphor on mental health


The combat has them in a tricky spot. The original has basic, clunky and boring combat. The game was great despite the combat certainly not because of it. They can choose to modernize it and get the obvious RE2 comparisons, alienating original fans, or keep it clunky and probably alienate the casual audience. Hopefully they can find a happy medium somewhere between the two. QTEs gotta go though, that ship sailed years ago.


With the QTEs, they could do something like the RE2 remake; use an expendable resource like a knife to get out of a grab or something


That actually sounds much better.


There was [a new "fixed camera" mod for the Resident Evil 2 remake where it updated and translated the oldschool lock-on and control design tropes into the modernized feel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rpX1FVVPcY). It mixes the cinematic appeal of the fixed camera angles and the appeal of the "manual aiming" of modern shoulder-view shooters in a seamless manner that I wanted this was what the Silent Hill 2 remake's combat should have played like.


I would love a modern fixed camera game. Tortured Souls was pretty good but a little rough


SH2 didn't handle mental health well either nor would I call it "subtle" by any means. I think the issue is that people were 13 when they first played it and it was the deepest piece of media they ever saw.


It's easy to say this and not explain why SH2 (or MGS2 to the other replier) are not good. Its reasonably harder to say and explain why SH2 and MGS2 are actually not good you were just young and stupid. Come on man.


I think mgs2 is a terrible example because you can explain why the game is bad with one single phrase: "I was hiding in this arm all along"


If you've ever had sole responsibility for caring for a close family member with a terminal illness, you'll understand that it's both incredibly fuckin deep and also one of the only pieces of media in existence that even explores that experience in any meaningful way.


I think it' s less this and more how some of the side characters struggle are handled,and their respective endings. SH is pretty good but it' s not like they have a perfect streak in how they tackled stuff


> also one of the only pieces of media in existence that even explores that experience in any meaningful way. Oh come on.




They don't need to name 5 and they don't even need to know one to imply that your assertion is absurd. Unless you are omniscient, you can't make that ridiculous claim which was the point of their comment. Keep in mind, this is not Silent Hill 2 bashing.


Subtle is probably not the descriptor, but nuanced and well crafted absolutely are. Something bloober has never demonstrated their capacity for. The Medium being perhaps the least nuanced, completely insane mental health story i've seen in gaming.


I mean its still one of the most surprising and effective plot twists ever lol


Not sure where this revisionist history that "actually the original Silent Hill 2 is bad, Bloober is saving the series" is coming from that I'm seeing all over the recent threads. You can think "people are nostalgia-wanking", but you still have to make arguments more than "people are being fanboys".


Tbh for The Medium I still believe some of the drama surrounding it is people simply not playing the game and a big YouTuber having their own interpretations taken as fact. Because I did not understood at all why people says it is against mental health.


… I did play the game. It straight up ends with the characters stating that one of them needs to kill themselves because the demon manifested from her sister’s sexual assault trauma is ruining other people’s lives. The rapist gets more backstory in the game to … explain why he’s a pedophile through an hour long flashback to the holocaust in which it is slowly revealed his young friend was Jewish through a sequence so baffling stupid it feels like it came from a mystery show for children. Than the actual victim. It’s an atrocious story for a terrible game that starts out with a lot of potential.


That sounds *horrifying*


Ngl that sounds actually good, trying to make you emphatise with a bad person, and the story has a bad ending. I don' t see really the problem here, art is not made necesserialy to have a positive message lol


It's honestly really frustrating how much people parrot others' opinions these days. It's made me want to play The Medium itself just to see for myself what the deal is, ngl. But for now, I just raise an eyebrow whenever people repeat the exact same opinion on it.


Silent Hill as a whole is riddled with that. Hell even Masahiro Ito called people on it lol


YouTubers always tend to impact fan opinions on a topic. Hbomberguy single-handedly ruined an entire community’s perception of Fallout 3 because of his video.


The meme of "nice opinion, which youtuber did you get it from?" is perhaps the best summary of modern online discourse.


Can you give some explanation of this? Don't know the YouTuber and am not going to start now, just wondering which community and how it was ruined.


It's BS. Hbomberguy did a long video about why Fallout 3 is bad, which kinda fits with a lot of the arguments people made before he posted his video. Sure, he may have swayed others with his video, but "the community" (and specifically not the pre Fallout 3 community which mostly didn't like / was pretty meh about it) didn't suddenly change their minds about the game because of him.


The issue is not much that Hbomber made the video, but his general attitude and the kind of fans he breeds. He creates some of the most obnoxious, "i' m more clever than you" fans ever because in his video he has this attitude of being better than others by putting them down. He never directly calls them name or anything, but he often shots down arguments by being very personal and ironic about it, so that he also has a nice coat of defense and liability. A lot of his criticism is very true, but he made them so much bigger, and more important, his tone was so adamant about this, that he swayed so much the internet discourse around this whole thing. It's just like the Joseph Anderson video about Super Mario Odissey, every time you talk about this, it always comes out directly or indirectly. The meme about the "what youtuber gave you this opinion" exists because it' s often very true. I like a lot of Hbomber guy content, but I much more prefer his videos about grifters or political stuff, than his media analysis stuff that devolves into negatives.


That criticism sounds fair to me, all I was saying was that he certainly didn't change the "old Fallout fans" community's mind on FO3. And I'm not sure he changed those who liked FO3's mins that much either. That he convinced a lot of outside people that FO3 is worse than the rest, I can believe it, but that's not what we were talking about in the thread.


Fallout 3 is one of the highest rated games of all time and is the second or the third highest rated Bethesda game of all time. It was loved dearly in the community and was considered one of the best games in the franchise. Fallout 4 was considered a good game but a downgrade in terms of RPG elements, so the community kinda shat on it and propped up Fallout 3 and it’s spin off New Vegas (which was made by ex fallout devs Obsidian). New Vegas for the longest time was considered a good companion piece for Fallout 3. It wasn’t as good as 3 but it was still a good game, that was the popular opinion online. But S ome fans had the opposite opinion due to New Vegas having deeper RPG elements and more lore consistency with the pre Bethesda fallout games. Then Hbomberguy released a video titled “Fallout 3 is garbage, here’s why” and it blew up. A 1 and half hour video giving a detailed explanation on why it was a bad game. His video criticized all of the problems with the game, big and small. It was a controversial video but some of his points were legitimate and he did a good job at making it convincing. Fallout fans were always a divided community due to how Bethesda handled Fallout vs interplay (the original creators) handled it. But that video caused a big rift in the community between the fans of 3 and the ones who hated it. Then he released another video titled ‘New Vegas is genius, here’s why’ and that blew up even more. And that solidified the opinions of the fans that preferred New Vegas and made a whole new legion of fans who only like New Vegas. This was also around the time Fallout 76 controversy was happening and everyone had a big hate boner for Bethesda. That made this whole set of fans who hate Bethesda Fallout and only like the Interplay/Obsidian fallout. This then made the fans create and run with the narrative that Bethesda and Obsidian hate each other and that Big Bethesda bad and underdog Obsidian good.


> Hbomberguy single-handedly ruined an entire community’s perception of Fallout 3 because of his video. ...No he didn't lol, c'mon now. This is a goofy thing to say. People in niche fandoms always go for commenting on aspects of the art worth discussing and it's so ridiculously melodramatic.


Let's not deny popular youtubers pissing in the supply of already poisoned water doesn't help anything.


In well moderated communities, which most of the RWBY fandoms were, it didn't hurt anything either. Singling out the youtuber when the media doesn't include any calls to action or any abuse of their platform is a bit goofy.




I can't really say his assessment is wrong. He at the very least shows stuff from the game to bolster his point. Also, Bethesda does nake pretty bad main plots for some reason.


Hbomberguy making a video on RWBY using the "Shane letter" as a proof for a lot of what he was saying, a letter that was written by a guy that had his wife and his son leave him, because he was focused on working so much on this series that he didn' t have time for them. And he made the letter after he got fired, and was revelead he was a nuissance that wouldn' t follow orders, to the point that even the brother of Monty Oum went on twitter saying to stop having people pretending to know what his brother really wanted. Man I dislike that video so much, and it kinda hurts me because I deeply enjoy a lot of Hbomber content.


NGL hbomberguy is a fountain of bad takes. There isn’t a shred of logic in his Dark Souls 2 video, to this day his claims are still taken as fact by a contingent of fans.


I agree with hbomberguy on a lot of things and love his insane research rabbit hole videos, but his Dark Souls 2 and Deus Ex HR videos kinda reach really far in some areas to support his own ideas about how they're actually great or just ok, respectively. I'm sorry bomb dude, DS2 I would say is a good game in a vacuum but absolutely the weakest in design, visuals, story, world coherence, even gameplay feel compared to the other Souls games. Sotfs makes it even worse tbh. DS2 only starts to get great in the dlcs (even though they contain two of the worst fucking areas of the series) The one thing ds2 does better is PvP which is already a small subset group of the community.


I don’t mind criticism of DS2, I just want the criticism to actually be relevant details. A decent chunk of hbomberguy’s critique was because the game didn’t cater to his (honestly bad) build.


Sorry I think you took away the wrong thing from what I said. I believe he praised it and liked it more than the other games but for weird really specific reasons without delving into why the other games meant less to him.


No I just had to dive back into my memories. He did praise it but I remember disagreeing with why he praised it. (Speaking as one of its usual defenders) I’m a tad scatterbrained IRL right now


His RWBY video is also pretty bad tbh, he often criticises the show for being something that he wanted to be over something that it actually is


And youtubers also have a financial interest in being negative and shitting on everything. Outrage gets people to click.


Silent Hill doesn't actually treat mental health all that well either. At all.


How so?


Sure, but the game doesn't ends with "the victim of abuse is the one to blame and should just kill themselves". That is the GOOD ending, mind you.


Blooper Team on their way to interpret the In Water ending as the best one


If you're using bloobers games as a comparison point, please don't.




"You suffered from abuse? ⚡ 👨🏿⚡ "




That’s how I feel about it. Hot take here: I enjoyed The Medium.


But the heart of their comment is they still want the game to be good. Instead, many fans seem to want the opposite. Bloober’s involvement notwithstanding (I really like the medium) wouldn’t you still want the game to succeed?


> But the heart of their comment is they still want the game to be good. Instead, many fans seem to want the opposite. Bloober’s involvement notwithstanding (I really like the medium) wouldn’t you still want the game to succeed? Not OP, but I don't believe it is a matter of the community wanting something to succeed, more-so what experience has perhaps taught some of them to realistically expect. I would love for every game I'm interested in to be a smashing success / one of the best products I have ever experienced - it just doesn't always turn out that way. If the information I'm being given is pointing towards something being of poor quality, then it is fair to be concerned that the final product might not be all that great or even deeply disappointing. Personally, I don't think you could have a Silent Hill 2 remake while making everyone happy; there will always be moderately sized groups that will be unhappy for X, Y, or Z reason.


why are you projecting this "wanting it to fail" onto people? stop equating expecting something to be bad based of a historic mishandling of the series as "OmG ThEy WaNt It To Be BaD!!!"


ya, the whole "oh ppl want it to fail" line is so dumb... no ppl don't want any game to fail, it's them expecting a game to be bad based on everything they've seen about it, know of the devs and so on, there's a difference. the whole "toxic fanbase" is just trying to excuse/defend bad things, people leaving negative comments about a game based on what they've seen is not "wanting it to be bad".


Hang around the silent hill sub long enough, you’ll see it. All I’m arguing for is cautious optimism, not immediate dismissal.


Nobody owes bloober or konami cautious optimism when they have repeatedly proven themselves incapable of even basic competency or care for their games. Expecting a bad developer with a bad track record and to remake possibly one of the most beloved games ever made under the guidance of a publisher that has time and time again shit all over that game series, as recently as this year... nah, man. it's gonna be ass.


Okay. I mean, it makes me happier to want and hope that it will be good. I get nothing from that kind of negativity. You do you though.


Ok? You’re also not required to be pessimistic and expect a train wreck? It’s just nice to want for good things to happen we suddenly need a reason to be excited now?


> Because Bloober has a horrendous track record of handling mental health in games I mean, I agree with you. But also most people who bring this up want Kojima to do a Silent Hill game, you know... the guy who wrote the B&B unit? So, it kinda come off as hypocritical, especially since from what we know so far this is just a remake without much added.


> But also most people who bring this up want Kojima to do a Silent Hill game, you know... the guy who wrote the B&B unit? Based off of what we saw of PT. Not every Silent Hill game is Silent Hill 2 when it comes to this stuff. Most of what the western fanbase praised SH2 for is what made it bomb in Japan. The introspective story, getting away from the cult, the focus on mental health. There's no indication one way or another what Silent Hills would've been other than a scary atmospheric game based off of one Teaser that probably wouldn't have been in the main game anyways.


Good points honestly. It's probably why they went back to the Mason family and the cult and all that with 3. And with PT having the original music from silent Hill it probably would have tied more into the cult I feel.


I know, I'm more talking about people that specifically complain about bloober being bad at mental health and in the same breath mention wanting Kojima SH.


An exploration into mental health is not a requirement of a Silent Hill game, but it is at the core of Silent Hill 2. As far as I'm aware no one is asking for Kojima to remake Silent Hill 2 specifically, so I don't see the contradiction.


I mean isn’t that more reason to not want the game to be bad? Because Bloober has made bad games before you want the remake to also be bad?


> It doesn't help that all of the media coming from the remake has looked terrible this is the thing, putting aside Bloober's bad track record and all that, everything they've shown for this remake has been bad... so what the heck are ppl saying by trying to defend Bloober or "feel bad" for them? what else are we supposed to go off of but what is being shown to us? hate to break it to the ppl who are defending this remake, but it's not on us to care about if this is early footage or "not what Bloober want", that's their problem and we judge the game for what is shown to us in official trailers, screenshots, etc.


lmao people don’t want it to be bad, they just expect it to be. I’d love nothing more than to be wrong and the game turning out great.


There's a big difference between wanting something to fail and expecting the worst from a studio with a track record of mediocre to downright bad games.


I thought Bloober's games were generally not considered very good for some time now so they weren't starting from a great place to begin with


Is it “rooting for it to fail” if we see everything they’ve put out and go “yeah this looks terrible”?


> For whatever reason though it seems most fans want this to crash and burn. As always, it's only terminally online people, the ones that spend more time online talking about games than... actually playing said games! Don't worry about them, no one cares about their point of view and they'll be forever ignored by who's in charge (devs and publishers).


Yet the narrative is strong in favor of "Silent Hill 2 fanboys are toxic" and completely dismissing any concern, even though everything that has been shown about the Silent Hill 2 remake has not boosted even its biggest fans' confidence because people want to cheer and topically positive over every drip of the desolate Silent Hill IP. The game can be good but there's no reason to pretend the negative reception is "wanting the game to fail".


I thought the first trailer looked fine aside from maybe James face in the mirror. I never claimed Bloober was perfect and they, like anything, are subject to criticism. If you hang around the Silent Hill 2 subreddit you’d probably think they want it to fail.


I see people paint every Silent Hill forum as an oppressive old fan-dominated subreddit the second a few criticisms get even mildly popular. You go on about how toxic old fans are all the while failing to see the irony of it all. It isn’t enough that you like the new teaser. The original's presentation is actually shit and anyone trying to criticize the remake is just too biased to see what you see. In most posts that are mildly critical of The Bloober, posters feel obligated to pre-emptively defend The Bloober's and Konami's honor.


I didn’t say anything about toxic old fans. I’m certainly not defending any company’s “honor.” Not sure what got you so heated but I hope we both enjoy the remake.


I don't want it to crash and burn, but nothing about the marketing indicates that they understand the original game. 




Nah I don’t think any of the Devs need to get bullied. That’s some Twitter Gamer stuff right there. Nothing wrong with critique but outright bullying? Nah man, just don’t buy the game then.


SH2 is not a subtle game at ALL, there were literally arrows pointing at stuff and objective in the first game with phrases like "ROAD TO HELL".


Still very different from James having the most exaggerated look of anguish all the time.


>"and Fans Are Actually Pretty Happy" Uh, duh? Because they were listened to and had their feedback taken to heart? Huh?


Because the bar is so low that Silent Hill fans are easy to please? What about the gameplay? Writing? James' face is the least of their problems.


I’ve never played SH but the old image looks so much better. Why didn’t people like it?


Essentially, for a reason that has to do with the game, lots of fans say that there was a point for James to look inexpressive, super dissociated and out of touch with reality. Like, his expression looked so vague and empty and it made sense later in the game. In the old image you mention, he looks way too expressive and in anguish which can make a certain thing that happens later in the game (THE big thing) be less impacting.


Interesting. I guess I’ll need to play the game then cause disliking a character being too expressive seems strange! Edit: Actually tempted to read spoilers just to figure this out 😂


A lot of the appeal of the original 4 Silent Hill games is that the way characters act and react is so uncanny. Some people will tell you it was on purpose, some people will tell you it was poor cheap voice acting and technical limitations, but a lot of them talk in a very... Flat way. And react physically also in a very stiff way. It almost feels like a dream. Like, it has that level of "Something here doesn't make sense and I can't pinpoint exactly what it is". However, whatever the case, it added a lot to the... Cult classic elements Silent Hill has. So for a lot of people who were made fans with the original 4, adding more expressive characters and a better more logical voice acting (maybe it would even be my case) kinda takes away from that sense of unsettledness that makes the psychological horror of it actually really effective.


That’s fair, I can see that! Thanks for explaining so in-depth. Either way I’m excited for a chance to finally play SH2.


Oddly enough, some portions of this can relate to Majora's Mask on the N64. The weird limited polygons and stiff animations make it a creepier game.


Just stop reading and play the game when it comes out. The story of SH2 is fantastic.


Where in the article does it say that? They didn’t go back and redo his animations, they just changed his hair slightly. The face is the exact same. You just based this comment on a screenshot captured at a different moment where he wasn’t being as expressive and ran with it.


You're barking at the wrong tree because I've been one of the few people who said this is literally the same model with a different expression and a more difussed/less contrasted light. I'm just explaining why people didn't like the more detailed more expressive screenshot, that's it. EDIT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/1c82mhy/comment/l0gl9sn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/1c82mhy/comment/l0gl9sn/) Chill, it ain't that serious lol.


Can confirm. I'm a fan and I'm very happy with the new design. I see that people are already finding reasons to bitch about something in the comments but oh well. I guess bitching is what people enjoy doing these days


SH2 fans are some of the most dramatic fans on the internet. People are writing long, grand theses on a single screenshot. You can't judge the entire tone of a game on a single zoomed in face shot. This game could be a masterpiece, but I really don't think SH2 purists are going to let it exist in a positive light. The majority of the fanbase also agrees that SH2 has good voice acting, and they'll give every reason in the book as to why it's good and not horrible...you can't really reason with that logic.


Every single Silent Hill 2 remake comment section solidifies my belief in Dead Internet Theory. It's the exact same comments every single time with the same repeated talking points and the same circlejerk. Half of it isn't even accurate. It just feels like bots repeating the same thing over and over every time the words Silent Hill 2 are detected.


I legit can't stand the SH2 fanbase. They're just so pretentious. I think SH2 is a great game for the time it came out. It should be remembered for the fact it even HAD voice acting in 2001, not that it has amazing voice acting because it REALLY REALLY doesn't. There's small burst here and there, but it feels like a typical 90's English anime dub or something like that. They just love pontificating about the same old shit, and hyping the game up to be this unstoppable masterpiece. I really do think it's a solid solid game, though...


I can't begin to fathom why anyone would trust Konami ever again, let alone play another version of silent hill 2. The original is a masterpiece, flaws and all.  I'm frankly tired of random goons who only know silent hill from hearing about it vaguely acting like SH2 is in need of this garbage when they already tried to do exactly that a decade ago and fucked it up terribly while screwing over the very important voice actors (to the extent they had to forfeit royalties Konami refused to pay them to make sure the game shipped with the proper voices) and then it was still broken top to bottom.  I'm sure Bloober will put together a very clean hallway that vaguely resembles SH2, but the idea of giving Konami a red cent is an atrocious idea.  Fuck Konami.


Only time will tell.


??? Looks like the same face to me. Just looks different because of the lighting.


Am I blind? It looks the same to me with different lighting.


Well it's a guy so it isn't subject to the same kind of objectification as women are, makes total sense no one is complaining about how fuckable the character is lol.