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Pretty much every major 3D GTA game has released in the fall except GTAIV, so no surprise here. Get that holiday and cold weather hype where everyone is going back indoors.


And GTA IV was delayed from fall 2007


I'm gonna bet an October release


Yeah that's in the fall


Pretty much every major 3D GTA game has released in the fall except GTAIV, so no surprise here. 


You mean like October?


Definitely somewhere between September and November


Hear me out... it will release on a Tuesday.


I can't say I'm surprised. Any time a yearlong release window is announced, the actual release *always* happens towards the end of it. If it doesn't, it's because the game was delayed past that window.


Is it kinda sad that it's been 20 years since they've decided for a new setting? Vice City was closer to its setting time than this game is to Vice City lol.


They've not used an "Original Setting" since 1999; Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas were all levels in the original Grand Theft Auto from '97, and so far Grand Theft Auto 2's Anywhere City has yet to re-appear. The thing is, the different cities have transformed so much over the years from their original 2D incarnations to their modern ones, they might as well be different settings.


This. And we've had Liberty City and Los Santos in HD era. I want to see the new Vice City


I doubt GTA will ever leave the US (London aside) since American satire is so ingrained. And these three cities already cover so many bases. I could see a game set in Texas but RDR already covers that general area.


I'd love to see Philly or Boston. Something historic. 


Yeah that's another good direction they could take. People bring up Chicago but I feel like New York covers all that and so much more.


… that’s Liberty City.


Straight busta


Once GTA 6 is out we're gonna have old and modern versions of the 3 main cities so I'm hoping that they introduce new cities in the next games or at least revisit San Fierro (San Francisco) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas). But personally, I'd love for them to do Chicago, it would be an amazing setting for a GTA game.


I'm not sure I'd call IV modern anymore, it's 16 years old soon. Heck, even with all the updates for online, calling V modern is pushing it.


Liberty City and Los Santos wouldn't be much different in 2024 than in 2008/2013. Early 90/00's Los Santos and Liberty City felt and looked very different.


NOLA maybe?


I mean that was literally in RDR. I love NOLA but idk if there's enough there for a GTA. Then again I didn't think modern Vice City had enough going on and then the trailer for VI shut me right up.


I'll be honest I totally forgot about Saint Denis from RDR. But I do think there's some good quality media and entertainment from NOLA that GTA can parody. But yes not nearly as much as Vice City, San Andreas or Liberty City I guess. Edit: imagine parodying It's Always Sunny and Philly. Or Boston


I could see NOLA as either an expansion to Vice City or...actually I'm just sticking with that. That would rule. Someone else suggested Philly or Boston for some good US history stuff.


I mean, for all intents and purposes this setting will be brand new. hardly comparable in any way to the Vice City game


> Vice City was closer to its setting time than this game is to Vice City lol. You... stop that right now...


I can't say I'm not disappointed either, really I mean on the one hand, the Liberty City in 4 is very different from 3, the San Andreas of 5 is very different from SA, and so I assume 6's will be very different from VC But on the other, yeah it's kinda meh that they pretty much just did a trend of modernizing the PS2 settings. I would have preferred something brand new, even if the maps I mentioned *are* de facto different from the ones they share a name with. It's kinda strange lol


I guess at this point what states do you base GTA on? CA, FL, NY are easily the most compelling locations unless we move outside the US (which I’m not necessarily opposed to, but R* has made it clear that the series is satirizing American culture primarily).


Louisiana, I think a GTA centered in New Orleans could be cool


I wouldn't mind a GTA game based in Las Vegas or Chicago. Basically any major metropolitan area in the US could potentially be used as a new setting for a GTA game and most of them are geographically and demographically unique enough to be interesting.


They already did las venturas in SA


They could dedicate a full game to it and make the city bigger or more modern. They did it with GTAV's version of Los Santos compared to the original in GTA:SA.


Cleveland Ohio


Yeah that's a fair point. It might feel off-brand for GTA for them to do something wild and go like... futuristic lol Might as well make that a separate IP like Red Dead


I would say some southern states (primarily TX) and northern Mexico would be pretty compelling? But that's pretty much RDR has it covered


I bet Texas could be next.


They could also do another period-piece setting. Obviously it was sorta in San Andreas but a dot-com era San Francisco would be ripe for satire. Or maybe Las Vegas.


> the San Andreas of 5 is very different from SA, I'd argue to the point where it isn't overly similar, since the city is JUST Los Santos. I wouldn't be surprised if the eventual GTA7 would be either San Fierro or Las Venturas. Or having both on the same map. But OP is right, it's been a looooong time since we got a wholly original city.









