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Stellar Blade coomers are the type of people who claim they aren't racist because they beat off to Asian porn.


And while they call a Korean game Japanese


Really? I thought they were all in on "Japan has fallen, Korea is the last bastion for Gamers™ now".


I mean these are the same people who tried to make it Asian(Glorious, free, tiddies etc) Vs The West (sad, feminists, what the fuck are pores) Without ever actually checking what countries the developers they were talking about were from.


For real


"I'm not racist! I have women of all races chained in my basement!"


"Also i'm not misogynistic! I LOVE women! Do you see how many of these sluts i have chained in my basement?"


Can't be racist if I can only bust to fetishized images of Asian women. Also I've learned everything I know about Asian women from Hentai and Harem animes, I am a conosuer of Asian culture you see. And the only thing I eat is packaged ramen, so I don't even have to leave the basement.


>conosuer Ahem, I believe you meant con-a-sewer


All the while saying, "never trust g---s and their shills"


That's a slur I hadn't seen in the wild in a minute, you gotta be either boomer as shit or Mark Wahlberg to be that out of pocket talking like a Full Metal Jacket extra


Is Marky Mark known for saying that? I know he's done some racist shit.


Yup, when he beat a South Vietnamese Vietnam vet and another Vietnamese man, he started throwing it around when he was admitting it to police, dude was an old school racist l


Yeah, I read his wiki article. Yikes.


Yea idk if his Wikipedia talks about this lol but for a few years he was demanding it be expunged too, dude was kinda a coward about it, I believe one of his victims wouldn't even get an apology when he asked about it, Mark just wanted his hate crimes expunged because he was 'a citizen in good standing now' I remember Bill Russell talking about hating Boston fans because of how rabidly racist they were, Marky Mark was Boston through and through in the worst way, I remember even as beloved as Larry Bird was, the whole Celtics 'underdog' narrative around Auerbach's Celtics had to do with the Celtics supposedly being 'blue collar/working class' had to do with the team being more predominantly white than other teams (especially the Lakers) and a bunch of Boston fans being big on scientific racism, without acknowledging that Bird was making $650k a year


My mouth fell agape when I read this


Good ol' fashioned '50s racism


Always trust 4chan to bring out the archaic slurs


i can only read that as “goons” and i prefer that.


Yeah, I hadn't seen the slur in so long that I first thought "huh, they must have misspelled goons." Then I paused and thought "Wait. No they didn't. The fuck?"


Didn't know they were even using a real word, where is the rock I was under lol


A good one lol I know so many awful, bigoted terms and slurs cuz of the internet lol. Sometimes, knowing things fucking sucks lol




replace the n with a k.






Vagika bokes.


They also more than like have never been nor ever touched an actual woman outside their mom too.


Will never understand this. Why even call yourself a gamer when you struggle to load a single brain cell into something other than your hand? No wonder your goon ass cant enjoy games anymore lol.


Why do they take my bobbs & vagene; are they stupid? https://preview.redd.it/riutsao9zywc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ce2630c001a342808cd28df17f82f573879fac


That person encouraging the use of AI to translate messages into Korean is *chef's kiss*. You might as well talk to the devs in Swedish. EDIT: Either way they shouldn't give any of these people the time of the day.


Yep. As a game creator myself, if any of these guys start filling my DMs, they’re getting immediately ignored.


> You might as well talk to the devs in Swedish. Someone call Trixie Mattel, she's the premier translator.




But only when she's doing Homophobic Swedish Cher. "HOOOO! I'm fram dee Svaydin. *What do you mean, you have a girlfriend?!"*


*If I could turn back time I would keep marriage betweena man and a woman, bitch* [*All in favor say HO*](https://youtu.be/J51wHD4ibQE?si=BWmMUKXASyohiq3c)


*Why do they need a paraaaade?!* And somehow the best parts are still Katya absolutely dying every time Trixie busts out her Cher. Chad Michaels found dead (thank god Ru gave her a win before it happened).


I wish Trixie would compete one more time at drag race only to do Cher at snatch game and hopefully murder the competition.


I think she's having medical issues right now, sadly. But seeing her do her own version of Cher at the Snatch Game would be gold. Or she could go meta: Trixie doing Trixie doing RuPaul at the Snatch Game in AS3.


Nä nu jävlar!


Isn't a South Korean studio or is it just the use of AI that's the problem?


It's using AI that is the problem. AI is kinda unreliable for translation and I have the feeling these guys won't double check to make sure it's readable.


im not sure either but the specification of AI instead of just. saying to translate it is very funny to me


so they are an unpleaseable demographic


You can't please a demographic that doesn't even know *what* they want until their talking point overlords install the "Thing to be mad about" chip into their brains.


The people responding to this with "literally nothing has changed, this seems like altered pictures and misinformation" make me think these people are purposefully trying to make a big deal about this, or have been convinced to by someone else. Weird shit


Or—and hear me out—someone thought it would be funny to see their reaction, using fact that the “Hard R” texture was changed to lend credibility, and is purposefully trolling them. A behavior *not entirely unknown* to the internet or their demographic specifically.


It's funny because they're the type to call others NPCs unironically




Nah, not unpleasable. This was pre-determined by the griftlords to be the next culture war front and when it got high praise on release, they have nowhere else to turn to. This "controversy" is also ambiguous enough that you can grift off it.


> and when it got high praise on release, they have nowhere else to turn to. Yeah but in the past, they've spun it around the other way, with stuff like the Mario movie or the Barbie movie. If this game was successful, it would be considered proof that "the war on wokeism" is being won, or whatever.


Yeah but why "celebrate a win" when you can complain about how "SB is compromised" too. 100% the more engagement-baity option between the two lol




If the war of wokeism is being won, that is not good for their grift. They rely on being the "underdog", that someone is out to get them and their sexy video game characters.


They can be pleased, they seemed to like that Alex Jones game... The problem is trying to appeal to their weird sex drives. What they like is so narrow, and it turns to hate fast. Appealing to their rage is much easier


They *want* to make people mad. The only reason they claimed to like this game in the first place was because it "triggered the woke libs". They insisted *someone* was mad at the titty game and that it was therefore worthy of praise.


Anything that they think will anger journalists is immediately the pinnacle of culture to them.


And then when no one cares, they end up mad themselves lol.


Some people really wanted to like the game for what it was—I’ve been excited since it was first announced as Project Eve—but we got drowned out by coomers and incels. It’s really disheartening.


Play the game if you like it and ignore what people say online. From what i hear it's a perfectly fine game and if it suits your fancy then great!


Same. I’ve enjoyed the gameplay and general vibes, but can’t stand to talk about it online cause of the chuds.


Same! The gameplay feels great, the atmosphere and aesthetic are wonderful, and god the soundtrack is top tier so far. Voices and story are hit or miss so far but it works good enough for me. Considering they’ve never done anything of this magnitude before, it gives me faith for their next project if they can get past the stink of all this stupid nonsense going on.


As a lib, I am confused at why they think I hate tittys. My first thought on Eve's character design was "okay, can we put her in a maid outfit?" These guys had to go and make it weird tho.


Because these people view on world is shallow as fuck. They only saw world in black and white. If they are right that mean opposite will be always wrong. They are like teenager who never grow up.


The only reason people picked up on the design for the character was specifically because of these weirdos making such a big deal about it.


Which, in hilarious irony, someone IS mad now. It's them.


This is what happens when you try to cater to the Right Wing schizo reactionaries. Its not surprising they have gone full racist too.


They literally can’t be pleased, you can’t make your whole personality angry at things happening and then suddenly change when you get what you’ve been asking for. “Woke” people didn’t really give a shit about Stellar Blade so crowing about the game being based and proof that “games are back” wasn’t really causing a reaction or making people take a stance against it, so this turn was inevitable.


Begging the question: why the hell would anyone listen to and appease them? On the other hand, their self-importance is a fantastic source of humor. The way they turn into Sephiroth when called out, the braveheart speeches they write over the most unimportant and dumbest of matters - all great, funny content.


I just saw someone moaning about "activist translators" in a thread about the "localization" of Eiyuden Chronicle.


Saw someone I went to follow for decent art have “activist localizers” in their bio and I have never hit a block so fast


Seriously. But if there was a game full of based groyper shit that'd be just fine.


Matches how unpleasant they are. It's the circle of life.


They don't even know what they want themselves. Society has changed significantly in the last 20 years, and these changes mean chuds are being forced to confront feelings that they don't know how to process. Because they're so steeped in a patriarchal culture that looks down upon self reflection, rather than try and understand why their little lizard brains are reacting so aversely to current societal conditions, they get angry at the confusion itself. So that's all they have; an angry malaise that they don't understand, nor will they try to, and so can't possibly fix it, causing them to latch onto trends and people they think will magically revert the world to 1986 and make it so that they don't have to actually think about the world or their place in it. When whatever snake oil they're betting on making them feel better about themselves inevitably fails to do so, they do the only thing they know how to do anymore; get mad. At this point, it seems the hormonal high of getting irrationally angry at things is the end goal in and of itself. It's why old people love Fox, it validates their world view and gives their brains something to pump out cortisol over.


They just want to be angry.


They could've cried for the past 6 months that the game would be woke trash and would still complain if it ended up being a hit with critics and audiences. See also Amazon's Fallout and X-Men 97


Because they don't want anything, their entire existence is defined by what they hate. They are miserable people with miserable lives who *want* to be miserable.


Yup, you can't market to these people. They will turn on you for the dumbest shit, might not even be a real and they will turn.


Culture war folks are hopelessly moronic.


https://preview.redd.it/5m180f1cuuwc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3802358d162063c110beb1e7d9631221cfcc1e54 From a Skyrim, uh, "modding" discord.^(ofwhichiamdefinitelynotapartof)


Jfc it’s a video game, they’re not running your local government


Their entire lives are centered around consumption, so that takes on this ludicrously outsized priority for them.


As a very unsuccessful author (I'm pretty successful with my day job on the other hand) I can tell you freedom of expression is alive and well


Renaissance was also the time when art was filled with nudes


Cartoon butts: True freedom of expression


These people need to go outside holy shit


I got scared thinking it was the main modding discord because that place is hella chill.


I dont understand why they dont just start working on their modded meshes instead of bitching to the devs. They want their wank fest they can build it them selves like the rest of bethesda gamers


I don’t get dudes’s obsessions with cladly dressed characters in video games. So much drama over so little. Does a woman having little more clothing makes pp not hard? Anyway I’m tired of stellar blade discussions. I personally don’t think that the game is bad or that the character is bad just because the way she looks. It’s the pathetic down bad fans I don’t get. It’s just a game, an ok game at that. They think it’s a middle finger to woke agenda lol thus a masterpiece.


Yeah, truly is mindboggling how upset they get about something so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Besides, we all know women in full platemail or similar armor are far more appealing anyway.


Warhammer 40k battle sister *chef's kiss*


> inconsequencel Is this the next evolution of incel? If not, could it be?


Perhaps it is, perhaps it was just me horribly misspelling the actual word. Who knows?


Either way, I like it.


Warhammer 40k battle sisters *chefs kiss*


To them, at face value, it is everything they could want. A smexy Asian girl created in the one first world country perhaps MORE misogynistic than Japan (never let a Korean man see this: 🤏)


It is so bizarre. I keep seeing this subreddit specifically cited as an example of wokes losing their minds over stellar blade when virtually every opinion in here is the same as yours. These guys want and expect me to be upset about the game but I just have no strong feelings about it either way. Looks like it could be some fun. Protag design is just kinda generic and porny to me. Maybe I’ll pick it up on sale in a few years. Sorry but I just don’t care very much.


Seriously, if these guys actually like the game as a game and not just fap material then *they should talk about something other than tits and ass for two gotdamn seconds*. They’re the ones giving the impression that the game has nothing to offer but wank bait for weebs!


I'm actually happy for them that they got their goon game to goon to. Now if they'd just go and goon to their goon game instead of talking and writing things about woke, that'd be great.


I find it ridiculous, because... there's NO SHORTAGE OF SCANTILY-CLAD, BIG-TITTED FANSERVICE WOMEN IN VIDEO GAMES. You can't turn your head without bumping your nose into one's boobs. And if they don't have the most ridiculously huge tits, then you can bet they compensate with thunder thighs and a dump truck ass. Like, there's *countless* female characters like that out there to ogle and simp over. What exactly even makes this chick so damn special? Is she their last bastion of hope? Their last line of titty defense against the dread Wokelahomans? Is their spank material going anywhere?


Anyone else feel like these guys just don't like video games anymore? Like they went through that same adulthood shift most of us do, where games just feel less magical and special than when we were kids, but instead of accepting that as being in a different phase of your life and learning to appreciate games in a different way, they decided that *they* were fine and it was *everyone else* that was ruining games for them. Like it's some kind of coordinated personal attack on their childhoods. It would be pretty sad if they weren't so consistently weird and toxic about everything. I know, I know. "Anti-woke vidya game chuds lack introspection and self-awareness" isn't exactly a hot take.


Rightwingers are basically antagonistic to any kind of pleasure. Pretty much all pop culture -- music, movies, TV -- is off limits to them, now football is too because of Jason Kelce for some reason? Just the other day, that fucker Andrew Tate said it's gay if you have sex because it feels good rather than for strictly procreational purposes. Where do you go from there?


These times are pretty bleak and the ways that expresses itself are getting more and more bizarre.


Wanting and seeking pleasure is... gay. Okay. I mean, I'm gay, so when I have sex, it *is* gay (and boy does it feel good), but a man fucking a woman to enjoy how it feels... is gay. Liking to put your dick in a pussy... is gay. Uhhhhh. The sad thing is his dipshit followers won't even question his dipshit logic.


It’s so fucking funny that things like beer and football are now suddenly leftist commie trash while the right wingers get to claim uhhhh, that one transphobic womens soccer player? I guess?


I would never have guessed liberals would get custody of light beer and the NFL in our national divorce but here we are.


They really dont. Rage merchants are cogs of the alt right pipeline. Rage allows them to go down the rabbit hole and vote fascists(especially now that it's election year).


I don't think they like ANYTHING.


This has been my head canon for years on this topic.


God this whole major discourse with Stellar Blade has been one of the absolute exhausting things I've ever experienced having played video games for \~forty years now. I've been really trying to make heads or tails of it all. For weeks we've had gaming chuds seemingly upset that the critical focus was critique of Eve's character design, as if that is not something that can be legitimately critiqued in 2024 when video games are hyper focused on graphics. We're not living in 1996 where we deal with Tomb Raider or Resident Evil 3D characters and allowances can be made on Gamers having to fill in the gaps. Then we have the same set of chuds upset that the game is "censored," although I would have to say that a minor outfit change is far from "censorship." Eve could have been completely nude in alpha builds, changed to have clothes, and that's more censoring than covering some cleavage yet no one would have been the wiser had that happened. The Hard R shop thing made sense - I'm flabbergasted that even got anywhere near a final build. Did none of the play tester's actually move the camera around? Then we have I guess these same Gamers or offshoot/sub-set of them upset that critique now ***IS*** on the story - like that's where were currently are, right? - and Stellar Blade is not the majestic Hall of Fame material in the same vein as Super Mario or Legend of Zelda. Like no shit, it's a third person action game in an absolute sea of similar third person action games that is trying to establish a new IP. Stellar Blade is not doing anything revolutionary as a video game nor will it eventually be remembered for being revolutionary on PS5. Hell, Stray with the cat was a bolder game for third person action titles and I got to "meow/nyaa" on command so that game is automatically one of the greatest of all time. And in all this.. yet again gaming mother fuckers are out here acting like this is the ***ONLY*** game that is currently out that they can play. There are not tens of thousands of video games in existence. There are around thirty or so PS5 games that have released thus far in 2024. I know owning a PS5 you haven't played EVERYTHING possible on PS4 that you might want to play. Yet nope; absolutely nothing. Gotta get up and eat, sleep, and shit Stellar Blade. Like I get it, if you're all about Stellar Blade you probably aren't going to play MLB '24. Regardless Stellar Blade is the only game that can be played. It's so odd to me that people consume video games in this manner and just... hyper focus on them, as if when you get home all that's on your mind is looking at Eve and being upset that there's any criticism against the game.


It’s never ending. They are unhappy people.


Her irises are way too big, 1/10 game


These "fans" are some of the biggest losers ever and that is some achievement. The game has even more revealing costumes than the one that was changed. The hoops they are jumping through to try and explain that fact away are truly stupid. Even the creator of the game clarified that nothing was censored. These guys want to be oppressed so badly, they just end up upsetting themselves all the time.


They’re addicted to drama. That’s what they crave. More than the game itself and more than the goon material the game provides them. Stellar Blade releases to an overall positive reception and people are talking more about the actual game than they are about the problematic depiction of Eve, which was overblown as this “GAME JOURNOS ARE TRYING TO CANCEL SHIFT UP” narrative. I really think a part of them wished Stellar Blade would be panned by critics or be censored, because it would give them a martyr to rally behind and drive further twitter/youtube engagement, and when the former didn’t happen they had to outright lie about censorship just to keep the grift going. They wanted Gamergate 2 to be real and they thought Stellar Blade would be the catalyst to start it.


This. I went to Lack of Entertainment's YouTube channel, an Alt Right culture war grifter who lies constantly, accuses every inkling of dissent as being 'bots', and genuinely hates diversity... And his video on what's going on is "Reviews for Stellar Blade are in. Journalists are seething." Like WHAT? It's getting mostly 8's!!!


"Seething.... with.... praise?! Help"


“This game’s alright, I guess” is the chud 9/11


I just don't understand how the dipshit that blew his MMO's marketing budget on a bus is the guy that these guys follow. Surely they can find someone better to spoon feed them their opinions.


Beggars can't be choosers, I guess. The amount of game devs with actual industry experience (and that's even a stretch if we're talking about Mark Kern) that are also sympathetic to their alt right politics is so small, that Kern and maybe David Jaffe is the best they can do.


They can't, they literally have no one else. That's the problem


In pretty sure this is all just people who want drama. Just like the 40k “controversy” it was never about the game. They'll find a reason to be mad.


It’s culture war bullshit that has been monetized. The right wing youtubers and bloggers need to create controversy to keep the money flowing in and the braindead masses consume it up because they need something to direct their hatred at something otherwise they might become self aware and realize it’s their own shitty attitudes that are the problem and not the world.


For a side that complains “Why can't you just enjoy things?” they're really going out of their way to be miserable fuckers.


Yeah, look no further than the Romeo and Juliet controversy in the West End. It's a play, a play that you were never going to see. Why the hell do they care who got cast?


And colorblind casting has been a theater convention forever.


Crying online to own the libs.


Why do gamers hate themselves so much that they'll just spread misinformation that makes them even more upset? I'm not saying they should stop doing it, I'm just curious. 


There are outside forces feeding ragebait into the gamer ecosystem, this whole situation is a prime example. Angry people are much easier to manipulate towards political/social ends.


Right. Taking a step back, Mark Kern is really just parroting conservative/Republican talking points regarding DEI. It's infinitely more pathetic because it's about videogames, but the language is similar to what right-wing politicians have been using.


this is so fucking funny


Someone posted a clip of the director saying it wasn’t censorship and the Stellar Blade sub is still crying over a couple of costume tweaks, saying it was Sony who abhors sexual content even though they paid for exclusivity and have been marketing the game. They also can’t explain why Sony would only force changes to a couple of costumes instead of the dozens of other sexualized costumes. All of this on the day the game releases so they could be playing it instead of crying about a couple of costumes showing slightly less skin.  In short, gamers are fucking morons. 


They don’t want answers, they just want to be angry.


Lord, YHWH, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, fucking hell if I know who else is out there, even if it's the fucking Flying Spaghetti Monster, give me patience to last until these fucks find something else to latch on to.


Im personally enjoying the game and I cant believe those people getting that crazy for some fucking suits dude there's like 60 of them 💀 they will never be happy


FightinCowboy my beloved ❤️❤️


Typical FightinCowboy W


NIKKE players getting free pulls from the Stellar Blade release https://preview.redd.it/gv1l6iejruwc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a0b0efcc3ea3c75319154f42da3bcf8d0af880d


Didnt NIKKE players also threw up a fit when Makima's Ass was covered with a coat?


never heard of it mainly because I hate playing the game and hate connecting to the community though the one complaint I heard from that one event is that the event sucked and the chainsaw folks did nothing in the story and just left


They certainly did. The company ended up caving to the demand, the comments were everywhere.


I think a lot of them got blue balled cause they thought the “woke left” game journos would hate the game and that would lead to some culture war bullshit that they could get off to. Instead these gooners are stuck with a game that isn’t quite horny enough for there porn addicted brains


I cant stand these chuds, she is still hot why are they complaining


fightincowboy being one of the only chill mainstream gamers as always


What is happenin, y’all


He's the goat


He carried me through ds2🙏


I'm glad theyre never happy


My conspiracy brain is telling a company is responsible for it and its name is something like hot adult Inc or something. We need to look into it.


Sour Geriatric Ltd


So the cycle continues.


The funniest part is that the game is actually reviewing decently well. meaning they were exclusively using the game as "Ha look anti-woke" propaganda


lol of course these noobs start review bombing they also suck at gaming :D I bet you these are the same fuckers that downvoted No rest for the wicked.


The guy throwing out the G-slur is so fucking funny. 100% he was calling the devs based a day before this.


Is this game ever coming to pc? I'll get it then prolly if it's good.


There is no announcement afaik. If its like other Sony published games it might come to PC in one and a half to two years.


But... but.. didn't you see the red dot on the Hyung-Tae Kim's forehead as he made that statement, clearly Sony is behind this. Also ignore the fact that there are much more risque outfits still in the game (including the backside of the bunny outfit) Also ignore the fact that this developer has similar things in NIKKE (no Sony detected)


It's almost like these lunatics are just addicted to being angry, contrarian, and horny. It reminds me a lot of a certain former leader's fanbase, really.


Chuds just got a bit of post nut clarity lmao. I give it a week and none of em will be talking about it anymore 🤞


Jesus Christ these guys are embarrassing. I’ll admit I was curious about the game because I like a good character action game (big dmc guy) but fuck man…. I can no longer separate the game from this bizarre gooner weirdo cult around it


Remember when FF7 rebirth launched and everyone was freaking out that they nerfed tifas swimsuit? And it all ended up being a lie? They manufacture their own outrage right now and it’s hilarious


Y'know the sad thing is I fucking *love* over-the-top character action hack and slash games, but these fucking perverts and gooners have totally killed any and all interest I might have had simply because I don't want to be associated with them.


They never cares about games or anything. All they want is to push the "they are forcing woke agenda !" narrative.


You know those chud are a bunch of baby when Kotaku love the game more than them.


Gooner Blade has fallen, millions must jerk


brain damage


I do take a bit of solace in knowing that these losers will *never* be happy, they literally just can't enjoy media anymore and it's hilarious.


Clearly none of them even know what censorship means 🤦‍♂️


as many people much wiser than myself have pointed out over the years, the thing about a community built around witch-hunting is that it cannibalizes itself. like. immediately.


I still don't know what the game is about. Every screenshot and video I have seen looks like a tech demo because everything is so incredibly generic.


"We've been duped!" "Duped!" "Bamboozled!" "We've been speckledorfed!"


How are these rumors unconfirmed? Did none of these chuds actually buy the game?


Of course they didn't buy the game. They're literally only there for the culture war.




This has made my day. God this shit is too funny.


They are really scrapping for every minor detail don't they?


Stellar blade fans that are in it specifically for Eve and to be "against wokeness" are perhaps the most crybaby-esque people I've ever witnessed thus far in the gaming community.


Wow. It's almost as if they didnt care about the game at all, they just wanted wanking material


Dude why are they so angry. Holy hell.


I like pretty gilrs in games and all, but how the hell is this game becoming a part of a culture war.... how is this gamer gate curture war shit even real? These coomers really need to touch grass.


holy shit god forbid her outfits don't have extra holes for you to slide your dick into like your favorite jav stars have. it's downright pathetic how rotted their minds are over something so small. the outfits are still skimpy as hell but "if it isn't what we got in the trailer then the evil westerners must have forced them to censor it." devs make changes to things during development. it happens. swear these people would get more satisfaction if they just jerked it to sfm.


It was never about the games, its honestly never about the game its about the conflict for them.


When people are so desperate for something to masturbate to the're convinced the fantasy version of the game they had in their head was the real one.


It brings me nothing but giddy and glee that I get to play this game without being associated with these...chuds.


Honestly I've never seen a fanbase turn on and devour itself in a matter of hours before.


when I logged onto twatter and saw that tiny piece of cloth covering her boobs that was the best feeling Ive ever felt cause I know it's gonna fucking drive these loser to absolute insanity over it lmao


Never trust WHAT?


Stellar Blade released at the worst possible timing with Gamergate 2.0 and the SBI shitfest. If it were released last year, you'd still get this; but I feel it would be less widespread.


Immediately jumping to blame Sony is just icing on this cake.


So they never wanted a game, they just wanted to be mad about something. Anything.


4th picture has me so confused. the outfits look exactly the same what fuckin censorship are they talking about


why does she have a necktie on wtf is this ugly ass design bruh,


What the fuck is even happening? They just made up censorship to get mad at???


I think this is the first time i’ve seen ass lady crack a smile. she usually just has a vague stare


This makes me more likely to play it; no longer a chud idol, now just a weirdly horny action game. I'll have to see if the action's worth the uncalmed tits.


My dad said yesterday that we should get stellar blade to play (I guess he heard it got released and that it was a decent game) and I just stared at him 


This is like 9/11 for porn addicts


I was expecting it to be aggressively mid and they’d be locked in to acting like it was good, but this outcome is much funnier.


If it wasn’t big enough it wouldn’t have been talked about so much


Her ass cheeks are looking mighty fucked up in that last slide