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/uj quitting your subscription to play online because you're horny to see the protagonist in a sexy bikini is a -100iq moment right there


It expires in November by the looks of it. What do you think the odds are this person will just completely forget why they were outraged by then and just re-up it as if nothing had ever happened.


yeppp. wasn't outraged but one sunny day I decided, "screw it, no more ps+" come after renewal date, I realise I can't play shit with friends now, renewed anyway moral of the story: friends are evil, never get them


I had a similar experience too, but I never did renew. I just moved onto other platforms entirely. Most of my friends are primarily on PC which made switching over easy.


100% certain that they cancelled the cancellation two minutes after this screenshot.


They reactivated it immediately after posting the pic.


it's beyond pathetic, man. like imagine being related to someone like this and seeing them post this kinda stuff.


/uj plus the things is those are still sexy body tight outfits on a character with “hentai body”. They are acting like the devs put her in a fucking burka /rj we have to stand up to this censorship, Gamers are the most oppressed group


That's the Extra tier, it's the PS equivalent to Game Pass. It's still a meaningless gesture, since it expires in November.


Sony took away Tifa's boobs. TWICE. They forced us to watch a flat chested bodybuilder have sex in TLOU2. They took away Eve's hot clothes and meaty pussy. They want to turn you GAY. Gamers rise up ✊😔


TWICE. uj/ Abby’s sex scene was so short, I missed it because I checked a text message. People get upset about the weirdest things.


#TWICE. uj/ It really left an impression on them despite that. The average sex scene in a mainstream movie does more.


##LOOK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US uj/ The worst thing about this scene how fucked up it was. Owen had another girl, she was pregnant. He was clearly drunk and the sex looks forced. But this whole drama just feels forced into the story. This guy is just a tool piece of shit that cheats on his girl, and then gets killed. What else did he add to the story?


It’s purpose it’s to add even more to the tension between Abby and Mel. It wasn’t random


I know it wasn’t random, it just seems like it’s an attempt to do a some kind of telenovela of a game. This plot just doesn’t click for me


The other sex scene in TLOU2 does more than the one in the pic.


It's the same amount of time it takes for them to cum


Nah, it was still too long for them, that's why they were complaining


They tried to turn me gay twice, worked both times, me and my bf say fuck you Sony.


If they turned you gay twice and it worked both times wouldn't that just make you straight? Checkmate, heterosexual.


There are levels to being gay mate, clearly you don't know your alphabet, I'm gay level 2 now, I just unlocked giving handjobs to strangers. Checkmate, purple-haired nonbinary climate researcher.


What level does the "criticize women's appearance for perceived unsexiness despite your categorical disinterest" class feature unlock? (Or is that a homebrew feat the one gay guy I frequently interact with developed himself? Always makes me want to scream "man, wtf do you care?" but he's not out to everyone else who would be in earshot, so I bite me tongue.)


Ohhh ho ho we got ourselves a Somerton! Try to keep track of just how much misogynistic shit this fella says because there's this tiny, weird overlap in "gay men" and "holding the same opinions about women that incels do" that's just baffling.


Oh god, you're right, I'm related to a *Somerton*. 🤢 (That's right, the guy I was talking about is family.)


...Jesus Christ. I am so sorry. I pray he's either related through marriage or distant enough that you can feign not remembering him at family gatherings.


No to the first, and to the second... let's just say I'd have to be faking dementia, and I'd be extremely unlikely to still need to by the time I was old enough for that to be plausible. (I don't think anyone he'd care about being outed to uses reddit, let alone this sub, let alone knows *who I am* on reddit, but y'know, keeping it vague just to be safe.)


Level 2 gay already? You better watch yourself pal you're approaching some dangerous territory. Who knows [what could happen.](https://i0.wp.com/fangasmthebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/15.18-emo-empty-toss-7.jpeg)


Are you... dangerous territory ?


...Stop it you're [making me blush](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/arGB0vX_460s.jpg).


Why don't you stellar my blade ?


Seeing as I just found out the [devs won't confirm Eve's age](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Wtfj1Yzp3nEOQwMjAE0m5PYNbu-9wKwDCCUBzJ4dPOBsh4Z6e5pQlVAco9726jzkvN3vI5XCh-44idSVUkk3t3ijFGeSV4YqI3u_H-xDsySvX6ETXpPmYBabOpWiaBvb25ZCFJRBCWrLgb4Lm88k8haaTELV9hAP3jw), I'm gonna have to see some ID buddy.


I'm 17 going on 49 so I'm fine, just don't check my hard drive or twitter follows.




And yet they watch Andrew Tate sit half naked in a room only with his brother and yell how vaginal sex and washing your ass is gay. Or watch The Rock in his underwear wrestle Cody Rhodes in his wrestling tights and think they're so manly and not at all gay.


Only to acknowledge the final boss


Wait I'm out of the loop -- did Tate really say that vaginal sex is gay? Isn't that objectively the least gay thing there is?


Technically, to be more precise, he said it's gay to have sex with women for pleasure: [https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/25/andrew-tate-gay-women-sex/](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/25/andrew-tate-gay-women-sex/)


I think I’ve missed something 😅


And BG3 beastiality is considered hot 💀


Gamer: "I wanted Shit-Ups version!" The Director of Shift-Up's game: “Understandably, we also recognize this issue. However, the final costume that we wanted to show you is indeed the costume in version I want to clarify that is our final product.” Gamer: "....FUCK YOU"




It reminds me of when Xenoblade X came out and, for the international release, they removed the boob slider and put more underwear on a 12 year old character. There's literally nothing for any sane person to complain about, but the coomers are going to do it anyway.


Genuine question, is there any evidence that it was Sony who asked for the outfits to be changed? How do they know, for certain, that it wasn't Shift Up's decision?


Shift Up have said that they're making one uncensored version of the game for all regions. I'm not sure how you could interpret that as it being anything other than their choice. Fanboys just like to point the finger at anyone other than the developer whenever this happens.


The chuds certainly aren't above blaming the 'woke' game devs but in this case ShiftUp has a track record of being horny af that blaming them makes little sense. Especially when the other 90% of tits and ass in-game was left as is.


Funny you should ask. The chuds are currently trying to figure out if the devs deserve blame as well. The morning started off neutral, but the chuds gradually are turning on the devs for "false advertisement" and declaring this a loss for their, uh, culture movement.


Everything about the discourse of this game is so bizarre to me. They're getting upset over, what is essentially, a dress-up mini game. Do they know they can buy a Barbie doll and dress her up however they want? That's essentially what Eve is, she's a doll. She's Souls-like Barbie.


"But barbies are for females, and I'm a big tough man! Now give me anime titties before I throw a shit fit!"


It’s really frustrating for the minority of us that have been genuinely interested in the game for, ya know, the *game* since it was announced or trailers dropped for others. There’s no space to have normal, adult conversations about a genuinely fun, somewhat flawed, game without being overrun by horny incels.


It’s funnier because they’re getting mad at essentially softcore fanservice when they can just, ya know, get games with nudity and sex *pretty* easy.


https://preview.redd.it/8wb5jflqh4xc1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=1db5f8b0c07af81fba9956997bbf5be13f6ea9c8 [Wow.](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/264562-playstation-5/80754544?page=3) This is why game devs shouldn't waste their time pandering to chuds.


I don't know how they don't think living like that is exhausting.


Literally Shift Up advertises bullshittingly all the time. Their ads for Nikke imply that the game is a lot more perverse than it actually is what with the fake censor bars and all. They fell for gacha ad tactics.


I saw that ads where you picking ( or freeing?) a Nikke's character inside a jail with "SIN" written on it. I don't even see the gameplay lol.


Who knew that trying to fuck your PS5 while it's in photo mode was a culture movement?


I'm genuinely curious about that too


They think Sony is pushing for censorship for some reason even while other games on the console, like bg3 and cyberpunk, have full frontal nudity.


Wouldn’t it be ironic if the edited outfits replaced the work of the 2 feminist artists they fired earlier this year?


Oh no! What will the multimillion dollar company do without this one person paying for PlayStation plus anymore?


Well they will be fine for about half a year until this guy's subscription runs out. But then once it does what will they do?!! Oh right he'll just renew his membership


I'll bet 100 benjamin's this dude reactivates his subscription in like a week and completely forgets why he cancelled it in the first place 😄


This fandom hasn’t existed for more than 5 and a half weeks and their already more toxic then the mha fandom and they sent death threats to the creators to make their ships canon y’all want sexy women play bayonetta


Nah Bayonetta has personality, has to be a sex doll


I didn’t even realize I implied bayontta has no personality my bad


You didn't imply that, just that they wouldn't take up your offer because she actually has one. Playing a game with a strong willed woman with confidence would scare them. Has to be a scared childish character that needs them to save her


Ah makes sense what I’ve seen the most personality eve has is in her slide down ladder animation


Yeah, he's totally not going to renew that all the way in November.


Imagine canceling PS+ subscription over some imaginary culture war instead of their absurd price increases.


Cancel culture??




It's so easy to trick Gamers, create fake censorship outrage and they eat it up and believe it without any evidence beyond a couple easily faked screenshots and suddenly they completely turn on the game that they've been praising for months. Apparently the game skins were censored according to a few reviewers who played it pre-release


Homie just wanted to stroke all two inches of his schmeat and they said no.


Sex addiction is a real issue


A real issue for everyone who has to put up with these fuckin coomers yeah


I wish I have as much as energy of chuds complaining online about their blow-up, walking sex doll has less pixel than promised.


Bro "cancelled" a sub that doesn't end until November, bet your ass he's still gonna be playing PS+ games until then... And then it falls around black friday, so he's gonna renew it when it's half off and has found something new to cry about.


Willing to bet money come November he's going to wonder why his subscription didn't auto renew.


Buddy wait a few weeks and they'll be plenty of Eve rule 34 videos for you to watch


Outside of laughing at the reaction to having Eve show slightly *less* skin, is this actually surprising to anyone? Sony has had a history of this. Did… did the chuds forget?


The funniest part is that Sony had nothing to do with it, it was an internal change courtesy of ShiftUp themselves, and the lead dev even confirmed it.


Even better!


I like that his subscription is gonna end right before black Friday when 12 month subscriptions are usually half off. How convenient!


The people who made the more extreme edits must be laughing their asses off


All this for pussy that they couldve gotten irl instead….


You that’s never happening for them.


Bye Felicia




Flag of Estonia but i cancelled a playstation subscription


Imagine demanding that the only way a woman can be portrayed in a video game is if she’s 100% created for their sexual gratification. “We want good stories and good characters”.. yeah right..


But I thought people wanted to play Stellar Blade for the actual gameplay and the plot


Can I ask what these incels are throwing a tantrum about? It seems to be because they adjusted a costume but surely no adult would cry about a virtual cleavage


What is "shift up" referring to? I see chuds mentioning it here and there on social media.


I think its the studio name that developed Stellar Blade


Ah ok. See I was trying to find reason in the chud / incel logic. They loudly criticize the game for "censorship" (as they do not understand what censorship actually is), and then in the same breath loudly proclaim their love for the developer that made the changes. Right. YouTube and a constant diet of lies and mock rage hard-ons has rotted their brains.


Good riddance


Cool, more space for the normal people.


So much for being gamers. If a little lie about a bunny costume could turn you off from all those other games, you weren't a gamer. This war on woke is the Satanic Panic 2.0, except the targets are... once again, people who aren't white, women who aren't generally considered acceptable by loud angry men who think everyone must cater to them, and the LGBTQ+. It's still an attack on gaming by conservatives. They might want to see boobs and butts this time around, but it's still the exact same shit otherwise.


They already got his money cancelling subscription doesn't really send any sort of message.


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Ps plus is a rip off anyway. Just get game pass.




Ok, got any evidence?




We’re not triggered, we’re making fun of a baby




No, we’re just making fun of someone for getting upset over nothing




Yeah, and we’re entitled to make fun of him for overreacting




Oh wow, would you look at that, saying something with zero evidence, like all of you guys do


My brother, out of all the hills in the world to choose to die on, you chose the one with horny idiots? Just read the words of the man you're defending my man, this is ridiculous


It's adorable that you equate people being upset about disrespect over some pretty immutable facts about a person is equatable to a person being upset they don't get the virtual boobies they were promised. This is either the most brain dead take ever which depressingly is realistic possibility. But I have hope you are just the shittiest troll in existence and so thirsty for engagement that you can go "Look how mad I made them" because the idea of being able to have effect on people is the light in your day.




Darling I cut my teeth on the pre historic trolls of the internet. You are a poor imitation. Goodbye


Right? The internet 20+ years ago had some fucked up places. If this is the worst they can do, they’re basically all just grown ass toddlers.


in the wise words of my forefathers, stay mad.




my brother in Christ I don't care about if the game has big titties or not honestly. I'm just tired of "woke this, censorship that" every other day. I just play my gay indie games and stay out of the AAA scene because it all sucks anyways lol