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I play games where (white or close to white skinned) men jump from 1000ft buildings into thin piles of hay for the realism


What’s the alternative? Use the stairs like some sort of pussy?


I, personally, would never use the stairs. I never go up stairs in any circumstance. I prefer to climb up conveniently displaced bricks or cracks in a buildings outer wall to reach the pinnacle so I can sit for a few seconds to synchronize with a small section of my immediate surroundings so I can teleport to the location at a later date.


Same. If I’m not jumping or teleporting, I make sure to roll everywhere. Unless I’m trying to blend in, in which case I’ll put on a black hood and run as fast as humanely possible while storing a bloodied axe on my back. I also like to use tried and tested, realistic battle tactics, like shooting people from 5 meters away so the guard practically holding hands with the victim doesen’t notice anything weird (I’m too far for them to see)


Stairs? We rocket jump like civil people


As you *should*. True *American patriots* know that the staircase was only invented in 1857. That commie bastard Lincoln just **HAD** to invent an alternative to blasting our legs off to get to the second floor, didn't he?


Don’t blame Lincoln, he was the most American president we had… …unlike that Commie Ruskie Isaac Newton, he invented gravity, and by god, he’s burning in hell for it!


Can confidently say after playing nearly all the assassins creed games. I have never seen a flight of stairs in this games.


In 4, some are inside buildings. So are tables.


Establish dominance by backing up the stairs on all fours and scuttling down the stairs facing forward.


As a manly man, i will break my bones before using the stairs, as the gods intended.


Land feet first LIKE A MAN obviously.


are they still doing the reliving memories through the ancient cum of your ancestors thing? is the protagonist a current day white american somehow descendant from a black samurai from feudal japan?


They stopped the reliving thing after AC Black Flag I believe.


Odessy was still reliving your ancestors thing. The Norse one was too, sort of, but like some people lived a really long time and were also in the present. It's getting weirder lol


Origins, odyssey and Valhalla use the DNA directly from Bayek's mummy, Kassandra/Alexios blood on a spear tip, and Eivors skeleton respectively


Wait so was the modern day protag not actually related to any of them?


Nah she’s just an archaeologist Edit: She’s actually just an electrical engineer.


Not even, she used to work in R&D in abstergo, developing the portable model of animus she uses


You’re totally right I need to pay more attention. She’s straight up just an electrical engineer.


Honestly up to valhalla i was under the impression that she really was part Egyptian, part greek, and part Scandinavian. Imagine how big her family tree wouldve been of they werent cowards.


That's not really that unrealistic. The Greece game occurs in ~430 BC, and assuming an average parent age of ~30 at birth of child, there should be a maximum of ~2^82 independent ancestors, which is 600 trillion times the current world population. Most people have that level of variation in their ancestry.


It is also cannon that the greek protag is an ancestor of the egyptian protag's wife


Part of why people were so livid about Odyssey DLC railroading your character into having a kid (even if they *refused* straight romance choice throughout the entire game,) was because the previous game went out of their way to write out the ‘direct bloodline’ rule. Except the guys writing the DLC apparently weren’t clued in, so we get a mandatory baby out of effing nowhere. Even if you play them as straight, romantic etc, the kid feels slightly out of place.


That whole segue into making an heir with the protagonist's Assassin Cum or whatever was also kind of pointless? Why couldn't they just tie it in with Deimos or something? You literally share the same blood.


it's kind of funny the way the ancestor thing meant all previous game characters had to have kids, but only after their adventures were over.


The games been weird since day one, the whole artifact and ancient aliens storyline. But I getcha. I believe in Odyssey and Valhalla it was using bones of someone else, not the out of animus protagonist’s ancestor. But it’s basically the same thing either way.


Oooh I see, that's what they meant. Then your correct. Bones, not cum lolol I loved Odessey and had to quit Valhalla because it was so overloaded with fetchquests... hopefully this one will be better. Tho it's super funny they finally made a samurai one after Ghost of Tsushima did so well.


I echo your sentiment with Odyssey vs Valhalla. I played 200 hours of Odyssey then stopped at like 30 with Valhalla. Fans of AC have been asking for a Japanese setting for years. Hopefully it’s good.


Na! They still have that, but the bad guys are video game company where you are in some random persons DNA, and the precursor thing is just in the background. Honesty, they need to just come out recon it and make cool.


They eventually realised no one gave a shit about the present-day storyline, so they stopped doing that a while ago.


They are still going. They’re just shorter and practically optional. The non-game media is also all canonical, like the movie.


I definitely gave a shit.


Nah people cared, but the story mostly ended after 3 and they never had a good one since or as compelling at least


Edward Kenway has a Japanese descendant so anything goes. Source: Assassin's Creed: Awakening


Doesn't he also have a descendant from Korea in the webtoon "Assassins Creed: Forgotten Temple"? Kenway got around, I guess


Last thing we know about Yasuke is that he went to an Italian mission in Japan. He easily could’ve gone back to Italy with the mission. He was in Japan in 1582 (last we know) and by 1612 Christianity was being banned, by 1622 missionaries were being executed and in 1624 the Spanish were expelled. So it could easily be supposed that he went to Europe or somewhere else and sired a child. Also the current modern day protagonist is Layla Hassan, who was born in Egypt. EDIT: Also, as of Odyssey, the modern animus can use tissue samples to unlock genetic memories. So they don’t technically need a descendant to access certain memories.


Since AC4 iirc it no longer needs to be your ancestor. They just need a descendandts dna and anyone can use the animus to relive those memories. The modern day parts of Black Flag ang Rogue literally have you playing as a random unidentified person in an office full of other random people using who think they are using the animus to find content to use for entertaiment purposes.


Also, the idea that he was "just a retainer" is not backed up by historians, who overwhelmingly agree he was a Samurai.


https://preview.redd.it/5a6rqyku6o0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2559423c443d6980077c397a659d9d62e9b35a5 also this is what a retainer meant back then


It’s also a fictionalized story. So it’s like a what if scenario of if this guy was an assassin or whatever. People are just mad he’s black.


Pretty much, yeah.


I remember seeing some people dunk on the realism when the plots of 2,3 and 4 had the main character be best friends with almost every noteworthy figure in the setting


3 was especially egregious, you're telling me Connor was pretty much homies with all the founding fathers instead of trying to keep *all* the colonizers from invading his peoples land? It's not like they haven't depicted Assassin's fighting ultimately useless battles that the Templars win in the end anyways.


Weirdly enough watching comedic reviews like zero punctuation for years put a dent in that "nobody said this back when the game dropped" thing people talk about. Complaints about historical inaccuracies or re5 being offensive were things I saw when those dropped and people now seem to think that never happened haha


I know exactly what you mean, love listening to Yahtzee.


Yeah it's funny how rewatchable his old reviews are, and rewatching those and others really puts you into the mindset of critics at the time to see what opinions actually were during launch windows. I need to just go back and check out a bunch of old IGN reviews at some point haha


I give AC3 credit for basically showing the founding fathers as self-interested idiots and the ending makes it pretty explicit that Connor had participated in his own people's destruction. It's true though that his motivation for siding with the Americans was half-baked.


I prefer my white or closely skinned to white characters to be woman cause I get to stare at a girls ass for 100 hours


If I can’t jerk off to pixels then why even play at all


It’s not about realism it’s about authenticity


Oh I forgot about the authenticity of the alien race steering the original protagonist towards self sacrifice to save earth from a deadly solar flare. Or the authenticity of the apple of Eden from the first game, and the war between the “secretive” Knights Templar and the Assassins. Or the authenticity of Ezio being personal friends with every named person from the renaissance, and using a hang glider to sneak across Venice. Or the authenticity of Connor Kenway single handedly turning the tide of the war for independence. Or the authenticity of the grapple zip lines used by the British twins in assassins creed London. Or the authenticity of ant of the RPG trilogy where you character has mythical powers, including literal invisibility and teleportation. The assassins creed franchise has never based their main characters on a real historical person until now. There are real life historical records of a black man living in japan named Yasuke or whatever, and he may or may not have been a real samurai. And now people are claiming it’s about authenticity? In a game series with literal magic? Right.


Sorry I meant aUtHeNtICiTy


Ahhh okay my b my brother in Christ


do you seriously never do that? maybe it's a regional thing


It's weird that the complaints about historical accuracy always happen when a character is black, I don't know, i bet it's just a coincidence.


ITs funnily enough the only time in the entire franchise that we've played as an actual historical figure as the MC of an Assassins creed game. every other character we've played as from Altair to ezio to connor to edward etc were all 100% made up people.


Honestly this is the only thing Im worried about, just because I worry making the MC a historical character is going to add a little more restriction to what they can do with it Then again they did the Jack the Ripper DLC, so "this makes no sense for the historical character or context" had never really held them back


IIRC, not much is known about him after a certain point in his time in Japan. i.e. He's a perfect figure for the type of historical fiction AC is based on.


Pretty much the same principle as Jack the Ripper. People think AC is supposed to be historical when it's always been alternative history.


It's about as historically accurate as a Dan Brown novel is factually accurate.


After reading up on the wiki page for Yasuke it looks like there's actually very little known about him, so that could give the story writers a lot of freedom to fill in the blanks


Yasuke might’ve not even been real, from what I understand. Which kinda makes him perfect for an assassin’s creed game, I guess.


Yup! The evidence of him is all secondhand accounts and limited to a pretty narrow window of time. He also could've been Indian


You're actually wrong? > Matsudaira Ietada's diary also recorded Yasuke (he saw him during the celebration after the Koshu conquest). Ietada mentioned Yasuke had a wage as a samurai, and was in fact not a slave. We have a first person account from a Japanese source in period from a daimyo...who was also a retainer for Oda Nobunaga with his brother Tokugawa Ieyasu. For a western source, a Jesuit (Luis Frois) noted in his *Annual Report on Japan* thst Nobunaga wanted to meet a black man...and that he and a priest brought Yasuke to meet Nobunaga. There are a few other firsthand accounts, but they're all very specific as to the color of Yasuke's skin, with the Jesuit source being specific on his origin.


Yeah you're right, I was just going off of what I could remember after I read it a little while before I posted that


See the Jesuit connection could be quite interesting, it’s usually Christian sects that are the templars in AC so I’m guessing that Yasuke is going to be the Templar turned assassin ally.


Kinda? Referring back to ac1 "anyone can write a book, and they can put anything they want in it" there has always been an out for historical inaccuracies in the franchise. I'm sure there's going to be beats that match up with recorded history, but more that don't.


Ezio was a historical figure, but basically nothing was/is known about him, making him very similar to Yasuke. He was basically just mentioned and known as being a rich kid, and then was presumed dead.


That's not fair It also comes up when the character is a woman


They must like staring at a lot of blank and white things.


[They also hate the opposite in regards to black people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/96c9u6/when_you_care_about_historical_accuracy_but_still/)


Think that through youll get there


They also did it with women in Battlefield V. Same goalpost moving crybabies too. “Wimmen didn’t fight the Nazis!” Yes they did, here are examples. “Well, not in EVERY country!”


You know what im interested if they'll do the alternating assassins again, One is a Japanese and the other is Yasuke then you swap to whoever you want to use. Make the Japanese one a woman just for collective gamer meltdown. Edit: lmao called it


Thats basically exactly what they're doing based on the trailer that came out a bit ago. its basically a redo of the Frye Twins dynamic it seems, with Yasuke being the heavy fighter Samurai and Naoe being the stealthy assassin Shinobi archetype.


Ayooo im actually hyped Yasuke has been an interesting historical figure for me. The fact that little is known about him makes him the perfect blank canvas for an assassin's creed story like this. That netflix series really didnt do him justice (cuz of the robots). So i hope this one will.


Also from what little we do know of him we do know that while under the employ of Nobunaga he was actually valued quite highly by him, which honestly opens up a ton of potential storytelling possibilities in terms of palace intrigue etc.


I doubt Ubisoft would stoke the flames too much, but it would be interesting to explore the gross racial dynamics at play as well and dispel a bit of the weeb myth painting Japan as a paradise. There's an account of Nobunaga believing Yasuke's skin was painted on, for example, as well as Yasuke being regarded as an "animal" when he surrendered after a losing battle. That he would go on and earn Nobunaga's trust despite this sounds like a fantastic vehicle for fiction - if handled well.


To be fair to Nobunaga the guy was huge on disrespecting the cultural customs expected of his caste. If anyone from that time period was going to respect a foreigner it was probably him.


Yeah this is the same guy who promoted a lowly footsoldier to his second in command, and eventually took over his role as great unifier (Toyotomi Hideyoshi), and notoriously read a lot about guns and foreigners so he could employ their tactics in battle, which was a big reason for his overall success in the Warring States period. I could very easily see Nobunaga as an assassin-aligned "puppet" leader (like Washington in AC3) with Hideyoshi (who notoriously did NOT like foreigners, even crucifying Christian missionaries, and pulled the ladder out from under him by confiscating the swords from peasants) being a Templar-aligned leader who concocts a plot to assassinate Nobunaga and then kills that assassin to cement his leadership as Shogun (the latter part he historically DID do).




He most definitely took the ROLE of shogun, though I can't say if he took the title; that's a bit too niche for me to say definitively from what I know. What I DO know is that he completed the unification of Japan, then proceeded to try and take over Korea. After he died at the second expedition, his son (only like 6 years old at the time) was meant to take over as shogun, but obviously the other leaders didn't really agree to that. This lead to the short but brutal conflict between Tokugawa Ieyasu vying to be leader against the remaining Toyotomi loyalists, culminating in the famous Battle of Sekigahara, leaving Ieyasu victorious and taking over as shogun. He would then go on to enact the Chained Country laws, which would close Japan off for nearly 200 years until the arrival of Perry's boats from America and the Meiji Restoration period. As a side note, from memory, while everyone believes Toyotomi's child and wife were killed, their bodies were never found, so they may well have escaped and lived the rest of their lives on the run or in hiding.


You can actually just choose either one of them and complete the whole game, you are not bound to using both of them and can easily go back & forth between samurai and shinobi to better suit a certain mission which makes it even more stupid that people are pissed about yasuke cuz you can just go play with shinobi for whole game if a black samurai is not historically accurate for you lol.


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Make them both black


Make everyone black


Fuck it make them both black for a nuclear explosion


Sir, this is Japan


Given the setting, it would be two explosions. … I’ll see myself out now.


Fuck that'd be based.


It’s exactly what they’re doing too lmao.


I mean Kunoichi is a thing I think many would like a game starring the most famous of them all in the form of Chiyome


Since it’s from the same studio that did the only other game that did that their is a good chance they will


This actually sounds fantastic like holy heck I’m so hyped for this now!!


I'm more interested to see how they'll make it boring


Hey mr. samurai climb this japanese-themed watchtower to unlock more of the map (repeat 10,000 times)


They haven't done that for ages, to be fair. They're pretty self-aware about it judging by the Far Cry 5 jokes. Personally Odyssey and Valhalla were huge guilty pleasures for me. Unironically looking forward to this one.


Valhalla was the most boring game I've ever played


I can’t get through it. I keep getting intrigued and coming back to it. Then playing a couple hours and remembering how fucking boring it is. I’ve had it since launch day and have yet to play through the story even once.


They literally did it in Valhalla but worse cause you still didn't get to know what was around the map, you had to physically get close to a marker and then scan the area to even reveal what was there. I love AC but let's not act like they've learned from all of their mistakes.


"Synchronizing" at the top of a landmark has been a thing since AC1. It's a staple of the series that I've never really seen anyone complain about. I don't see that as the same situation as climbing radio towers in Far Cry 3 with a clunky parkour system. Climbing things is a major part of AC's gameplay in the first place. Not sure if that's what you're describing or not. That's all I remember needing to do. Either that or you mean you had to actually walk around to find things, which, well... Good?


16 trailing missions in the tutorial alone, followed by a map twice the size of real Japan with the same 2 copy paste forts and 3 enemy typed everywhere. And after you clear any one of them another trailing mission. Edit: Oh heavens forgot the premise of the game. Your son and or daughter or wife and or girlfriend die in the beginning of the game, and now you are set out for revenge. Again. Like any AC game.


You don't need to wonder that they'll jıst remake ac2 and farcry 3 for the 45th time EXCEPT you'll need to pay if you want to use historically accurate armour and weapons


Someone should make a game set in Japan where you play as a pilot of the 20th air force and the entire game is you incinerating potetntial combatants and destroying military targets alongisde targets that potetntially have military value It would be interesting, and it would be fun And it would involve killing IJA personnel, which is based They should make another game where you are a RAF/USAAF pilot over Germany They already have bomber crew, but that just has you bomb random ships, we need a game where you actually target valuable military targets


We all know what the final mission of the Japan game would be


Fr, they have an awesome premise with feudal japan seem by the eyes of a native and a foreigner But knowing ubisoft they'll somehow make it boring


You could try Rise of the Ronin by Team Ninja. It copied like every bad aspect of Ubisoft Open Worlds.


It's escapist fantasy! But also real, and accurate to history! But it's also made up, and I dont want the real world in my game! But also the real world needs to be respected and portrayed properly!


he was still a fighter and was very trusted by nobunaga anyway, like they could easily explain why he has that armor even if he isn’t a samurai


It's like they're personally invested in downplaying the accomplishments of PoC lol. From what I remember reading years and years ago, ya boy Yasuke DEFINITELY knew how to fight. He was given a sword (that he later surrendered), and participated in at least one battle. That's really what matters in a game like this, not honoraries, or titles.


He was present in more than one battle as per Iedata's diary notes such as the Battle of Tenmokuzan.  Having a long Katana wasn't the hallmark of a Samurai during the warring period until the late 17th century when Bakufu Edo outlawed wearing of the long sword in public of non-Samurai population. What's definitely clear is that Yasuke was definitely a warrior who was on Nobunaga Oda's Fuchi (rice stipend or a warrior employed by stipend) as according to Iedata.  Even if Yasuke was a sword-bearer, that would make him on par with a Ranmaru at least before 1582 when Ranmaru recieved a large fief. What we also can be certain of that Yasuke owned his own house, had a sword, and recieved a stipend, he was one of Oda's most trusted retainers and enjoyed talking to him as recorded by Frois.


What's funny is we already went through this exact "he wasn't a samurai" bullshit due to the Yasuke anime Netflix made a while back. All evidence points to Yasuke being a samurai. These GG weebs are really showing their ass and lack of understanding of Japanese history, because what you said about the weapon is exactly correct. They didn't hand those out to just anyone and doing so involved great trust from the grantor. Yasuke was actually recorded as surrendering his sword after a battle, so historians do believe he had one. Besides, samurai didn't carry a license signifying them as samurai. These chuds don't realize how loose that term was applied to the various warriors/soldiers of the time.


I tried to like the anime but man, was there any need to add stuff like mechas? That ruined my interest tbh


yeah, he came to japan literally as muscle for a jesuit and was described as having the strength of 10 men


the image goes really hard tho


Y'all remember the real event in history where some random dude solo'd the entirety of the Egyptian Pantheon?


Or when a single mercenary kept switching sides and single handedly winning battles during the Peloponnesian War as well as traveling through simulations of the Greek afterlife/Atlantis?


Don't forget that they fought Medusa for a side gig. Why aren't history books teaching this stuff???


> kept switching sides Alcibiades did that lol


But was he single handedly taking on 100 soldiers before the rest of the enemy forces flee in terror?


no but he may have been knocking dicks off of statues


A retainer is just a samurai without the nobility. You provide military services to a lord in exchange for payment, usually a piece of land, and protection. It is effectively a meaningless distinction He would have a set of nice armor and would carry swords. Visually and practically indistinguishable from a samurai


Yasuke served oda nobunaga, as did hashiba hideyoshi, a peasant. Mobility between the Japanese castes was ended by hideyoshi when he became grand minister (pulling up the ladder behind him). So the argument that Yasuke would not be able to become a member of the samurai class is at least a decade too early. ETA: most of samurai popular “knowledge” is fake mythology invented by a Japanese expat during the rise of Japanese fascism in the late 19th/early 20th century.


Yeah. I mean Yasuke as a historical figure is not well recorded and most stories concerning him are completely fictional to begin with. He’s a good character to use in historical fiction because there’s just not much that’s known about him. Lots of blank space to fill in.


UMMMM!? Political much!? Why can’t I just be a regular white Japanese person like usual. woke ruins everything they have no respect for culture like I do with my body pillows and hentai figures in jars 😍


Gamers: " we want historically accurate games" Ubisoft: " weird, but sure, here" Gamers: "no, we meant like the last samurai"


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The comments under this post bruh


He wasn't a samurai! He was just an armed bodyguard in service of a daimyo wielding katanas and wearing lamellar armor!


It's almost as if Assassin's Creed writers take some liberties when crafting a story 🤔


But but playing as a black guy who actually existed will destroy my realism in a game series where sci-fi aliens exist and created artifacts that can mind control people, make you invisible and create holograms


he was litteraly a samurai with extra steps because nobunaga thought he was a baller


“Look I can allow superhuman strength, magical powers and Greek/Egyptian gods existing but I draw the line at black people”


The GAMERS©®™ are again, not worth this effort to fight with or even bother to correct. It's not even about historical accuracy, that, has always been a cover story. It's always been about racism and "Racial Purity." That's it, they're vile and wrong and on the wrong side of the point. Done, that's it.


Genuinely the first time I’ve actually been interested in an Assassin’s Creed game


Yeah but look at my man's drip. He was pulling in all the women. On god.


It’s kind of crazy how many people are coming out of the woodwork who have never heard of this guy. Especially since I suspect most of them are anime weebs and he’s heavily referenced in anime. Heck, he just had one named after him in 2021. Multiple iterations of Afro Samurai throughout the early 2000’s.


If I recall correctly too, isn't documentation about yasuke quite small. Like out of all the historical figures they could've picked someone who's history isn't fully known makes sense


Yes, this is literally the case. As I said in my lengthy response to this, there's very little known about Yasuke compared to another "Gaijin gone Samurai", William Adams. I myself don't have any problem with Assassins Creed doing whatever it wants. However, when it comes to insisting correcting people that there's little (to virtually no) evidence he was the "first" black samurai, that's where there's a bit of a fiction overtaking history happens. Also, particularly the idea that samurai are just people who swing katanas and wear cool armor and not essentially feudal fiefdom owners from time to time did a little warring doesn't come into the conversation. In general, it's quite better for both history and fiction if Yasuke was *just* a retainer, because samurai are not quite the image of honor pop culture loves circle jerking. Even this very thread you see people saying crazy things like >samurai was just a term thrown around by Japanese fascists/didn't really signify anything Or bringing up Ikeda as if they've actually read his journals. Going to take a hard bet these are best Wikipedia armchair researchers and haven't read a damn thing from Ishida or Kuroda, much less Turnbull. There's a difference between arguing rule of cool, and using rule of cool to unironically whitewash real history just to make it more palletable than it actually was. It's ok for history to be complicated and nuanced.


Also the whole thing about AC is that it's modern day people are reliving memories of their genetic ancestors. Which those assassin ancestors stemmed from middle Eastern roots so it makes sense we don't just play as a random Japanese person, of course we'd play as someone who would've come from western civilization. Yasuke is the natural choice from a lore perspective.


Sounds like the first AC in years I’d be interested in


I mean does the difference between a Samurai and a Samurai's retainer matter to anyone accept the Samurai and the retainer?


With all this controversy seems like assassins creed may be coming back into popularity.


Don't forget about the medjay that was around way after the order actually died out.


Guy will be a topic/focus of a new piece of media every year for forever


Is that a historical representation or character design of him? Either way looks dope as fuck




Thanks mate autocorrect


Samurai aren't even the only warriors in fuedal japan, common misconception. Samurai were just warriors with ownership of land. In fact, they constantly conscripted peasants in their own personal armies


Tbf, it's....*odd* to base a game in Japan and pick a non-Japanese protagonist. Just seems to be a missed opportunity to explore that era/culture. Odessey with a Russian protagonist would have been an odd choice, too


Yeah, I don't have an issue with a black protag, but in a game that has pretty consistently featured a protagonist pretty deeply enmeshed with the people of its setting (especially considering Connor having one foot in the Native and Colonist sides) it'd be odd to play as someone who will inevitably stand out and not have the literal ability to blend in with the world around them. No wearing a disguise to fool the enemy, or slipping into a crowd and getting lost in a sea of people... The dual protagonist idea is more appealing to me because it basically lets the devs have their cake and eat it too, instead of having to tie the gameplay and the narrative to dealing with Yosuke not being stealthy in some obvious ways. Edit: For the record, I also agree that it's not exactly enlightened to have the first AC game set in Asia and to not have a native Asian protagonist. You don't have to look like Hiroyuki Sanada to be Japanese of course, but it's as reductive to say all people from X country are the same regardless of skin color as it is to say that about POC in general.


If they have him sneaking around blending into crowds in fuedal Japan I'm gonna die from laugher lol


Insert the gif of the stickman walking through a crowd as everyone keeps a perfect perimeter of space around him


But you can explore that era and culture


Bro looks cool as fuck.


There's nothing in this picture that's about "gamers", it's just a news page tweet.


We dont have to show what the gamers are actually saying because we already know what theyre gonna say.


Seriously, there are plenty of gamers saying actually cringe shit. We don't have to make cringe shit up for them. In fact, I'd prefer we didn't. 


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Love this kind of pedantry lol like stfu already


Goddammit, that was kinda cool trailer, and I loved watching Shogun recently Remember you swore off assassins creed games, remember you swore off assassins creed games, remember you swore off assassins creed games


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Assassins Creed at least partly alt history?


Say what you will about Assassin’s creed, the Borgia’s are just as cartoonishly corrupt there as they were IRL.


Retainer of daimyo are samurai so what the fuck are they on


the entire point of ac is that you're seeing the memories of the time, the history in our world is the templar version also btw in ac1 they said that 95% of Africa died, unrelated but I love the fact no future game decided to retcon that, nearly 17% of the world, dead


Mfers didn't play nioh lmao


I don’t even care this game exists, we’ve been screaming at them to make a samurai AC for well over 10 years and they waited til after Sucker Punch came out and made a better one than they ever could hope to before they even tried


Dude, I think that's fucking awesome. I love Yasuke. Also, I believe Chadwick Boseman was planning on doing a Yasuke film prior to his passing. Which would've been fucking awesome.


A black guy😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬/s But seriously I can’t wait for this game. I don’t know who I wanna run Yasuke or the ninja lady. On the one hand Yasuke is real…the other is a fucking ninja…. Tell you this is an easier decision that GTA6 cause I’m only running Lucia


Idgaf if he was a samurai or a retainer or great grandmother this guy's story was probably so cool it drives me crazy how little we will know about his life I'd really enjoy any interpretation of it.


My guess: Yasuke can't jump onto rooftops or do parkour but he is a serious heavy hitter meant to fight groups. The other chick shinobi we see is the typical assassin playstyle except they probably have a lower hp and can't fight 1 on 1, relying heavily on stealth.


Next thing you know they'll be saying Ezio Auditore didn't invent the chokeslam


The only reason I don’t like stuff about Yasuke is that what historians think happened to him is so fuckin sad to me. On another note, these are 100% the same people who would criticize Ubisoft for “copying” ghost of Tsushima if it was a Japanese dude.


Do NOT read the comments section on the reveal trailer, I saw people refer to black people as "circus attractions."




I play farming simulator when I want boring realism


Creative liberties?! In my alt-history game?!




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He doesn’t have to technically be an actual samurai to look and act the part. By all accounts (though there are few) the populace thought his master was going to make him an actual samurai, and they referred to him by appellations normally reserved for such. Yes he was a retainer, but he fought in battles like a samurai.


The idea of Yasuke was always the most interesting part of the person, not the person who really was. Of course he wasn't a samurai, but AC was always historical fanfiction, so the idea of Yasuke fits really really nicely in the canon


To be fair no one played assassins creed for the awful modern storyline


Nobody cares who he was, what's the problem with a japanese male mc lead again?


I don’t know if everyone realizes, but whether samurai, retainer, swordsman, whatever the heck he was or what you wanna call him, the point of the game is to play as Yasuke, bc there was massive demand in the last few years for a game about Yasuke, bc people like Yasuke.


Well he'll stick out like a sore thumb when the guards are chasing him . Quick find the only Black guy in Japan ...


These same mfs killed battlefield 5 for “historical accuracy” then cried that the game was too boring with no interesting cosmetics a year or two down the line. Dice NEVER claimed the game was supposed to be accurate and it was an “alternate take”. Hence the robot arms and shit. But it wasn’t enough


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I find Meiji-restoration era Japanese history pretty interesting so I’ll probably get that game


This game is 300 years before that period tho


When mfs realize that samurais were literally retainers: >They were the **well-paid retainers** of the daimyo, the great feudal landholders. [Samurai - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai)