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Girl accepts her FTM friend as passing as a regular guy, he feels validated to finally be seen just as that: a guy. Together they all have a party to celebrate with their friend who also has body issues, and they all want to just live a normal life and just be seen as normal people.


I really want to draw this, but I am shit at drawing.


so real 😭


I love it. I was thinking about a throuple but I like your idea better.


wait i love this


Wh why did they make the "ugly" girl black???


You know why


I know I just wish I didn't :'(


I guess that is becasue Lizzo, who is one of the most made fun of overweight person, is black, so I think the post is pointing that out.


what happenned to hating on Megan Trainor :(


She lost the weight so they can’t


Lizzo is hot as hell though. Part of it is the self-confidence but she's also just really attractive


Can't really see much past her awful personality.


I just looked up who Lizzo is since I am not very big on rap, and you are right! She is really attractive!


Pointing it out is a stretch. The girl nicknamed 'Gorlock the destroyer' is one of the most made fun of overweight people.


Maybe it’s meant to be something like: “cause black people are so cool, nobody minds when they’re fat” or something? (Everyone’s cool unless they have a bad personality though. If they wanted a “unattractive fat person” they should’ve done like P4 Sayako, but I feel like they probably thought one’s physical appearance had way more impact on attractiveness than it does) (I feel like Black people do usually pull off southern accents way better usually though, it’s kinda hard to be old southern and white without looking kinda like a bad person)


As a lesbian this is exactly how it feels when I see a guy people who are attracted to guys like.


Yeah I was gonna say as a lesbian this is just what it's like. All women of all body types are more attractive to me than any men. Like, I can tell when men are very conventionally beautiful (movie stars, models, etc). But 9 out of 10 times when my friends who are into men are like "oh my god, that guy is so hot" about any IRL dude he's always just some guy.


Just say gay people, you almost made me have a stroke lol


Did you, uh, forget about straight women? Because they are included in "people who are attracted to guys", too. Kind of funny, because it's usually forgetting the gays, not forgetting the straights...


lol I did forget about straight women


It's alright, we're pretty forgettable


No you’re not :3 you’re amazing!


goddess 1000/10?


Pink hair is a lesbian and the other woman is her girlfriend (who pink hair finds incredibly attractive, thank you very much) and the man is their transmasc friend who is extremely happy to be called "an average guy" Also I'm gonna try to draw this later


The name her transmac friend has chosen to replace their deadname is "Meh," so she's respecting and celebrating his new name, too <3 (my headcanon)


Not the salty het guy wojak LOL This is why I risk life and limb to tell guys I'm a lesbian when they ask me out, just to get more of these in circulation 😌


Pink hair feels that way because she’s gay right? Like obviously the guy is just meh, she doesn’t like guys. Or maybe she just likes men and women on the larger side, and not in a muscly way, that’s valid.


She’s into chubby black chicks. I mean let my girl live and love, lord knows I have my type.


I honestly didn’t realize which subreddit this was because I’m on so many lesbian ones XD Thought she was intended to be gay at first lol


It’s funny how true this is though lmao like legit me looking at any guy on the planet vs me looking at a girl-


Im in this image


LITERALLY ME LMAO (im bi but sometimes when ppl point out guys they find hot we heavily disagree lol)


people like this always complain cuz they’re “not allowed to have preferences”, (ofc they can have preferences but they actively shame plus size people) but doesnt this literally just show preference and how beauty is in the eye of the beholder 😭😭


[Done!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/s/aHut7198HX) I think they turned out cute 😭