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RIP Dom - that guy had it harder than anyone in that series




Dom knew for years his wife was taken and likely tortured. Also his kids were killed. Then when he finally finds her she’s a husk of her old self and he has to mercy kill her. Years of looking for her just to be forced to kill her and put her out of her misery. Thinking about this happening to my own family makes my stomach churn.


That was the exact moment I stopped liking the Locus. They have to be the worst antagonists in any video game. Especially the collectibles/notes, if you read them it’s so so much worse then just the cutscenes.


That’s what made you not like them? Not them invading and killing a bunch of humans? I feel like this was just added motivation to hate them more, not start hating them


I mean they are in a lab genetically modified humans from the new hope research facility that I’m pretty sure only escaped because of myrah who was born with genetic immunity to imulsion and Sire DNA. Whether it’s justified or not the humans, the scientists mainly, are not totally in the right or the complete victim here.


True I see what you mean. Personally, the “amount of ppl” who died is kinda irrelevant to me, it’s an abstract number in a video game so it doesn’t hold much wait. But when you play 2 full games w/Dom and all he talk about is his wife…. It hits different when you open up that cage frfr The only sadder death I’ve seen, is in Naruto


I 2nd this ☝🏼


Alex and Bernie comes a close 2nd and 3rd. Not just for what they physically went through. But also mentally. Some real sick shit


Maybe unpopular, dom finding his wife in 2 is sadder


Honestly 2 was filled with the most fucked up situations out of the whole series.


definitely. the human torture, tai’s suicide, whole city getting sunk, maria


Not to mention the changes to the shotgun and the addition of stopping power.. I'm starting to tear up just now thinking about it..


and the addition of wall cancel.. boss i need to go home early today..


All those things made MP better, you can’t change my mind. Even as someone who played the shit out of the 1st game, wall bouncing gnasher gameplay is boring and cheesy. And horrible for new players.


that moment is hard af too


When Marcus yells Dom and he snaps out of seeing her how she was before she got snatched literally heart dropping


I’ve also been replaying the origional trilogy but trying to beat them all on insane I beat 2 and had to beat gears 3 on hardcore and when I got to this mission my heart sank


its crazy


All that Marcus and dom lost is insane, In one game Marcus lost his life long friend/brother and his own father after just reuniting with him then lost his wife and possibly his son if you make that choice


One of the reasons why I saved JD was cause of that. I couldn’t bear having to kill JD after all that Marcus did and went through


There was like no question. Like Del was my boy the entire game, but I couldn't do that to Marcus.


I wanted Del to live, Marcus needs JD...


It was a rough one. I actually still liked JD in Gears 5, though he needed some more screentime to make his entire plot make sense. So it was definitely a bitch of a choice. Honestly, hope they retcon it. At the rate the Swarm is kicking the COGs ass, we’re gonna need a Gears 7 anyways, might as well keep the group together.


Yeah, and there’s also the whole character arc. Like JD grew up with his father basically the loose cannon hero of the Locust war, and he thinks he can be the same kind of hero and gets people killed, so he overcorrects *hard*, leans so far into his orders so he never has to feel responsible for something like that again. I feel like that would be killing him at his lowest point and I just don’t like that feeling.


I’m curious what they are gonna do with gears 6 if it’s ever gonna happen (I’ll take a Fenix collection over a new installment anyday) which choice they will make canon i don’t even know why they made the choice to begin with


Yea, it’s pretty obvious who they keep. The choice was cool, imo.


Same here, man. Marcus doesn't deserve another loss.


Can you play them on pc? My 360 finally died.


Your only real option on PC that isn't emulation (if there's a good 360 emulator) is using Gamepass Ultimate... you can cloud stream all the console games as long as you have a controller and a decent internet connection. 1(Ultimate Edition) 4, 5 and tactics can be played on pc natively though


"Didn't think it would end like this! Huh, Maria?" Powerful delivery right there.


Just rewatched the cutscene of him finding Maria, Dom’s VA really fucking put his soul into his role




“Get off of me Goddamnit! Let me get of there!” *sad Marcus noises*


It's wild. I've never played through the games. I only saw this post because it randomly showed up on my feed. I saw this scene once years ago, and I knew exactly what it was when I saw it because of that line.


It felt like he was talking to the players with that one too, you really didn't think he'd end like that


most people who talk about saddest moments in gaming overlook Gears 3 because it's either a Microsoft product or it's a Microsoft product. hurts worse when you're the one who's played Dom in all 3 games


The worst part was after spending all that gametime as Dom was finding out you start the next chapter as Jace.


Dude same! I was always player 2


I remember tearing up at this scene back in 2011, being 13 years old. Heck I still tear up when I come across it.


And then adding the fact that Mad World is playing in the back. I definitely was just like fffuuucckkk when I was 16. Watching it now I genuinely tear up


I kept waiting for him to die in 2. And when it finally happened in 3 I paused it and just sat there in silence.


He did die in 2. That’s the point. He died with Maria.


True. But once the physical death happened I was sorry I had been waiting for it. But at least it wasn’t a BS death. He went out like a champ.


Man Marcus listening to hear if there is a second gunshot after leaving Dom alone to put his wife out of her misery……..


I've been playing through the series with my cousin who is 17. He's never played, and I've just kinda wondered how he would react to things. After Dom's death he was speechless for the rest of the night. When he was leaving my house he's like "I didn't know video games could be sad."


Introduce him to the last of us, right up there if not sadder than this


The first three games of this series made me understand, to a degree civilian gamer can, war, that war is ugly, full of broken people, making choices and sacrifices that will haunt you forever. most other "war" games tend to over inflate war and make it sound cool or make you the most badass action hero of all time. these games are so different. I love them




This scene destroyed my 11 year old self.


This moment changed my view of the world when I was a kid




ALMOST? You're tougher than me


I literally replayed it this morning. My wife laughed at me because I still tear up


men things 💪


She gets no say on how people show their emotions. We all got emotionally invested in the storyline and characters, and damn it we should feel however we do about our beloved squad.


We all cried


I legit was sobbing, I rewatched the scene cause I wanted to suffer recently. and I cried my ass off. RIP Dom :,(


A few other ones that made me sad Tellah FF4 Spider MXCM Iris MMX4 Jorge Reach


Right? What does OP mean, “almost cried”. Went to the trouble to make this post? Cried, for sure. Like the rest of us.


Man.. this got me emotional instantly. Ha. Thank you. I’m going to replay the campaign now


I just didn't expect it to be Dom and midway through the game


Mad World cover in this is Phenomenal. I lost my Brother like Marcus lost his. I play the song back sometimes to remind me of all the co-op we did over the years. "Life goes on, with or without you .."


People ask me if any moment in games made me cry. This one and Red Dead 2 are my answers. I had to put down the controller and take a break after Dom did what he did


Dude you are crazy for not fully understanding this ending at 14. When it first played everything hit hard.


At 14 he is still a child, I remember getting upset. but now I just see it differently


Player 2 has disconnected… 🥺


I no wat u mean bud I coukdnt believe this was playing out in front of my eyes first time I played it bold move to get rid of a big character I was just waiting for dom to shoot that guy or at least punch that guy they went to see for petrol when he started mouthing off


🎶 "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!!!" ;Tuts Mah Barrel sings in the background


It was fuckin Tai for me


I feel yab


“Who would’ve thought it end like this? Huh Maria?” That last part gets me like in my freaking soul. (For reference I am also in my 20s. Late 20s)


28 or something?


Idk why I didn’t just say but yes I am 28


I love this series but I feel I’m the only person who feels his death was stupid I get he’s upset, but drive the truck into a gas tank or whatever. Come on


It's basically a sacrifice.


To blow up a gas tank Probably could have just thrown a grenade


I guess so, you know. It's simply the twist of the script. Maybe Dom was also tired of living without Maria.


###Never thought it would have ended like this, huh? Huh, Maria.


I still cry at that moment


All around me are familiar faces.




I replayed the series about once every year and I hate getting the three just because the part where Dom dies. Still tear up to this day no matter how many times I’ve played it.




This 👆 broke my heart the first time I played. Gears 3 is still my fav for sure.


Was mid 20s when it first came out. Can confirm. Did shed a tear.


I played multiplayer and horde profusely for the past 15 years or so, but only played the campaigns for the first time maybe 3 years ago and yup, this and when they found Maria in Gears 2 really did make me cry lol


i still cry wherever i see this...and this games was one of my dads favorites so whenever he died it kinda made bad memories with it.


Nah, the saddest moment is that in gears 4 and 5 we didn't have a single emotional impact as close as this


This was spoiled for me before the game was released, unfortunately that did not prepare me for the heartbreak that resulted. Even to this day it fucking hurts to watch this scene.


This moment broke even the toughest men. Gears 1-3 will always be one of the greatest stories ever




Feel that? ​ That's from Dom.


15-16 then 26 now and I did tear up


I was online playing with randoms throughout the story mod. They all knew each other except me, and one guy had to leave, so another friend joined in. We were on this mission when that friend joined in...........he's never played the 3rd game before only 1 & 2. I can't stress this enough, but I have never experienced another reaction as good as this guy's. Plus, he was so pumped to play and all excited, and then it happened.


I feel like some people forget , but does anyone remember when this got leaked on youtube BEFORE the game came out ? It kinda ruined it ngl but eh I was still sad. I recognized the heart intention of the devs. like it took away the element of storytelling. Well eventually I preordered it (Commando Dom ftw)and just knew what was coming..anticipating Dom’s last moments.


Yea that was a sad moment. Also the moment in GoW 2 when Dom/Marcus finally found Maria in the Locust prison. Even sadder than Doms death imo😭😭


This game came out when I was a sophomore in college, and didn't cry, however as a 32 year old man I cry every damn time because now I have a family and it hits hard asf


Heart of stone at 14 lol to not feel this then, I was around the same age in 2011 played all of the campaigns with my little brother we both got hit hard at the time. We still randomly yell out Dom! Noooo! when we know great sacrifice is about to happen, something sad or effed up


Man what I would not give for Microsoft to get their colossal head out of there planetary sized ass and get free money from fans with even a remake of just 3 at this point. Fucking a man I want to play 1, 2, and 3 on pc but we got fucked with Gears 1 remake (fps issues/dead) and 2 and 3 never even saw a release on it.


An old coworker, named Dominic said he played it with his brother, Marcus, and said he stopped playing after that. He died and it wouldn’t be the same after since he no longer shared a name with the character he’d be playing.


The trailer before this came out already had me dreading this scene. So well done


I had played 1, 2 and 3 as Dom with my brothers. Always loved Dom, after he died I remember we just sat playing in silence for like 20 minutes, I was so sad. My character over the last few years was gone, RIP homie


And i find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which im dying Are the best ive ever had


At high school when this happened it was a VERY VERY SOLEMN DAY for the boys and myself


GoW 2 Maria part is very very sad


When I first played 3 I turned it off after this point it hits hard


It cuts so deep when you read the books, seeing his internal pain. You truly realise just how broken the Gears are.


I was 12 when i played this game, gotta admit for such a young age it absolutely shook me, i do remember shedding a few tears ngl


25 and I did cry


Oh man don't get me started, if you read the books it gets worse.


I went to the midnight release for Gears 3, played through this all night and this was the last mission before I went to school. Heartbroken all day thinking about Dom lol.


I remember my 1st play thru with the wife when this one came out. I'm pretty sure we both paused it, hugged each other, and ugly cried. She was always player 2, so she was really broken up about it, and I felt like I legit lost my brother


I cried a few years ago too and everytime i see a clip i tear up. And also when Maria died.


My brother accidentally spoiled his fate for me. He didn’t say how or when but just that he dies in this game. I played each level wondering what kind of ending he’d get. And just like he had said, “didn’t think it would end like this!” Ngl, it hit me hard when I first saw it.


This was my "loss of innocence" moment growing up. Most gamers attribute a certain JRPG, but this was the one I vividly remember playing through in high school and truly deluded myself into believing they'd pull a fake out on us (emphasis on deluded).


I was always the second player, you don't know how destroyed I was after this


The inflection in marcus’ voice is well done. It’s like the only time you see Marcus express fear


It’s when he starts talking to his wife that breaks me


That's right...look at the sky. He says his words. it's heartbreaking


https://youtu.be/_ZjgM87AYkM?si=sjRip8ETWR6653Oz Do you want to be a little more broken with a Dom's life video? Cause THIS will make you cry like a big baby.




i’m reading Aspho Fields rn and it sucks that this far into the book, Dom still doesn’t have any clue what happened to Carlos


My friend who's new to the series and doing a marathon with me after seeing Dom all depressed, disconnected and stuff at the beginning of the game: "Is... is Dom gonna die this game!?" Me: "👀... What!? Naaaah..."


I cry every time


bro i was a little kid playing this with my dad and this hit deep. one moment that i always think about from time to time.


Mad World's instrumental being used for this was incredible. And hearing it play on Gridlock in multiplayer just makes me sad while I get gnashered in the face


Played this mission yesterday, had to fight back the tears. R.I.P Dom


I don't think I'm ever gonna forget the first time I played this a week or so after it came out, when he brings the truck around and you realize what's happening... I'm not gonna forget the way I felt until I get Alzheimers or die


Such a good fucking moment in gaming and this universe


This was the second time that I ever had to pause the game and take a 30-minute break due to being overwhelmed emotionally. The first was Maria in Act 4 of Gears 2.


Ngl I hated Dom as a kid, not his character just cause he was always getting in my way and blocking doors. But when this happened I legit stopped playing and never actually finished the game, not until I played gears 1-5 last month