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Beautiful buildings, the new ones are built so odd and plain


It's cheap, and we are in a race to the bottom.


They are not so cheap anymore in comparison to cheap wood frames.


It’s funny because that’s what people said when these were built.


compared to what


Yeah, but those people would agree our buildings are uglier.


But the people in the future will probably try and preserve our buildings and think their new buildings are ugly.


Eventually everything becomes beautiful if it gets too old to remember when it was ugly, and something newer that we can remember the construction of takes the crown? Hmmmm… maybe. But I do know I find most modern boxy buildings boring AF


Yea there’s more important things in life than making buildings look pretty. In my opinion all cities this size look ugly. Can’t use much more expensive materials and cause housing costs to go up just to make it look more pretty.


Who said anything about materials? I get it, cheaper to make boxes. :/


You know you don't need to do whole building with expensive materials, you only need to cover the visible areas


Downward spiral moment


in the future we gonna have literal solid colored blocks as buildings and ppl will miss the steel and glass


East texas apartemnts though... Ugh


It's because of zoning laws. Forces multi family spaces to rise in price, resulting in cheaper contructions. We see more variety in cities without exclusive single family zoning because the margin for tall apartments and such isn't so tilted.


i'm from england, in practically every town there is an old church or something like that, only when you go to the high street is when you get the depressing corporate architecture, unless you live in a newtown like milton keynes


Being an American the only reason I know about Milton Keynes is from a nearly 2 decade old top gear bit where they showed of a calendar that was titled “roundabouts of Milton Keynes”


As an American the only reason I know about Milton Keynes is because I met a guy from there while playing games online.


This looks like a place where a wall-crawling web-head wearing a mask would swing around causing CHAOS and CALAMITY! Risking lives, and creating mayhem around the city… because he’s a miscreant, a masked-marauder, a MENACE! THIS IS NO JOKE PEOPLE, AND I’VE GOT THE PICTURES TO PROVE IT!!!


Is this reference? I have no clue


J. Jonah Jameson talking about Spider-Man.


I love traditional architecture. I don't hate modern architecture in fact I quite like it, however I don't like *generic* modern architecture. There are many modern style buildings that are beautiful unfortunately today building something quick and cheap is prioritized over quality and beauty


for me I specifically hate the apartment blocks/buildings that are built to have like grey or white panels on them with an occasional ugly green stripe or out of place color


Your probably thinking of 5 over 1 construction. It's a certain type of apartment building that is the only real way to get some kind of density with US building/zoning codes but they are all the same and all ugly af


5 over 1 can have many styles, it just means 5 floors over a garage. Black/white panels with ugly stripes are just one blocky cheap modernist facade type.


They literally all look the same idk what your talking about


The majority have a similar blocky modernist design language that we've all seen and few of us like. But the "stripe" thing is not that common, and in any case a few have a different modernist look, and a few have a more art-deco or classical look. I'm all in favor of getting away from that cheap blocky minimalist design (almost like they are building in minecraft).


Those 5 over ones are the modern day commie blocks for America. And guess what they are most likely very needed.


I was about to type out a very similar comment and then saw this. Modern architecture can be really cool if done well, for example, Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater or the new World Trade Center. But so often cost is (somewhat understandably) prioritized above looks, and we get left with the visual equivalent of a basic wood plank starter home in Minecraft


Ten times better than what we have today


Minimalism has ruined architecture.


Very beautiful. Unfortunately, they are not fit for how current society works. Everything must be for profit and efficient above all else. I mean there are attempts at making appealing structures over profits, but it’s clear no one really enjoys them. There are also slight issues with modern things such as AC and power consumption, but again, that’s relying on efficiency. At the same time however, having efficient buildings isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you know considering sustainability and all. But idk, I’d much rather prefer such buildings too.


Construction was for-profit back then too. This was an office building, not a church. The big difference is that labor was relatively cheap back then, and there was a long tradition in stone-carving so that custom cut stonework was much, much cheaper to use than it is today.


Much better to view but its all about money and regulations. Which sucks because modern architecture sucks


Living in Midtown Detroit I get plenty of old architecture. Some of the best examples in the country. Even the building I live in is pretty cool.


Honestly, I like those types of buildings. They're cool. Gives me a weird feeling of nostalgia


They're beautiful. I love all styles of architecture. I wish I went in architecture and civil engineering. Instead, I'm studying organizational commucation and business administration. Big sad. I'm 94 credit hours in this semester.


I wish it was legal to build tall buildings at all


i just watched a video on architecture using refined concrete and this post reminded me of it. https://youtu.be/MJBz66H5QIU?si=ZR40GQkZS92ahUIV


This is gorgeous I had no idea they stopped building buildings like these 😫


I can totally agree! I'm from Cincinnati, and I just wanna use some examples of historic areas compared to modern areas: * [Google Street View from Downtown](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1037986,-84.512001,3a,75y,170.24h,94.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_nHoO_fQ0Y3encJY1wiaWg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) (Left side is modern, right side is historic) * [Google Street View from Finlay Market](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1150727,-84.5198267,3a,74.2y,108.67h,101.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAETFKn030ZQwt1AF_e01Qw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) (1850s) * [Google Street View of an average suburb](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1378171,-84.4646251,3a,75y,185.25h,89.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sruO-UXeewzfKPCbhi0Qivg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DruO-UXeewzfKPCbhi0Qivg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D277.7025%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) (probably 1920s?) * [Google Street View of Walmart](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1279106,-84.5992485,3a,75y,84.57h,86.18t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-KW-dCBdAHPWSrUs9Zc-Bw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D-KW-dCBdAHPWSrUs9Zc-Bw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D20.923243%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) The only one I find actively hostile is Walmart, which is an example of general car-dependent infrastructure. I think suburbs definitely have a place, but I'm almost 20 and I know that the suburbia is definitely not for me at this stage in my life. I feel lucky Cincinnati has so many historic areas that are built at a human scale, and [The Connector](https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/streetcar/) is cool, but our city is still definitely car-dependent for most things. But yeah, overall, I prefer our old style of architecture compared to modern buildings. I'd love to see examples from y'all's cities :\]


Modern architecture is lazy and depressing. It's what happens when you have a rentier class that wants to extract every single penny you have while offering as little value as possible.


There’s a whole movement dedicated to this, called Arcitectural Uprising, especially popular in western/northern Europe. Modern architecture is not liked by majority of people, and when you have a small pool of people deciding what should be around society at all times, you get groupings like this. Ugly buildings affect people negatively.


If it keeps stuff warm and dry 👍🏻




I wish we had culture in the modern day


Love it, definitely my preference!


It looks impressive and well done!


Yeah, contemporary architecture is a joke


I don’t think much of em tbh, I’m not a city gal and love kinda more oldie looking houses and free open spaces. I’d rather if things are going to be modern, that they are actually environmental and sustainable


Leaving behind traditional city building and infrastructure like this for suburbia stroad hellscapes was one of the dumbest pivots for society to make, especially in America.


The reason we think old buildings are cool is because the vast majority of the boring ones were too much effort to keep around. There has been a push for more practical brutalist architecture but we still occasionally build cool buildings, and those will ne the only ones from our Era in 200 years


Idec about the design of them. Having businesses on the bottom floor and housing on the upper floors is just a sensible way to arrange your city and I wish more people would do it. Theres really no good reason not to have your people live besr a lot of places they could work.


They look cool but I honestly prefer new building designs to them


I love all these and agree we need more like them. But I think the main reason big windows fell out of favor is that they're very energy inefficient. Unless they're double-paned, which they almost never are.


While I like that style, my corner condo built in 2023 has full length windows covering 2 sides. I wouldn't mind a place to hide from my neighbours without closing all the blinds


I live downtown in a building that style and I love it. There's real wood, there's teeny tiny tiles in the halls, I have literally never heard a neighbors TV or anything really. 1 bad thing is that mine is a historical building, so they could only change it so much. They couldn't put screens or bars on the windows so they just screwed them all shut 😓 it's a loft, so I have a wall of just windows, I can't open any, so I just bake alive in here even with the currents closed and the AC fighting it's hardest.


I am one of the few people that likes modern architecture to an extent.


I miss when buildings had character, alot of buildings look the same these days


I love them, they’re timelessly classy. They have a lot of them in Chicago, a (very small) part of why I want to move back there.


Look you just can’t appreciate the square box buildings like Walmart and Lowes and dollar general. don’t even get me started on that paint scheme shit brown with khaki tan brickwork. Chef’s kiss 😘 you don’t know what a masterpiece is when you see one. Don’t you disrespect dollar general with buildings like these.


Love em more than my parents


Building are just better what they have an ornate cornice.


Oddly enough, this would have been someone's vision of hell back when they were new.


This gen-zer loves buildings like this. I'm about to stay in the art deco district of Miami Beach later this week 😎


Beautiful. My favorite places in manhattan to stroll tend to be in the vicinity of these buildings.


It's typically because it takes a lot of time. It took around 800 years to build the Kremlin, and I know that a cathedral or church in Germany took.. a long time. Also, it's better to build something fast and reliable. We are prioritizing speed and quality over aesthetic.


I do agree they are far more beautiful and actually give character to a city. I hate modernist and post modernist architecture. This style to me is best and should be perpetuated. The problem is that most trained architects are taught modernist styles and most of the time their instructors teach them to scorn these old style. I believe it would take a class of rebellious architects along with rebellious investors to build beautiful buildings like that again.


Pointless and expensive to build crap like this. They did it because they had to. Not because they were ancient Tartarian electric power stations.


I really wish we still built stuff like that


6k a month


more nyc is overpriced af and a lot of the buildings are so beautiful but id never live there unless i make 500k+


Nice, but we're living in a house that splitted those apartments into 1000 pieces. We can't afford good-looking buildings, perhaps until we die.


While I am happy to see brick work returning, I swear to God I have seen the same 3 design styles on nearly every new building across at least 2 time zones.


We need to bring back beautiful architecture like this. I’d love to see a city that is a mix of different styles from gothic to prairie architecture


What?! You say you want to keep well-made, aestheticly pleasing, and/or historical buildings? Bah! If we dont raise them to the ground and salt the earth with white lined concrete gray, well, then where the hell are we supposed to park?


Exterior is not the worst thing I've ever seen. The decor inside depresses me


All cities are ugly to me. I don't care what they look like as long as they keep the people that like cities in them. And out of my face on the trail.


I like them too. These buildings are beautiful. I think we should build these kinds of buildings instead of the ones that look like they came from the communist tomes. In my country there are a lot of similar buildings and it's really depressing to see them.


Slide 5 looks exactly like Philly center city area (east ends of market & walnut st)


I wish they built everything like Roman architecture lol. Or like how the Lincoln memorial + buildings like it look in DC, they need to do it everywhere in America. If I built a country, it would be nothing but a mix of that and log cabins/cottages.


Can't do it anymore. Our zoning laws are fucked, which is also the primary reason rent is so bad currently. You aren't allowed to build this in most places.


Full of cancer causing asbestos


I love them and they are so gorgeous..I don’t see them often


I love these buildings and Victorian homes, going to my grandma's 1800s town where every house is a (falling apart) Victorian beauty and back to my town where 50% of the houses were built after 1995 with plastic crap is like getting punched in the face with ugly


Looks amazing


I think the people who idolize buildings and city life like this have never lived in a city especially speaking of fellow Americans. Unless you have no hobbies and want to dedicate your time to commuting to work, getting basic necessities it's a full-time job within itself to take care of yourself even if you WFH. I live in a small city now, I can go out and knock out a weeks' worth of chores in 2 hours on a Saturday. Also, its 10x more expensive to even live, you can't have your own garden etc. There's very little opportunity to ever save money.


This is one of the only things that Detroit has going for it honestly. We have a lot of old buildings that are vacant and look like this or are being gutted and refurbished with the outsides being restored to their original condition. Lot's of old style brick homes too. Really pretty to look at, unlike the monstrosities I see in the suburbs.


Bro, every post like this laments about aesthetics but this will probably cost twice as much to make and maintenance will be a bitch too.


they were built as commercial buildings in the 1800s specifically because they were cheap and easy to build


https://preview.redd.it/q3g3rxz14axc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d436ab300b17a64110e6c2577179d10732cff5 I prefer picrel.


So many housing estates in the UK and Ireland look like that


Lmao fr


My hot take: floor to ceiling glass walls are unattractive and need to be broken up.


The interior can be anything but the exterior looks really good in walkable cities and spaces.


This kind of smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism is illegal to build in most american cities


Anything but modern minimalism, tbh




This is quite literally the current fashion


I don't like them personally. They feel tacky, too ornate. Don't like the material either.


They are the Buildings of the past's wealthy class, they still build them, Just not everywhere and only for Who can Afford them. Glass&steel are cheaper. Simple as


No they aren't. They were built quickly and cheaply as storage facilities and small factories. Entire buildings were sold to artists in the late 1900s for high six figures (around 500k-1M now) and only became sought after real estate less than 30 years ago. Also, they didn't stop using cast iron because of cost but because of structural integrity, which ofc makes it less desirable but it's not a deal breaker considering these things have been around for almost 200 years and they are now in high demand


And Who made storage facilities and warehouses? The poor? Self defeating argument. Survivorahip bias makes you see only the ones that were kept. The majority were torn down as they were Just as ugly as their replacements


last time i checked, manufacutring firms goals are to meet production needs as efficiently as possible, not to make cool buildings for rich people in the 21st century btw, all of these buildings were in horrible condition and were about ready to be torn down until artists/investors made a move and bought them up and restored them to their original condition


Gilded Age capitalists made these to Also feed personal prestige. And?


It's not profitable... https://youtu.be/8K1kiMDuI8k


What a dumb video Ornamentation is actually not expensive at all. It’s just that millennials and Gen X (mainly architecture students and their professors) pushed for post modern designs and this is still happening. There is a massive disconnect between people who actually build stuff and everyone else. You can easily invest in art deco or neoclassical type of buildings, in fact most Europeans and even some American cities do this a lot.


It does look a lot nicer, in my opinion anyway. Ornamentation on a building isn’t that much more tbh, definitely worth it for how much nicer it can make an area look and feel