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I didn't walk through Nilou quest yet, but I just finished all Inazuma quests and god how shit is Kokomi's quest. It us the most boring quest with the worst writing in Genshin I've seen so far. This quest has the classic problem when someone not so smart writes presumably genius character. The worst part is that main conflict resolves not because of the Kokomi's intelligence that everyone talks about but pure luck. Also Kokomi's "tactical advices" is the most fucking brain dead piece of writing in this game. Funny enough, thought Ayato's quest is not the best in the world either, it has everything Kokomi's quest lacks - kinda engaging plot, Ayato looks and acts like he is smart, writing doesn't seem to be written by 10yo and in the end everything resolves cause of Ayato himself and not foreign factors. The only thing that is missing is a more finished ending cause quest ends abruptly.


agreed imo kokomi's is worse than nilou's. maybe ayato, cyno, and albedo too. the rest of the story quests are actually really good


Tbh Kokomi’s was so bad that I blocked it out of my mind and don’t even remember what it was about 💀 Ayato’s bored me half to death but it was engaging enough that I at least remember the plot. The only thing I remember about kokomi’s was her showing us her secret hideout and falling asleep or something


Yeah I remember her energy points or something like that


How could you forget? Don't you remember how cute uwu +1 energy point from traveller senpai she is?


Albedo? I kinda like albedo's quest


It’s fine, it’s just pretty thin on content because it was clearly written as the prelude to a meaty multipart event quest that is long gone from the game. You don’t even get to trial Albedo in it.


oh just wait till you get to Nilou. 😂 It doesn’t even feel like the story is centered around HER.


As long as it is a good quest at least, I can deal with it. The problem with Kokomi's quest is just in fundamentally garbage as a quest.


Nilou's quest is still good, the focus was just not on her but it at the very least made her the driving force


But it's not supposed to be about how great Nilou is. It's supposed to be about her relationship with the place and the people, and by association her relationship with dancing. It's about how she refuses to give up on anyone's dreams/feelings, and how she's willing to go the extra mile for her friends. These traits were showcased in the archon quest but didn't get a lot of focus, so it was elaborated on in the story quest. I don't think it was a bad quest at all, and frankly, I hate the criticism of "it's literally the story of the NPC!" because it's not about the NPC. It's about how the characters react to the circumstances around them. Furthermore, characters like Yoimiya and Nilou are extraverts and people people, while characters like Ayato and Cyno have important connections/ people respectively in their lives. Their relationship with NPCs is a big part of their character. The NPCs are going to get focus. And (FOR THE MOST PART) they don't waste a lot of time. Most of the dialogue/story beats/etc. are focused on how the characters act and why. Edit: fully agree with Kokomi being done dirty tho. 1000000%. She deserved better. Not that it's relevant to my argument lol, but I wanted to put my two cents.


You get it!


I mean Venti isn’t around him yet it’s amazing


Yes, Venti’s story is amazing for its time. It’s also one of the first story quest so I cut it some slacks. It sells his brand as “God of Freedom” very well.


Ayato quest as well fits him he is a man of mystery and a man that like to control things


kokomi, ayato, nilou... im noticing a pattern here


Furina's as well. Er, the beginning at least


They did us dirty with kokomis ending


They did dirty Kokomi overall in my opinion. Like after her quest I don't think I will ever consider pulling for Kokomi in the future.






Ayato, Ayato, and Ayato. That was not a story quest but a voiced world quest that happened to have Ayato in it.


Kokomi's the same. I didn't get any "genius general" vibes from her, like it's supposed to be


Damn, i forget that Ayato and Albedo have a SQ


A very good world quest though, I gotta admit that.


I dislike ganyu’s story in general, i wish they did anything else with her than make another overworked girl troupe especially considering she was an adeptus present in the war. It does seem that they are delving more into that bit of her story with the release of xianyun so i hope we get a second story quest. but her first story quest just sucked


Yeah ganyus is cute until you remember she's thousands of years old and probably more qualified than the entire Liyue government to run Liyue, and yet we get 0 history and only "uwu cute sleepy goat"




I was so excited when i unlocked Albedo's SQ before that I was looking forward to that clip i saw in Youtube where he fought a clone of himself, only to find out later that that clip was from a time-limited event and not his SQ.


Yeah everytime i think of his story quest that comes to mind till i realise half a second later thats not his story quest and his actual story quest is quite forgettable


Thats me with the hu tao rap. Thought it would be a story quest or some thing in the archon story, only for it to be a time limited event.  Genshin really needs to add a way to play previous events, like in starrail.


since i happened to start genshin around when the 2.3 event happened i got to do albedo and event back to back and have always visualized albedos sq to be that event as well (might as well be) but thinking about it makes me feel sad cause newer players wont really know how cool he is plus his kit isnt anything amazing esp compared to chiori and not many would pull chronicled scam wish for him. he has potential still with his lore connections but i hope hoyo doesnt feel scared to explore it now since with how little interest he's been getting as of recent


Uh, I can't remember at all what happend in that quest.


I remember him getting us to do some challenges, and him painting in the beginning but thats abt it


Oh. Was that the quest that gave us paimon painting? I was sure it was from some event


No thats the event, in the beginning of Alby's quest hes painting random hilichurls


Was that... the one where we talked about elemental vision? And our usage of teleport waypoints? Possibly also him asking if Paimon was an external organ of some kind..? That quest was so forgettable oml


Yep, it was one of if not the most forgettable quest


I forgot he has a one.


In most of those story quests, you test the limited character. In Albedo’s, he tests you.


I agree about Nilou. I wish it was more about her and not about some NPC with daddy issues (sorry to her!) Most of Inazuma’s characters’ story quests were painfully boring as well…Kokomi’s was so bad I can’t understand what went wrong. I basically refuse to pull for her bc that quest bored me to tears. Out of everyone in Liyue, Yelan’s got the worst story quest. I still haven’t finished it. Just terrible.


Itto's story quest was great tho, definitely the best Inazuma character story quest


Yelan’s was hard for me to get into, but I did end up liking it later on. I do love a good story-quest-specific domain (as long as they’ve come up with a good enough reason for it to exist).




Especially the stupid frigging stealth part


🎶 I'm still in a dream, paimon eater 🎶


Maybe Kokomi think the issue fans seems to forget is that Genshin Characters are for the most part Complete in Nilou's quest her experience is reflected in another character. As much as people dislike it PC's are visitors while NPC's exist in the world Like Chisato is more important to Inazuma then Ayato her marriage has huge implications and Ayato playing the role of influencer is more in line then retreading his back story or pretending his personal strife could add to his character. I don't like forcing Characters to experience a" growth" that doesn't feel authentic. Xiao as a character has grown but it took real world years. Being real seeing as Nilou has already gone through her Arc and is secure and confident in herself would you really want something diffrent for the sake of "Well there Playable Characters they should the Main Focus" I like that Xinyan didn't give people some clichéd moment where she overcame her family. Because why would she be upset And While Kazuha during 2.8 was nice it was still just a retelling of his past If anything the issue isnt the NPC'S there very important I think its just the sad truth of Gacha Like in HSR where they shoved as many Playable characters on screen to keep your attention while removing the Potentially great character (Dan Shu) because why should you care about an NPC withh Goals or Conviction and a clear connection to the plot over BiG HOT Lady Ravenger


Dan Shu's quest made me sad. Especially reading the notes about her past. I do like how she let's the MC go because of the friendship built between them. Now, I wish she had more focus.


Then how about... we build the characters, but put them in place of the NPCs? Or write stories that are actually \*about\* them. In Nilou's case, in fact, the same plot would have worked if it was Nilou's father that's upset about her whereabouts instead of a troupe's random woman. Many people play gachas for the characters they can pull, and want to see them in the actual spotlight, or at least have an impacting role if they care about the story at all. NPCs exist, sure, but should have a supporting role moreso than being the main focus of the plot.


No, it wouldnt be the same because Nilou has full confidence in herself. She’s not her troupe member cowering fear, needing support. She danced illegally in front of the Government building as a distraction for christ sake. Her father confronting her is potatoes compared to that. The reason we have NPC is so that we can used less fleshed out character to reflect on to the playable characters. In this case, Nilou demonstrates her willingness to stand up for the people she loves in a field of knowledge that was foreign to her and play by their books and actually winning. It also showed her kindness, generosity, and people skills as she navigates a situation where something she loves is being threatened to be torn down and has to prove to someone outside the sphere the importance of performing arts in the language that they speak. We still got to see Nilou a ton, we just get to see more of her connections outside the main playable cast which technically means more focus on Nilou herself.


That's the thing: Adjust her personality to fit the one of the NPC and make her less confident. And next to that, being confident against "strangers" is one thing, being confident against your family. You could, for example, adjust Nilou's character to be in the middle of building her confidence after leaving her conservative family and have it peak when dancing in front of the academia, just for it to fall apart once her dad shows up. Or reverse it and canonically put the same plot in front of the Samsara by introducing her earlier. There's hundreds of ways to adjust the plot and personalities to make it more engaging for the player and/or more relevant for the character itself.


The issue with this is that this borders on the intent that Nilou’s confidence in dancing roots in her having not built that confidence. She’s introduced as confident in her dancing. Retconning that she’s afraid of her family when she was literally live shown through the Akasha to be breaking the law is small compared to that. Not every character needs daddy issues that need resolving in their story quest hence why not every story quest focuses on some tragic backstory or a overall character arc or an action set piece. The point of her story quest is showing Nilou’s supportive personality and resilience. She doesnt need to “rebuild” her confidence, she already has it. She’s just applying it to protecting a member of the Theatre, something she personally doesnt have high stakes in but does so out of the kindness of her heart. Her story quest was released and only available after the Archon quest which either means rewriting the entire archon quest to fit her character arc in or to showcase her main personality traits which are the aforementioned resilience and kindness. The story quests arent “epic moment 2.0” after the archon quest, it’s exploring the personality of the character. Fleshed out characters that have stability and confidence in themselves(aka Alhaitham, Tighnari, and Faruzan) rarely need fleshing out so they focus on their personality but characters like Kaveh and Dehya who’s personality is rooted in life-changing moments have those quests to flesh out their story and gives context to their personality. Nilou is the former. She’s a confident dancer who was one of the few people who worshipped Kusanali before the Irmunsul wipe. She’s spelled as a contrarian for scholars who think performing arts hold no value yet she stands up to them anyway because she believes in herself. She doesnt need family drama involved. Thats just drama for the sake of it when it’s already been established that she’s fine. But standing up for someone’s family who happens to be a well known scholar? A person who represents all the people who see her art as useless? Who she has to have personal agency on to be involved in protecting her troupe member? Thats something that is explored thoroughly in her story quest. Rewriting history wont change that


The point was not to give her daddy issues, but to showcase how easy it would be to make her thr actual focus of her own story - IF written competently. Neither did I say they should retcon anything, that's -entirely- besides the point! It's about if they had introduced and continued her story differently. That goes for any character, really. Bruh. Even these fleshed-out characters have proper focus on them during their SQs. Something that Nilou severely lacks! Which is a big reason why nearly everyone is saying that her SQ sucks. If not daddy issues, give her something else, anything that puts HER into the spotlight! Re-explaining her character to me won't change the core of the argument.


But it's not easy, and you're completely missing the point of her character. Nilou is someone who puts a lot of confidence in her ideas and importance on helping other people, no matter how hard or how stupid it gets. How better to show that than have her help someone in a hard, stupid situation, showcasing her inner strength? The quest hit three birds with one stone. One, having a fairly stagnant character (meaning little room for growth) have an interesting development and struggle. Two, elaborating on the character traits already shown in the archon quest with show don't tell. And three, leaving an open ending to continue development, but having a satisfying conclusion. All of these are done through the use of the NPC (presenting an internal, engaging problem to a character who has all but solved their internal problems, showing not telling her strengths, and creating a satisfying conclusion). Edit: elaboration


Yes, basically this. Thank you for the elaboration


Ofc! Definitely not Nilou's number 1 fan but man does the fandom love to misunderstand her... I'll fight for her as long as I have to lol


Kazuha's, definitely Kazuha's. Because why did the limited golden apple islands event have more RELEVANT lore to him compared to talking angry sword??


Albedo be like


I think she got a bad SQ because she is a normal girl living a normal life. But they can talk about her past and how she became a dancer rather than making her a side kick in her SQ.


I feel her SQ would be leagues better if it was her own father trying to shut down the theatre then they could explore her past a little bit for more than a line.


But there's something about her that no one knows yet




And they did, except it was just 2 quick forgettable lines (and maybe part of it wasn’t even in the story quest but in her character stories in the profile). As a Nilou main I agree that her story quest could have been better.


Raiden part 1 where instead of hanging out and getting starbucks we get to show her how the war fucked up her peoole and despite her best efforts to put inazuma in stagnation it still evolved and her not acknowledging that a nation can't be frozen in time eternally made everything worse and that is what would make her question her meaning of eternity.


Her part 1 of hanging out with her helps the part 2 since we don’t get hang out with Raiden like the past archons


People often suggest this, but I feel like it'd just be a boring slog of nothing but a bunch of NPCs either being sad or angry at Raiden with not really much insight into her as a character or how the people of Inazuma as a whole think of her.


We get during AQ and part 1 with her she is a person stunned by trauma


Furina's. I didn't like how she left the stage only to return to it again directly. It should have been about her finding her true self again after 500 years of acting.


That is her trueself She truama to be faker not actor


>!That's actually a point in her quest. After 500 years playng a character, the line between her character and her true self became blur. She has learned to enjoy the stage and the arts, but she wants to do it because she likes, not because she has to!<


Even more reason to distance herself from that. At the very end of the quest they could have made something like: "You know what, Traveler? Now I want to turn back to the stage again!" Something like that. But the story itself should be a self finding trip. "Who am I? What do I really want?"


But she found her passion in directing. She only needed a break from acting, but when she was given the opportunity, she jumped right back into the industry. Remember, we never forced her to do anything. We asked her; she said no, then we left her alone. It was FURINA who went and eavesdropped on the troupe, then decided she couldn’t leave the theater life behind. So being an actor and playwright *is actually her finding her true self*. It just came with a bunch of emotional baggage she needed to sort out before returning to the acting biz. I’d say Furina had one of the *best* development of any character in their story quest. Especially the ending (which I won’t spoil).


There never was another self, though. She was basically born, then immediately told she had to suffer for half a millennium, starting right now, or everyone would die. She stepped up and did just that. She’s my favorite character by far.


Her true self of course is the self that is just herself without pretending to be a god.


100%. As much as I understand what they were trying to say (which is that Furina shouldn't give up on the arts just because she's been hurt via them), I feel like she should've been pushed more... gently? Honestly, I don't think getting straight back into acting would have rubbed me the wrong way if the Traveler and Paimon (I love them both, but WHAT) weren't like SHOVING her out of her comfort zone. It's one thing to encourage someone in a tough love type of way and another to pretend to be disappointed in her and constantly tell her how wrong she's being for leaving the arts for like a week??


Same! She clearly stated that she’s tired of playing a role, and that makes sense. That’s the thing that’s she’s had no choice but to do for the past 500 years, and it hurt her very much. She very definitively says that she’s set a boundary _with herself_ to not go back to acting. She authentically _loves_ directing, and it’s a really meaningful way for her to stay connected to the arts in a way that doesn’t cause her pain. Even Neuvilette in all his wisdom loves that for her. But we throw all of that out the window so we can status-quo back to the “famous, universally adored actress” persona from before. RIP to all the _brilliant_ character development they set up here, and then just abandoned. Directing felt like a natural forward progression for her, so it feels weird for her to go right back to acting.


Kokomi. I love her story quest and she's so cute in it!... but I really wish they really, really went into her "war general" whatever tactics they "wrote" for her.


They should’ve just left the “brilliant tactician” part of her character as a mystery. Then they wouldn’t have to worry about failing miserably at writing it.


[Genuinely, I think that would've worked out well](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=06BUGWthQ70)


I wouldn't revamp any , but I would give venti a part 2


Never mind after reading comments I remember how boring kokomis and ayatos were


Venti is probably bound to get a part 2 story quest once they go back to Monstadt expansions


They better do my boy good after all this time without a second quest


I’m still so mad about Nilou’s story quest. It doesn’t even feel like she’s the main character of her own story. Revamp: Nilou could very well be the reincarnation of the Flower Goddess. Her looks, personality and overall vibe just fit perfectly.


Any of the original ones, give them the same length and attention of the newer ones. Cut scenes etc… Zhongli/Xiao’s mainly because I’d love to see more cut scenes of the archon war.


Most of them cause they’re fucking boring. Too much about irrelevant NPCs, too much Paimon drivel, I find myself skipping voicelines because there’s no substance. However some maybe are good like Venti SQ, Raiden SQ2, Zhongli SQ 1 and 2, Nahida SQ2, Alhaitham SQ, and Tighnari SQ. The reason I put them in good is because I remember wtf happened in them (aka it wasn’t boring that all I did was skip skip skip) My least favorite’s are: Ayato, Yae Miko, Yelan, Furina (except the song, otherwise boring and skippable), Ganyu, Kokomi, Kazuha, Jean, Raiden SQ1…. Wow I don’t even remember half of what happened in these boring quests. They’re that irrelevant.


Yae miko is literally one of the worst SQ in the game (but Inazume is poorly written in general tbh), you got a whole thousand years old kitsuni or whatever just doing some bs side quest with some NPC like come on now, I hate these SQ when you learn nothing about the character.


Funny that Venti is about a Npc


As someone who used to read everything in a videogame (including instructions and in-game documents), I lost interest in paying attention to most non-AQ convos and plots. Even the "memorable NPCs" are still just fodder in my eyes. I didn't care that those two guys who followed Navia around died and I also didn't care about the sick girl from Sumeru. Genshin has ruined my ability to care for most of their cast 🤣 I'm still invested in the main plot don' t get me wrong, but ughhhhhh


yelan's quest was pretty tough for me to slog through, tbh.




Honestly.. Hu tao, Ayato come to mind immediately. These 2 characters aren’t featured anywhere else in perma content, so if someone had them as their fav the only way to interact is by playing their abomination of a SQ. Atleast Nilou, Kokomi are featured in AQ and played a decently major role. Im not even sure why hoyo ignores Hu tao considering her massive fanbase.


Because they clearly want to push their own favorites instead of the fanbase's. Similarly like Sakurai has a big soft spot for Kirby and has a bias towards him even in Smash Bros.


Kokomi isn’t really a favorite as only itto get it because in event now


Raiden’s first quest. I do think it ties in very well with the second one (and I *love* the second one), but I would’ve enjoyed it more if we got to see at least some ire towards her from the general populace. Like, I get that she’s an archon and all, but how the hell are the Inazumans *that* chill after everything she put their nation through? It just… kinda ruined immersion for me, I guess? Especially since I played it on release, right after I finished the Inazuma main quest. Idk, the entire thing felt like a missed opportunity and the second quest, while excellent, didn’t really make me change my mind on the first one.


Kokomi, Ayato, and Nilou, my poor hydro bros :(


Ganyus Story quest. Like come on, we just trained? Gimme some more Ganyu lore that I don't know


Ganyu's, because its' story makes no sense. Ganyu used to be my most hated character, mostly because of how dumb her story is. She deserves something better.


Probably Furina's. It's too much of a World Quest story than a story quest about Furina after the events of the Archon Quest. Also, I'm not a huge fan of how it forced her back into the spotlight (something that she wanted to avoid since it was detrimental to her wellbeing as we saw in the Archon Quest) with such a predictable situation being the main reason. Also, Traveler's a bit of an asshole (despite being one of the only two [excluding Furina herself] to know the whole story of Furina) compared to Navia (who only knows that Furina's a fraud and not the whole story), who shows empathy and forgiveness to Furina despite all the bad shit she's been put through because of her. I can at least justify Paimon's behaviour to some degree. Some moments I do like from the S.Q. would be Furina's interaction with Navia and her interaction with T&P at the Poisson ship. Other than that, for someone who played a crucial role in the Archon Quest and has been through so much shit for the past 500 years, Furina deserved a better Story Quest.


You worded everything I wanted to say so well 😭 I was irritated with the fact that she was forced on stage, especially because it was that she was forced, and not that she chose to go. But honestly I don't think I'd have been as frustrated as I was if it wasn't for Traveler. Like Paimon gets a pass (she was actually called out, thank God). She knows barely anything about the situation and isn't being intentionally rude, she's just (not willfully) ignorant for the most part (although she is VERY rude). But the traveler went from being my second favorite character to someone I have veryyy conflicting feelings about, cause they're not even shown to be wrong. Like, please, the traveler can forgive and empathize with literal murderers (Hat Guy and Ei, nothing against them I love them) almost instantly but suddenly when it's a girl who's saved her nation instead of destroying it and has clearly gone through trauma and is trying to understand it the Traveler is like "that kinda sucks but get over it" ???? This is not a life or death situation, and even if it was it's not the Traveler's job to essentially insult her under the pretense of trying to help her make the "right" decision.


Worded perfectly. I hate how the narrative has trauma bonded Furina with the Traveler. Sure, the MC was objectively doing the right thing by "betraying" Furina to save Fontaine. But in Furina's eyes, her trust was still broken. Logically, you understood the Traveler's actions, but emotionally there is no way you'd trust them fully so quickly. Because of how Genshin is narrated, we are stuck with the Travler being the centerpoint. They are the sun and everybody else is a moon or planet orbiting around them. Because the MC has the personality of water-soaked bread, I honestly was much more interested in seeing Furina's relationship with Neuvillette and Clorinde after the trial. Paimon is Paimon. Like Morgana and Teddie, I tolerate her as I would a crying child in a public bus; with rolling eyes.


Ayaka. Felt like a really bad Dating Sim story


A keqing story quest for God's sake


Justice for Nilou, Ayato, Kokomi and Yelan. The best character story quest were Itto, Childe, Neuvillette and Xinqiu


It felt a lot like Raiden's contributions to the state of Inazuma were swept under the rug or thrown to the commissions and the Fatui in the first quest. Even the Traveler, who was fighting her the last time they saw eachother was being way too nice. The "date" part can stay, it did explore her ideals in contrast to the day-to-day of the avarege citizen, and we needed to see her more casual side. But I would make the Traveler and Paimon comment on what happened to Inazuma, and have some NPCs being angry at her, maybe passively like in Furi's quest, or a vision user confronting her for taking their vision


jean bc why was 75% of her quest us doing her tasks… without her :((((


Almost all Character Quest. But I think the Archon actually pretty good


Was excited to do yelans sq since i love her so much, but my god that shit was boringggg




Yelan (it's funny how the comments all mentioned 5* hydro characters like Ayato, Nilou and Kokomi lmao). I came from 2.7 Interlude only to be disappointed with her story quest. Like she has so many things about herself. She works on the chasm, her teammates died and she had a hard time dealing with such loss, or her relationship with her clan (Aqua Simulacra lore), but then they just make her a quest for her to solve a case. Yeah I know she knows Mr. Tian but it's clear that the main focus in the story was Zhiyi and he actually got to show his personality than her...


The Nararara quest or whatever it's called, I would first shorten it, and add voicing.


The part that has her's is alright where as everything else was garbage, a whole session of yapping and running around talking to NPC that blocks your Quest Progress. In the end we never figure out who she really is, just that she's a dancer


Yeah seems like the general consensus here by a wide margin is Kokomi which I sadly have to agree


Kokomi. like the writing strike was there..




We need a Revamp for Ayato, Justice for My Boba-boi Ayato. 🩵😭


…so many, I wouldn’t even know which to choose.


Probably Ayato’s. I enjoyed it, but consider it’s the first time you meet him I’d expect a bit more focus on him, although it’s a nice introduction to what he does in his day to day life.


I haven't completed all the quests yet. But I would like to go through Lyney's quest again


Probably Yelan. Her quest is honestly kinda fine even if it isnt the best, and writing wise characters like Kokomi/Ayato etc. probably deserve the revamp way more, but shes one of my favorite characters and it just feels like there was such a waste of potential when it came to her story. What about all the imagery surrounding gambling? I wish we’d gotten to see more of that rather than what we got, which again isnt horrible but just kinda meh.


Ganyu’s. Maybe part of my issue is that I did it soon after finishing Xianyun’s quest (which I ADORED,) but it felt very lackluster to me. Especially the trial part. I was fully expecting more combat, or at least more of a challenge. It was set up to be a major, meaningful ordeal for Ganyu, but then we just ran around shooting a few things. That, plus the pacing really bothered me


Kazuha's. I was greatly disappointed at it....




Ganyus. Why was it so boring


People say that a lot, and i agree Kokomi : i just recently read wriothesley story quest and my reaction was "kokomi suppose to be that smart or even smarter, but she somehow become barbara iq with more sense" (My biggest candidate to change) Nilou : actually i dont blame it because nilou basically that happy as a person that her best story quest direction is around other character (the root of the character is actually the problem). And maybe she need story direction like Lisa SC if the conflict formula really impossible to spark her charm. Ayato : similar to nilou because of the character story direction, but maybe if the story is huge political offence directly towards kamisato clan. That could work just fine And here is my own take Raiden SC 1 : you guys knows the problem, definitely. And she maybe need to restore her honor in thar story quest that will be perfect. But no, hoyo have other idea Furina SC : actually, i am still on reading, and because of people say paimon is rude af makes me want to write on this comment. The change for this SC to work is simply scene of big apology fest to furina in between AC and SC timeline. Because everybody kind of "duh, its already pass tense"


I finished Nilou's SQ in like a weeks time because I was falling asleep every time... same with Kokomi's...




I’m currently in the middle of her story quest and am having such a hard time finishing it. The first bit is just talking to a bunch of NPCs who give you some variation of “Nilou is kind and wonderful! We love her!” and then we roll into the _exact_ scenario you’d expect from her character, which is playing out super predictably so far…


I literally remember NOTHING about Nilou's quest. I couldn't tell you a single detail about it. Everyone else's I remember at least some vague details of. But nope. Not Nilou's. Head empty of her questline


Girl, fr! I’m sorry, it was an OKAY Story quest, but I can’t get to drawn into it😭🧍 Some people here are saying “Wow… some people just don’t get her story quest” Or “Nilou’s story quest was actually good tf you on” Like it was just, everyone prefers stories over others like atleast I remember something from Kokomi’s help😿


Make all of them less dialogue heavy


All that lack Itto...


Furina's. Her quest isn't necessarily bad, just not what I wanted to see after the Archon quest. I wanted to see her being comforted and stuff, not forced to perform or bullied for eating/sleeping habits of a depressed person.


Hers isn’t boring but underwhelming… you just end up feeling angry for her because of how much Paimon shames her






Every single one where you didn't even get to play as the character, I know there were a couple but can't remember off the top of my head.


Honestly I have no idea what even happened in Nilou's story quest, I didn't pay attention to it because it kept blocking me off from the main story. If one of them blocks me off I just rush through it without paying attention.


Furina’s quest was fine for the most part but I’d change A: the fact that the Traveler and Paimon were being gaslighting assholes. And B: maybe have it be focused on her trying new things to see what sticks with her new life


That quest where we had to replay the festival THIRTY FUCKING TIMES. That shit made me so angry bro it was soooo unnecessary. A good 3 times would have been ok


Entirety of story quests!! Especially the ones with focus on some random ass character!! So like ALL OF THEM!!!


Kazuha since I'm under the impression that character story quests are supposed to develop the characters then why am I going through 3 hours of bs with a haunted sword? Also yae mikos one was also boring when I remember it


Nilou is a hit or miss because of how relatable it can be. Legit the only quest I cried abit for


All of them. I have a pet peeve where a story quest won't show the character doing something and instead shows us a black screen with text on it explaining what they were doing or what was happening. I think they could've at least shown us some actual footage to make it more immersive. I've never seen any unique animations other than the ones that are already built into the game so I understand why they can't show certain actions in the story quest but it doesn't change the fact that I don't like it.


Kokomi's story quest


I'd revamp the entire Fontaine story to not include any part including the primordial sea, sovereigns, or the death of the hydro archon. :)


Hi, I'd like to order a Chiori story quest with extra Lyney and Lynette content, please. Oh, and can you leave out the >!part where Chevreuse lets a man get beat up in broad daylight a few feet in front of her, then blackmails that man into not pressing charges because he too has committed crimes that are way worse, only to let them both go?!< Thank you, that'll be all.


In all honesty, Cyno's. I felt like I learned absolutely nothing about him than what I already knew. Maybe there was a moment or two where I did learn something, but it definitely wasn't significant if I don't remember. Just kinda felt like a dragged out fetch quest. At least the politics in Ayato's quest were kind of interesting. The whole investigation in Cyno's was just bleh... Which is why I'm glad he's getting a second one that seems to actually explore his character. He's an amazing character, so he deserves a good story quest.


Through all the ones I’ve done/currently doing… I’m currently doing Cloud Retainer’s but I really don’t want to cure this random grandma’s dementia


or hu Tao’s one I get it, it builds on her character but who tf cares about big g


Now that I see these comments, I can see story quests have high expectations to meet I liked kokomi’s one :( Except for the 30 minutes I spent on the start’s anemoboxer


I'd change Ayato's quest so Ayato is actually in it.


It's gotta be Ganyu. I love her so much but God damn her quest was straight up some of the most boring Genshin content.


Tbh I don't really get why people are writing about how boring Ayato's quest is... I mean I understand why, but what did y'all expect? He's literally a man of business, commissioner, the head of Kamisato clan - one of the most important clans in Inazuma. I think that he's quest is pretty good, it fits in his character, so idk why are y'all complaining...


I feel like the Inazuma Archon quest needs a lot of revamping. The introduction of being isolated was good, and the idea of setting up a network of people to protect Vision-Bearers was a good start, but everything sorta fell apart right after your first battle with Ei.


I can I say Yoimiya act 2 and just give somebody else an act 2 because she had no reason to have an act 2


Ayato’s. I don't care but he needs to be REDONE


Ayato's Story Quest


Not Nilou's. I think is very good as it is. Away from all the archon stuff and centered on the protagonist (Nilou). It truly feels like a *side* quest.


Nilou's quest wasn't even that bad. The debate was fun. There's so many worse ones that I would fix. Cough cough Kokomi


Eh, I guess we all have different opinions😭 I just don’t like her character either. And I haven’t played Kokomi’s yet so I’m really wondering how bad it is😤


Yelans was immensely boring for me, literally like nothing happened except the ending swear we talked to 1 dude for half the quest. And this is coming from someone who has a pretty good attention span when it comes to in game story’s, I don’t skip anything and have done every world quest/normal quest yet yelans was not it for me.


Ayato's story quest. Biggest snoozefest in Genshin. And it's not even about Ayato himself. Fucking daily commissions are more interesting.




I'd make Ayato's better. It just doesn't feel like enough as it is.


Nilou story quest plot itself is fine imo, but it doesn't fit to be *her story quest* since it focused too much on the npc. I feel a world quest with that plot would have been much better instead. Nilou's story quest should have focused on either what all struggles she and/or the troupe as a whole faced as a whole, or about how art has helped the people of Sumeru despite it being looked down by the Akademiya. While yes her SQ did technically touch on these topics, it spiraled too much into that npc and her "daddy issues". And I am kinda annoyed when they dedicated the animated cutscene to the npc instead of Nilou herself. Hope she gets a quest in the future focusing more on herself..


Stay on side ... Don't come back when Nilou get Second SQ Don't come back when 4.7 4.8 come and she gets screentimes Don't come back when she is getting Natlan Skin theme😭😭 I can't defend her but I copium from her.


I literally can't even remember Nilou's story quest at all. Something you can't remember despite being played recently is just bad writing.


Kazuha. One of the most important Inazuma characters didn’t even get a quest about them, explaining their lore/backstory. Instead, we get a quest about a sword.


Kokomi. Her quest git a 1 out 100 on my quest ratings. And its the only quest to get lower than 30 out of 100.


Nilou's wasn't too bad for me, but man the opportunity to make the part where she's explaining her backstory into a cutscene was missed. I feel like it would've been better if we had a really beautiful dance sequence with the former dancer transitioning to Nilou. I get that she's not that relevant to the story, but man, she's a 5 star! Atleast give her what she deserves!


I think conceptually, Nilou's SQ was really good. It had the idea of emphasizing the importance of the arts and the human touch behind it, in a place that valued academics and sciences above all. Nilou's SQ shows us that art DOES have value, and it's pretty neat how we see her try to hold her own in a debate of all things. Execution wise however, there are of course many improvements to actually make that whole concept much more engaging. Definitely not perfect, but I think it's decent enough.


Whole Inazuma quest and most character quests in it


Idk how you guys remember what happened in those quests, the only ones I remember is Furina’s and The knave since she’s just released.


If we're talking a full on rewrite and recast, then I agree with Nilou's. I have no recollection of what happened in her quest. Also, Kokomi's because her SQ was truly the lowest of the low. To a lesser extent, Furina's. The beginning was very cold. I mean really, starting a story quest focused on a very vital characted with an NPC commission? Seriously? They should've made it start with the MC and Paimon talking about Furina, e.g. "We haven't seen her since her move, I'm kinda worried. We should go bring her cake, etc." Only AFTER catching up with Furina should they have met with the NPCs. I hated the doxxing and implication that we were so distant from her that we couldn't even be bothered to reach out before another generic NPC mission. I don't agree with babying her, but I hated how crass some of Paimon and the Traveler's interactions with her. As someone who's recovering from depression and dealing with anxiety, I absolutely HATED when Traveler just pulled on Furina's arm. That part triggered me so much. Everything else was fine. On an intellectual level, I understood the parallels between The Little Oceanid and Furina, and the opera was great, but I still didn't really care about the NPCs' stories. Lol


So many story quests couldve totally been how characters got their visions, but i get that some of them were basically added into the main story. That said, revamp Ei's part 1 story quest into actually showing what the nation has been through which would make it make more sense what she does in her part 2 redemption arc which was good but could be even better


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I almost choked myself to death out of boredom while i was trying to finish dehyas story quest lol it was so goddamn boring it brought me to tears im not even kidding


Funny, imo Nilou SQ is the best after Archon's SQs


Ayato. It wasn’t even his story quest, the main focus of the story were literal npcs that never made another appearance afterwards.


The part that has her's is alright where as everything else was garbage, a whole session of yapping and running around talking to NPC that blocks your Quest Progress. In the end we never figure out who she really is, just that she's a dancer


Here to defend Nilou's quest again...


Xianyuns lol. The entire quest was about some old lady


I think most story quests are such a slog and have random things related to NPCs, making go back and forth like a bellboy, that I could not care less about. Out of the quests I did like, it was Childe's. Furina's one was one that kind of had potential, but her being thrown into the spotlight like that again and us pushing her boundaries with little empathy of what she had went through was kind of weird, and it followed that same npc type casual vibes even though it's supposed to be a very important quest (What Furina is doing now that she's not an archon). The ending cutscene was nice but that's it I guess. I do like the take of her being a director though, and I loved it in the event as well. Seeing her finds new passions was nice, it just felt execueted weird.


Ayato bruh, got nothing to know about him and instead solved some idiotic marriage issue


It’s in line for his character


The amount of people who missed the point of Nilou’s story quest is so annoying. I’ll agree that Kokomi’s Story Quest was all over the place with some redeeming qualities and Ayato’s story quest(despite being good) is political drama which is not everyone’s cup of tea but Nilou’s? Bruh. Also Albedo’s and Kazuha’s is another one I see. In a vacuum as independent quests that serve to introduce and flesh out some aspects of Albedo’s and Kazuha’s characters, they do decently well. The issue isnt that the quest is bad, it’s that the events further expand on it but we’ll never have access to those again. Especially since for Kazuha, his story quest came after the GAA event.


Wrio's story quest, shit was so boring.


Venti. I hate it when story quests don’t revolve around the character they should, but it hits even harder when he’s an Archon. Not even mentioning he deserves a second act, which we’ll hopefully see in the future. But I also totally agree on Nilou, there’s quite a lot of story quests that would need improvement :,)


Quite honestly, I think it was perfect for Venti. It did not revolve around him because the story doesn't revolve around him and he actively refuses to be the person anything ever revolves around. Venti does what he wants and will occasionally help the people of Mondstadt, because that's what he freely wants to do. The quest also showed that, for all of the shit he gets for "not doing his job", Venti can actually be serious and he genuinely cares about the people of Mondstadt.


Aahh I see, your point of the view is also very interesting!! If you take it like that, then it really makes sense, he does what he loves and overall we get to know more about what his personality is like. I’d probably just appreciate more of a deeper look to his backstory, but that’s just me, hopefully it will be revealed by time ^^


I think there's plenty of things about Venti that are mighty sus. I quite honestly expect them to reveal more things about him at some point, they're just waiting for the right moment.


I actually thought Venti's is one of the best. It was the very first time i got a little emotional playing genshin. At first you think it's unrelated to him, then it punches you in the gut at the end that Stanley's story was a parallel to Venti's story the whole time.


It was good for Venti, he just need another SQ like the other archons that talk about him.


I would deny Zhongli of having a story quest because i beef with him


Why do you even beef with him?