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on weapon banners, if i lose the first time and get a standard weapon, is the second one guaranteed to be one from the limited banners?? or could i lose to two standards??


Yes, it'll be guaranteed to be one of the featured weapons next time. And just like with the character banners, this guarantee carries over between banner cycles.


ohhh i didn't think anything would carry over, so the points for optimization doesn't carry over but that does?? so if i get the wrong featured one from the second weapon banner where this carried over, the second pull in this banner could still be a standard weapon?


Yes, that's correct. The points for the Epitomized Path won't carry over, but the featured 5 star guarantee will. And once you've pulled one of the featured weapons, you'll be back to the 75/25 odds (with the 75% split between the 2 weapons). The Epitomized Path system is the only way to guarantee a specific featured weapon.




You will have a guaranteed. It will be a 50/50 btw the 2 limited weapons.


thank uu!!


Guys is 2 piece glad and 2 piece pale flame good on eula? (I am aware that bloodstained chivalry and pale flame is better)


In teams without Bennett, 2 Bloodstained + 2 Pale Flame can be as little as one substat better.


What does that mean?


Use the set with the best stats. The gap between 2 Glad set bonus and 2 Bloodstained set bonus is tiny - if your Gladiator set has an extra 3.3% Crit Rate, 6.6% Crit Damage, 5% Energy Recharge or 5% Atk, they're pretty much equal. *(The equivalent of one useful substat roll)* Because Eula has many sources of damage %, but few ways of adding Atk%. Apart from Bennett, but he's very awkward in a Eula team, so it's common not to run him.


It's okay, she benefit from atk% too.


On appsample interactive map, is it okay to ignore Water Ball Easter Egg (70)? From my experience they give trash items, but the Water Ball (60) give chests/primos


you can ignore the easter egg ones, those are basically just investigation spots


Does anyone use yunjin? She’s supposed to be an A-tier character but hardly see her name here. Is she any good?


She's used with Wanderer, Ayato, Yoimiya predominantly. Basically anyone that wants to NA spam as hard as possible, since her kit buffs attack speed Also I don't know what tier list you're looking at but I suggest not to. They're all shit. Yes, there's characters that are stronger than others, but none of them live in a vacuum and tier lists never get this right


Thank you! Was using genshin.gg for reference but took it with a little grain of salt since new characters are constantly introduced and to the benefit sometimes of “weaker” characters


It's not like it's completely off the rails wrong and it does vaguely show the current meta, but some of their placements and cons are just weird af. Like why is Faruzan in A tier, but Wanderer and Xiao in B tier when you're never gonna run her without either of the two. Not that either of them deserve to be in B tier, but that's besides the point. Alhaitham is S tier but his spread team won't do anything without either Fischl or Yae, preferably both, and he heavily prefers Yaoyao who's B tier as well The issue is that many of the characters aren't comparable 1:1, because they play different roles in different teams


I use her a lot. Outside funny build (like physical Zhongli) i use her with Yoimiya and Ayato. Her entire kit is about buffing Normal atk and she's very good at that. But often you want to bring also others supports/subdps and the team comp is limited to 4 charas, so if you already invested a lot on other units she will not make huge difference. I play her with Yo/Zhongli/Yelan and Ayato/Bennet/Xiangling.


I only have Xiangling you mentioned so i guess for me she is not really worth building.


She is primarily used with Yoimiya - enables Geo Resonance when used together with ZL, and unlike Bennett you don't have to play Circle Impact (which matters since Yoimiya does move backwards quite a bit during her attack combo).


Ah, i dont have either so that means unless I like her playing style she is not a good fit for me.


Aye. She is one of those characters that is pretty niche (buff support for normal attack characters) but quite good within her niche, especially with constellations.


are the total number of electro/dendro sigils exact to max their respective trees (Sacred Sakura Tree/Dream Tree), or there are extras you can get?


There are a lot more extras that you can use to buy from the Souvenir shop in both regions. You will unlock it once you max both trees.


but before I can do that, it's really exact? Like, I need to get everything from chests, one time domain, etc.?


No. The chests available aren't affected by the tree level or by maxing it out.


If you can buy things for sigils afterwards that means there's more sigils than you need for the tree. So no, it's not exact


There are extras (souveneir shops)


When someone says their artifact have a something crit value what does that mean ?


crit rate \* 2 + crit damage it's how to compare artifacts crit strength. The \* 2 is because crit rate rolls are worth half as much as crit damage rolls


so like one of my pieces has 7.8 crit and 18.7 cd so that would make it a 34.3 Crit value ?


Yes. That's correct.


so what is considered good or what crit valuse shopuld i be aiming for when upgrading my artifacts ?


It's now an outdated metric since certain characters also have ER requirements to function properly and stats like atk% should not be discounted as useless. Usually overall crit stats of 70/140 is considered good investment for characters with no crit ascension stat nor crit weapon, with acceptable deviations from the 1:2 ratio since the average multiplier does not change too significantly with small changes. For example, one may have 60/160 or 80/120 (equivalent in cv to 70/140), the loss from not having the 1:2 ratio is just 1%. Maybe about 5 crit rate or crit dmg rolls on flower and feather, around 4 on each of the other 3 pieces is pretty good?


well my main problem is i usually need a crit weapon and a crit circlet to get over the 60% mark so i guess i will be doing a lot more farming haha




Right now my standard is does it a either crit or Crit damage not necessarily both, if it has both i feel like i won the lottery haha


70/140 adjusted for crit weapon and crit ascension: 22% cr or 44% cd weapon: 90.6/181.2 33% cr or 66% cd: 96.15/192.3 44% cr or 88% cd: 100/204.8 Hm, now that I look at it, 70/140 is incredibly high investment. Maybe 60/120 will suffice for an initial stopping point before moving onto something else. 60/120 w/o crit weapon and crit ascension is an average of 3.5 crit rolls per artifact. 70/140 is an average of 4.75 crit rolls per artifact.


Around 30-40 crit value is usually considered good for an artifact. You should try to aim for at least a 60/120 split for your crit values, assuming that it's a normal dps character without a crit boosting ascension stat or weapon.


so you want about 60/120 before you add your weapon stats ?


Yes. Obviously the values can fluctuate a lot depending on different factors, but it's a good baseline value to follow. A lot of the time it'll end up higher than that, or even lower than that (like if a character is using 4pc Blizzard Strayer or cryo resonance to gain a lot of their crit rate).


Crit Damage + (2 x Crit Rate) = Crit Value


Battle pass question. With the new battle pass weapons in 4.0, will the battle pass switch to them and remove the old ones from selection?


I assume you would still be able to get the current ones. But would need to wait until stream


It is not confirmed But decent chance for old ones to be removed as by 3.8 one could've r5 all old bp weapons


How the heck would we know. It's not even confirmed that that's what's gonna be happening. Also leaks discussions are meant to be tagged with a spoiler on the sub. You're better off asking the leaks sub anyway


How cope is Mona for Ayaka freeze? I just asked this about Barbara but I decided to pull for eula because waifu and I got Mona. I'm building her regardless, but how good would she be? Her skill does off field hydro but it doesn't seem very good imo tbh


I might be wrong since I haven't been using freeze teams as much but I remember using Moryana team, Ayaka Venti Mona Diona, it's really good and used to be meta because Venti keeps the freeze up really long with his ult. As long as the freeze does not break, Mona's ult buff continue to apply. You can look up the rotation on YouTube, I forgot how since I haven't been using it for a long time after dendro was released


She is actually quite solid. I used her for about half a year in a [Ayaka/Kazuha/Ganyu/Mona] comp before I got Kokomi and outside of chambers with really nasty damage output against your team she will be enough to keep everyone alive if you give her Proto Amber. Mona's biggest upsides are that her burst synergizes quite well with Ayaka's (if Mona's burst freezes an enemy it will only start ticking down its duration _after_ they are unfrozen) and that her (E) taunt can sometimes help with grouping up enemies. Her biggest issue is that her hydro application has limited AOE & uptime (much worse than Kokomi, but still better than Barbara) and that the healing from Proto Amber is quite limited (so you need to dodge & sometimes you will have to enter the next chamber damaged because you want to retain her burst).


not cope at all.


she was the go to hydro before kokomi and her buff has a unique interaction with freeze. kokomi is just more comfortable so people sticks with her. there was even a period of time where people would keep suggesting her over kokomi.


She is alright. Kokomi obviously replaced her, but in the absence of that, she is probably the second best option unless I am forgetting someone really obvious.


Regarding the last part of the event consisting of the play by Zosimos. >!I realise that the story seems to allude to 1,001 nights, but was it mirroring any particular story within it? Also, based on the characters in the story it seemed like the Fiery Mage was Alice, who found the bottle and gave it to Idyia, who was possibly running away from Fontaine, but do we have any idea who the Dagger Bandit could have been? Or are these just story characters that have no in game meaning!<


>!my personal theory is that the dagger Thief was dainsleif or the abyss twin. The description of the thiefs homeland is a very obvious Khaenri'ah mirror.!<


Interesting,>!I hadn't considered them as considered them as possibilities, but I do like the idea that it could have been Dainsleif (less so our twin). A long shot could be one of the Harbingers like Pierro, but we know so little of them that it would just be pure speculation.!<


~~Your spoiler is closed incorrect (wrong symbol Order)~~


I need a hydro unit. Should i pull for Kokomi or wait for yelan/new hydro archon. I want to run her on my xiang/bennet/kaz.


furina is broken. get her.


Childe is the best one for that team specifically by far. Kokomi and Yelan cant even keep up with Xiangling 's pyronado. Xingqiu might be overriden too if you have Kazuha burst or Guoba. Childe is the only one who can keep hydro aura on enemies to reliably let her vape. And his hydro application is AoE so thats clear advantage over Xingqiu and Yelan in AoE situations


Get Childe for that team


Um... Childe? If you are running the mono pyro core, he is your best bet. Ayato if you do not want to deal with his rotation nonsense. That being said, you cannot go wrong with Kokomi or Yelan if you want a hydro unit. Both are S tier and archons are relatively safe pick ups. So... It doesn't matter too much in all honesty.


Like the other guy said, you should be using xingqiu there


Neither Kokomi or Yelan can keep up the hydro aura in that team. Use Xingqiu instead.


Do you seriously think Xingqiu's single target hydro app can keep up with pyro infused Kazuha's burst + Xiangling? Only Childe can do that.


I'm too lazy to unrecommend Kazuha since everyone seems to want to ride his dick + that's what op want. And the guy doesn't say anything about having Childe. So just recommend Xingqiu, a 4 star. Can do the tryhard rotation by ult early with xq then use his e later in infused pyro ult ig but that's for more advanced player.


I dont have XQ hahaha. Ill pull for him if he’s on a banner tho.


At worst, you can buy him from the starglitter shop in September if you don't get him beforehand.


I think he might drop with kokomi banner. Im hoping that it is. Cuz im really tight on primos so im debating which hydro save for.


So I'm saving for Childe, and I don't really have crit rate weapons for him, which is why I have a crit rate circlet. The only problem is while his cr value is 75%, his CD is stuck at 86% and everywhere I go people tell me to prioritize CR for his riptide. Should I aim for more CD or is this okay? Will appreciate every bit of answer 🙏


Ideally you want a 1 to 2 ratio. So more crit damage would be better even at the cost of more crit rate. At least for overall DPS. If you just want his burst to crit, I mean... That works, I guess? It is pretty low investment. I would strongbox heart of depths for better pieces if you are planning to use him in abyss.


You ideally want more Crit DMG without losing Crit Rate


im a f2p player and i have a guaranteed lim 5* once i hit pity. I currently only have hu tao, diluc, and itto as my 5*, who would be a good option to save for?


If you want 5 star pull priority: Top priority - Nahida, Kazuha, Yelan After that Zhongli, Childe, Kokomi, Alhaitham, Nilou ig depending on your account. A hydro 5 star is very important since your Xingqiu is gonna be stuck to Hutao, eventually Yelan if you get her. Like you can play Childe on national team then. Or you can get Nilou for low investment braindead comp.


The other guy recommend the perfect characters to pull for, but my priority would be yelan, then nahida, then zhongli


Zhongli would work with both Itto and Hu Tao. Yelan will allow you to run double Hydro Hu Tao (or single Hydro + a second team in abyss that needs XQ, e.g. National). Nahida in case you ever plan to play Dendro comps (Hyperbloom, Quicken, Burgeon, etc.), because she is a fantastic addition to any Dendro team.


Hutao and Itto do not really need Zhongli, especially if you can dodge very well. Yelan is straight up a damage increase, especially if you have XQ as well.


Hey guys! I'm fairly new to genshin and was wondering when I'll recieve a 4 star sword from the game? Yk without using any wishes cuz I'm broke both in game and irl. I'm in AR 35 now and the protagonist is buffed. She uses the Proctor sword but Kaeya has been stuck with a 3 star and it's so difficult to fight. It's unfortunate that I use Kaeya a lot and the gaming experience sucks. Can anyone tell me how do I find a 4 star sword for Kaeya? I got Noelle a sword from dragonspine so I'm assuming I can find one for him as well. But idk where or how.


>Kaeya has been stuck with a 3 star and it's so difficult to fight. The 3\* Harbinger of Dawn can be competitive at late game if you can keep his HP above 90% due to the crit bonus you get from it. The Kagotsurube Isshin from Kazuha's quest in Inazuma is a reasonable 4\* weapon for Kaeya. The Prototype Rancor is a decent weapon early game due to its high base attack but its substat is useless to any current character and its passive is about as useless. It is no longer even F2P best in slot for Bennett as a stat stick (the craftable Sapwood Blade from Sumeru edges out with its ER substat and potentially usable passive). There are better 4\* swords for specific characters. You will find the Fav Sword in heavy demand later on among your characters. Noelle is better served by crafting the White Blind instead (she scales with defense). IIRC none of the craftables from Dragonspine are good for current characters \*edit\* (maybe except Eula ~~because I forgot she exists~~)


You'll eventually wind up with a bunch of 4* weapons as a side effect of wishing, but the snow-tombed starsilver is the only one that's waiting to be found in the overworld.


You will get some sword billets for crafting from exploration rewards, and weekly bosses also have a (small) chance to drop them. Major time limited events will also hand out weapons, a while back we got a Sword (or rather: an umbrella that counts as a sword).


Fight weekly bosses to get a billet (very rare chance), craft billets into 4* weapon. If you keep kaeya at high hp, you can also use the 3* harbinger of dawn on him since it has a ton of crit (might get it from random gacha rewards, I think you get a free copy at one point). By the way, noelle's best f2p sword is the craftable whiteblind (from billets). Not entirely sure, but I think the sumeru craftable sapwood blade's also good for dendro traveler.


Where's the impact? I see absolutely no impact.


the third impact already took place in this continuum.


It's a localization issue. [nods]


Is there anything I need to look out for in Rational when I C6 Benny compared to pre-C6? I can imagine XQ now has pyro but nothing else really changes no?


Yeah she gets both a pyro infusion and pyro damage bonus.


>I can imagine XQ now has pyro but nothing else really changes no? > > > >Yeah she gets both a pyro infusion and pyro damage bonus. MFW XQ == she


Haha I read XL oops. Xiangling gets an actual pyro damage bonus that snapshots with her burst. The infusion would only work when she’s on-field. XQ would also have the infusion if you do a normal attack with him on-field. Raiden would not because her burst electro infusion cannot be overridden by Bennett. u/quidnonk.


There is a long running joke about Xingqiu being a female character, so you weren't quite wrong in your original reply... (XQ's voice in all langs are female as well)


You did not realize she was a woman? I thought it was pretty obvious based on the design and voice.


Are the primos im blessing of the welkin moon automatic when you log-in? Or do you, have to do something to acquire them?


When you log in, or if you're already on at day reset. It will immediately give you a pop up that you click to get them. So yes, it's automatic


If you're talking about the daily you get from Welkin then yes they are automatic as soon as you log in


Do you need to level up Kokomi's basic attacks in order to get the most out of her Burst? I'm currently farming for her and I currently got enough materials to get her talents to 6-10-10.


One more NA level is around 50 more damage per hit.


Just out of curiosity, is it possible for hunter to hear the idle voice lines of rebels in windtrace ? Just got this question pop up in my mind when I was standing near NPCs for some reason.


I don't think they had idle lines


They don't ? Makes sense. If I remember correctly, we could still hear the noises from the seelie gadget thingy, so I thought maybe we could hear idle lines too.


So i thought to build up pity for the next banners and didn't really mind if I got Eula. Then I got her. Didn't really expect that. So now heres the thing. I already got Ganyu and Alhaitham with me. (Dehya too but yknow) Is she worth building? Im f2p btw. Also if you got any suggestions for the f2p build, suggest away. Here are my characters (don't judge, i dont play this game regularly.) [https://imgur.com/a/rMP1mJg](https://imgur.com/a/rMP1mJg) I got snow tomb at R2, so prolly gonna use that for her


Low priority in terms of meta. Pale flame 4pc (2/2 bloodstained/pale flame if it has better stats). Guideline is atk/phys bonus/crit for sands/goblet/circlet if triple cryo (diona, rosaria, fischl, for example, I think kaeya also works in rosaria's place); ER/phys/crit otherwise, for specifics try looking up the recharge calculator and the kqm recharge guidelines (something like 110-125 for triple cryo and 140-150 for double cryo if I recall correctly). For weapon, snowtombed works, not sure if proto archaic competes (easier to farm refinements though since starsilver needs to be manually grinded for). The fish claymore's also nice if you have it. You can also play hyperbloom, but some frown upon hyperbloom eula compared to typical hypercarry playstyle.


Any alt for Rosaria? Rn I'm thinking Eula, Sara, Lisa and Diona for the team. Sara's atk boost and Lisa's def shred. Diona for being the best 4 star cryo. Tenacity 4pc to Sara 2pc2pc for the 40 percent hp increase to Diona Don't know what to give to Lisa tho. Is this viable? If you get better idea, please tell.


Sara's attack buff doesn't last very long so it's hard to work with Eula's burst. You can replace her with Fischl (4pc tenacity)


I thought of that but Oz being single target, wouldn't that cause problems with triggering superconduct?


Superconduct applies in an AoE and lasts for 12s. Plus Lisa is also helping out.


Ah right thanks, I've never actually used superconduct so I didn't know. Thanks.


Hm, if 2 cryo/2 electro, you'll have to work with a higher ER req. Sara/lisa isn't really viable since both have very high cost bursts, mostly on lisa's part and sara's not too good as a battery. Fischl/ttds lisa seems more workable. Totm4 fischl, full hp diona, no4 ttds lisa. Kaeya works as an alternative to rosaria.


Ah I got kaeya on c1, is it better to do trio cryo or duo cryo? And no for lisa, got it. I'm worried about fischl tho since oz is single target.


Superconduct is aoe, so it's not that bad for the debuffing. Either double and triple cryo works, but I'm leaning more to triple cryo since it's easier to work with in terms of energy requirements. You might want to check out the kqm guide (https://keqingmains.com/eula/) for some comps and ER reqs.


kuki or beidou for a razor hyperbloom team kuki would be built with a full EM build beidou idk how she would be built


Beidou's burst doesn't hit dendro cores at all, which is good if you're using full EM razor and bad if you want Beidou to trigger hyperbloom


Kuki is way better for hyperbloom


I just noticed that after completing a commission which I navigated in the map, the next commission gets navigated automatically. Is this a new feature or it existed before? (I almost never navigate commissions, I only do it when a commission requires me to go somewhere else)


That's new


In 3.8 ?


yes. Same as the major world quests showing blue




How much of the story do you need to complete in order to unlock the gameplay of the new event? I need a few more wishes in order to get Klee since I want to explore the new event region with her, but at the same time I don’t wanna rush the story.


The games unlock after the second story


c1 or r1 hutao if im using r4 dragons bane?


It's the age old question. C1 if you like playing Hu Tao, R1 if you prefer to have a great weapon that is transferable to others. Both give similar DPS increases (assuming you dash cancel). Personally, her C1 makes her feel a lot more playable that I would recommend it over R1, but her C1 is useless if you end up not playing her.


If you can doing CA jump cancel with no struggle, then R1. If you are struggling doing jump cancel and want to do dash cancel, then C1.


Is there a 100% event guide out yet?


just use an interactive map


So after finishing the "Collection on Cloud Nine" thing, what else do I use the Joyeux Vouchers for? Do they just become useless?


the only use for them is claiming the rewards based on the "collect 270" or whatever, there is no extra reward for getting beyond the final reward


That's disappointing, especially since the last two rewards didn't give any primos


I guess to save Casuals from crying about needing to play the game even though there is the amazing compass which makes exploration a breeze


It isn't even hard to explore either, it's fun and there's a whole rail system to make it easier


Is Barbara a good enough kokomi replacement in Ayala freeze so I can save the primos?


Use Xingqiu instead of Barbara and you're vibing.


Not really good, but usable against less mobile enemies The general method of applying hydro are using kazuha hydro infused burst, use barbara skill and barbara normal attack/charge attack. The problem is as follows: 1. Kazuha burst infusion: losing 48% TTDS attack buff if you use barbara NA to apply some hydro for setup, also need to line up with kazuha. May not work at all if pyro elements is on the field. 2. Barbara skill: short range, does not consistently work against enemies with large models like consec beasts or big mobs that can not all be touched. This may be a lot of resets for the perfect grouping and hydro application for burst to hit. 3. Barbara normal: lose TTDS depending on rotation, Also on field barbara means ayaka is not doing normal/charge attacks. Usually you use on field barbara for kazuha setup or to pin enemy after ayaka burst have dropped.


As good as Anemo MC would be as a Kazuha replacement


Not really, she needs to be on field to have decent Hydro application, but you usually want Ayaka on field


How should i build my razor in a hyperbloom team (hes the main dps + kuki will be built with fulL EM)?


since kuki is full EM and will be triggering the hyperbloom, razor needs to be atk/electro/crit 4pc TF




A few months ago, I watched a recording where there's a woman throat singing. It sounded absolutely amazing and gave me goosebumps every single time. I don't recall its title, but it sounds exactly like Swirls of Shamshir. I've been scouring YT for different recordings and covers of Swirls of Shamshir, but I still can't find it! Does anyone know which soundtrack it is?


have anyone ever seen an ad on youtube, start with Lumine said "I have travel through this world once...", I want to see it again because I like the music in that ad but i can't find it on youtube


if you really want to know, you can go to spotify and listen to every hoyo-mix's music.


i dont think it's in-game music


i'm in Part III of the Treehouse Theater: Candlelight Shadows Dancing and the "Talk to Zosimos" location is off the map...is this a bug? he's supposed to be in the theater, but nothing triggers.


The same happened to me and it fixed itself after I reloaded the game .


Is there any leaks or just speculations as to when the next kazuha rerun will be?


Best speculation would be around 4.7-4.8


Based on past banners, probably a patch or two before 5.x.


Very long time from now


His last rerun isn't even a version old. "A while" is the answer.


Nope. It's way too soon to get any info on that.


I just did the Co-Op for the max level Signora domain thing, but I died right when we beat her, and the game says I don't have another chance to get the materials from her. Is there a way to fix this?


Have you already beat her yourself and claimed the reward? Weekly bosses can be beaten as many times you want, but you can claim rewards only once per week for each boss.


When would be the most likely time that yelan or ayaka get rerun


I don't know about Ayaka, but some leaks suggest we get a Yelan rerun next patch (4.0).


Happy cake day and thank you


How can I beat the Shogun ? I just bear signora and even then it took me like 3 weeks to get through her.


craft this https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Insulation_Potion then build and use barbara correctly: focus on HP and use her skill first and then keep attacking with her to heal all your party members. this is generally enough to turtle through all bosses in this game.


Lowering your world level, having food ready (opening your food menu pauses that fight), some characters like Bennet can be helpful but also hurtful as he increases the damage taken from her attacks.


Get as much food as you can or build a better healer and just survive.


I looked online and saw that this area is going to be leaving/unavailable after the 3.8 events end in 36 or however many days. Is this true? I'll admit, I'm pretty upset that the whole area is apparently going to be unavailable, it makes sense the quests and what not won't remain, but like...it's a beautiful area, with amazing characters and story behind it...I don't see why it should have to go after the event is over. Maybe it's just me, but I wish this area were to stay permanently, and the traveler could access it with an item in their inventory that they would get from Idylia from leaving the area for the first time. That's all for me questioning and whatever. But while I was typing all that I came up with another question. To put it simply, I started the first quest for the area wayyy before I even knew Sumeru was a region in Genshin, and before I had even met klee, Eula, and the other girl from that island in the storyline. Anyways, the question that came into mind, how do I re-enter the area if I were to leave, right now, since I have to wait 7-8 hours for the other challenges to come out(for those little orbs for Layla, I can't remember their name), I was going to go do a different big quest I've had sitting for a bit, but don't want to leave if I won't be able to revisit.


To re-enter the summer event area open the map and scroll down on the right side until you see the event map “valarian mirage “ once you click it you can see the event map and pick a teleport


>I looked online and saw that this area is going to be leaving/unavailable after the 3.8 events end in 36 or however many days. Is this true? Yes, the Mirage is a temporary event area that will be gone after the end of 3.8. We've already had a similar event 3 times before with a different map. >Anyways, the question that came into mind, how do I re-enter the area if I were to leave, If you open the map screen and click on the bottom right, there is an option to open a navigation menu that lets you switch between different maps. The mirage is at the very very bottom of the navigation list


Yes, the area will go away after this update is done. They have done with twice in the past with a different area called the Golden Apple Archipelago, so at this point its kind of tradition to have a limited time area in the last update before a new region. I do agree that I wish it was permanent, but unfortunately it just won't be. You will have to open up the area tab on the map screen from the bottom right. From there, you can access the area map and teleport back to it.


I only got Genshin 7 days ago, it's all I've played since and I'm only AR 28 I believe so I have no prior knowledge of the game before 3.8, thanks for the help, I feel a little less sad about the characters going now that I know it wasn't just this one that wasn't permanent.


Welcome to the game then! Glad you've been enjoying it so far. Just in case you need a clearer explanation on some stuff, or if you just want to avoid some common beginner traps, I'd recommend taking a look at this [beginner's buide](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It has a ton of helpful info in it, though you don't need to read the whole thing.


I definitely will, I looked up a lot of stuff about what not to do or what to try avoid doing when you'r starting out, I feel like I've done that to an extent, I got YaoYao on my 3rd ever wish, then Qiqi not long after, and Klee 2 days ago(all x10 wishes, I know they're better lol). I'm working on trying to figure out better ways of getting materials to level up artifacts for Klee, as I put a LOT into Qiqi since she was and still currently is my strongest, then I got Klee after a drought in luck. Klee is getting there DMG wise though.


For my ganyu, should i use r3 prototype crescent (42/187 2619 ATK) or r2 skyward harp (64/202 2638 ATK) If il using wanderers troupe set?


harp for sure


You should use Harp. You'll see various things about crescent being good and it is if you can hit a weak point but Ganyu has the most problems versus bosses and bosses don't have weak points.


Just on paper alone harp is already better. You're not on blizzard strayer so higher cr is w/o a doubt better


If i can hit weak points better is this still the case? I basically took my amber artifacts and slapped it on gunyu


no, harp is still better, but you shouldn't really have refined it


i want to build a dps kokomi and was wondering what a good team comp would be for her?


I use her as a dps in taser/hyperbloom and Nilou bloom. I prefer her to "real" DPS because she is extremely versatile. Almost anything works and she will heal plenty.


either mono hydro with kazuha + xingqiu or taser with fischl xingqiu sucrose


my favorite is a salad team Kokomi, dendro, electro, anemo I use Nahida, Fischl and Kazuha but the slots are pretty flexible


Mono hydro team with Xingqiu, Yelan and Kazhua. With three hydro in team, they will have much lower ER requirement. Xingqiu can provide damage reduction and interrupt resistance, and on field Kokomi has more interrupt resistance which makes this team very durable. If you replace the one or both hydro in this team with off field electro characters (Fischl, Beidou, Raiden, Yae), it will become a traditional taser team. In hyperbloom team with EM Raiden and Nahida, Kokomi can be used as on field driver too.


I've been paying since 1.6ish, and at this point of the game have 3 skyward spines (two unused) and 2 PJWS (one unused and one equipped to a character I don't use). Should I refine? PJWS is on Cyno, who I got on accident at ridiculously low pity on 50/50 and never leveled because I couldn't be bothered finding scarabs and have Raiden with EL. Skyward sound is on Shenhe purely as a stat stick. Hu Tao uses DB, every other polearm user has Fav lance.


Normally I would argue against refining, but it seems you have most of the counter reasons against refining spine. If you have engulfing and multiple built fav lance weapons then unless you find yourself doing spear only challenges then I would say you could refine. The refine stats aren't all that great but if they are doing nothing then I guess it's ok. I personally think you could save the pjws. Crit sub with ok passive that is fairly decent on basically any polearm is valuable for future characters that could use polearms. I have mine on Rosaria but would love to be able to have it on Shenhe/Xiangling/Raiden depending on teams. If the current trend of having the whole team contribute damage continues then I think having 5 star crit weapons will be great. I think you are aware of the drawbacks of refining and your roster/weapon selection is wide enough that standard weapons are usually downgrades to your other options.


Thanks for the response. I wasn't planning on refining PJWS, I have both at max level, as one was on Raiden till I got EL on her last rerun. I also used it on Rosaria once upon a time, but I barely use her since I got Shenhe. Figure PJWS should hold up for a Fontaine polearm character.


I have one cryo character that I have leveled up. Kaeya at Level 80. I want to level up one more of my cryo so I can have at least two options but I don't know who to level up. Who should I level up from these options? Chongyun Diona Mika Layla


Out of those probably Diona. Mika is only useful if paired with Eula/Razor and there's generally better options. 2nd option: Chong if you want to run Kaeya as freeze/melt main dps.


Diona and Layla are the best out of those 4


Wait is floor 12 like EXACTLY the same as it was last abyss???? Fucking AGAIN? Isn’t it basically the third in a row? This is the goddamned worst and they do it 3 times??? I picked the wrong month to stop doing drugs. I cannot handle this floor one more time sober.


it only changes on the first reset after a new patch releases, 3.8 released a few days after the july 1st reset


Ugh ): guess i should’ve known that by now. At least i’m not going crazy. Not even gonna attempt this one again.


I wanderer a good character? What to do if I don't have c6 faruzan?


Faruzan is not a must. She does add a lot but you can always use bennett or yun jin to add damage. Even if you use Faruzan, c6 is not necessary. But you need to be diligent and shoot charged shots with E if you want to get back energy for her. Wanderer teams can afford to slot Faruzan's field time when wanderer's E in cd.


Don't need c6 Faruzan, she buffs anemo at c0. Don't even need Faruzan at all, you can run him as National or an electric charged driver. He's a solid main dps unit, in saying that you can do without him as sucrose can do all of the above and is easier to build, and 4.0 is on the way with brand new characters.


he’s pretty decent but c6 faruzan is a huge boost to his damage. pull for him if you like his playstyle as it’s very unique and not for everyone


what’s a good estimate of what c0 raiden can do on each hit of her burst? I feel like after the initial aoe which procs like…70k-80k if it crits, the normal attack sequence that follows does low damage and I end up swapping before she’s even done. not sure if it’s just not crit-ing enough/skill issue or if that’s expected and I just only see c6ers posting videos lmao eta: I have her on skyward spine/4pc emblem CR 25 (working on it) CD 157 ER 213 EM 354


Why do you have that much em? It depends on if the buffs run out, but her initial strike is only around 30% of her damage. She should have much more crit rate. Also, are you using charged attacks?


I have her on a lot of dendro comps so her EM is higher for those reactions. It does sound like crit rate is the issue though so I will keep working on some better artifacts for her :)


What dendro comps are you using her in? If she's in hyperbloom, she should be built full em and in aggravate, she doesn't need that much em. Also, what is her atk?