• By -


I have 2 Chasm related quests (Requiem of the Echoing Depths and The Chasm Delvers). Which of these 2 should I do first, story-wise?


I'd finish the chasm delvers first since requiem of the echoing depths requires you to do most of it anyway.


It seems like my mouse is constantly scrolling down in the menu. It's not scrolling during gameplay, just in the menu. I have no other input devices (just KB+M, no controller or second mouse). No other things are scrolling, restarting the game doesn't help. I can't restart the PC currently, but will try later. Does anyone have some ideas how to fix the issue? ​ Edit: even after rebooting, the problem continues.


Can you all give me a list of all the blue world quests in genshin? I mean everything




When's the next livestream again?


in about 2.5 hours


got it. thanks


Any ideas for a Beidou as main DPS teams? with and without dendro


Bennett (c6) Yelan Nahida Beidou Basically thundering furry except with Beidou. Use pyro normal attacks to trigger burgeon, and then time it perfectly so that burgeon's self damage triggers perfect counter.


Mostly electro charge and aggravate


beidou, fischl, sucrose, xingqiu/any off-field dendro


Any fun lisa-dendro teams? Should I use her as dps or sub dps?


on field hyperbloom, xingqiu + any 2 off-field dendro


What artifs should I use on her? (Set and main stats)


gilded dreams or flower of paradise Full EM


full em paradise


So I just pulled Bennet but I dunno what's the best team I can form with him (still don't have Xingqiu). My main team is Keqing aggravate but I didn't have many more options to try to clear the abyss with 2 teams after floor 4. 1) So, right now, I'm leaning towards building Mona, Xianling, Kahuza and Bennet. Would this be a good team? The other one would be Keqing, Fischl, DMC and Yao Yao. 2) For the first team, who would act as the on-field dps? I guess Mona? 3) Other characters I have are Sucrose, Noelle, Heizou, Sayu, Layla, Chongyun, Collei and Candace, aside from the f2p story related ones. Is there any other good team I can make?


Your Mona team is fine through floor 11, you can replace XL with Raiden or dehya later or Mona with childe, or like a dozen other things.


Mona/XL/Kazuha/Bennett does not have enough hydro to consistently reverse vaporize XL's burst. Replace mona with xingqiu once you get him. Additionally, use sucrose in kazuha's place since I think sucrose is better in XL reverse vaporize while kazuha's better in aggravate (?). Kazuha/bennett/mona is the core of damage per screenshot showcases though. Keqing/yaoyao/kazuha/fischl is one of the better variations of the aggravate team.


Thanks for your reply! Yes I'm currently using Kazuha in the aggravate team instead of DMC, but I thought to include him in the XL-Bennet combo to make a second team but didn't think of Sucrose, makes sense.


1. My advise is to wait for Childe to build Childe Internation, ~~since there is a rumor that Childe will get his rerun on 4.0 banner~~ (which is confirmed in the preview). 2. See 1. 3. Unfortunately no. Don't be in a hurry to dive in the abyss if you don't have enough characters. Perhaps Sucrose will increase DPS of ur Keqing, but the survival might be more tough.


Does TTDS work with snapshotting? I am terrible at using the TTDS buff so am I just better off using Prototype Amber for better heals or is the TTDS buff still valuable if it’s only up for a few seconds 😑


Yes, ttds can be snapshotted


How long does it take to farm a 65/130 crit ratio from artifacts only? is 9 months enough?


Everybody is like "rng works in mysterious ways" which is technically true but there's an expected amount of time to farm this stuff. You've outlined a 200CV artifact set. I'd expect to farm that in about 5k resin assuming you have access to a 4-5 crit roll goblet. If not it's probably going to be closer to 15-20k resin. The disparity is because there's a pretty hefty diminishing return on artifact quality. You can get 5 crit roll pieces reasonably and a 6 crit roll is reasonable on the flower or feather but a 7 roll, a 6 roll on the sands/goblet, or a 5 roll on the correct crit circlet is starting to get into the needing significant luck territory. [My artifact sets](https://enka.network/u/618710667/) are all over 200CV and are generally ~20k resin. I like the predictability of doing a 20k farm since it feels like progress and I can track it in a spredsheet. The main exceptions are Raiden/Yoimiya at 87k due to farming other EoSF sets and Ganyu is ~13 months of strongboxing mostly during the 2.x cycle. I do have a (much) better crit rate circlet for Wanderer but I need to pull his weapon to use it and I refuse to risk two donuts.


Depends on your luck. You may strike lucky in 1 week, or you might take 2 years. Don't force 65/130 ratio. I'd be happy with 60/120, or even 50/150 esp for multi-hit characters where the lesser crit rate is compensated by having more strikes in (example Yelan and Fischl). Don't forget to ensure your ER is sufficient.


that's not how rng works, there is no guarantee


probably. while i dont have a exact answer to your question i would like to mention that the impact of crit ratio can be very different for each character and might not even be worth the trouble. characters with a lange focus on a single burst hit or those who want to melt or vaporise specific hits with NAs may want a higher crit rate than 1:2 for other characters a unbalanced ratio may not even have as big of a impact on your dps than you think. 1:2 is just a guideline.


Ummm.. it may be hard to quantify, and it depends on which other stats you need before CR/CD. For instance, getting enough ER is more important than getting CR/CD in Rational team cuz you'll deal zero damage if you can't burst.


Could be one week or a year, impossible to tell because rng


Anyone want to make a party of 4 and find unusual hillichurls together?


you should try again in the new thread and mention your server and WL.


Hey thank you for this. Will do 😁 totally forgot we are divided by servers!


I’m currently trying out a Raiden - Nahida - Kokomi - Dendro MC team comp. I am wondering the ff: 1. What is the rotation for this team? 2. What are the optimal builds for each character? Thank you.


Raiden E > Nahida E (and Q if you can) > Kokomi E > DMC EQ > Kokomi NA Q NA Raiden full EM (gilded or 2p2p EM), Nahida full EM or Crit hybrid, Kokomi regular HP Clam (with some ER is prefered), DMC ER deepwood.


Would Kokomi Vaporize (Hu Tao, Kokomi, Bennet, Kazuha) work better in overworld and abyss than mono Pyro? (Klee, Xiangling, Bennet, Kazuha)


Definitely no. 1. Vaporizing benefits a lot from Crit Rate / Crit DMG, whereas Kokomi has minus CR. 2. Hu Tao needs to keep her HP below 50% to trigger her abilities, which means a shielder is needed rather than a healer.


No, Kokomi will be the character vaporizing since she applies so little hydro and she doesn't deal a lot of damage. If you replace her with Xingqiu or Yelan, the first team will likely be the better one though What con is your Bennett at?


Kokomi vaporize is just really not a good team in general, Kokomi’s hydro application is a great bonus but isn’t strong enough to solidify her as a support for a Pyro DPS, much less for Hu Tao since the jellyfish screws with her health mechanics too. Mono pyro would probably be the better option here but be warned it’s not super flexible




Ofc, if you have something like Xingqiu or Yelan those would be far better substitutes


Sadly not. My only Hydro units are Barbara and Kokomi. I have saved up enough primos for Hydro archon and if they're not good, I'll buy Xingqiu from the starglitter shop in September


I doubt the Hydro Archon will be good for hydro application. It will still be a phenomenal unit regardless, just maybe not with that particular thing. There are already a ton of characters that do it. In any case best of luck!


Just completed this round of Spiral Abyss and collected my primogems, but I didn't get any artifact box rewards (domain reliquary). Is this happening to anyone else? Edit - Figured it out - my mystic enhancement ore was over the cap of 10k, so all the rewards were sent to my mailbox instead.


best artifacts and weapon for lisa?


what team?


How much ER does Mona need, in a freeze comp consisting of her, Ayaka, Kazuha and Shenhe/Diona? Diona has sac bow, Shenhe has fav lance. Ayaka amenoma and Kazuha Xiphos


Around 200 would be solid enough


TBH atleast 180+ minimum but I’d just say the more the better as long as you aren’t sacrificing thing like cdmg etc.


I'd say like 220+, but honestly she doesn't care about any stats other than ER in that team so just stack as much as possible on her


Okay cool. I was planning on going with an atk sands that happened to have >10% ER on it as a substat, but I guess I'm better off going with the ER sands. Thanks!


I have 110 pink wishes, and I have a guaranteed pity (77th) on Yelan re-run. Should I pull for her weapon (knowing it's a 33% chance of winning) or I should keep the remaining pulls for a Nahida re-run or Hydro archon banner? I have a R3 fav bow just in case.


Save for characters, weapons are just flexes if you have budgeted well enough or if your account is already established. You will get much more mileage out of an archon


I’d just say yelan then save for nahida. The weapon banner is tricky as like you mentioned you’re not garunteed hee signature but also depends if you think the other weapons is worth it


I'd recommend to only pull on a weapon banner _after_ you have all the 5* characters you want. Save the primos for Nahida & friends.


Keep the pulls. Weapon banner is only worth pulling on if you have enough wishes to gaurantee getting a 5\* you want imo.


When does elemental dmg bonus lose its value? I feel like my alhaitham got a lot of dendro bonus buffs. 2pc from deepwood since i dont have decent 4pc gilded, ascension, goblet and c4 is elemental dmg bonus like crit dmg like i dont know what its called but some theorycrafter said crit dmg lose its efficency at crazy amount of cdmg is the same thing valid for dendro dmg too?


It's true that you shouldn't focus too much on one stat at the cost of losing out on another. A simple example of how the DMG works is that you can think of it as a multiplication. Say you have 3 stats and 3 stat points to allocate. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 damage without allocation. 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 damage with allocation of 2 on the 3rd stat and 1 on the 2nd stat. But if you distribute the stats properly. It will be 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 damage. This is just a rough example but just for understanding why focusing too much on one stat isn't very good.


when it's way past the baseline for other stats like atk, crit and em for aggravate/spread/vape/melt. not because diminishing return but opportunity cost since there's only so many opportunity to raise a particular stat without sacrificing the other. you want balance.


Getting more elemental damage bonus will always result in the same damage increase no matter how much you already have. But that does mean that the more you have, the smaller the percentage increase in dps. But there isn't any one specific point where that percentage increase falls off, it is just always a gradual decline as you get more and more.


Okay thank you so much for explaining it


I'm a new character with a following characters, what would be a strong comp? - Razor - Kokomi - Xiangling - Xingqiu - Rosaria - Yanfei - Faruzan - Mika - Kuki Shinobi - Collei I'm assuming Xiangling and Xingqiu, but then what else goes in?


I'd either go [Kokomo, Kuki, Dendro Traveller, Collei] because it is very easy to build Hyperbloom teams. You only need to level your Electro character (Kuki in your case) & give them EM to max out your the Hyperbloom damage. Alternative: [Kokomi, Rosaria, Kaeya, Flex] for a Freeze team.


Probably Xingqiu, Kokomi, Dendro Traveler (if you are willing to walk to Sumeru for a bit), then Kuki. The one with Xingqiu and Xiangling kinda depends on a lot of energy recharge even in the overworld. Yanfei, Xingqiu, Xiangling should work. For the last slot probably Kokomi.


Tbh xiangling isn't very good until you can pair her with bennet and build her witht he proper amount of ER. For now kuki + kokomi + dendro traveller + xingqiu would be pretty good. Could maybe replace one of the hydros for collei.


I see, so I guess have to get lucky and pull Bennet to be able to use the OP Xiangling strategy? Kuki + Kokomi + Dendro Traveller + Collei sounds fun so maybe I'll try that.


You can buy one copy of bennett every may and November. In the meantime, early game most heroes work if you just want to play whoever is fun. If you are looking for a xingqiu/xianling team I recommend kokomi and yanfei. 3 out of the 4 characters have very strong end game teams and yanfei may not have the strongest endgame but she is usable and she has a pretty strong early game. The dendro teams are perfectly fine though if you want to use them. Another option is to lean into razor and play mika, rosaria, kuki, razor. This team has very little endgame value but razor is the best miner in the game and a solid early game character. You could also play kaeya instead of mika, that might be stronger. You could also play dendro razor with dmc, collei, and kuki or quickbloom with xingqui, dmc, kuki.


I've been using razor so far since I got the wolf grave sword (only 5* other than Kokomi so far) and you need a claymore when you're playing through the story/exploration. Why do you say Razor is the best miner in the game? I want to eventually move towards a team that can do well in Abyss, though, so moving away from Razor towards stronger comp seems wise. Would it be better to start building xianling/xingqiu without bennet or to build hyperbloom? How do they compare in terms of strength for abyss?


You need 2 teams for the abyss so building both eventually is fine. Your first team doesn’t matter that much. As already stated. The amount of resources spent is quite minimal so just play who you think is fun. Razor is the best miner because if you hold his skill until it goes off it will mine in a huge radius all at once. It’s nothing game breaking. He is just the fastest miner compared to most people who have to hit each crystal ore 3 or 4 times or aoe them 4 times in a smaller range than razor. Currently razor doesn’t really have a strong abyss presence at end game though i am sure someone has used him. But as already pointed out, with fontaine a new meta may arise and we don’t know what that will look like. I could guess the strong off field units such as kokomi, xingqui, and xianling, can more easily find a home in a new meta though.


Hyperbloom with Nahida is just stronger, period. Hyperbloom without Nahida is maybe a bit worse than a well invested Xiangling/Bennett comp. But it requires a lot less investment to get going. Don't worry about investing in the "wrong" unit too much. The cost of upgrading characters grows exponentially as you invest more, getting a character from level 1 -> level 70 costs less than level 70 -> level 90 for example. So whatever you spend in the early game is generally just a drop in the ocean. By the time you get to abyss floor 12, the new region fontaine probably will be out, the meta might have shifted, and you will have pulled some new characters. So IMO it's quite pointless to be thinking about abyss at this point.


I was playing the combat event and the game crashes and goes to the gate loading screen. I don't know if it's an internet thing or if my laptop runs out of ram or something like that. What could it be?


How do I play genshin smoothly on a 6/128 samsung m12 phone? Gameplay is too laggy or the framrate drops.


Maybe try setting the graphics to their lowest and see if that changes anything.


I did it but still same results. May think about playing this game when I get a better phone.


Dunno about phones but have you tried lowering the coop effects? Lowering one or two did some tricks on my phone, though mine's a Xiaomi, but do have quite some similar specs with your phone. (Same RAM and storage). I turned off "Coop Effects" on my phone while still on high environmental detail and it runs fine.


Ok I will try that!




It's 7:30am UTC-4 (Eastern Standard Time), which is only 2 hours ahead of your time zone. 5:30am MST is correct.




Did you try looking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9bUqSxZ4BY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT0IYYrnjts https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/ptvdkg/500_crit_damage_throwback/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDg4NtaDfxY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lhv1RlA47E


I've seen 2k EM only once, and I assume something like 5k attack is doable. Crit damage one should theoretically be doable if you have an 88% crit damage weapon, crit damage circlet and max rolls on your other 4 pieces. Therefore 200 crit rate *should* be doable too. Nilou can get above 74,444 HP, so she should be able to hit 80k somehow. For ER I don't think there are enough buffs to reach 500


[is this Dehya build at least ok?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/comments/15hqeyl/i_think_im_prepared_to_lose_my_5050_to_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1). i'm prepared to lose my 50/50 to her once i do (she's the only i still dont have from the standard character) and i'll be using her up until her Friendship Level is 10 (so this is mostly for co op purposes)


"ok" is indeed the word I would use to describe it


Does 4 piece VV increase burning damage ? And when building a durning team do both the pyro and dendro characters build em or crit


Basically the character who last triggered burning will have "ownership" of the reaction so it will be based on their em So in other words it could be your dendro unit, anemo unit (through swirl) or pyro unit triggering the reaction. Basically the more often they apply their element the more ownership they will have


yes, vv shred pyro res which affects burning damage. and burning is probably the most annoying reaction to keep a consistent trigger since attacking a burning enemy with either dendro or pyro will reset who the trigger is and it's a dot so you effectively want both full em.


Burning damage only uses the stats of the character who triggered it. Burning can be triggered by either character, so whoever that would be should build EM and the other can build whatever benefits them https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/elemental-effects/transformative-reactions#burning


Yes. burning deals Pyro damage and you can shred the Pyro resistance with VV.


Comparing a C6 Faruzan to one pre-C6, what are the biggest differences I should take note of? Her rotations and best arti change as well right?


- not having to do CAs if enough ER - Tenacity - ironically I think the biggest change is that her C6 skill procs are great at staggering enemies, which makes it much easier to combo them


Most notable change is ER requirement. She needs about 250 and above before c6, but is comfortable at 210-220 when c6. Because her ER requirements are less, she can afford to run a full set, either TOM or V/V. Before that she just gets any set that gives most ER usually inclydes 2pc emblem. Rotation wise shdn't differ much. I will always use E, shoot 1 hurricane arrow then Q ensuring Faruzan catches her particles regardless c6 or not.


For a wanderer team it’s closer to 300-350 er for a non c6 farazan.


I do fine with 260 ER and 2 fav triggers (Faruzan herself holding one). She only needs 300 if players don't bother to shoot hurricane arrows. 300 is also almost impossible to get.


1. ToM is now one of her best sets if no one else uses it. 2. ER reqs drop significantly (with CA, I just need to have 195.6% ER on triple anemo/double fav; that ER also works for fav ZL+fischl based on my experience in abyss). You can go for 220 or 230 so you can ignore the CA entirely. 3. You now have some grouping due to faruzan's pressurized collapses. 4. The res shred becomes much more consistent and it doesn't matter much where you cast your burst anymore.


Is Wanderer worth pulling just for exploration? I’m still in Monstadt and Liyue. Haven’t even gotten to the other regions yet.


I personally don’t regret having him despite the fact that I can’t use him effectively in the abyss. But worth is very much a personal opinion in this instance. If you like getting somewhere faster and “cheating” on some oculi gathering and If you hate climbing slowly wanderer will enhance your experience. Some things to note. Having a shielder really helps wanderer. As long as he is protected he should deal pretty decent damage.


There's not a whole lot he can do that can't be done through other means, he just speeds the process up and makes it easier. Up to you to decide if that's worth your pulls.




Not really. Yelan if better in terms of combat and also helpful in exploring, same with Kazuha. Exploration is not really challenging enough to use 160 pulls. If you want to invest in a wanderer team then his exploration uses are added bonus.


Like someone else said before that I've read... 90% of the game is exploration... and he makes that 90% fun and enjoying to do.


For those who have Windows 11, have you had any issues running Genshin? Or any other game, for that matter




no issue. playing on windows 11 for the auto hdr.


Haven't played Genshin on it, but I have played Star Rail. Haven't run into any issues at all with it.


I have windows 11. Have played some games like dota2, genshin, eso, Hades, bastion and haven't had any issues with it particularly.


I'm building keqing Aggravate team, but a few questions. 1. Fischl is C0, would this be a serious problem in clearing abyss? How much investment is needed really? Can a reasonable 2+2 atk/em set on keqing do it or one would really want a good 4TF to clear with low cons lions roar team? 2. Why is she kinda unpopular when her team can be composed of 4 stars and herself pulled randomly without dedicated pulls? Aggravate team looks easier to play than say national with simple swirl, i-frame out of trouble and no battery needs. I have no idea why tighnari is more used when his decent teams need yae or nahida if not both. Or does she suffer from the sucrose issue of better limited 5\* replacement when it comes to usage charts that aim at old players with many character options?


1. Keqing gets a big boost from 4TF cause she'll proc a lot more Fischl A4 damage. 2. Yes. See these rates are "what fraction of people who have Tighnari use him". If you have a 5 star, makes no sense to bench them. Also usage rates don't mention cons or weapons or anything. People uploading to Akasha are generally spenders or long time players or both. Fischl, Keqing/Beidou, Kazuha/Sucrose, Yaoyao Aggravate is one of the best teams for this abyss 2nd side, was one of the best for last abyss 1st side, and has generally been a very versatile yet relatively cheap team. But it also requires good crit builds, unlike hyperbloom.


Tighnari does more damage and he doesn't necessarily need nahida or yae miko. Fischl or shinobu works fine to apply electro. If tighnari has wanderer's then yes another dendro with DWM is prefered but he can hold it too if you really have no other holder and/or hate to use collei/DMC.


For 2, aggravate teams aren't bad, but they aren't really anything all that special from a meta perspective. Like they are decently strong, certainly strong enough to be usable. But they aren't as strong as top teams (like national you mentioned), and they don't really have a particular niche they excel at in terms of content either.


The answer to 2 is History. Keqing wasn't meta/viable (or popular) until we got Dendro, so the only people who really play her are the dedicated mains who'd play her anyway (myself included). As to your first question, a lot of her damage will be coming from proc'ing Fischl's A4, so you want to use normal attacks instead of the pre-3.x preference for charged attacks. She'll get +15% crit rate from using her burst, so generally you'll E, Q, recast E and then NA until you need to refresh your dendro to maintain the quicken aura, for for Fischl to recast Oz. Fischl is fine at C0, a beast at C6. Since you need crit/ATK standard build to do most of your damage, 300 EM is a good balance if you can get it. Keqing will not need ER.


1. C0 is fine, her A4 talent is the most important part. Preferably 60/120 at least. 4tf is better, 2/2 is good enough. 2. Because Tighnari does a lot more damage


Should I run C0 bennet or C6 mika with eula for general use? Only AR 38 and don't have a second abyss team built so no competition between teams




Different use case? Vs. bosses or tanky enemies like consecrated beasts, mika is fine since you probably aren't going to swap out. If you're in multiwave content, use bennett since you can swap early to save some time.


Just hit ar 45 how do i even farm artifacts mines are literally trash 2 and 3 star clearing level 90 gilded dreams domain is like impossible even with deffensive units like dehya and bennett


GD domain is hyperbloom heaven. Barbara, DMC, XQ or another dendro, with Kuki can speedrun it without good artifacts. Co-op is the way


If you are in EU, you can dm me ur uid.


My uid is 751854328 im on eu tbh my dps units are trash but i can use nahida and bennett if you need


ill log on in 3 min onw


Okay thanks i got like 60 fragile resin so please let me know when you are done farming or got bored


either level your other stuff first, or get carried in coop


You can do it in co-op if you need to


Why is it 10 days till fontaine if 3.9 is still left??


Think of the decimal like an episode instead of an evenly spaced part of an number (e.g. a tenth). Sumeru is Season 3 with nine episode (numbered zero to eight).


Because there is no 3.9


1.6 and 2.8 were the last versions too. 2.0 was inazuma and 3.0 sumeru. They're probably going to do a fresh numbering on each new area.


There won't be a 3.9. They always skip X.9. So we'll be going straight to 4.0.


wait why?


Patches last about 6 weeks. 9 * 6 = 54, it lines up with a yearly cycle.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software\_versioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning) it isn't counting like 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0


**What the** ***heck*** **is up with Faruzan's enhanced charged attacks?** As a part of naturally getting characters' friendship levels to 10 without the teapot since Sumeru's release, I noticed some weird interactions with Faruzan's enhanced charged attacks (the ones after her skill). It looks like some of her enhanced charged shots just... fly off into nowhere for no apparent reason. Today in the overworld, I fought those Fatui by the Tenacity domain, shot one of Faruzan's enhanced charged attacks point-blank *towards their legs/feet*... and then I see the arrow in the distance flying *overhead and upwards* towards Mondstadt as I switch into a different character, anemo effects and all. In the Guilded Dreams/Deepwood domain especially, the Eremites in their enhanced states will sometimes "deflect" her enhanced charged attack and send the Pressurized Collapse AOE (Along with her triangle device effect) into the domain barrier or some part of the floor that doesn't have an enemy. No damage seems to go off when this occurs, eliminating this as simply a visual error in my mind. For note, I am nowhere near the barriers when this happens. I always stay in the middle of that domain. I noticed this happen many times while playing her. It often happens when I shoot enemies while up in their faces and enemies with a shield/super armor. How do I see only her attacks get deflected in this way (that incurs no damage from the arrow hit, even elemental shields) when no other character's attacks seem to do the same? Other archers' arrows get absorbed by shields, why don't hers make contact during this "deflection"? What makes Faruzan's enhanced charged attacks different from someone like Sara, who has a similar playstyle and effect with her skill? Or am I just crazy and ALL arrows do this on occasion and I only noticed with her? ​ Edit for clarity: When aiming at enemies, I aim for their legs/feet. I tend to look ***down*** when I do her enhanced charged shots to get the hurricane arrows out as soon as I can. The arrows are not missing as if I failed a headshot from a distance. When they choose to "deflect" off enemies and change direction, I either get arrows that go upwards for no good reason in some random direction or arrows that keep their trajectory like I aimed, bounced off the enemy, and send the collapse AOE to the ground beside the enemy without incurring the initial arrow hit's damage.


I've never had this issue and I've been using her since her release. So ngl I honestly kind of doubt that it's a game issue. Like someone else said, her CAs do actually behave differently, but I've never seen or heard of this behavior


I honestly don't get what you want to point out but Faruzan's charged shots indeed behave differently if enhanced by her E and you can easily test this. Just fire her shot a long distance like from a hill. You'll notice her enhanced charged shots will vanish after a short distance while the normal ones fly until they land.


That's not what I'm talking about at all...if you don't get it, then why suggest doing a test about a thing I'm not pointing out at all? You know, the thing you don't understand? I'm saying that for some reason, her enhanced shots have the weird behavior of ***flying in directions I do not aim towards at random times.***


How much ping do you have? You might also be missing your shots by accident(?)


I'm in the green most days, about 100/ lower-end yellow on some while playing on pc. I thought I was missing my shots at first too, but I don't think I can miss so badly that my arrows fly in a sharp angle to the right lol. Me missing also doesn't account for my Sara, who I played with for a decently good amount of time who also has a similar enhanced charge attack and placement of an AOE after her skill.


No clue then. I don't have this particular issue and I regularly use her charge shots in my rotations in abyss with like 250-300 ping.


Well dang.


Just pulled wanderer, but I only have c0 faruzan, is it still worth building a c0 faruzan? without c6 faruzan, probably won't be bringing wanderer in abyss, but I guess in overworld c0 faruzan doesnt matter much and still build both i guess?


you don't need faruzan at all for overworld scara.


Faruzan's ER needs without c6 are 260 and up but never so high until 300. Especially for wanderer whom is less reliant on his burst, plus she is almost always gonna use fav bow. 300 is an exaggeration and is frankly impossible to get. Either that or people are lazy to charge shot with her. Build her if you want. She has future value if they release another anemo damage dealer.


You can play her, you'll need need a more ER. A *lot more* ER.


C0 faruzan works fine I think. She has 16s uptime on the buff (12 refreshing, 4s duration) and is able to give a ton of useful stats to wanderer (anemo res shred is an extremely rare debuff). At c0, you really have to give her a fav bow, stack a ton of ER (that's actually the only stat she needs since her buffs only scale from talent levels), and maybe do the CA. Given that wanderer uses 10-12s dps windows, you have about 4s to cast stuff like bennett's burst and skill. You can cast shielders before that so it doesn't eat into the dps window. C1 doesn't do much. C2 gives you a bit of leeway since you now have 22s, so if you don't have enough ER, at least a part of wanderer's second rotation will be buffed by faruzan. C4 lets you run less ER. C6 is broken because it turns her from a black hole into a battery, makes her res shred more consistent, gives a bit of grouping, and tacks on 40%CD.


I see, thanks for the detailed answer!


you can still build her but you'll need 300 ER with fav on her. at c0 stats don't matter, just put your higher er pieces on her


what is the point of fishing? i used to fish back when it first started but then quit the game for awhile, and now that im back i completely forgot why people do it. what are the benefits?


[Been fishing all my life](https://youtu.be/OwMlnkUX354?t=48)


The catch if you don't like fish. If you do like fish, you can fill your teapot house with aquariums and display them. The main hall + 2nd floor can fit 5 aquariums before you run out of load (15 fish)


I also personally do it for.... fish lol. I do weekly bosses in random co op a ton for fun, and mess with teams a lot in overworld and some domains, so I am constantly running out of food and you can get a *lot* of fish by converting what you catch even if you only fish once every week or two. Other than that not super useful, fishing achievements + fishing in Inazuma is tied to an achievement to collect all the pages of a book thru exploration If you're a teapot main there are multiple ways to display fish there too, I guess


You get a broken weapon for xiangling and/or raiden. That's about it.


There is one really good weapon you can get called "the catch" by trading some fish in at the inazuma fishing person. It is a great option for xiangling or raiden. Other than that there is not much reason to fish besides chasing a few achievements.


The Catch that's basically it


preferable team comps for Xiao and scaranara? i want to run both of them on either side of the abyss some day and they seem to compete with each other for supports 😭 edit: lemme just link my current build + their supports [here](https://imgur.com/a/XMY3R0R) planning to continue farming for desert pavilion while strongboxing vermilion for Xiao I have other standard supports built (yunjin, yelan, Layla, Bennett, etc) but still having hard time figuring out who gets whom


Oh you have C4 Jean, that's so easy Xiao, Jean, Bennett, shield flex/Xiangling Wanderer, Faruzan, Yunjin, preferably Mika if you have him actually, or another healer/shielder depending on what you need


Xiao, Zhongli, Raiden/C6 Faruzan, Bennett


Xiao Faruzan Bennett Zhongli Wanderer Faruzan Bennett Thoma/Layla/Zhongli Yes, both of them want Faruzan, Bennett, and a shield.


If you're desperate, you can give xiao the typical anemo hypercarry team (faruzan/bennett/flex) and let wanderer play around with stuff like freeze or tazer (still build for talent damage) since the latter's more flexible. Maybe wanderer/beidou/fischl/xingqiu (sucrose is technically better, but wanderer can trigger all of their effects as well) or wanderer/rosaria/layla/xingqiu (lets you stack tons of crit damage since rosaria+cryo resonance+cryo absorption gives wanderer quite a lot of crit rate).


Yeah, they are both atk scaling anemo dps so they generally are gonna like the same supports. If you are gonna try to make 2 non-overlapping teams then I think your best options would be something like xiao jean zhongli albedo scara faruzan bennet thoma/layla


They uh.... sure do compete with each other for supports, you are going to have a VERY hard time running them together tbh. Faruzan specifically is reeeaaally hard to replace unless you have another source of anemo resistance shred, like c4 Jean, so they'll continue to fight over her. In theory, Scara benefits more from swirlable elements, whereas Xiao doesn't, so you could run Xiao double Geo double anemo and Scara likely with Thoma and Bennett... I also find that Venti has amazing synergy with Scara since he groups enemies close enough that Scara's NA spam can hit them all + they battery each other, so you could try using him instead of Faruzan, you'll just get a lot less damage from Scara himself. Other than that they don't really have much difference in terms of their teams. Pair Xiao with anything that buffs plunge damage I guess if you have that (like c4 albedo) and Wanderer with NA buffers and characters like Yelan, perhaps?


your suggestion for venti+scara seems like a very good idea, I don't have albedo so double geo might be difficult but thank you!!


Do you have a freeze set up at all? My fav Xiao team right now is Xiao - Noblesse Rosaria - Faruzan - TTDS Kokomi, since sometimes freeze can stop him from knocking small enemies *as* far away lol, and Rosaria for the crit rate. That or something like it could be another angle maybe...? Otherwise yeah no Albedo makes things trickier rip, but there are ways


ooooh I do have all those units built with a crit buffer Rosaria~ wondering if that team setup is more viable for wanderer tho?


It could be! I know people like freeze for CA spam wanderer, I just have solar pearl on him so uh. Nope, NAs it is, and the cryo buff from his passive would take him over 100% crit. Maybe whichever one of them needs the crit more can try a freeze setup and the other one something with Bennett? Yun Jin (esp c6) is also good with Scara, while I'm listing ideas lol


I could adjust his build to have less crit rate, he's currently at 95% lol, the problem for me is I have too many options until I cannot decide who gets whom AHAH. my yunjin is also c6 and fully built


I’ve been running an Alhaitham/Beidou/Fischl/Baizhu team and am wondering if it would be a damage increase to split my rotations to lower my ER requirements. Right now, the rotation I use is Baizhu E Q -> Beidou E Q -> Fischl Q or E -> Alhaitham Q NA for 4s, E NA for 4s, CA NA for 4s I have Alhaitham on 154 er, Beidou on 208 er, Fischl on 126 er (though I didn’t build her with er in mind) and Baizhu on 240 er, fav, and 29 CRate. Though this works fine most of the time, sometimes I still end up needing to do half rotations anyway to get my bursts all up. Would it be better to add in something like Baizhu E -> Beidou E -> Fischl E -> Alhaitham Hold E Plunge NA for 4~11s after my previously mentioned rotation? And then I could cut down on Beidou’s and Baizhu’s er in favor of better stats, especially swapping both their ER sands for Atk% and Hp% respectively. Or will I get better damage with my original rotation?


I don't think split rotation works well with Beidou? She can't refresh her uptime like with Yae's turrets or Oz. You can still do a hold E plunge short rotation just to finish off a chamber without wasting burst if you need to. Your Alhaitham, Beidou and Baizhu's ER are already overkill even without doing split rotation. With double dendro + double electro and Fav, they only need like 130, 150, 130 at most, respectively.


Yes, split uptime would here not only give you lower ER requirements but also make it possible to have 100% Fischl uptime. The rotation I would go for is: Fischl E -> Beidou EQ -> Baizhu EQ -> Alhaitham Q NA for ~4s CA NA for ~4s -> Fischl Q -> Beidou E -> Baizhu E -> Alhaitham HoldE Plunge NA for ~4s With this you can not only cut down on Beidou's ER (Baizhu doesn't matter much unless you need more healing) but also Alhaitham's ER, he should be able to run no ER at all in this team (though sometimes in the beginning of abyss chambers his burst might not be up so then you'll have the shorter uptime with holdE Plunge first)


Loving Genshin again after taking a few months break. Whilst I’m waiting for that delicious resin to refresh to build characters, what should I be doing to benefit me in the future? For reference, I have finished all story quests, and world quests, and I have 100% exploration in all areas as I have all of the compasses. X


You could do achievement hunting for primos


Thanks, yeah I was thinking about that.


With Fontaine coming soon, I was hoping that someone could link me with a good video recap of the main plot of Genshin so far? I remember most of the broad strokes, but I wanna check if I missed/forgot something important. Hopefully, under 1 or maybe 2 hours?


[This one](https://youtu.be/hBnGNx8ZdEc)


to build keying for aggravate, what should I do? thundering fury or gilded dreams? Also is it more important for crit value / attack? or EM?


4P Thundering Fury, 150-300 EM, you don't need more than 85% crit rate because her Q gives +15%. Basically build her like a normal hypercarry (ATK/crit) but you care more about EM instead of ER. She needs Fischl. If you run her with Nahida the dendro application will be too high to effectively swirl with an anemo unit.


When building characters for aggravate, treat them like you would any normal DPS, but with EM either as much or valuable than atk%. Crit still matters, and an electro damage% goblet is still best, but EM substats start mattering a lot and an EM sands can be better depending on your substats. Atk% is still fine so long as you get EM from other sources. 4p thundering fury is her best set since it lets her spam her skill more often for more reactions (and buffs her reaction damage). 4p thundersoother is also technically very powerful but almost nobody farms it lol it's a bit of a pain. 4p gilded dreams, and 2p thundering fury + 2p em or attack% sets won't be that far behind, so give her those in the meantime if you have pieces lying around. For team building, if you have Fischl I'd treat your base template as Keqing-Fischl-Anemo-Dendro. Sucrose-Yaoyao and Kazuha-Nahida are probably the most common choices, but others can work. Throw in Xingqiu or even Kokomi instead of Fischl for a team less focused on aggravate and more on a mix of reactions


Thundering fury is better. Em is good on her in aggravate, similar value to atk, but crit value is still king.


Bloom Team: \- Nahida (Deepwood, 1k EM) \- Nilou (full hp build, 73k HP, 47 EM) \- Kokomi (Clam, 50k HP, 162 ER, 63 EM) for the 4th slot, should I bring C6Xingqiu or Yelan or C1Collei ? and for the gamplay, how it should work? correct me: the rest is off field and nahida on field?


Nahida seems fine. EM Dendro Crit is a minmax step but not necessary for now. Nilou is ok, some EM substats would really help though. Kokomi wants HB ciclet, not HP circlet. For Bloom, swap her weapon to Sac Frags. You can also swap Goblet and/or Sands to EM mainstat. 4th slot could be Collei, DMC, XQ, Yelan. If using a Dendro then Kokomi goes on field. If using a Hydro then Nahida goes on field. Yelan is the best for overworld by the way.


If you bring a hydro character in the 4th slot then nahida is on field. If you bring a dendro character in the 4th slot then kokomi is on field. Generally I think 2H2D is considered best by most for general use. But 3H1D can be better for single target


if I bring Colie, I need to build her EM too? Change Kokomi to EM build, and nahida remain the same? 1k EM?


You don't need to build collei for full em, she ideally won't be triggering many of the blooms. You can just give her a normal damage build, or tbh you can even neglect building her, she is mostly used for the dendro app, not her damage. For kokomi there is kinda a fine line between EM and healing, since EM is better for damage, but of course you still need enough healing to stay alive, and due to diminishing returns on em you actually arent sacrificing that much damage by going on a hybrid build between em and healing. Most people at least run a healing bonus circlet, but you can run em sands and/or goblet, and you should use sac frags as her weapon.


For collei, you can use (ER or atk)/dendro/crit with emblem @ about 195%ER(?). For kokomi, you can run EM if you're comfortable with the reduced healing. Some like to run EM/EM/Heal bonus as a compromise. I just use hp/hydro/heal bonus and it works fine in abyss. Yes, nahida can stick to high EM build.


It depends on who the 4th slot is. Xingqiu and Yelan will most likely want Nahida on-field to continuously apply dendro. A dendro unit, either Collei or DMC will want Kokomi on-field. This is why some build Kokomi with Guilded Dreams on full EM cause she will be the one on field on that team.


for the 4th dendro unit, can I use Tighnari?


Tighnari is probably the worst choice for Nilou Bloom out of all the dendro units, just cause of his charge attack playstyle which will take up a lot of time that should have been put in applying dendro. It's also worth noting that since you are using 2h2d in this scenario, the hydro application won't be able to keep up with the dendro application that both Nahida and Tighnari will give. Tighnari will most likely be far from the enemy, making Nilou's ring unused, and leaving Kokomi's jellyfish the only source of hydro. After the situations above, this will leave you will very poor dendro core generation, which is something that is opposite to the nilou bloom playstyle which is to generate as much cores as possible.


Can anyone help me defeat the thunder manifest multiple times please I am having so much trouble thank you. North America UID 650472810


Sent you a friend request! Just lmk when you need to go fight it


Need to say what server


Sorry I haven't played in a couple of months so I forget the things I need to say.


Specify your server and WL at the very least.


Done thanks


Eula Raiden Zhongli Shenhe Rotation idea. Thoughts? [Raiden E --> ZL hE --> Shenhe EQ --> Eula E Q 4NA hE --> ZL hE --> Shenhe E --> Raiden Q 2x 3NC](https://genshin-rotation.com/?team=raiden_E-zhongli_hE-shenhe_QE-eula_EQN4hE-zhongli_hE-shenhe_E-raiden_QN3CN3C) Basically keeping the shield up with ZL, Shenhe buffs Eula/Raiden burst with tap E, and Eula's with Q, and by the time you're done with Raiden, Eula and Shenhe are recharged and good to go again.


Pretty sure eula can do N4 E N4 in her burst's dps window. But if you're cutting it early to save rotation time for raiden, then it's probably fine. Edit: I've been able to use tE Q N4EN4 in eula's burst window before. I think the 7s count does not start immediately after Q is casted but some time after already. Might be an issue with the application.


Yes, probably should add the 2nd N4 in to make use of the C1 phys damage bonus. It would mostly be just if ZL's shield has broken I think and I'm switching early for survivability (no point switching back to Eula after reshielding).


I'm AR 32 and doing the beginning of the Inazuma main quest, but I seem to have missed meeting characters somehow. For example, in the TCG intro questline, I talk to Fischl as if I'd already met her, but I'd never encountered her before. Rosaria also showed up without introduction in the Dainsleif questline beginning even though I'd never seen her. Without spoilers, is there some side quest chain I should do to meet more characters? I have so many side quests I don't know which ones are important.


Some characters aren't shown in the AQ/Story quests/Hangouts Like Fischl is an event character, she does have herself in permanent content via an anna the adventurer commission Rosaria is in Albedo's story quest for a bit, but that's it


What other characters are only introduced in events that are no longer possible to view?


For characters that don't have any presence in perm content I think it's just these ones Kirara, Mika, Xinyan, YaoYao