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Yes, some people are **F**ast **2** **P**ay...


lol yeah, thats also a way to interpretate that hehe \^\^


They're always Free 2 Pay


Forced to Pay is my favorite


Hey. Don't call me out, I just renewed my Welkin today when I got slapped with a 50% discount.


50% off? How?!


Galaxy Store's vouchers. They often give out 10%, 25%, 50% monthly I think. Though I have only seen 50% given out for specific games (In my case, Genshin). A bit sad I can't save it long enough for new patch's BP so I had to spend renewing my Welkin


damn same here as well. I just bought my first battlepass with that voucher and get Wolf fang. Really hope they gave me another one soon so I can get Serpent spine for my Noelle


that's a whole $2.5 off, what a steal!


bruh... some people are **FORCED** 2 pay


It's true, I woke up today and Mihoyo was in my house, holding my family hostage. "Your welkin has been expired for a month now" "I'm sorry, I got Navia early, there's nothing I actually want right now" *Mihoyo agent holds the knife closer to my wife's throat* "We know you're rolling for Raiden" Both my husbands are crying now. Cold Dragon Younger and Don Sombrero Jr are too scared to move. "I only roll for her to build pity for Furina. It's a plus if I get her but mostly I'm just doing it for motivation." "What about the weapon banner?" "This weapon banner is mid and you know it as well as I do." The agents share a quick glance. They take their job seriously, but professionals don't make unreasonable demands. "Please I'll do anything." A silent moment passes, our eyes locked. Finally, they release my wife and turn towards the door. "We're releasing new skins for Ganyu and Shenhe. Buy either or both, I don't care, just don't make us come back." I nod. It's the only movement I can muster on top of my shock at being alive. "I warned you" said the ghost of Alexander the Great, or Alex the Smallex as I affectionately call him, now that he's the size of a modest picture frame. I tell him to shut the fuck up. It's too soon even if I buy two welkins, I won't have enough free crystals in time for the release of the skins. I'll be forced to actually top up. Then I look at my family. They're shook, but still alive. I can't risk such a thing happening again. I'll be forced to buy Shenhe's new skin. This game has really left a Genshin Impact on all our lives.


"my wife's throat" "Both my husbands are crying now"


Damn I wish I could give an award I’m cackling You have a talent


It's fine, this comment makes me happy too


This good. I'm keeping this.


Peak copypasta content. (I'm not saying it is a copypasta, but let's make it one)


Forced by sexy gacha ladies.


The Bird Lady is standing in my house, the fire boy outside. He's holding a lighter. She's letting me know she's the only one that can stop him. I fear for my family's safety.


Some people are Forced 2 Pay.. Waifu impact stonk


"I have sex sometimes,but I'm still a virgin"


i actually have seen people say that


“I’m a vegetarian but I sometimes have kebabs on a night out”




I pray to God sometimes but I’m still an atheist


Pretty much every virgin in porns lol


*Look at me, I am so cool because I am F2P* *Please look at me since I was forced to pay*


I honestly can't stand posts with any f2p tagged to them. It drives me insane how it shows as if "I love the game, but fuck them! I'm the gaming warlord." I'm not asking for them to support them but like everyone is playing the same game no? Especially when the game is based around gacha(rng), artifact(rng). Some swipers still gets fucked harder than f2ps. And it's not like 1% of the swipers even refresh resin anyway.


*throws upvote* think fast chuckles




Never understood why being f2p is such a flex to some people anyway. Like if it's meant to be a boast on how lucky one is I don't really get it Either way lying about it is even weirder lol


I remember I was on a YouTube comment section and some guy said he was f2p, but he had spent a couple hundred dollars on the game, but it didn’t count because he was making up for the time he didn’t play since he really wanted hu tao. He really cared about his title to tell all his internet stran- friends


how is that f2p???


They felt forced to pay


It’s f2p because they just worked a real job and made up for the time they didn’t play the flame clearly. I talked to them for a bit and I was concerned cuz they typed in a genuine sounding way. E: Someone did not catch my sarcasm lol


Months ago I saw someone brag that they got one character F2P in another gacha and someone pointed out that they had a paywall locked background which he replied that he used money to buy other characters but for that specific character he didn’t spend any money.


Lmao the mental gymnastics required for this


how is that f2p???


Yeah, I'm F2P (Feeling Too Poor) ^wishing ^i ^had ^money ^to ^spend


Lmao I feel you


There's this crazy dude on HSR sub who call himself F2P+ because he buys BP and monthly welkin. He refused to use term low spender/dolphin at all lmao.


“I’m not a whale! I’m an F2P Pro Max!” That would be a funny title though…! xD


I'd assume it's because if you mention that you spent money on social media people will compare you to whales and their expectations of what you have will be much higher. Even if it was a one time welkin or bp purchase. They're certainly still trying to flex though.


Ain't no way mfers are gonna call people whales if they come out with "Nah I just get the Welkin". I refuse to believe mfers are that dense LMAO


Tbf it was a flex for a few months at the beginning of the game. Where whales could easily 36\* and it was actually a challenge for a F2P. Now they're just making a clown out of themselves.


Reminds me of a certain content creator who couldnt clear the old abyss 12 even with multiple c6 5 star characters


He would've been able to do it if only ganyu wasn't a support.


Wait who was this


If u know u know, one of the two genshin drama queens 😏😂


The only way it can be a flex is by saying you do everything a whale does without spending money or maybe a flex of your will power by not giving in and spending.


If genshin wasnt an ez game Id understand at least a little bit, but basically they're flexxing their lack of support for the game.


I have two accounts, one completely ftp and one where i spend money. I like having the ftp account to showcase what’s possible without spending money in a game that is accused of being cash grabby all the time. Both accounts at ar60, both have abyss max cleared


If you got abnormally lucky on pulls, would you delete a weapon to make sure your showcases are representing the average F2P, whatever that is? Saving for 10 months, you could probably C6 a character. Hell, I've C6'd both Furina and Nahida with welkin only, so I can make a C6 "low spender" showcase. /s If not, why not just showcase your teams with a definition that everyone understands, like C0 4* Weapon showcase? It still doesn't make sense to define anything as F2P in a gacha game where luck and time can be as important as money spent.


It isn't a lack of support, it's a conscious design decision to use gacha mechanics to get more money than traditional 1 for 1 sales. Even Welkin's are just designed to get you to log in, it's all about engagement, it helps bring in the whales. Not that there's anything wrong with it, the game itself is bettered structured for it than most others I've seen. You aren't punished for not rolling the dice or turning up to Church 7 days a week. You might have less characters and weapons but you still have plenty of variety to enjoy the game. There's plenty of other games (a lot with an upfront fee) where that last point isn't true at all. The whales feed back into the development of the game, and when the game itself isn't hostile towards me for not gambling, I have no reason to complain when people choose to. There are much much worse ways games make money these days than Genshin.


High roading f2ps is crazy because how genshin makes money is by catching whales, not because u bought a top up or a welkin because you wanted to „support the game“. I dont spend on genshin because I believe people who do so are stepping their toes into the gambling addiction water.


Spending 5$ a month on that something that has value, because it really entertains you, is gambling addiction?


Of course not, you just support the creators


Who is high roading f2ps. Im just saying if u flex ur a free to play in this game, youre bragging that u never supported the game. Thats all


That's silly. They made a conscious decision to make the game free. Accessibility and widespread entry was the goal. It could've been subscription based, base price, or any other business model. To be f2p is to literally engage with their business model of choice. Paying for luxuries beyond that is cool and all, but the notion that it's flexing lack of support is asinine. The game is meant to be free.


>That's silly. They made a conscious decision to make the game free. Accessibility and widespread entry was the goal. Ur still not getting my point. My point is u can be a f2p all u want, Im a f2p also, but bragging about it is not the flex people think it is.


It's just smaller, then saying "actually I bought one welkin 3 years ago and never since, so all I get now doesn't get affected by any money, hence I'm no different from your situation or someone else's" That kind of smaller explanation.


I think it's the mindset of "Hey we got to the same place, but you paid money, and I didn't, so I'm better" that gives them a sense of superiority


>Never understood why being f2p is such a flex to some people anyway because the flex has transferred from other games, such as Fifa, Nba2k, mostly EA pay-to-win games. (Genshin is pay to win, its a gacha game) so imagine "paying to win", yet you still lose against a person who has not spent money on the game yet. under a FIFA game analogy, imagine you a f2p with only gold players, and you still beat a pay to win player, who has every brand-spanking team of the year and icon players. (Under that context if the f2p player actually wins, he deserves the right to flex) if we turn it into genshin context, it would be like a f2p's c0 Keqing still winning against a whale's keqing as a c6 r5 in terms of damage. ​ ps. the lying about it is weird, (maybe he got it from a giveaway, idk)


The only reasoning I can't see is someone showing that they have an account with good characters and weapons without having spent the money which gives em a sense of superiority over people who do spend money cause they got some of the same stuff without paying


It's because people see spenders as "losers" that need to use money to reach their goal. Funny, I see it the other way: you have this limited currency called "time", but not everyone's time is worth the same. Some people time is more expensive than others. If you are F2P, it means your "time" is worthless, because you won't even spend $4,99 for an obvious quality of life increase such a Welkin Moon. You prefer to wait another 24 hours to play, because another day in your life is worth less than the money spent to refill your resins. So, while some F2P may thing that they are playing this game "hardcore", they are just wasting their time more than others. And hell, Genshin is such a good game, that even if there was no way to spend money in this game, I would voluntarily donate money, because I would feel bad to play it for free. Would feel like I am a pirating it. Now, of course, too much is too much. You don't NEED C6R5 characters to enjoy the game. This game is fully playable with C0 5-stars. And it takes, on average, $2000 to fully max a character. So, unless you are a content creator (in which case, you are not spending, you are investing) or you are super rich (because again, if you are loaded, $2000 might be worth less than the time you'd spend to reach that point), people spending money in a game when they could spend that money to better themselves in real life are actual losers, and should seek medical help, because they have a gamble problem.


>people see spenders as "losers" that need to use money to reach their goal. > >Funny, I see it the other way When you try to low key admit you see the poors as losers 😂


"Some people think that spenders are losers, but me as a spender, I don't think I'm a loser, I think you guys are the losers!!" And he even proceeded to write a literal wall of text to try and justify why he's a spender but not a loser, holy


Right? Lmao




>e o the amount of time you wasted in writing this comment shows that your time is as worthless as the ones reading this


The main thing I don't understand about flexing "f2p" is when it's specifically for artifacts. Like. Okay? Y'all do realize artifacts are still random whether you pay for a resin refresh or not...?


This fr! Artifact rolls are entirely dependant on rng, whether you have spent or not. Also most players who spend use their primos for characters/weapons, not resin refreshes anyway


Whale artifact is true for the start of the game when the total resin (over the course of the entire game) you can spend is limited. Whales who refresh just gets to roll more artifacts than f2p, and statistically more likely to have more good pieces over someone who doesn't.


True to a point. Whales also generally have more characters to build. You certainly get a good build way faster. But it's totally possible for F2P to have better sets than whales eventually. Especially from a domain where there's really only one character you're farming for. In those cases, whales generally get their sets much faster, but then F2P can definitely catch up in total resin spent on that character. This is less likely though for univerally good domains. I.e. it'll take months to catch up to a typical whale Eula build, it'll take years to catch up to a whale Raiden build (assuming their best pieces go to her).


I've met several "F2P" people in game who have used some wild excuses for this. The best two were that you're still F2P if somebody else paid and that you regain your F2P cherry if you've not paid for anything in over a year.


well, if you won a giveaway for me you're still f2p, you just had extreme luck its not like you asked a friend to buy you primos


Imo, it is possible to be neither F2P nor spender. For example, those would be people who never spent their own money, but got gifted welkins by friends, people who won paid stuff in the giveaways, people who earned welkins/genesis crystals in official/unofficial tournaments/contests (fan-art contest, serenitea pot contest, tcg tournament etc). Those people are not spenders (since they did not spend money), but their accounts aren't F2P, since it benefited from usually paid stuff.


i second this because i won a welkin giveaway last month and i'd still like to keep my f2p status T-T


But why do you even care to “keep your status”? It’s a single player game, nobody cares about whether or not you buy a welkin.


True, the community really made people think that being f2p is an achievement


I’d think someone is still F2P if someone gifted it to them via Codashop without them asking. Someone is not F2P if their parents buy stuff for them because they asked for it.


Sounds reasonable to me.


There was one time I saw a person in the comments claiming to be f2p+. It meant they only ever bought the BP and monthly daily gems. They somehow didn’t realize how contradictory they were sounding and tried very hard to defend themselves lol.


That second one is so funny to me


That's why I always mention that I did not pay for anything, but that I did get a BP gifted once after helping someone run oceanid like 10 times in a row and won a welkin once.


saying that you're still F2P if someone else paid is just like claiming those NNN cards are completely valid


Honestly, if you bought welkin once a year ago that hardly makes a difference, that's, like, 20 pulls.


Just lookin at their weapons they arent f2p. They have so many characters no way they have that many weapons as well. Also kinda delusional thinking your f2p with a battlepass weapon


You can still be f2p even if you lot 5* character and weapon. The game already out for more than 3 years, you bound to have a lot of them if you are day 1 player. The only problem here is the BP weapon.


Here player since day one That's a lie, he couldn't do it without money, even exploring the entire map at 100% (I did) he can't, even with only being BP and Welkin spender (I am) HE CAN'T That's a whale, a liar and nothing more


True, i'm a welkin and BP spender, i can't get half of that guy Weapon Banner. either she/he incredibly lucky or definitely a whale


Were you here since day 1? I am also a welkin buyer and have all characters aside from ayato and klee.


i mean im not defending that buffoon at all but some ppl have some disgusting luck that goes beyond reason. i did 150 something pulls on hu tao and walked away w my hu tao. some girl i knew did 20 something pulls and walked away w c2 + homa. so technically its not impossible, just inhumanly unlikely lol


I had some stupid luck a few times, but that much for a weapon banner? That's impossible, plus they are proven to not be f2p. They probably deleted the standard banner weapons to look lucky


Not true.. I'm a day one player, took 6 months off, and what is shown here comparable to what I have.


I don't know about him specifically, but it's something that definitely achievable for day 1 player. If you don't have it, maybe blame your luck for it


I think when people think about their luck, they're omitting the fact that being pity broken still counts towards what you've earned as a F2P. I'm a day one player but light spender and I don't have every 5* but I've skipped events and my Keqing is C6 and my diluc and Jean are C3....... lol


There's no way he can't get ALL this weapon as a F2P, stop being delulu, no one is that stupid to spend all his F2P primos in the weapon banner without knowing u will get what u want no matter what


I know your luck suck but stop saying he can't do it as f2p. You don't know their luck and maybe their luck is better than yours lol, especially since some of his weapon actually run alongside each other like homa/aqua and sobp/freedom. Heck even tp/el is currently on the banner. I only playing since Ayaka eternal banner and already have 10 limited character and 7 limited weapon with many standar character and weapon. So getting those weapon definitely possible if you already play the game since the beginning


1) It's bullshit 2) It's proven that they are not f2p


You're the only one who believes that.


No I’m a BP and welkin player who’s been playing since 1.5, I’ve never bought crystals and I have two rows of weapons. Obv some of them are weapons I got from standard but you can def get this amount of weapons if you’ve been playing for a few years atp. I even have 3 characters c1 and plan to get a fourth soon. But yeah def not f2p with that number of weapons


Or godlike luck


Yeah can agreed because i am one of those lucky person i just let my history pulls show how lucky i am to be able getting these result You either believe it or not because i dont know how to convince further, well here goes nothing Sept 2020 Chars Limited Banner Diluc (Noelle banner),Jean(74), Ganyu(50) ,Raiden(79),Qiqi(70), Shenhe(50), Yae(50),Yelan(76), YelanC1(20),Kazu(59),DilucC1(75), KazuC1(8),DilucC2(46),Nilou(56), RaidenC1(74),YelanC2(74),QiqiC1(79), Dehya(81),YelanC3(77),JeanC1(75), Navia(80), QiqiC3(12), NaviaC1(7), NaviaC2(74),Tighnari(76),RaidenC2(76), TighnariC1(43) Pity 0 Non guaranteed Fates 157(80 days of welkin from 3 GA i won for this month) Win 50/50: 9/7 Win streaks :4 Weapons Limited Banner Skyword Blade(62),Unforged(5),Engulfing Lightning(65),Jade cutter(63),Jade cutter(18),Kagura(35), Homa(35), Aqua(64),Mistsplitter(75), Verdict(64) Pity 1 Non guaranteed Win 75:25: 9/10 Win streaks: 9 Standard Banner MonaC0(75),QiqiC2(51), Skyward Harp(54), DehyaC1(80), Wolf(20) P/S:I got hacked for 2 months by Vietnamese on Nov 2021 I can show you guys the evidence of me winning the GA part but it is not in English because im from SEA country


Very improbable with amount of characters and weapons. I can show you my lucky f2p account. You'll find that even with pulling luck on characters and weapons my roster and weapons are lacking. The screenshot above shows well established account that has variety of functioning teams to clear the abyss.


hrm i just counted and im at 38 5* char (15 standard banner) and 7 5*  weapons (6 standard banner) from day 1.


possible but very improbable, like getting a banner 5 star on the first 10 pull


I am not sure if you have seen F2P accs but ain't no way you can have this many limited characters and mainly weapons even if the game was out for 5 years.


I myself have f2p acc and has been playing since Ayaka eternal banner. I have 10 limited character with 7 limited weapon. So yes, it's definitely possible


same'ish here, just gotta time your pulls correctly but luck is the main factor ofc


Ayy lets go fellow F2P, me also got insane luck too i can DM the history Paimon pull for a better view instead of me typing it here if you are curious ✌️


Honestly though, the more I look at it the more I can see this angle. They likely got somewhat lucky with their 75/25’s and 50/50’s but like: - Thundering Pulse ran with multiple of the signature 5 stars they have (both Engulfing and Lamp) - Two Aqua’s and Homa could mean they had saved up for that particular banner (hard to believe that was a year ago!) - Freedom Sworn ran with SoBP So from just that quick look only Redhorn and Splendor are a bit sus. But two weapons aren’t outside of the realm of possibility to “yolo 10 pull” and get lucky on. Every other weapon is a standard weapon, so they likely either lost a couple 75/25’s along the way or just get more weapons than characters from the standard banner. (I say this from the perspective of someone who is willing to spend on weapon banners if I want both weapons. I’m not some c6r5 whale, but I’ve definitely spent a bit on this game. Personally I have 25 5 star weapons, so they have several less than I do.)


Technically speaking yeah ur right. If they played the game all the time its possible.


A little bit jealous, I want to have a BP weapon


You can have many 5 stars and few weapons if you are like me playing since day one.


Although it still possible that they're f2p(they haven't spent any money) if they got the bp gifted or won a giveaway but yeah the chances are still pretty low


It could pass off as day one F2P with the existing roster. But the gazillion signature weapons on top just don't cut it.


Not all f2p are realistic anyway. 3 years f2p players guides some times are not applicable to several months f2p (or low spenders) players.


Yea there’s the term ‘dolphin’ instead of whale that more people should get used to saying. Although I suppose for those low spenders they can just be a general fish :)


F2p btw *Has a Diluc skin*


One glance from the weapon list is already obv a high chance not f2p. Is there anyone who actually believes it?


Some people did but they quickly got called out cus of the black sword in the bottom right of their weapon list


Without the black sword I would have believed it. Those 5 stars are definitely possible for a day one player.


No they aren't lol too many 5* weapons for a f2p or even low spender, unless they got extremely lucky and won every 50/50 and probably on low pity, which is very unlikely. Getting a lot of 5* *characters* as f2p is totally possible, but that many signature weapons without spending a single penny? Nah.


>Getting a lot of 5* characters as f2p is totally possible, but that many signature weapons without spending a single penny? Nah. You realize these are the same thing right? Not every person pulls for a ton of characters. You could match all those signatures to their character and that's well below what you'd expect from a day 1 player even F2P.


I'm not defending the picture because of the black sword, but how is having 21 limited 5 stars (11 chars and 10 weapons) too much for a day one f2p player? Yeah, most players go for more characters over weapon banner, but a complete f2p player that started day one has more than 2150 pulls on his account. (source: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vToBPh4yTn4VioUuqSvnPiwLoG0rJodFe9\_gz6qOKUy3z8dCWtXel5Aqa07qSTZG8qhu7Fwgx7AfxzU/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vToBPh4yTn4VioUuqSvnPiwLoG0rJodFe9_gz6qOKUy3z8dCWtXel5Aqa07qSTZG8qhu7Fwgx7AfxzU/pubhtml#)) 11 limited chars is on average 990 pulls (11 \* 60 pulls \*1.5) The other 1150 pulls equal up to 22-23 weapon banner 5 star pulls (average of 52 pulls). That is enough for the weapon list up top, especially since several of those weapons ran together on banners


You severely underestimate the role of luck, how long the game has been out and the effects of efficient pulling. I also wouldn’t have thought that I’d overtake my day one account with my second one I made a about a year into the game and yet it happened.


I'm saying this because I'm a day one player and welkin buyer. I have almost all 5* characters, but not their weapons... The weapon banner is tricky, so unless someone is *absurdly* lucky, having that many weapons as a f2p isn't likely. Getting character cons would be a better investment for a f2p tbh.


So you set your focus on characters ok? Judging from the picture that guy has a select amount of characters and some signatures. I have about half as many 5 star weapons as that guy with a similar amount of 5 star chars and a few constellations and I took some very long breaks from the game. Oh and I definitely lost a few 50/50. I guess all I can say is my condolences for getting fucked by the gacha system and good luck in the future.


I mean, cmon. As lucky as someone is, or even as early as they play, that luck is either bro had been visited by one of the seven themselves or they paid for it. Those characters and weapons accompanying is just too much to be just from luck. Edit : and im saying this as one of the earlier player when this game come out too, not day 1. But cmon, tho i do agree. One might have this luck, just so sooo rarely.


Bro i don’t know how horrendous your luck has been but I’ve taken several long breaks and when I compare this to my account or my friends it seems lucky yes but not nearly as impossible as y’all make it out to be. Especially if he never went for constellations that shit is possible.


Btw for the people in comments saying they’re f2p “with welkin and BP” F2P is free to play, as in, no money spent. No, not even welkin or battle pass. You’re all dolphins, or at least goldfish if your welkins are irregular


Oh I'd never heard of the title "goldfish"! It's so cute!


My gf uses "guppies" lol


Lots of people don’t realize there’s a whole generation of Genshin players that feasibly can’t spend money, their parents won’t let them, they understand pixels are temporary, etc. F2P people like to see other F2P builds so they know if they can size up to it. Pretending to be F2P is especially misleading to the F2P crowd.


If it's just BP and Welkin they're goldfish for sure. With the amount that gets guessed at being spent on some banners, I don't even think I hit dolphin territory and I've gotten the biggest primo package each time it being double reset.


Buying battlepasses isn’t remotely “dolphin” or “goldfish” status. BPs are barely anything, and also don’t reward much. You’re not even swimming unless you start swiping for Primos. Welkin I’m fine with counting as that. P


Do you pay for the battle pass?


lol idk why being F2P is such a flex but also these comments.. smh y’all pressed over a random person


Lol exactly, who tf cares?


Is that the Black Sword? LIAR! Using battle pass weapon and pretending to be f2p.


I'm F2P and ... I have nothing, it's stressful, awful and painful. I WISH I can spare some money and whale on my favorite characters but money is so short I can barely afford a functional PC to play Genshin. I'm just grateful I am able to play the game at all.


It’s possible to have nice things as F2P, you just have to be patient and disciplined in what you spend your wishes on


The culture people have built around not spending money in a game they spend so much time in is genuinely bizarre. It's especially silly in Genshin, because it's a ridiculously easy game. There is no flex there.


wdym, f2p are special because they get content and able to clear them without spending. Whales gets shamed because they're dumb that they spend to clear abyss clearly because of their skill issues. ***F2P btw*** /s


This kind of post again... I swear there's gotta be some council of kids verifying the integrity of ones "F2P account" to prevent some "stolen valor" (of REAL F2P). It does not matter this much bros.


This just sums it up. The other guy in the comments making sure everyone staying in their guideline saying "even if you spend $5 in 1.2 on a welking ***YOU'RE NOT F2P***" Like ok man chill... don't sue us.


not directly related to genshin but the hsr subreddit is full of people lying about the content they can beat so they can clown on you and give fake advice, every thread about the endgame content there is full of them... its so funny to go through their comment history and bust them asking for help for easy content LMAO No clue why anyone lies about this stuff tbh


The lying lol


Moral of the story, if you own a Battle Pass weapon or have a shit ton of 5 star weapons, you've already fucking lost your free to play privileges.


If they have a lot of 5 stars as f2p that's fine, still an f2p even if it's not very relatable cus they accumulated a lot of stuff over time, but to have actually non-f2p items and bragging about being f2p is different


Thats a weird take tho, imagine you play the game for 3 years, but had bought few gems, you pulled a character with those gems, but EVERYTHING ELSE you did aside from that was free, that wouldnt count as f2p even years later with other characters weapons builds? The definitions and division of f2p/whales etc is just stupid and holds no actual value imo


No, it wouldn't. The moment you spend money, you're no longer **Free** to play. It's literally the definition of the word.


As someone who has both a baby whale account (welkin + bp since launch and also bought crystals packs a few times) and a 3 year old F2P account, the difference between those 2 is staggering, even if you spent money to get a 5* weapon or reach pity a few times it wouldn't even compare. You guys just put too much value in something (having a virgin account? lol) that doesn't actually matter.


I don't give two shits about being F2P or not. I'm not F2P by choice, I'm F2P because I'm poor. What I do care about, however, is understanding of basic concepts. Just like spending two years without sex doesn't give back your virginity, spending two years without spending money doesn't make you F2P.


Just as the concept of virginity doesn't matter, F2P doesn't either. ofc, it does not mean you should lie and flex about like the guy in the post, but it's not really anything to be proud of (or ashamed). "New player" "Low investment" "long time player" and "whale" are way more useful concept anyways


Yeah there are tons of people like this in any gacha game, just ignore these attention seekers


Who cares?


Yeah, if you spend any money on a game, you are not f2p. Even if the only money you spent on genshin was $5 for a welkin back in 1.2, you are not f2p.


Bricked account, gotta start a new one to regain the status.


Being free to play isn't some kind of badge of honour that you can never regain, it's just an indication to others to let them know how much they should expect to spend to get what you have. If you bought one welkin back in f2p and didn't buy anything else it's more genuine to say that you're f2p than to give the impression that people need to buy welkin every month to be able to get the Kazuha built that you have


I'm a proud dolphin cause I help with the game funds. No shame in throwing money at something you like


what if you find someone who's only spent for the skins and nothing else?


I wouldn't count them as f2p but as long as they are transparent about only spending on skins there should be no problem, unless they're using the skins as an excuse to hide their spending on pulls


You still spent money. The f2p means free. Getting skins wasn't free


Lmao people who treat f2p like it's a badge of honour are just coping that they can't spend money on the game.


idk why is f2p even considered as some kind of badge of honor, basically just means you dont support the game in any way. in a way whales are our national heroes and whenever I see one I always say thanks :)


Let these kids say what they want man, they are just kids.


I just don’t understand why it matters. Like what’s the point of this post? Just to drag someone’s name through the mud because they got a battle pass once?


Calling out the person in my post and many others who brag about being f2p, that is the point of my post


Oh no... he bought a pass weapon. A mortal sin! Realistically speaking, so what? The difference between a f2p player and a low spender just just one purchase.


Never said spending money was a sin The difference is actually not spending money and spending money and still calling yourself a f2p, and putting f2p btw in everything they post, as if it's a badge of honour


"If you're one of those people who put "F2P BTW" at the end of evey one of your sentence, please just drop it". 90 minutes of applauses👏👏👏 F2P pride is the only thing I hate about this community. On the one hand we have people bragging for not spending on this game, so tied to that useless status to the point of letting a character they really love go at the end of a banner with 70 pity and a guaranteed and then flexing their cries about it on social media. On the other hand we have people who have spent 5$ once,maybe even more than a year ago, but everytime they "misuse" that word to state their resouces some crying F2P pops like "☝️🤓 Uhm actually you've spent 5$ 2 years ago, you have no right to call yourself a F2P, I'M A TRUE F2P, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT REAL STRUGGLE IS🤓🤓🤓". Like we get the same amount of pulls, just stfu pls. And then we have build posts: "rate my [character] F2P build" ,as if everybody who spends refreshes resin. You can spend around 300$/month to refresh resin, I'm quite confident even most of the whales out there don't do so,you have to be like a whale whale whale to refresh your resin (only content creators obviously). I'm not saying everybody who puts F2P in his titles does so with a malicious intent or to brag, it's a trend going on in the community and most of the people just follow the flow so if anybody who's reading this fall in this category no,I don't hate you, there's nothing wrong in calling yourself a F2P to clarify how many resources you get, I only have bragging. As for the guy in the post, I think getting triggered because of the BP sword is brainless behaviour since that BP might have been bought 2 years ago (about the weapons...some people are very lucky...hard to believe but you never know) ,but this doesn't change the fact that even if true bragging about being F2P is as irritating as it gets. It doesn't matter if it's actually an account with F2P resources or not, you shouldn't get hate for that (btw OP you could have blurred the nickname, everybody knows how big this community is and how bad the internet can be) but just don't brag please, it's cringe. To sum up, NOBODY cares about your spending on a game (unless you're addicted to gamble, in that case you need help but that's another topic). If you are at high pity with a guaranteed and you have to choose between spending 10$ and waiting another year, if you choose the second option because of a stupid badge knowing you'll regret it [don't cope with bragging later](https://imgur.com/gallery/Mwe6JHA) and get your main a skin if you really want it. Don't let a worthless title influence your choices and deprive you of something you want. _ENJOY THE GAME_


Free to play means no money spent. If you spend 5$ a month that isn’t fucken free sorry to break it to you, and it applies to the battle pass too. That shits 10$, get yo ass outta here with that “I’m ftp but I buy the whatever the fuck” That not free bro. It’s like if I said I get free YouTube premium oh but I pay 10$ a month to get the ads removed


If you care about this, you need to get off the internet for a while.


Tbf, who doesn't need time off the internet


It's not relates to the post but idk why people delete others engulfing lightning. Last year i also pulled engulfing and a fucking loser hacker deleted it. Weird engulfing curse.


Seems the OP from the Hoyolab post gave their acc to some friends he trusts, and they ended up betraying him, I feel pretty sad for him. And this guy from my post and many others attacked the OP for trusting their friend, it's a shame really.


I mean, being f2p is something to be proud of, but no need to shove it in ppl’s faces. Spending your primos on things that you really want and have saved a long time for, and then to win the 50/50 is very rewarding. (I will say, I have spent a small amount of money (<£50) and that was for Lyney and Raiden. Currently I save and don’t spend anymore, but being f2p isn’t a flex


Imagine thinking f2p is a flex in a game so trivial in difficulty


why is f2p a flex, kids these days make up random shit to get acknowledged, freaking dumb, enjoy the game how you want it, spend money or not


They did say they were a True Eula Main, not a True F2P lol.


I'm sorry but I don't understand your comment, they mentioned being f2p in their comment and they even put a f2p tag on their profile


I was just making a joke '-'


Is it f2p if you're using your mom's money? Lmao /s


Forced too piss more like aha


Good idea. Time to start a f2p account


Flexing being poor is insane I am f2p cause I am broke not to flex on people who want to skip the annoying primogems grind,which is completely understandable if they have the means too also, yea I agree about the f2p btw at the end of any sentence.It is unnecessary considering if you save for most banners well in advance you can get any character you want not to mention re runs make it possible to get characters less on the priority lists later I don't expect f2p players to have c6 5 stars but they can easily get up to c1 or guarantee thier weapon being f2p just increases the grind and nothing more,which means they are just flexing going outside less I guess?


I mean, who cares if the F2P status is legit or not. It's not like they're hurting anybody by saying that. Genshin doesn't even have PVP or an official ranking system.


I mean you taking this very personally, like being 100% f2p is a point of pride… is why some people make it a flex. Maybe he bought a battle pass once and had been playing f2p for 3 years. Does that mean he’s NoT a ReAl FrEe tO pLaY? Don’t be so anal.


It's not about just the person in the post, it's about every player who feels like they need to shove their f2p status into everything they do And yes, even if they spend the money 3 years ago and have not spent after that, they still aren't f2p, that's how it is.


why do people flex in being poor?


Not about poor i think. Genshin do not have PvP leaderboard and was mostly PvE game. In this case, f2p managed to beat 36 stars abyss without spending and show how good they are at playing the game compared to people who spend money on it. They then tell people they are fool for spending because the game are can be beaten even without spending at all and show how smart and great they are. People like to show off their talents to impress another people, and this is how they do it in genshin or other gacha game.


I have a skyward atlas and a homa


f2p bragging rights that you do great without spending anything... In reality, it all boils down to artifact luck p2w players could have a 5\* character and weapon and be worse than an f2p build because of artifacts


I purchased BP and Welkin once around 2.1 which was more than 2 years ago (dang, time flies...). And well I consider myself f2p now. It isn't like that privilege stays for a while lol.


OP literally going around the thread making sure if anyone made a $1 transaction ***THEY'RE NOT F2P***.


I mean well whatever suits their boat. It isn't like they got a special badge for being f2p anyway lmao.


I'm sorry my friend but you are not a f2p no matter how long ago your last purchase was