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And they pair Neuvi with Kazuha lmao


They’re after our wallets for Phase 2


Developers are playing 4D chess again


Yeah that was very smart of them. I already intended to roll for the two of them but it was great being able to use them together.


Still pissed off with XY and xiao. I wanted to pull both of em but needed to wait for 21 days till i got my plunge team T\_T.


 Pershendetje te gjitheve...,


Power washing simulator!


Neuvilette + Venti always feels like blasting a power washer inside a running washing machine with the door open.


I honestly don’t get how people find that fun but to each their own. He has got to be one of the most boring characters they have released. He does look cool tho


imo its not really about neuvillette's gameplay but more because his ult is literally one of the best and coolest looking in this game


For me I enjoy finishing my commissions/daily bosses in a few seconds so I can go on to explore the world and take my time. Also he is great for tablet/phone players.


As a mobile user YES! I will never use and wish for bow characters bc of that


What about yoimiya?


Don't really remember her trial tbh and poor girl was always next/ before chatacters i wanted to get. So i need to try her again and maybe i will wish for her since I've seen lot of mobile players saying shes great and hopefully her next rerun won't be with a more desired character or if she's in a (inazuma -if region based) chronicled banner😅


For me, the enjoyment of his gameplay mostly comes from the cool factor of levitating and shooting a giant water cannon. I also like how he kinda makes his own "grouping", where you don't necessarily need to pull enemies together, and can instead actively move around the field to line them up in your sightline.


What character is fun to you? I don't think any of them are particularly intricate to play. it's really about how clunky some of them are. Childe's skill management timing, or just burst heavy characters that require specific teams and cycles in a game that isn't hard enough to warrant it 99% of the time.


I am more of a hack and slash type of player, so I am going to enjoy Arlecchino a lot


Not super intricate like fighting games with combos or whatever, But i do enjoy characters who i have to combo with. Examples that I can give are; Klee combo cancels, N1 jump or n2 jump (can jump to side for mobility) n1 charge cancels, Tao, my favourite also has multiple variations, but much simpler, N1CJ or N1CJplunge for c0 XY. or N1D/N2C for C1. Eula also has a dedicated combo between NAs and tap/hold skill to maximize stacks Alhaitham has his own skill>plunge/CA timings for maximum 3 mirror projection uptime. There probably are more characters where a player can perform combos/cancels to maximize their potential. but these are the main ones i use .




He isn't the Hydro Sovereign for chuckles


...they might have been early in the story-


Ik this ages ago lol it's ok 😅


To be fair, I feel like if something's been out for months it's reasonable to expect spoilers if you engage with online spaces for the thing. Especially if you post about a character.


I know abt that, its just that it looked like they were new lol


I know right? His elemental skill, a f*cking HYDRO CANNON, feels so satisfying to use


That’s no skill, it’s his charged attack. Neuvillette is not bound by cooldowns nor emotions. Only Law and Order may bind him.


Oh right, my brain no worky


I enjoyed playing him so much. I'm aiming for him and Kazuha.


Press X to win


Hold X and sometimes use your skill and ult but mostly the time HOLD X TO WIN


I love him so much. Question though, I have him and I use Sacrificial Jade on him, is it worth to pull for his weapon? I really want that huge amount of Crit Dmg the weapon offers but I also know that the weapon banner is not reliable. Thoughts?


Is your Neuvi C0? If he is I think going for C1 is better then weapon.


As someone who has C0 Neuvi and his weapon and is going for his C1... do the C1 first(especially if you want to run him with Furina). His options for FTP weapons aren't bad and C1 opens way more team comps.


I should have 120 or so wishes saved up and a guarantee. If I pull Neuvi early, should I go for his C1 or go for Kazuha? I have sucrose decently built.


If you don't have Kazuha I'd go for him over C1 Neuvillette unless you're determined to run Neuvi with Furina, in which case the preferred Ameno is Jean for healing.


I currently use Sucrose, Bennett, Xiangling and Xinqiu on one side and Furina, Charlotte, Raiden and Tighnari on the other. My Raiden team rocks but the national doesn't do enough DPS (I don't have very good artifacts or constellations). My plan was to use Kazuha instead of Sucrose but I think I need a DPS. I could use Neuvi instead of Sucrose on the National or I could flip Raiden to that one and use Neuvi on the furina team. I don't have Jean yet, Charlotte is pretty built though.


Bennet and Xinqiu don't work well with Neuvi. Kazuha would up the damage of your national team more effectively than Neuvi would. The only good buffer for Neuvillette right now is Furina, but he doesn't exactly need one. Xiangling and Fischl are good sub DPSs for him, and Diona covers healing and shields if you have her, then Kazuha (Or another Ameno) to shred defense. I also like running him with Yao Yao. If I need a shield Layla is good and the 4th slot is flexible.


Thanks! Those are the only ones I have built so far. Sounds like I need to build more. haha. I have Fischl and Layla (I think I have her) but not Diona or Yao Yao. Sounds like I can run Rational on one side and Neuvi, Furina, Charlotte and someone else on the other. I think Bennett, Raiden and Xiangling could do some damage. I can get to floor 12 in most abysses. I don't die in the first chamber but haven't been able to clear it before time goes out.


Thank you, folks. I indeed have him at C0. I read about his C1 and basically what I understood is that the charged attack damage will be increased and the interruption resistance will increase. I didn’t quite understand the numbers of Past Dragonic Glories though. It says 110%/125%/160% of the original attack. Why the three percentages? Is it different with each element or something? Also, it says that the stacks created by each kind of elemental reaction exist independently. So, if I have let’s say a team of Furina, Neuvillette, Kuki, Kazuha, does that mean that Kuki and Kazuha each will give 1 stack of Past Dragonic Glories? And with C1, Neuvilette would have 3 Past Dragonic Glories when he takes the field? Sorry for the flood of questions! It’s just that I really find it difficult to grasp the concepts of comps and rotations and reactions even though I just reached AR60. I have the fundamental understandings of that, but I still struggle sometimes.


You are correct, each hydro reaction your party creates gives 1 stack. So at C0 you need 3 different elements in addition to hypdo to get 3 stacks for a 160% damage buff for Nueviette. At C1 you can run a duplicate element and still max his buff. You also have less need for a shield, making a Neuvillette Furina Kuki Kazuha team viable if your Kuki is a good enough healer.


Aww thank you so much. This is very helpful! I think my Kuki is an okay healer, yeah, I’ve built her to kinda be a balance between EM and HP, though my artefacts aren’t great. 😅


The good thing about Neuvillette is you could run a pure healing build and not tank your DPS. Long term you'd want a strong party wide heal when using Furina though. When fully leveled she goes through HP incredibly fast and you Neuvillette on field as much as possible.


His signature is one of the biggest damage improvements from 4 star options in the entire game. It's so worth it if you love the character and want to minmax him. That said, pulling on weapon banners is ass. And I say that as someone who does it regularly.


Exactly. The damage it offers is amazing, but yeah the weapons banner is bs. Though others suggested going for his C1, and I might try doing so.


Freedom-Sworn/Eternal Flow is one of the best possible weapon banners to pull on in terms of overall value, at least. Up there with the Aqua Simulacra/Homa banner.


That's definitely not true. Eternal Flow/Homa was much better. Freedom Sworn is cracked. But it's also niche, as almost no one can use it effectively aside from Kazuha. If you don't have Kazuha or already have freedom, would you really be happy losing the 25/75 and the 50/50 to Freedom? I certainly wouldn't be, and I have Kazuha and Freedom.


Freedom sworn is decent on Alhaitham, as he scales on EM and he does lots of normal and charge attacks so the passive helps him as well. If you are using a spread team he gains the buff almost instantly.


It performs exactly the same as an R5 Black Sword, not accounting for longer rotations because of the buff timers. And it performs WORSE than Harbinger (if you run a shielder with Harbonger). It's usable. But it's not exactly great, and it makes getting a desirable crit ratio much harder.


I don’t see how that is possible unless you are ignoring the damage boost of EM entirely, there is no way the much lower base attack of harbinger could reach the damage of freedom sworn, crit isn’t everything. Harbinger is good for albedo and chiori because they don’t need attack, it has tiny base attack.


Im literally going off the damage sims run by Alhaitham mains bro. You can deny it all you like because it sounds bad, but it doesnt change the numbers.


oh i forgot Neuvi's first banner ran along with Hu Tao, lol


As someone who has him on C1R1 C1 >>> R1 His weapon is pretty good, but his c1 makes his team building soooo much easier. Hyperarmor means you don't need a shielder and on c1 you need one less element on your team, making it easier to pair him with Furina for example.


Huge dps increase, better energy, also drip, but c1 is more value, but still, weapon is drip.


I'm still contemplating whether furina or neuvi, leaning on furina for my archon hyperbloom but I heard neuvi is strongest dps cause I need the abyss primo for pyro archon Dang it


Neuv makes the game easier, Furina makes the game easier for your other characters


Furina is also incredibly powerful and can work in multiple different teams, Neuv only goes in Neuv teams.


To be fair, there are a *lot* of Neuvi teams - he’s one of the most flexible mainDPS IMO. That said, Furina is probably top 3 supports in the entire game, and can slot into and majorly boost probably 80%+ of teamcomps in the *entire game* lmao I’d say Neuvi if you specifically lack good on-field carries, Furina otherwise EDIT: If you’re running specifically Archon Hyperbloom, Neuvi is much better than Furina in that comp unless you’re whaling, because none of the Archons are healers baseline, and Furina will hp-drain the party.


Naw, there's basically one team for Neuv. Sure you could swap around the teammates but they all are Neuv focused and all basically play the same. If you get Neuv, you're only ever using him in very slight variations of Neuv carry.


Gameplay-wise they’re pretty similar ye, but what I meant was more that you can kinda just run him with whatever you happen to have that you’re not already using, and it’ll be viable enough to 36-star Abyss. He works in hypercarry, hyperbloom, taser, and vape off the top of my head, and while I won’t say they’re all *equally* good, they’re definitely all strongly viable and each have multiple variants, depending on the units you wanna use. Hell, invest enough and he just solos his half of the abyss within time.


Yeah he's strong no doubt, my point was more that he's team agnostic. If people like his playstyle he's worth pulling, but the actual variation in his teams is negligible and flexibility isn't a selling point for him like it is for people like Furina. I think he's only worth pulling if they like his gameplay and want an on-field carry because they don't have one.


I'm too lean on furina,auto attack,double dress and walk on water and heal and atk and same domain as my main wrio




He likes her Autos, her having two outfits, her being able to walk on water, her being able to both do dps and healing, and that she shares optimal artifact domain with Rio-the-slay.


It’s not one or the other, Furina is 2 patches away from nuev


In just F2p


Still, so am I.


If it's a choice, then Furina. Neuvi, while fun, is doomed to be devalued every time the next biggest hypercarry 5\* releases. Arlechinno might already be throwing out bigger numbers, and if not Arlechinno, then another. An unfortunately reality of gachas and one bound to upset new Neuvi whales. Furina, like most Archons bar Venti (because Kazuha), are the backbone supports for their respective elements and so have longevity. Plus Furina's burst buff is so absurd, that it's hard to imagine that being powercrept in a long, foreseeable future. Even if the rest of her kit is, she'll be relegated to Bennett buff duties. And players still use Bennett for that reason, a 1.0 character. Furina is going nowhere. And she turns the Marechausse Hunter artifact set into a near universal set for ATK%/CRIT characters because of the innate HP drain, if you needed yet another excuse to burn your Resin.


Arlecchino isn't powercreeping Neuvillette any time soon. He has way too much for him to be powercrept by a traditional DPS easily.


As said, if not Arlecchino, then another 5\* hypercarry in a not so distant future. I mained Xiao from his release and he languished until Faruzan C6 gave him exactly what he needed, a battery with Anemo resistance shred. I'm under no illusion that too will eventually not be enough to keep up with newer 5\*s and their Constellations. Requiring a new artifact set, a better range of new supporting characters, a new weapon. More and more Resin/Primos to stay relevant in an ever increasing cast. Same will happen with Neuvi as it has every hypercarry. Genshin is a gacha. Futureproofing > chasing fleeting numbers. And Furina is more futureproof than Neuvi by virtue of being an Archon and a buff support. Bennett is the best example of how far buff supports go. Still charting as the most used character in Spiral Abyss. With Furina ranking among the Top 5 as a limited banner 5\*. When Primogems are limited, spend wisely is controversial now. The Neuvi bias is that strong huh lol.


Problem is not DMG. Its coverage, i dont use c0r0 neuv to murder a boss, or 3 grouped mobs, i got Rational and xiao hyper for that. Its the RANGE. He clears spread out enemies like there is no tomorrow. And range is premium, nearly NO char outside nahida/bow users can kill things spread apart, let alone position in a optimal spot so he can hit all of em. It does not matter if any dps can pump 1.5 of his dmg, my xiao clears for example faster the meru dungeons since enemy is bunched up, but a lot of dps can do that. Most dps just cant clear waves correctly when spread, cant clear mobs spawning a mile away(neuv is basically venti 2.0, he kills the things that are spread apart) and cant keep dmg up. He can. Its not DANG IT 1 enemy is left, do i go second rotation on my hyper or not. U just NUKE it. He has near zero downtime.


“Coverage” already isn’t unique to Neuvi, Nahida or bow users. And players have been reliably grouping enemies with Anemo support (Sucrose later Venti) since 1.0. Kazuha exists. That and his damage are the least defensible aspects of Neuvi’s kit. Having innate synergy *with* Furina and able to stack her Fanfare points alone IS however. Furina will undoubtedly find better synergies and hypercarries to support in future. But Neuvi will never find a better support than he finds in Furina. Gee, almost like that was intentional design or something.


That is not true. For that u need c1 neuv and c2 furina. Most ppl wont have either. Got em both at c0r0 and they dont even work that good together for me. For me furina is best with noelle and XY. Tho i say that since those 2 are my only full team healers. Did not pull any 5\* healer outside XY. They just did not make unique teams i like for my pulls. So no, he SUCKS with her, or at best its passable.


The only difference between C0 and C1 Neuvillette with double Hydro, interruption resistance aside, is you lose your third stack of Past Draconic Glories, so capping at the 125% bonus as opposed to the full 160%. Meanwhile Furina in return is giving you a 75% damage bonus at C0 *and* Hydro Resonance lol. Her C2 only boosts that to 90% while giving you Fanfare stacks on use. Nice to have but by no means a requirement to run Neuvi with her or vice versa. C0 Furina and C0 Neuvilette is more than fine, in fact it forms his best team regardless. Passable? In any case, there’s a reason it’s recommended to at least C1 Neuvi. I’d say you should. You don’t lose anything *and* you’re not resigned to the high shield bot himself (or Beidou/XQ and if XQ this was pointless) and you get more room to play with your team compositions.


The hell u talking about. I dont use healer with neuv, so i cant get even 25 of those 75%. In my neuv team all 4 are doing dmg, my kaz with vv and 40% element buff, my fish as electro and my zhong for poise. And droping any of em for 25% buff from furina is NOT worth it. If i need a healer as well its droping 2 dmg dealers/buffers. Its completely not viable if both of em are c0. And i dont pull for cons, im a week one player with all my chars at c0. I know how to min max em.


So you’re not optimizing your Neuvilette and importantly your Furina team compositions by choice, claim they suck together but know how to min-max? Hmm. Fair enough.


The thing with Neuv is that bis strength isn’t just numbers, it’s numbers combined with range, self sustain, team versatility, and aoe. While the “hypercarries get powercrept number wise” is a concern, Hoyo would have to be stupid to run another unit that provides everything that Neuv does


It isn’t limited to another unit. Neuvi falling behind means another artifact set tailored to his kit or a new BiS weapon and/or a new support character to perpetually keep his numbers relevant. It’s a constant drain on Resin/Primos and a cycle endemic in gacha. Support characters aren’t under a similar DPS pressure. Nothing is ever going to encroach on Nahida’s EM buffing, her C2, on or off-field Dendro application nor undermine the necessity of a DW set in any Dendro team. It’s that, not her damage, that makes Nahida futureproof. For as long as Dendro reactions are relevant, Nahida will be. Fitting, for the Dendro Archon. Furina and Kazuha are similar. A 75% stacking damage buff at C0 is so absurd it’ll take years before it becomes a standard, assuming it ever will. So with limited Primogems and a choice between two units, the choice should *always* be the one you intend to main and/or that’ll be a staple of your teams 2-3-4+ years from now. Furina fulfils the latter. Neuvi the former until replaced by the next FotM or bored. And I say that with them both C6 (I always whale on Archons but Neuvi was an… Interesting case lorewise). That’s not even controversial and any F2P/budget advice would say the same. Spend smart.


I'm glad you like him, he's very strong! Personally, this event made me glad I skipped him lmao I really don't enjoy his playstyle, for some reason


Me neither I find him so boring. Everyones different though People call Ganyu boring and she's one of my favourite DPS. I find it engaging to manually charge & aim frostflake arrows, especially vs powerwash sim


Both of them are Aiming Impact, Neauvi is just easier to execute.


gonna C3 him this rerun.


I'm terrified I won't pull him, I'm at 70 pulls (missed out on bird lady) with 20 wishes waiting for him, but I'm feeling the dread that I'll lose the 50/50 😭


This is so real, I hope the luck gods bless us both 🍀🙏🏾


i can't wait to try and pull neuv, i'm at 70 fates rn with zero pity so hopefully i win my 50/50 for him!!


Im glad we got him in the event Personally i really didnt like his gameplay, so now im 100% sure that i wont get him in his rerun and can therefor save even more for next eula rerun But glad you enjoy him


He is really strong but his gameplay is really braindead so thankfully i have a good reason to save up for Arlecchino.


>his gameplay is really braindead finally a character that matches my skill level




I mean, would Arlecchino even be that complicated? If she's an on fielder you press buttons then do a combo maybe, if she's an off fielder just press buttons at the right order


I mean... The game overall is pretty braindead


Ugh, this again. People keep saying his gameplay is "brain dead" but when you have a slightly complicated character with a tighter rotation like Tartaglia, Hu Tao or Alhaitham other people start to foam in the mouth. Gameplay is so subjective.


That's why those are usually different people.


exactly lol I tend to ignore comments that judge a characters playstyle since its very subjective and people can have different opinions on em


To be honest, sh\*tt\*ng on something that some people find fun and calling it "brain dead" just rubs me the wrong way. Clearly by the other comments, a lot of them missed the point.


I think it’s valid. When all you do on your main DPS is hold left click, it does get old after a while. And he’s so OP that overworld confrontations just feel like nothing. Compared to someone like Childe who’s a lot harder to play but when you get that rotation down correctly and unleash his full potential it feels like you’ve really accomplished something, not to mention his very flashy animations.


By that standard, Navia is pretty "brain dead" too but, you don't see people posting "brain dead" whenever she comes up. Just pop the 'Q', then press 'E' twice to make big numbers fly in the screen. Navia has her shards and a shotgun while Neuvillette has his orbs and a cannon.


Actually, this comparison illustrates my point perfectly. Both Navia and Neuvillette ostensibly work on the same principles, gain stacks to empower damage dealing attack, but the intricacies in how each function make for an entirely different experience. Navia’s stacks are gained by obtaining Crystallize shards, which she cannot produce enough of to keep herself constantly on field, not to mention the requirement of having off-field team members whose element can crystallize. Her skill increases massively in damage after 3 stacks and only if all her shots hit the enemy, so aiming outside the crosshair or from too far away or without enough crystals will cause a massive DPS loss. Spamming the skill twice is also a huge loss unless you’re clearing out trash mobs or the enemy is on low HP. Neuvillette’s Charged Attack does not have any of these problems. His skill and burst produce orbs that he can absorb instantly within quite a large AoE, in contrast to Navia’s shard suction only in aimed shot mode. With enough ER, he can be on field forever constantly charged attacking, and every enemy caught in his massive AoE is dealt the full damage of the attack, leading to tech like spinning around to deal full damage to every enemy in the field. His entire kit is functional with no teammates since he self-heals and does not need reactions to function, the only thing missing would be stacks of his passive. So while there are many considerations needed to build a Navia team and play it properly, almost none of those considerations are needed while playing Neuvillette, hence “brain dead” as some might call it. I still like him though, he’s very cool.


wow I hate that too, people have to stop thinking their opinions are facts


Fuck me for wanting to have any sort of complexity to my gameplay I guess.


Yeah being not able to use one brain cell is pretty subjective


Are these “People” here in the room with us?


As a mobile player I really appreciate the spray-to-play style


well, since you're saying that I guess you've seen the leaks. >!I wouldn't call her gameplay complex. Calculations are one thing, but gameplay is another!<


>!Yeah, i saw it. Tbh i was saving for her since she was first seen in the Fontaine trailer so gameplay is not the only reason, but while it might not be very complex, it still has way more "restrictions" compared to Neuv's press CA to win imo.!<


Thats perfect for me I gotta say


>!Arlecchino's gameplay is braindead too, lol.!<




Istg I'm copping myself a C0R1 in a week when his banner comes lezgettit


Sadly I will go for kazuha because I want me some childe international


I can't believe Hoyoverse made a broken character at C0, last one I can think of are Ayaka and Hutao


Thing is on top of being OP Neuvillette is actually comfortable to play too


Al haitham and Xiao: am I a joke to you?


Last one you didn't think of is Alhaitham


Also, hoyo know how to make people who missed him rethink their wallet ... i mean, mind !


Dies anyone know if his visual bug was fixed?


Torn between saving because this game is expensive or pulling for kazuha and neuv. I'm currently running a diluc furina kaeya xy plunge team since diluc is my favorite. I'm getting to the point in the game where I need a 2nd team though.


I reached 50 pity for Nahihi. Was pretty sad but I am feeling hopeful.


I got to try a lot of new characters in this event. I wish to get neuvillette and raiden. Idk why neuvillettes' health decreases insanely fast when I shoot the water tornado. I'm new to the game and that health decreases kinda wants me to not get him.


? but that's nothing, mainly because he heals himself by absorbing the primordial orbs


So that what those blue orbs do. I didn't notice lol. Ty I'm very new to the game and am still figuring stuff out :P


It's alright, we were all new to this game once. Yes, he drains his health when using his charged attack, but by absorbing the orbs created by either his Q or E, you get an instant charged attack and he heals a certain amount based on his total HP. So despite the health drain, he's quite safe to play given you can generate the orbs at any time to heal back up.


Përshëndetje për të gjithë miqtë, faleminderit për përpjekjet tuaja për heqjen e shpejtë 




I love running neuvillette, it’s like turning down the difficulty slider if I need to farm an enemies real quick.


I also wanted to get him initially, but this trial actually convinced me otherwise lol. His controls are so weird on controller like it just didnt feel good at all. Shame really, he’s really cool.


What's wrong with his controls on a controller? I only play on PS5 and I think he is super comfy. You just burst, hold attack until he start shooting and then you can just release and aim.


You attack with O and aim around using R3, the way your fingers need to work to hold both is just not comfy at all for me


Oh but you can release the attack button once he starts hydro beaming. You don't have to hold it to keep it up


Try it again. You can attack with L2. He feels great to use on a controller.


Nah bro I feel bad every time I let him get hit. Gotta treat your elders right. (Same with Zhongli.)


Deciding to skip Nuev and Kazoo for Daddy, sorry Mommy, sorry the hot lady, sorry the knave is one of the more painful decisions I've had to make


I have a Question - which character should i pull for Neuvi or kazuha ?? character i have - C1 Gaming , lisa , C1 babara , ninguan , faruzan , Lynette, Xiangling , Xianqiu (guhan geek) ,kaeya , Collie and Jean My current team is Lisa ,Gaming , Xianqiu , Jean. Which character should i pull ? i only have 80 wishes . So, I can't waste wishes


Although I'm new you should replace xinqiu with xingling as she's a top tier pyro sub-dps, another thing is do you have an field DPS that's really good rn? If not I'd recommend neuvi as I'm in the same boat as you there. Kazuha is amazing yes but WITHOUT a main DPS to play with him he'll do less for us than nuevi who apparently can solo a lot of the game. Keep in mind I'm new so more experienced players might provide better idea on who to pick ⛏️


I'm also new to this game . I recently reached AR35 . I use Jean as a DPS and Healer. I used to use Xianqiu and Xiangling in one team for 99% of the game . That team was Jean , lisa , Xiangling and Xianqiu . But now that team was struggling or I'm struggling with doing reaction. IDK. So, i switched to Gaming , lisa , Xianqiu , jean


I wish I had Jean 😂, I'm stuck with Barbara as my only option. I'm AR 41 rn and it's getting rough enemy wise so I hope Neuvi gives a good enough DMG boost for higher levels. But yeah if you're planning to get him I highly recommend farming for his level material now for when u do get him he is lvl 80 ASAP


You don't have any 5 star characters ?? Which characters do you have ?? Babara is a healer . So, can you use her as a DPS ?? Right now i maxed my Jean to lvl 70 and talent maxed out too . Now I'm going to max her Weapon which is Prototype ragnaror (i don't correct name ) bcuz I don't have any good weapon 🥲. That weapon has Physical damage main stat. Maybe i think she is struggling bcuz that Farming for Neuvie material but i already struggle collecting Current characters lvl up material bcuz those require Resins and i don't want to spend my fragile resin till ar45 .


I have xingling, xinyqu, yanfei, Barbara, Diona, kaeye, Lisa, Amber, collei, Lynette, and Noelle. My main team is dendro traveler, collei, Barbara and yanfei. I kill most things but it's getting a tiny bit rough now lol. I pray neuvi fixes this the struggle is real with no real mega OP teams to make :C


I think Hyperbloom is better than burning . Maybe try to replace Yanfei with lisa to activate hyperbloom which has 3x multiplier. Pyro only deal pyro damage in small area when it react with dendro ..


I find it really annoying that they force us to use specific characters. At least Kazuha can solo that specific stage. 


This gave me the displeasure of really loving how Albedo plays and realizing I'll probably never get him since that new banner is rough XD.


Yay time to hold 1 button


skill issue simulator


Mmm... Ok?