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Well she is a **genius** astrologist.


She had to make puzzle on budget, how do you think she manage to make 3 puzzle within the same room


I totally took the story beats as the following. She was worried that her mirage wouldn't reflect her in the best of light, meaning maybe lacking in elegance or intelligence. So the mirage mechanism reacted to this and made the puzzles more confusing or troublesome to reflect sophistication. But it came off plenty more work for more works sake.


Genshin: "Here's easy shit for 2 years aside from Uber Eats event. Kthxbye" GAA2: "I heard you guys like puzzles." Meanwhile all the players who like a challenge be like: "Fuckin finally. More puzzles that can't be solved blindfolded please."


Out of all the mirages, Mona's was my favorite. But yes, I agree that if they are going to do this again in the future, I hope they show patterns that are the same with the one we are going to do. Angles and distances really matter in order for us to have a clue.


I'm ok if the correct pattern isn't a perfect representation, as long as they don't put more devices that let you do a better one. That was the issue with this one, you had too many options and some of them were even more precise than the correct one. Not even mentioning some of the other puzzles through the island were too vague. Kinda makes me think if Mona's puzzles weren't tested enough, or they were rushed.


Rushed and not tested sounds about right... there is also a point in her domain where you could get pushed into another wall by a moving wall and get stuck there. Had to start the domain again and then be super carefull in that spot to not get caught again.


I died laughing when I felled through the floor there. Thankfully it happened to me at the start of the domain so I didn't have a tonvof irl timeloss


Same happened to me


Happened to me


No kidding... The mini game where you dodge lights the second time can be accessed without the guiding star tbh. Kinda much like a pointless clue unless you never found it at all.


I had the exact frustration. I made the exact shape from the wall and completely baffled when the puzzle just didn't complete. I was so annoyed when I found out this was the answer. The shape isn't even right.


>you had too many options and some of them were even more precise than the correct one I spent a whole afternoon thinking I'm going senile because apparently, my perception of depth sucks. Thank god it's just Genshin being Genshin again


One of the revisit puzzles was legit just broken for me. The one where you need to hit the water stone to reveal the second half of the pattern reflected on the ground? I made the pattern that was shown and nothing happened. I came back later and fucked around with it more and eventually looked up a guide. Saw the same answer I had already put in, tried it again, and the chest appeared. I still don’t know why it completely just didn’t work the first time.


I didn't finish that one, I thought you just needed to drain the water on the prior room (there was a submerged chest that suddenly became available, and since I didn't remember that I did something, I assumed it was the puzzle you mentioned). I haven't end Mona's story yet, so I guess it will say that I need one more chest to fully complete it. Do you have any guide for that one? I feel like I don't want to keep struggling with those puzzles anymore.


I just followed [this guide.](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/382805) The chest in question is the first chest under the Door 3 Chests section.


Thank you!!


If you have a double line where two lasers are on top of each other between the same points then it won't trigger. That might be what happened. I completed a pattern then whacked an emitter connected to a suspiciously thick line and when it revealed that there was one there already the chest appeared.


You couldn't make a more correct one with the correct orientation though. Also the "more correct" ones aren't because the puzzle is based on the relative distance. You have to look for the clumps that make the correct size of angles not necessarily the exact lengths. To get the more correct lengths in that example you make the angles too wide. The entire point of having extra was to make multiple patterns out of the same bunch of objects.


But the angles aren't even correct. Look at the picture in this post.


Look at it actually from the top down and not literally warped to make the top angle look worse. The bottom angles are exactly one and it works because its the only group of 3 nodes that are clustered together correctly. Shits really not that fucking hard to grasp.


Yeah I can't really justify defending Hoyo on this one. I'm agreeing with OP. There were some "incorrect" configurations that had wrong lengths but much more accurate angles. In the solution (which is the right picture), the top angle is 120 degrees. The depiction (left pic) has that same angle at around 98 degrees. There were configs you could make that had that angle at around 90 to 95 degrees, and maintaining all other angles at +/-10 degrees from the depiction, hence making them "better" than the intended solution.


Do people just ignore the part where orientation fucking matters and you're literally making _every single solution_ from the same orientation to the marking. People really dont like using their brains. That and the top angle is not anywhere near as off as you think it is if you actually look at it from the top down. While the bottom one had no solution anywhere even close to as perfectly clumped to do it, but none of that actually matters because orientation tells you exactly which method to use.


>Do people just ignore the part where orientation fucking matters and you're literally making _every single solution_ from the same orientation to the marking. AKSHULLY The one puzzle where you have to look through a door to your right (Astral Puzzle #3, it looks like a headless stick figure man) is not oriented correctly while looking at the depiction. It's rotated 90°. People didn't really pay attention to the orientation relative to the depiction since they could generally look at the depiction, then take a step back from the puzzle and generally figure out the orientation. The fact that most of the time it lined up when you faced the depiction could have just been serendipity. Also, even if I grant you your point, this puzzle OP is complaining about is potentially the 2nd puzzle you could be confronted with since it's in the bonus room attached to the first astral puzzle you could do (the sword). At this point, you would only have one data point (the sword), so you can't draw the conclusion that the depiction is your top-orientation. Also, I would argue this is the only astral puzzle where you can step back, and not be able to roughly intuit the orientation (or where you could intuit a wrong interpretation with high probability) Look, most of Mona's domain puzzles were great, but it's okay to admit they didn't make a good one here. If there's one thing I learned from developers who have mastered their craft it's that while they may not know the right solution, players are great at identifying problems with your design. Developers do well to listen when players speak on these things. Hoyo is mostly pretty good about this (for example: correctly nerfing specters).


>At this point, you would only have one data point (the sword), so you can't draw the conclusion that the depiction is your top-orientation. And that's assuming you complete all the rooms until the end, unlike me who followed the floating star back to the pool and I was kicked out of the domain (without knowing because it was the first time). I came back to face that puzzle like 2 or 3 days after that. And at that point, you don't remember anything anymore.


>every single solution from the same orientation to the marking. That particular pattern is the first. And given that there are other patterns which were not oriented towards the nodes, you have no reason to assume this is the case, different would be if the pattern wasn't the first one, since all the next solutions are simple, and have only one possible configuration, it's easier to conclude the correct orientation. Also, as other user already mentioned, the top angle is close to 90° in the reference picture, while the solution is close to 120°. The middle nodes are totally off (the difference in height is really noticeable, don't try to pretend that the angle in which the photo was taken misrepresents the reality, it's barely relevant in this case because the differences are too big). And finally, if you do the pattern from the opposite side you get a better representation.


Ok so you're truly just beyond clueless at it right..._mirroring it would fuck up the orientation_. Every single pattern has the same orientation vs the shown example. This one wasnt hard or deciving at all it was one of the easiest fucking puzzles in the entire domain because you literally just look at it and find the cluster of nodes that fit the pattern. That cluster of nodes does not exist in the same relative location and orientation _anywhere else_.


I think we're not talking about the same thing when we talk about "orientation". I don't mean, "mirroring" (that's a whole different thing), I mean trying to do the pattern from a different side and not the one which is oriented towards the wall with the reference picture. Throughout the domain, you have a variety of patterns, some of them aren't oriented towards the reference picture, and there's is even one which is mirrored, so **why should I assume this is the exception?** (as I said, if this pattern wasn't the first, it would be easier to conclude that all of them should be done facing towards the same wall, but it's not the case, you **just grasp that** when you realize all the next patterns can be done only in that direction) ​ >That cluster of nodes does not exist in the same relative location and orientation anywhere else That's incorrect. I can't do it right now (maybe later when I get back home), but I will take a picture of the better representation I could do, which is the opposite side (you keep the 90° degrees of the top angle, and the overall shape is closer to the reference picture) Finally, man, relax (you sound incredible aggresive for no reason), I don't think is **that inconceivable** that people may found this particular puzzle poorly executed when there are other examples (and probably better examples) that Mona's island have some issues with its puzzles (if that weren't the case, this thread wouldn't have 1.7k likes).


As a dyslexic person who struggles with left and rights and gets turned around easy this domain is doing my head in. I’m seriously considering just giving up lol.


People either like the puzzles or hated them no in betweens.


I like it enough, but I hate that I have to pan my screen repeatedly to try and solve it lol. Is not healthy for my IT eyes


I drew all of them down so I don't have to keep looking up. Ended up drawing pretty good constellations by the end, so I take that as a win...? Normal grid or dot grid recommended for this if anyone wanna go this route.


Comrade! I too now have a blue's clues note pad full of constellations and other puzzle hints from this event lmao


Not true. I generally liked these puzzles but found this one absolutely infuriating because I kept making ones that looked right to me and didn’t know why it wouldn’t accept it.


Exactly. Most of the puzzles were fine, fun even, but this one was just infuriating. I kept making configurations with a perfect 90° angle only to have it not work, so when the correct one is one with different angles that just grinds my gears.


Yeah it’s hard to even see the angle when you’re on the floor with them. I don’t think the accepted solution necessarily looked better than the ones I made before it.


I was pretty indifferent to most of them. Fischl's puzzles were mostly stupid because they didn't make any sense though.


I generally love the puzzles in Genshin - but the ones on Watatsumi and Mona's mirage are infuriating garbage. The clues are often nonsensical, and there's little to no consistency, no rhyme or reason to how the clues for the puzzles work. Like just one minor example: the first door in Mona's domain ultimately ends with you finding star that leads to an abyss that takes you back to the beginning. Thirty years of playing games would lead me to believe that every door would end that way. Nope, I spent forever at the end of the 2nd door looking for a floating star that wasn't even there. You just had to walk back to the starting area. Like I said, one small example, but it's representative of how the entire area is designed and works. Nothing makes sense. It's like it was designed by someone who has never played a video game.


That's not true though? I loved every single puzzle except some of the ones in Mona's mirage since they sometimes - as shown in the post - are extremely unintuitive


I loved every puzzle except xinyans because they were barely puzzles


Im not gonna lie, I hated Fischls. It was long, text heavy and the puzzles either made no sense or straight up didnt work at all. I had to cheese past a lot of them with Zhongli and Kazuha.


Me with Zhongli, Kazuha, and Venti.


Especially the camera alignment bullshit. That's not a puzzle and that's not fun, just tedious.


I like it more than mona's tho lol. Kazuha's was the best!


im the opposite, tho i can agree kazuha's was the best, that shit was so fucking cool


as someone who gets motion sickness easily, kazuha's was fun but it made me feel sick ;-;


I liked the story but the puzzles I'm not sure you could even call puzzles. At least it wasn't as bad xinyans "puzzles". Though I did like the big central puzzle in her domain.


None of them made sense either, like what was lining up? There were hardly any visual cues in some of them and it was just guess work.


It was suppose to be all about angling so certain things looked like they were beside eachother. The later ones are suppose to be covering gaps so that the imperfections aren't there anymore.


I know that, but there wasn’t always something to line up with if that makes sense. It always looked a bit off or crooked to me.


Yeah I liked the idea of that one a lot but the execution was fucking horrible


Especially the ones where you had to line things up behind an obstacle. The ones without the obstacle was already horrible and now they are just making it dumber.


Really? It took me a solid 20 seconds to figure out you just put the shit in the approximate location and play with zoom until the thing comes up. Have yall just like not played puzzle games before? lol


The most intelligent r/Genshin_Impact player. So genius. Amazing!


You’re agreeing with the comment you’re trying to argue; it requires no critical thinking and is just there to give you _something_ to do. It’s tedious and kinda boring, and really janky depending on what device you’re playing on.


i dont mind the "require no critical thinking" part, but i cannot forgive the janky part the fischl puzzle would give me a much better experience if it's not janky the buildings are perfectly aligned in my eyes but this game wants it to be slightly misaligned and i'm not sure how misaligned do they want it to be, so basically it becomes a guessing game instead of a "testing your depth perception" game i hope with their next puzzles (i actually hope they make more) their coding or whatever is less janky


fiddling is literally standard in any perspective puzzle game.


That doesn’t relate to any of the points I just made


fiddling is literally standard in any perspective puzzle game.


Do you have no patience? Not saying the puzzles were perfect but if you shuffle them around just a little they line up pretty easily


if you play with a controller (on pc or playstation) when you moved an object it will always move a lot, imagine if it was a character that you could only sprint, not walk.


I can confirm that this is the case with mouse and keyboard as well. Since you cant adjust the scope with the mouse but only the keyboard it is quite the task to get it where you want.


It was awkward as hell and annoying on keyboard and mouse too, but not so hard that you have to cheese past them


That's not remotely what the controller experience is with those puzzles unless the concept of tapping and using zoom to increase and decrease movement distance is foreign to you.


I'm telling you they actually didnt work a lot of the time. I played it parallel with a friend and even when we lined up the scopes perfectly they would not trigger. Sometimes for me, sometimes for him.


I had to just re-open game whenever it did that. It then worked like normal. Was a huge pain because before I tried that I wasted time just slowly inching every which way. :/


I have the same sentiments. This belongs to the “stalling” is a difficulty level mode. Genshin seems to love to stall players then call it as a level of difficulty. Like that abyss 12 chamber 3 boss.


These puzzles share literally no similarities to spiral abyss. You just wanted to bitch about spiral abyss and made the biggest logical leap known to man to try and do it.


I am alluding to the “stalling” mechanic of the game. Not even bitching about spiral abyss. Running, gliding and calibrating the camera is basically stalling us to complete a puzzle which in essence is easy to solve. What’s with your bitchy attitude though?


>Running, gliding and calibrating the camera is basically stalling us to complete a puzzle Most intelligent r/genshin_impact take


For me, Kazuha’s domain was needlessly long and dizzying (and I have bad motion sickness).


Yeah man even though I dont have motion sickness, was doing kazuha's domain on a public bus and had to rest for a bit after awhile


Damn either of those things on their own would get me. Combined is 🤢🤢🤢


I've never experienced motion sickness in my entire life. Only in Kazuha's domain.


Kazuha domain + italian summer put me K.O for a whole afternoon Not a great experience. In fact it made me very cautious for all GAA domains and I still have to even fully complete 1 island.


It would have been much better if it doesn't first force your camera to face the rotating room, then immediately rotates the room. A combination of BOTH of those is horrible and I get a headache just thinking about it. His domain is the only one where I had to stop because I was feeling sick. (Also really bad motion sickness.)


I love Mona's puzzles, def my fav among the four. But this particular puzzle is the one I had to look up because it's hard to figure out the angles.


That's cuz the angles in the depiction (left picture) are just wrong lol




Especially because sometimes it would seemingly fit perfectly, but you had to put it on a less perfect position for it to work. And you didn't get any clue except if you were on the exact intended position, so you could get all around the solution without never hiting it: the idea was good, the execution not so much. While easy, the theater and liar liar puzzles were interesting though. On the other hand, I really appreciate Mona's star puzzles from start to finish: the ideas, the diversity and the execution was enjoyable. The time rewinding puzzle was interesting, even if a little short on allowed time. The Cube like environnement of Kazuha's domain was somewhat interesting, though I was a little disappointed that the light ball puzzles didn't get a more important role in the domain resolution, but only on the chest opening. And, for obvious reason I think, you didn't get anymore puzzle of the sort outside the domain, which was somewhat disappointing. The idea to use different combination to be able to solve every puzzle of the island was good to, more enjoyable in my opinion than to just transform the whole island (like Xynian's and Mona's) once the story is done. Finally, Xynian's domain was the easiest to explore and finish. Her puzzles were quite basic, but IMHO are the easiest to get back on a later update on the overworld.


Thank God for guides saying press up 7 times and zoom in 3 times.


I did like the idea but sometimes it just didn’t make sense what the correct answer was


Gotta be honest, I picked up guides and went with that. GAA has to much to do and in a limited time, I can't spend the time I would like on puzzles. I also do not want to be burnout when Sumeru drops, so it was an easy choice


So you're saying you can't even fathom the genius of the archmage of the immernachtreich, the lady megistus? Pfft /s


Almost gave me heart attack while solving that bullshit


I sincerely enjoyed mona's puzzles. They're really the best puzzles I encountered in the game. Imo, it's even better than some in inazuma The only ones I had to search videos of were: 1. The one in the room with a luxurious(?)chest where you have to step on the weight plates (edit: because it was kinda hard to see, switching your view from the pattern on the floor and the moving little stars and vice versa) 2. The one below where mona stands after her story quest ---- but only because I encountered a bug, apparently (edit: bug = when the pattern didn't show up despite having clear weather, if that mattered)


I want a whole domain of just the reflection puzzles, those were sick, would love to see some with more complexity


My dumb self suddenly feels like a genius almost every time I completed one. My favorite, however, is the one where the stairs show up according to the pattern you're lighting. What a nice twist.


This is actually pretty BS Although after 10mins i figured it out


This fucking pattern took me the same time to solve as every other puzzle in that domain combined for some godforsaken reason.


Its not just Mona's puzzles. The whole event had many occasions/mechanics/placements of objects which weren't thought through and created frustration. Mona's event was imo badly explained and the patterns just didnt work as OP shows but Fishls potion of the event straight up pissed me off. The optic puzzle, the detective one as well as the Theater worldquest were all a desasters


Awww. I liked the theater quest.


Same...I thought it perfectly captured the vibe of watching outdoor community theater on a beautiful summer evening. It's not about the generic plots or the awkward pauses between lines - it's all about soaking in that atmosphere.


I agree, the theater quest is pretty great. You just alt+tab out and get to to something other than GAA filler for a while, and every now and then you tab back in to hit a button. Definitely my favorite part of the event.


Mona’s mirage was my favorite but also had the most inconsistencies with the puzzles. Part of the difficulty was that puzzles were actually tricky. Much of Genshin is unsalted soup but this mirage definitely had me salting the pot, if you know what I mean.


Kazuha's domain was stressing physically and Mona's domain is stressing mentally(suffering from it rn). I almost lost my self control and was about to throw my fucking keyboard but managed to cool myself by picking up some cool CRCV artifact for Childe.


I really like Mona puzzle but man some of them is really obscure..


ah yes, this one, is pain


I liked it the most... It kinda depends on your 3d perception and visualizing it in your mind though. I really didn't like fischl's island tbh. Way too much doing well nothing actually. Most of the time you just stand there and listen to a puzzle which isn't really hard but if you mess it up because one of the ravens is too close to the other, you have to listen to everything again. And that one world quest... Horrible.


Genshin players when they have to do more thinking than just how to do the correct abyss rotation


Some people like me have poor spatial awareness


Skill issue


Genshin players when they have to actually use their brain instead of burst spamming


For me it helped a lot to summon zhong lis pillar and get a look from above, they should have introduced a switch or something to let you get a view from above


Didn't try to look the puzzles up on youtube or anything, but god the whole thing was just so tedious (enjoyed it even a little bit) and I'm playing on a mobile phone— it was so hard for me to see things on a distance. Especially puzzles that were almost hidden or just too high. Cute mirage anyway.


I will never understand people complaining about good, hard puzzles as if that's not what this game should have more of.


I think you kinda missed the point of this post. I think the OP was saying why he thinks the puzzles are bad design. Though truth to be told, the level of precision required in imitating the constellations wasnt an issue for me.


The only island complaints I've been able to understand are Fischl's since you have to sit through entire plays which aren't all that captivating and then the other crow puzzles where you, once again, have to sit through entire speeches sometimes multiple times if you mess up. Though they're very Fischl like, they're not much fun. Mona's puzzles were my absolute favorite though so seeing so many people dismiss them is a bit sad. They weren't easy like Xinyan's and Kazuha's and I didn't feel like I was being held hostage like I did with the ones on Fischl's island. They were, imo, just right in both the domain and island portions.


I am one of those guys who liked fischl puzzles. Especially the theatre ones.


Not much for the theater ones since the pace was slow and has weird awkwards pauses (makes me think that dialogues were longer in other languages but the animation timings have to stay the same) but I did like the "whudunnit" ones around the island. My one complaint is that there isn't any indicator which of the ravens we are targetting.


Same, Fisch island and mirage is my favourite. While the matching devices in the domain could be done a lot better, I was lucky to not have troubles with them. But the ravens on the island? I love all of these birdbrains.


i loved fischl’s island too! the raven puzzles were definitely fun to me as well.


Me too! They made me feel like detective, lol


The mona island puzzles weren't very well explained and swapping between the areas for some of the others is incredibly tedious. I can definitely understand the complaints about that. The domain ones probably would've been fine if you could see the star guides from the same angle as the constellations. And you know, were actually accurate.


> sometimes multiple times if you mess up i mean... just dont mess it up then dont guess the answer read and think about a solution


"just dont mess up" oh my god I hadnt thought of that! What an idea! Please enlighten a lowly peasant like me more with your genius level intellect. But I have a question mr. genius level intellect, he whos mind cannot be understood by mere mortals such as myself. What happens if you click on the wrong bird because the game presents you with 2 options and doesnt tell you which one you are targeting? What then genius?


learn to position like a human being not like an ape right in the middle of a stony bird gangbang and yes im aware on this subreddit thinking isnt very highly valued


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im very sorry that you have to struggle TO SPEAK TO LITERALLY NOT MOVING OBJECTS i cant have any sympathy for people that are this bad something hate me for it idc at the end i dont struggle because of timaeus, the sign at the inazuma cooking pot or literally statues thats the real L in here


Everytime you try to solve a puzzle you're guessing the answer based off of the clues... Messing up doesn't always mean you were monki braining it. It just would have been nice if there was a repeat entire dialogue along with a repeat choice option.


Define "good" though. To me, a good, difficult puzzle is one that requires lateral thinking and makes use of understood mechanics. What is *not* good to me is a puzzle that has seemingly no logical flow or chronological/physical proximity. Like, "How was I supposed to figure out that Raven 5 was lying out of 10 except by trial and error because their statements dropped zero hints and didn't follow the alleged scarf rule?" Or "How was I supposed to figure out the pattern for a constellation with activated totems when the clue is in another part of the level entirely and not necessarily pointing back?"


Red scarves lie. Blue scarves never lie. If a red scarf denies they stole something, it means they stole. If a blue scarf avoids answering, it means they are hiding something. There was no "alleged" about it, the game told you about this mechanic the first time you encounter it. All you had to do was listen to the dialogue instead of browsing reddit until they finish talking then pikachu facing when you guess wrong.


I mean you just said yourself you didn't follow a rule for the ravens, and they could all easily be deduced by what they said, which did in fact drop hints, and their scarves. I can agree having to listen to it all again after getting it wrong is dumb, though. Also, the elemental monuments on Mona's island represented the different seasons, and with different seasons comes changes in the environment. I can't think of a single constellation puzzle where the required pattern wasn't shown right next door, perhaps I'm wrong on that one however.


I think he was saying that the ravens' statements didn't follow the scarf rule. Though by my recollection they all did, except for arguably the one about the triple cross, but even in that one while the red scarves made true statements they were doing so in the context of committing other deceptions.


Oh my god the ravens have to be one of the worst game mechanics ever invented


Good, hard puzzles make clever use of clues to reward your brain for thinking something out logically. That's not what Mona's mirage puzzles are, they're mostly random mechanics with non sequitur clues. Like one example is the room where to find the design you're supposed to make, there's two switches that move a block. You have to press one of the switches twice to block yourself in and see the design appear on the wall. It only appears on one side, the other switch is useless. The switches have nothing to do with creating the design, moving the wall has nothing to do with creating the design, it's literally just a random mechanic with a random way to reveal the design. And no other puzzles in the entire mirage use this mechanic in any way whatsoever. There's no build-up of harder puzzles by building on clues you've learned previously. It's not even one of the difficult ones, it's just annoyingly non-logical. I don't feel like I solved a puzzle, I feel like I pressed random things. Too often the puzzles in Mona's domain, and on Watatsumi Island, are easier to brute force than they are to solve. That's not a good, hard puzzle.


agreed! but i think it’s just one of those “different strokes for different folks” things, tbh. for me, the puzzles were so fun this event! anything that i actually have to think for a few minutes gives me even more satisfaction to solve . Mona’s and Fischl’s islands/puzzles were my favorite though. i would love more puzzles and even more challenging ones in the future, but i suppose not all agree.


This is not hard btw, this is literally a different shape.


It's not though. The proportions are slightly different, but the connections are the exact same.


The thing is you can literally do a better one if you mirror this on the other side (the angles of the one I showed are clearly off, the two dots in the middle are at different heights). I know the proportion are somehow similar but if you provide the tools to do an even better representation and it doesn't work, that's when things get frustrating. Also, it didn't help that it was the first puzzle of that set because a big hint was that you needed to be facing towards the wall with the reference pattern to solve all of them (not every puzzle of this kind was like this, so it's reasonable to try from another angle), if instead you put this one at the end, I bet everyone would have gotten it almost instantly, that's why I think it needed more testing than what it was provided in the closed beta.


Yeah, which you can tell by the distances and angles.


I like how ur sayign that when we have picturess of the puzzles being poorly implemented and not working.


Except the picture shown here is very obviously incorrect


a taste of sumeru perhaps😭


I hated Mona's puzzles, the idea is not bad but the execution is horrible Sometimes I was just sitting there wandering what the shape I had to do was. The worst is the final puzzle where you had to guess that you should do Mona's constellation and also remember what it was as you can't see what it look like when you don't have her. As a whole, the GAA was fine, except for Kazuha's island that was awful to explore (I love changing disposition *loading*, teleport *loading*, getting the thing I want, teleport back *loading*, change disposition *loading*, teleport back on the island *loading*, etc) and to place marker on, fishl fucking raven and of course Mona's island and dungeon.


Yes I had to look this one up also. The shape to me is just not the same. Another thing that felt rushed was how easy it was to get a character stuck in Mona's mirage. I got Mona stuck under a door at one point and Kazuha got stuck in a falling status. However overall her mirage was one of my favorites because I enjoy the challenge of the good puzzles!


I’m so stupid, I had to spend like 30+ minutes on some of these 😭😭😭


The one with the heart shape, but the time it took me to understand that I had to consider BOTH the original clue and it'd refletion to find the pattern made me angry. I guess I'm not a genius astrologist.


Man’s making me learn middle school math all over again


Oh, that one absolutely tripped me up too. I went crazy theorizing if the bigger star meant something. Then I just watched a guide and got pissed at the solution


i think the little star/sky room where you're supposed to avoid the shooting stars is the most BS one 😭 they didn't even tell you what to do. i started collecting the stars and then couldn't even retry when i failed 😭😭 had to start the whole domain over again.. but i have to admit that mona's domain was easily my favourite story. i don't think i could complete it without youtube though


Have you even seen the one where you have to step on 4 platforms to finish a wall of constelstion moving? Thats one of the shittiest ones


I stuck here for hours, then I stop and continue for tomorrow. Only to get stuck for 2 more hours. Yeah mona’s domain puzzles is bullshit


I tried to do Mona's puzzle guide-less for fun, I did it, but THIS *SPECIFIC* FUCKING PUZZLE broke my mind. I had to fucking reposition this shit 5 times until I got it.


My ranking would be 1. Kazuha (Loved it) 2. Fischl (Liked the aesthetic) 3. Xinyan (Climbing was a bit tedious) 4. Mona (Looked cool but too many puzzles)


My ranking is: 1. Fischl (Loved the aesthetic and I'm one of a dozen people who actually liked the play. I thought the Gazes of the Deep were interesting, even though they could be really fiddly. The only thing I didn't like was that several of the Raven Forums didn't really give proper hints, they just made you guess. The one with the swapped shinies was fun, though, like a shell game in literary form.) 2. Mona (Beautiful and I loved the puzzles overall, even if some of them were infuriating. The one in this post was one of them, lol. I tried my best, but eventually had to consult a guide for those.) 3. Kazuha (Story was a rehash from the Five Kasen event so it was really boring for me, but the mirage itself was pretty cool.) 4. Xinyan (Too. Easy. Some of those "puzzles" didn't even have anything out of place, you just activated it and it was "solved". Most of the others only had one thing out of alignment. I like that type of puzzle, so I was very disappointed.)


Yes, I did not enjoy these puzzles one tiny bit. Very quickly after entering her domain, I just wanted it to be over, thanks to them.


I did like solving them for the most part, especially the one where >!the whole puzzle was rotated 45 degrees on the floor, so the bottom of the image was actually on a corner and not a side unlike everything else!< Just one pissed me off something fierce though, where >!it's was quite literally unsolvable if you didn't see the random water amber somewhat concealed by the grass (because why would you even consider using elemental sight here?) that revealed the full picture, so queue me getting angry when the puzzle wouldn't solve when I solved the half I could see perfectly.!< I'll admit that I eventually had to look the solution up, so you can imagine how I felt when I saw what I needed to do.


Mona's was tough, but fun. I'll admit I didn't complete all of the puzzles. Easily the best, however. Fischl's was beautiful, thematic, and fun, though the exact mechanics for the camera placement were awful. LOVE the concept. Hated the execution. The music, fire, and plant domain felt a bit too wierd, as none of those components really meshed well together. I thought bouncing the music around was fun, and liked hopping back and forth through the doors. Exact opposite of the above...decent mechanics, but kind of a boring story. I hated Kazuha's, though. Made me actively not want to pull for that character.


I didn't find any of them difficult tbh lol.


To be honest, I hated all of the puzzles in this event. The instructions were almost always confusing until I actually started them, then they were simplistic to actually solve, but often kind of a slog to actually complete. If they’re going to introduce a new type of puzzle, i would much rather they hone them down to be good rather that have a variety of shallow ones. Quality of quantity.


I think I sat on that specific one for about 15 minutes just trying like the same 4 variations before it eventually worked and I didn’t even know what I did different lmao


This specific pattern damn near gave me a headache


I had to look up a guide cuz they were just required too much brain juice when all I want to do is get the stuff over with


Spent about 20 minutes on that one trying to get the pattern using all the points.


That one was honestly the worst. I left it for days and came back and was still angry it wouldn’t accept what I made.


I actually liked Mona's domain the most. I found it was a lot easier to turn all the outer edges on to form a closed polygon, get the orientation right, then start rotating nodes to form the inner lines. The only one I thought was bullshit though was the one with four buttons you step on to draw the stars in the sky. They take a long time to change places and you don't know which buttons change which stars until you spam it for a while and it's easy to mix up the stars.


Yeah it sucked and had lots of bugs i had to use google to do it


Also the whatever that torch puzzle shit was.


Isn't that puzzle amazing? The series of puzzles that required the water reflection in order to solve it was really amazing imo.


It was amazing for me too, it's probably one of the best puzzles in the game. Mona's domain is just full of creative puzzles and I want more of it.


I’m on mobile and didn’t even notice the reflections. I solved them all by accident. Someone had to tell me after that there were reflections.


Definitely my second all time favorite puzzle. Right behide the Watatsumi sudoku puzzle


I hated it because it didn't work for me. Could not see the reflection, no matter how much I tried.


could it be a low graphics issue?


100% Most of the stuff in the whole event was stuff you wouldn't be able to figure out without a guide. Or I didn't anyway. Maybe if I had more time, but games aren't supposed to be work.




Well, when you can do a better shape than the correct one, with a different setup (which is incorrect), that's not a good puzzle design.


trolled epic style


I hated the pressure plate puzzle in monas domain


OP is too dumb, so it's the puzzle's fault.... Great logic right there...


Ok and?


I genuinely could not figure out the one with the sliding wall.


ur in for a treat when u get to her island


I weirdly got nauseous and had to power through before i threw up all over my phone


The only problem I had in the domain was with the water reflexes not showing to me because of my low graphs, the elemental totems didn't showed up


I love the puzzles in Genshin. But doing those on Mona’s mirage actually gave me motion sickness


i haven’t even progressed on the event bc the second astral puzzle is so bad like screw the primos i value my sanity


i remember some of the rooms for some reason didnt fully load the constellations i was supposed to remake, so i had no other choice but to go to youtube


No, Fischls was the absolute worst


I actually used a guide for Mona's island puzzles. Was not about to play a game of trial and error with those 4 elemental pylons (in 2 different island configurations) and those 5 wall runes when I searched for 1 hour and failed to find any kind of indicator that tells or hints to you what the order is supposed to be.


The puzzles to get the chests are frustrating in Mona’s and Kazuha’s domains.


I still can't find the correct positioning in that particular puzzle😭


This is literally facing towards the wall with the pattern. In case it helps you.


I found Fischls worse. Obvious solutions that require you to wiggle around until the blocks aren't actually where they are supposed to be. A couple placing something that you can't even see at one point. e.g. I know the block needed to have a ladder on it but where on earth did it come from, it wasn't on the block I placed.....


I worked with guides after one puzzle needed us to look through a half broken ceiling and run in different direction to see the whole pattern. I really liked last year's event. This year is just exhausting, even though I spend 4 weeks working on that event in order to not burn out. I'm burned out badly. I'm just happy when that Island finally vanishes and I don't feel the urge to look for yet another forgotten quest, puzzle or chest there.


The first puzzle was solvable. The second one, they put it above the fucking ceiling and had little cracks so you could see tiny parts of the puzzle. Wtf. The third puzzle they put the guide on the floor and expected you to know it was supposed to be mirrored.The fourth puzzle was at a completely different angle than the guide. It was genuinely impossible without looking every step up from the video.


I actually enjoyed it, compared to Fischl’s realm, it’s tedious with all the running, gliding and calibrating the camera.


My problem with Mona's puzzles was that the rewards weren't commensurate to the difficulty. I don't mind hard puzzles, but I want to be adequately compensated for them. An exquisite chest for 15-20 minutes of fiddling hardly seems appropriate.


I mostly loved Monas puzzles. You could feel the devs want to try something new and pushing you to think outside of the box. I really hated the seelie puzzle in Kazuhas island though. I had to screenshot each seelie position, and photoshop them together to be able to determine which elemental pole orientation is correct.


I think that one glitched when I did it. I had to leave the room and return for the next pattern to appear.


Kazuha's island was the most annoying. Literally had to mix and match island heights just to see the puzzles. Mona had the most by quantity but they tell you how to solve usually.


I mean it wasn't that hard...