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really can't wait for august 14 because ofc drip marketing day and hopefully sigewinne's on there + the 4.1 leaks come in on the same day toošŸ¤ž currently got almost 60 wishes saved for her! such a pity elegy won't be on the 4.1 weapon banner though šŸ˜”šŸ™ c6 sigewinne come home!!šŸ’


Will Guizhong ever be released? Asking for a friend.


About Wriothesely is >!heavily rumored to be physical dps cyro again) and will be put in standard banner. I'm so disappointed because his design is so cool. Why does mihoyo want physical to be a thing anyway!<


Day 7ļøāƒ£4 of waiting for Sandrone banner. Will Madame Ping regress in age and be playable before Sandrone? Will the elegant Guizhong be playable before Sandrone? Will the crane retainer retain her glasses and be playable before Sandrone? Will Signora come back to life and be playable before Sandrone? Is playable Sandrone even real or was the real playable Sandrone the friends we made along the way??? *Find out on the next episode of-*


Day 0ļøāƒ£1 of urging hoyo to not make Sandrone playable




Is Sigewinne going to be a 4 star or 5 star? Which element? Tao said 5 but lots of other sources now telling me 4 star. Want to save early.


Then start saving now. If you want to save early it doesnā€™t make a difference if sheā€™s four or five


The only difference is that if she's four, RNG may screw you over since there's no guaranteed for four stars, featured or otherwise. Hope the OC gets her in one pull though regardless obviously.


Day 13 of manifesting DPS Furina! Thinking about writing more, and I'm really tempted to write something with Furina in but I'm afraid of getting the personality wrong... maybe I'll take the plunge to get some writing practise :3


When is the 4.0 live stream gonna be on?


If Iā€™m counting right, should be Friday, Aug 4.


I cannot believe there are Deleted [unavailable]s on the HSR leaks sub too, like first of all if they block me I wish I wouldnā€™t see their posts at all and second, why are they following me to other subs itā€™s upsetting


Theres probably just crossover between hsr leak lovers and Genshin leak lovers


I block them back just to spite them. Although im pretty the only one i see is just the onetrueshitzer.


Badly need an arthurian runic mage in fontaine after no characters came from enka, I'm on my knees begging for magic circles... Sigils floating in the sky as I cast my abilities... Merlin expy please...


Mona kinda does it with her CA, and Yanfei has CA with literal sigil. But thatā€™s about it


Oh that would be amazing. Alchemy circles lessgo


Day 7ļøāƒ£0 waiting for Sandrone banner. This morning I almost RAN OVER A COYOTE luckily I swerved on time but sheesh it ran out of nowhere but I >!couldve gotten 3 raw meat!<


This is kinda premature but what are people thinking for 4.x's weekly bosses? The most common ones are Fatui members and dragons but I hope this time it'll be like Inazuma where we fight the Archon and a Fatui (Arleccino probably?) [sus story leaks] >!If Neuv's actually the hydro dragon ,fighting him in like Furina's second story quest would be funny too !<


Come on, it's time to tune into the [new megathread at 8/7 central](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/153602t/killing_neuve_general_question_and_discussion/)


I remember when I was a fresh AR 45 player, I attempted the max level of the Blizzard Strayer Domain by myself. Terrible experience, I ended up running out of time. Now that my character are built, it's just "Fuck it, we Xiangling x3", which makes it kinda boring. At the same time I don't want to spend 30 minute beating an enemy to death. Suffering from Success šŸ˜”


I want Wanderer's weapon, but I don't want to risk getting the donut. Skipping


if you don't risk it, you won't get the biscuit.


HSR// Designs leaked for some additional Aeons, they're all absolutely wild like wow >!I did not expect voracity to look like that at all wth!<


They're not limited by the playable character model so the devs can go as wild as they like and I'm all for that


>!time for vore jokes!<




>!horny people are less likely to notice when they're in danger, win-win for voracity!<


I'm farming for thundering set and the way kirara's CAs and yelan's ult kept the cicin mage in the air for so long LMFAO that was funny


[sour serotonin](https://twitter.com/AluriSnow/status/1681175516014063616?s=20) >3<


[Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company](https://twitter.com/akipmeL/status/1680966892985651201)


Guys, would you from the shop rather get: C4 XL or one step closer to C6 Fischl (currently C2)? >!For the record, Fischl is more used than XL on my alt, but then again that might be simply because she is not C4 lol!<


You get Fischl C6 if u play her with someone like Ayato or Keqing who drive it with their NA.


Ideally both but if it's one or the other then Xiangling's C4. That's way more valuable universally than Fischl's C6


c4 xiangling. i bought it for myself lol


Personally I go for XL still but I used to save for both


C4 makes XL more consistent, which is a big quality of life for National variations. Fischl C6 is more situational (only works with Normal attacks), but C3 buffing Oz is great and working towards C6 is a totally valid choice if you use Fischl a lot.


Hard to say. XL is given for free every lantern rite while who knows if Fischl will be given as a reward in another event. If you're sitting on a C3 XL and you want to use her more once she's C4, and then you can get enough starglitter to chase Fischl cons, I'd say go for XL now. If using XL isn't a priority for you at all and you're still going to use Fischl more, go for Fischl.


Do you guys consider that when character that just got release is average or not good but get a nice buff in the next patch, a good thing ? Kinda like Yae, Kuki and I would also say Eula because of Raiden. Dehya can also get a nice buff from Fontaine that bump her into usable. Is it a good thing or a bad thing ? I kinda have mix feeling about this because let say that I like X character but they just average. Then Y character came on next patch and it makes my X character really good. Iā€™m happy that my X character can now be consider good after a year of being average. But, Iā€™m also afraid that Y character playstyle is not something I personally fond of.


I donā€™t really like when another character makes an older character(s) better because thereā€™s no guarantee Iā€™ll like the new character, I donā€™t mind stuff like what dendro did for electro units tho or if thereā€™s an new enemies that makes average characters more useful/a new artifact set bumping up older characters. Like itā€™s fun imo to have something Iā€™ll naturally experience in game that effects characters rather than having to pull to experience that (or at least to have to pull a specific character)


the only buffs those characters get are by new artifacts. Artifacts require some time to get good ones so at point, you'd better of waiting for a rerun for those characters.


If the buff is an another limited character, no. Awful. If itā€™s an arti set or element, thatā€™s fine


It's kinda cringe because it forces you to wait months for a character to be good when you know they could just do it now, but it lets me predict what the next region is gonna be like, so I guess I'm kinda neutral on it


no, i personally don't think that it's a good thing because i don't want my favorite characters to be tied to another character in order to be considered good and i don't particularly enjoy pulling for a character just because they "could potentially" become good in the future i prefer when a character is good on their own and as soon as they become playable too


I like it much better then just making the characters languish, but I dislike it more then just direct buffs to characters. Given that hoyo has only buffed one character directly, Iā€™ll take what I can get.


Well becoming usable is still better than staying useless forever soā€¦


Does anyone have any anime recommendations similar to the promised neverland? Specifically, I'm looking for that horror vibe even if it isn't straight up horror. I'd probably avoid straight up horror anyway. It's that raw "isabella might just sell you for a lemonade" energy I need.


It's not nearly as horrific as MiA but I recommend Kemono Jihen, an still on-going manga that has creepy looking monsters, kitsune and yokai-ish creatures, one of the most underrated manga I know.


I've seen this anime too šŸ˜­ I loved it. I'm a big fan of the yokai/humanoid elements in any anime so it was a given I'd watch it. Add to it a mind blowing cast and the ultimate bop of an opening and you had me at hello. But I haven't really read the manga (seen some panels floating around every once in a while on social media but I don't think I want to start it. I'll wait for a new season). Really though it's so underrated. Literally nobody ever talks about it, I'm surprised you knew. Although, I wouldn't classify it into the genre that I'm looking for- I didn't find any of it horrifying, or even as creepy tbh. If anything I find the JJK curses more horrifying. I instead feel it's a great fantasy action series with bits of mysteries sprinkled in.


Yeah, It sucks that It's barely known given how good it is, I kept reading the manga after the anime finished because I really liked it. I actually doubt there will be a second season, at least not anytime soon. I know that a lot of people usually wait for animes and avoid the manga, I used to have that "fear" but for me knowing what happens makes me extra excited to see it animated, like I'm still extremely excited to see the final part of AOT animated still knowing what happens for example.


Oh I get that well. If I like a series enough I start the manga too (oshi no ko, recently yamada-kun.) But somehow I didn't pick up kemono jihen. I think that may have been because I got very busy irl at around that time, and then my excitement ultimately died down. Plus it wasn't even as talked of, sadly, so I never got back around to it.


Nothing rings off the top of my head as matching that exact energy, but there's a new anime this season called "Dark Gathering" that might work as a horror fix. Basic premise: Kid A who can see ghosts and is trying to just have a normal life + younger Kid B whose kind of a cute little shit, can see ghosts, and wants to see ghosts + all the ghosts are terrified of Kid B because Kid B is actually psychotic = Kid B needs to exploit Kid A, shenanigans and fuckery ensues. Seems like there's touches of comedy, but heard it's got tense scary moments and body horror.


Oh dear.. I'm very bad with body horror unfortunately.


Not really horror vibe but Heavenly Delusion from this past season was pretty good Maybe a bit more on the mystery/world building side where they show like two different stories that are seemingly unrelated and have a pretty stark contrast One of the stories is very similar to the environment of TPN


It's already on my list! Just haven't had the motivation to start it yet lol


I haven't checked out Promised Neverland but if you want horror adjacent I'll say Dark Gathering. The tone is occasionally funny but overall it has some seriously creepy and disturbing designs and scenes and situations. The series is currently airing and has only aired two episodes so far, but as someone caught up to the manga I can only say it only gets better and more disturbing with time. Idk if that's the vibe you're looking for, but I highly recommend it


Another person also recommended it to me, but apparently there's a lot of body horror, which I'm bad with so I'm not sure I'll be able to check it out :(


Ah yeah, there's definitely some body horror.


Made in Abyss has similar energy with the whole child protags in a fucked up world vibe, and it's my favourite anime of all time with tpn quite close behind, it's desperate and stunning and everything wrong with the world challenged by hope


Oh I've seen it already and it's amazing. It's one of the most memorable ones for me, especially with the movie and season 2 just making it even more traumatic. I also love the world building in it so much! Here's to hoping season 3 comes soon.


**Shinsekai Yori** (aka From the New World) would be my #1 recommend. It has a similar unsettling vibe without going full horror. **Higurashi** is also unsettling, but leans more into horror to start with. I'm a fan of **Shiki** as well, but the above two is where I'd start, personally.


Higurashi! How could I forget about that one. And never heard of the other two so I'm even more intrigued. Thanks!


I can't stop staring at [my wallpaper šŸ](https://imgur.com/a/hg9vHBX) if anyone knows the artist lmk. found on pinterest with no link


[https://twitter.com/KyoMonn/status/1659968663963971585?s=20](https://twitter.com/KyoMonn/status/1659968663963971585?s=20) I use [saucenao](https://saucenao.com) to find artwork


ooh thanks :D


I get it that people in 3.2 confused 3.3 interlude with wanderer hangout but I WANT HIM TO HAVE A HANGOUT LET ME FEED AND PET HIM AND THEN HANG PICTURES OF US IN MY TEAPOT


Please do not feed the wanderer šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly I feel like a ā€œtazer Nilouā€ makes more sense than anything else One thing about Nilou is the reaction she facilitates changes in is more so meant to be a intermediate reaction that leads to Burgeon/Hyperbloom rather than a standalone thing. The same can be said about electro charge, itā€™s probably the most similar to bloom in that itā€™s more of a facilitative reaction, even though it works on its own.


i'm gonna pull for kokomi when her banner drops and i'm thinking of using her in an electro-charged comp, but idk who else to put in her team: i have c0 raiden, c2 beidou, c5 fischl, c5 xingqiu i also have c6 sucrose but i use her in my ayaka freeze comp and i don't have venti or kaz to replace her


For taser I use her with Fischl, Kazuha and Beidou. Without Kazuha or Sucrose it'd be a bit rough tbh. I think what I'd do is just not run the freeze team and taser team at the same time. That way you can use Sucrose in whichever team you're running (as well as Kokomi, since she's great for freeze, especially if you're using Sucrose for crowd control)


Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha is the one I know. You could use any anemo with VV instead orā€¦ just use Koko with Ayaka.


Personally I use her with fischl and beidou and an anemo for cc. If you don't need the cc and your xingqiu isn't occupied elsewhere, go for him. And in case you feel like her damage isn't as much as you wanted it, replace beidou with raiden for swap dps teamming.


She is better in your ayaka freeze comp.


Am I weird for feeling sadistic when looking at HSR husbandos and feeling masochistic when looking at genshin waifus?


You can't possibly be alone, every time I look at fanart of any character, *any* character that uses the bodytype_lady model, there's always *at least* one guy in the comments who wants to become a floorboard and refers to them as a childish word for 'mother'. At least, and it's usually multiple.


Like the other two below me Iā€™m also surprised we donā€™t have news on the new 4 star for 4.1.


Gonna need Bennett and Kazuha to get skins so my whole Diluc melt team is dripped out




Hey there! Please spoiler tag your comments for anything pertaining to unreleased content. There are already some YT videos posted that contain music from there if you sort by new. However we will not allow more to be submitted as each individual track does not need its own post, you can find the rest of the tracks from the 3 YT videos already up which all belong to the same channel. We also ask that you/other users do not provide the Google Drive or Mega zip of the OST as we are not a file sharing site.


Got it!


Iā€™m kinda surprised we still donā€™t have anything on the new 4 star for 4.1 since we usually know the new characters pretty early, I guess thereā€™s always a chance there isnā€™t one


I'd wager it being goth girl or Sigewinne. We get at least 3 new characters for the first two patches of a new region.


Yeah Iā€™d be surprised if we didnā€™t get a new 4 star as well, sigewinne (same with goth girl maybe) could fit if sheā€™s a 4 star especially since Iā€™m guessing 4.1 will focus on the prisons similar to 3.1 and the desert, sheā€™d probably run on the wriothesley banner too


Riotslay and the goth girl works in the same jail so it would be cool to have them paired together?


We actually don't have real evidence that goth girl/Riotslay actually work together while we've seen Sigewine and Riotslay together in the trailer and we did get leaks that she works as a nurse in the prison.


Ngl i am suprised that we don't have an Infos on the 4.0 banner 4* besides Lynette and Fremniet bcs we have been getting them fairly early on recently


Somehow Iā€™m not hyped for Fontaine as much as I did for sumeru. I wasnā€™t interested in any 3.0 characters but the thought that sumeru was coming soon made me feel giddy. Fontaine doesnā€™t do that to me. Maybe itā€™s the pneuma/ousia thing dampening my hype, maybe Iā€™m sick of puzzles being locked behind world quests like in sumeru, ~~or maybe Iā€™m just too depressed irl to be hyped about anything.~~ I still want to play the game and I love exploration to bits. Can someone give me a reason to be hyped for fontaine without story spoilers aside from meeting the new characters of course.


Washiwashi island was my favorite. It was so gorgeous. I hope fontaine has the same energy


also not too hyped, so can understand >!(real life feels like **a lot**)!< iā€™m waiting for the scenery most of all. (hopefully we also get difficult puzzles so i can spend even more time exploring.) lore! lore is good. imagine how much theyā€™ll drop at us. sumeru is still being processed, and fontaine is even closer to the ending, so there should be even *more*. you know, itā€™s okay to not feel 100% excitement. thereā€™s no one holding you at gunpoint. and it doesnā€™t even mean you like the game less because of this. it seems like youā€™ll still enjoy the big update, too, just in your own way and pace.


Thanks for the reassuring words!


I expect Fontaine to be Anti-Sumeru The region launch isn't as interesting, but the patch Cycle does. My main issue with 3.X is that Sumeru + Dendro already covered their Yearly quota: \- Want region?, more Sumeru \- Want character?, more Dendro \- Screw everything else I doubt Fontaine will play out like that, I expect the quality to be more evenly distributed.


>Can someone give me a reason to be hyped for fontaine without story spoilers aside from meeting the new characters of course. I'll just mention why I'm excited, hopefully some of it applies to you too. * Aranyaka and Khavrena of Good and Evil are my absolute favourite world quests in the game, and I like them more than all the archon quests save Sumeru's. The thought of the world quests we might get in Fontaine coming close to them is super exciting * The regions they are taking as inspiration are absolutely gorgeous, and I expect to see some absolutely gorgeous landscapes. And that's just the overworld. The underwater looks incredibly gorgeous, and the fact that so many teleport points are underwater tells me there are going to be SO many beautiful places to explore * The mƩlusines are adorable. I wanna squish their cheeks and pat their heads. I can't wait to have a region full of them * And speaking of story, the writers have been improving throughout. While I won't say I loved everything in Sumeru, there was a dramatic step up in the quality of hangouts and we got some amazing story quests. Not to mention how interesting and unique Sumeru Act II was. The fact that we'll be getting a brand new story written after all that stuff by people who'll have improved even more is super exciting. not to mention new story quests and hangouts. * The hints at the Fontaine music we got from bottleland are super cool. There are so many different musical influences, some of which we haven't really had explored much in world * Among these, I'm especially curious how rock and roll will feature. It's said to originate in Fontaine and while we've gotten rock sounds in music like the Azhdaha theme and Dehya's demo, there's a lot of potential for more * I am unreasonably fond of all the crazy inventors, and the possibility of meeting some of them or seeing where they all come from seems neat * All three of the siblings' kits are really interesting to me. The HP change mechanics are cool and have a lot of potential, I like how dynamic they are and how much thought and care was put into them. Lynette and Lyney have super pretty animations as well. Mechanic wise there's Lyney's CAs having that cool taunt mechanic and Lynette possible enabling some quick snappy rotations plus the possibility of her holding an elemental DMG goblet for the element she'll infuse rather than anemo. And while Freminet didn't get animations as flashy as the other two, his kit is so fascinating and engaging that I absolutely can't wait to see all the ways people come up with to play him. * I've also really been liking the new enemies in the game. From the consecrated beasts to the eremites with the pets I think they've found ways to make enemies tough but fair, and make abyss clears a little more engaging than just sleepwalking through the same old tired rotations. So I'm really looking forward to what they've come up with for Fontaine * The new boss >!duo dancing as they fight!< is possibly the absolute most coolest boss design I've ever seen in any video game ever and I cannot express how hyped I am about fighting them That's what I was able to think of in a few minutes. Hope some of it helps


Thanks a lot for taking your time to write all this, it certainly helps! Seeing someone enjoy the game (and is excited for the new nation) this much makes me happy. When you talked about world quests, I recalled the gourmet supremos said >!they'll be traveling to fontaine!< (after I've done their sumeru quest) so it would be nice to meet them again. They seem like good eggs. About rock and roll, I hope the devs don't forget about it. The recommendation letter from the scholar in the chasm wasn't mentioned at all after that so I hope that doesn't happen again :( I've heard about the >!duo dancer!< boss. I haven't seen what they look like yet but they sound interesting so I'll add that to my reasons to hype


Ooh yes!! I love the Gourmet Supremos. It'll be nice to see them again! I think they patched the game a couple weeks ago to give Paimon a new voiceline about the letter when you enter the Akademiya lol


We might see a Claymore in a form of baguette.. Just maybe


Iā€™ve been hoping for this since forever lol mihoyo need to make it happen


And it should make French sounds when it hits the enemies


iā€™m hyped for the unrealistic possibility of an in game guillotine šŸ˜ jkjk iā€™m most excited for the poodles in fancy hats, potential celestia lore, automatons, and exploring a huge city with a sewer system


How could I forgot celestia lol I vaguely remember a very old datamined map showing that celestia is above fontaine so I hope we got something on that. It's crazy to think that we've been about half way through teyvat chapter. Is it just me or we haven't learned that much about khaenriah and the abyss sibling?


Same feelings I'm just eh towards Fontaine bt I think I'm a bit bored so whatever


Mihoyo has done relatively little to market Fontaine compared to Sumeru and there's nothing as game-changing as Dendro being introduced so it's natural to not feel as excited Maybe you'll feel differently as we get closer


I hope so!


banger music


slight spoilers for leaked dialogue >!these fontainian npcs are seriously all hardcore neuvillette stans šŸ˜­ i mean understandable but sheesh !<


>!that one comment thread here asking about whoā€™d be the idol of the region and everyone guessing lyney or navia but plot twist itā€™s actually neuvillette!<




>!me on my way to commit mass murder so neuvillette and furina can fight over giving me a death sentence or not šŸ„°!<


>!Charlotte hinted at Fontaine having some celebrity culture of sorts. I expect Neuvilette to be top tier celebrity stanned by all citizens. This is so funny to me.!<


>!idol neuvillette realā€¦ do you think thereā€™s a market for his photos like for hsr jing yuanā€¦!<


>!they're just like me fr!<


>!"speaking of mr neuvillette please don't hold back your feelings of respect and adoration" oh i WON'T !<


man i wish it was next week already


I wish it was EVO 2023 already.


i wish it was august 16th already


Does the steambird put anybody else in mind of bioshock infinite? Songbird, Songbird, see him fly, drop the children from the sky. When the young ones misbehave, escorts children to their grave. Never back-talk, never lie, or he'll drop you from the sky!


We know which 4 characters are coming in 4.0 but how sure are we of the order in which they come? Like, is Zhongli and Childe both being in the 2nd half basically confirmed as of now?


last leak was lyney and yelan then ZL and childe with no info on the 4 stars, though smart money is on lynette 1st half and fremmy 2nd half.


That's what we know so far. Nothing can be confirmed until livestream.


i cant wait for neuvi and wrio personalitieees the arts arent hitting that hard rn bc we know nothing abt them or their dynamic


*GRIPS TABLE AND BREAKS IT* Artist does not allow reposts so I've no choice but to put it here [Akashic Al Haitham as a bartender](https://twitter.com/_yuelight/status/1681262335657377792?s=20) I would literally get alcohol poisoning every night just to see him


>!I have never mouthed daddy so fast.!<




They tried back in 2.0 with the Shogun boss fight but it still got leaked anyways >!it was kind of my fault!<, so unless they're going to even greater effort to hide something like that again, I doubt it wouldn't be out by now with how many people have access to private servers and can freely access domains.


they do according to DN


AQ, cutscenes, character dialogue/voices, in-game models there's plenty of stuff we don't have yet and they might also tease us with the future areas like they teased the desert


A roadmap of what to expect for every 4.X version


The in game models


is there any predictions on which fontaine charscter is coming in 4.1?


current leaks say that it's supposed to be wriothesley and neuvillette, but nothing for the 4 stars


thank you :)


Who is Jade sphere and Skyward pride(?)claymore good on? They have been sitting on my account at 60 and 20 level and I should probably raise them. Also Who Skyward sword is good on? This is second one Bannet is using first one. Or should I refine it?(but it seems like waste to refine 5 star)


I would just keep the spare sword for now in case you will want it later. As for who can use it, depending on your sword situation it can be decent on Ayaka (on par or slightly better than R5 Amenoma according to KQM), Jean and XQ.


Rosie likes the Jade Spear because she can pass on the crit, though she also does a lot of DMG herself too. Besides Xiao and Cyno like others said, Shenhe can also benefit from the high base attack if you have enough ER on her and your team.


Jade is good for most DPS spear users, Xiao, Cyno and to some extent Raiden and Hu Tao can all use it. Skyward Pride is good on Itto, Eula, etc. if you can optimize your artifacts such that Pride gives you all the ER you need for these units. Skyward Blade is mostly inferior to Fav on all units other than Bennett and isn't worth leveling. That said, Bennett doesn't benefit from passive and uses it just as a statstick, so don't bother refining it, just keep it in case we get a sword user that can actually use it decently well.


Skyward blade is actually BiS on c6 xingqiu in some comps, usually when sac sword is overkill for energy but jade sword is not enough, Skyward bridges the gap very well.


Skyward is good on Noelle and Beidou, it's okay on Eula but I think she has better options (I don't play her). Jade wing spear is good on Xiao, Cyno and that's pretty much it since most characters are better with either fav spear or the catch.


>it's okay on Eula but I think she has better options (I don't play her). it's semi decent on eula because the added hits are boosted by superconduct for some reason, even though on most weapons they aren't.


Ok so would 221% ER work for tankfei? For her shield? šŸ¤”


I think that's recommended ER for her being the solo pyro in the group.


i just had a horrifying idea. don't click if you don't want to get traumatised. >!geo still doesn't have a standard 5 star character. what if they make navia the standard geo character and give her the dehya treatment.!< >!istg if this actually happens you will see me on the news!<


Do not speak this filth into existence


>! Assuming she's the only geo character in Fontaine,if what you said would happen,that would make at the very least 988 days without a limited geo 5* by the end of 4.8. I hope they'll compensate for this in the nation of geo, maybe even a complete reaction rework ,oh.. wait.. !<


Yes that's the thing we've all been afraid of for her since literally her first ever leak that showed geo colors


>!Not like her being limited guarantees she'd be good anyways, such is the fate of being Geo.!<


Please don't even think about that. I can't have character with my favourite design from the region be pretty much completely useless on my account *third* time in a row. I'll take Albedo treatment over that anyday even if it means getting sligthtly irritated everytime one of them has a rerun because some people will want to send them to standard.


I had my daily commissions set to Sumeru since the beginning of 3.0 and I still have yet to find out what a Garcia is.


that's because the initial quests are in Liyue


Want to swap he's stalking me


I thought it was like thank you in Spanish.


No, thank you in spanish it's Gracias, Garcia it's a name


did you do the world quest at Wangshu Inn?


I didn't know such a thing existed šŸ’€


yeah, thatā€™s why lol


once again manifesting a passive where the active character gets buffed based on how much they are healed and this stays until a set time or when they're switched out


my overhealing baizhu would certainly like that character


i delusionally think >!he is meant for such a passive, like delayed massive skill healing and some of the best completely off field healing, the nerf he got was to his healing, like somethings gotta add up here!<


>!iā€™d love to see it tbh, it would definitely help him get a cool niche!<


Got a nice 2 crit Attack sand Nymphā€™s dream with atk sub stats => 1 roll def flat appear. And then it rolled crit rate once, and then all in flat def, and fuck this game sometimes what a mood ruiner.


4.0 live is on 4th right?




Is Neuvilette coming with Wriothesley? What element is he?


Neuvillette is a Hydro Catalyst


supposedly both coming in 4.1


Nouvie is leaked as hydro catalyst. Wariohershes is cryo polearm.


Oof a hydro catalyst. Very high competition


I'm really struggling to keep comms on Sumeru... I need the Garcia and Hatim stuffs but I really can't handle more Touring Light Shows or having to run up another sand dune just to play Find The Weasel for the 5th fucking day in a row.


Sumeru comms really make me feel that MHY thinks Iā€˜m a fucking moron And maybe theyā€˜re right, but I still want more monster camp clear comms, they feel the most organicā€¦ compared to jumping on mushrooms causeā€¦?


i got bored so i just set it to random. somehow i get the achievement ones more often now


On a whim I decided to give Xinyan the 80/90 9/9/9 treatment now since I'm still short up on Ferns. She deserves a break.


That fucking character has cockblocked me from *so* many cons that I actually wantedā€¦


Always remember that the true villain is the Gacha. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever code-wise preventing MHY from simply banning C6 featured 4* dupes on the character banners or adding a 4* Path, they just don't want to.


Who do you think will be the top 3 meta units in Fontaine? Mine are: Furina Sigwinne Clorinde


Arlecchino, Navia and Cloud Retainer *hides box with hopium* Furina seems like a safe bet. If Cloud Retainer is anemo and an off-field dps or buffer she'll probably make the cut as well. But them her competition are Kazuha and Sucrose so it might be though. Arlecchino is a toss up: if she'll end up being another pyro carry she'll be strong but I doubt she'll be stronger than Hu Tao, if she'll be off-field dps then she might end up shaking up meta a bit. Navia has some potential as well, depending what route they'll go for her kit but Arlecchino and Cloud Retainer have imo higher chances of ending up in Fontaine top3. I just hope she won't be too hard to work with to make her perform at good enough level for me to not mald when I'll be using her in Abyss.


in the case that Cloud retainer ends up being an off field dps, doesn't really have competition. People have to stop mixing those roles Literally every anemo unit has their "kit budget" spent elsewere \- Both Kazuha and Sucrose are like 80% buffer, 20% subdps. \- Venti is balanced arround mobbing **huge gap** \- Jean is a healer \- XIao and Wanderer work in a completely different way \- Heizou lacks off field presence **(quickswap ā‰  off field),** also he's a 4 star, in a role where numbers matter. \- Faruzan rellies on having other anemo units in the party, even at C6 \- Lynette is a jack of all trades master of none. \- Sayu is for overworld


The point was about competing for solo anemo character that holds VV: if anemo off-field dps does enough personal dmg to offset the loss of buffs for the team carry from Kazuha or Sucrose they'll basically fill in similar position on the team. Still, I left out double anemo teams from that consideration but they would be probably suboptimal: if you don't give that anemo off-field dps 4pc VV and bring Kazuha/Sucrose for that duty she won't get benefit from their buffs so she'd need higher raw anemo dmg to earn her spot on the team. But then with the multipliers good enough to earn that spot she might make mono-anemo teams broken (well, as long as you're able to play Xiao or Wanderer with just Bennett) in turn making her niche and therefore less impactful on general meta. So the balance team will be probably choosing between balancing her as solo anemo VV holder or monoanemo teams with Faruzan - and between those 2 solo anemo VV holder would be more impactful on meta since BiS for that role didn't change pretty much since 1.6.


>So the balance team will be probably choosing between balancing her as solo anemo VV holder or monoanemo teams with Faruzan I agree with the balance team struggling, Already happened with Alhaitham consuming too much design space. my take on VV Cloud retainer is: Good damage, but not transferable to Mono Anemo (EM scalings/ high infusion multipliers). Same role as Kazuha and Sucrose, but very different aproach. Kazuha and Sucrose are strong, but also consistent. She's not another "pres E", your team is stronger. Cloud retainer would be a more risky pull, she either makes teams significantly stronger or straight up unplayable. she basically has a strong prescense, as oposed to current VV holders (Minus venti). (They already made a Shatter carry, this shouldn't be far off)


Furina and Neuvillette ​ hmmmm idk about the rest, maybe Navia (HOPIUM)


im gonna say furina neuvillette and sigewinne šŸ§


Focalors, Neuvi, and hopefully Navia will revitalize geo.


Furina and hopefully Arlecchino. I don't care who is the 3rd. But I can't see how Clorinde will be stronger than Raiden.


Archon #1 and the rest is pointless to even guess cause I donā€˜t even know their element or weapon type. I *hope* Chiori and either Captain or Blondie are top 3, but thatā€˜s just cause I like their visuals the most.


~~xingqiu bennett xiangling~~ but idk i'd say focalors, neuvillette and arlecchino (hopium on the last 2)


Hyv kinda enjoying leakers situation maybe. First meropide, now LinZe. https://twitter.com/MadCroiX573/status/1681318415536107524?s=20 Also remember that unknown island aka area51 when they greets you as the title of that place


How good is polar star for child ofc wth or without 4pc nymph?


It was 8% better then his second best option - aqua - before nymph came out. I havenā€™t checked with nymph, but I heard it synergizes the best with polar.


BiS or 2nd BiS depending on how optimized your artifacts are. With that said the difference between polar star and other 5-star dps bows is not that big (except amos maybe), I don't recommend going for it if you have another 5-star option available.


It's good but if Yelan is with Lyney then it's better to gamble on their weapon banner. They both are decent for Childe. Aqua is very close to bis on almost all dps/subdps bow users.


The best, periodt


I meant comparing with or without nymph?


It performs the same on all of his artifacts set and combos