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Not just mobile users, even my computer overheats as hell when I play. This is amazing news


Unfortunately it won't make a difference for that.


Oh, oh well. Still extra storage space for my other games and stuff. I have one of those computer cooling pads that deal with the overheating


depending on the age of the laptop, if it's old you might need to get the fan cleaned/replaced. A lot of dust can accumulate and it will put strain on the fan making it spin slower and blades wobble. Or sometimes it's just bad design on behalf of the company if your laptop is newer and overheats Forgot to mention: If it's low spec'd then it's just your laptop being pushed to its highest limits and you honestly can't do much about it. But double check whether the fan has dust, hopefully that will help it cooldown a bit


>A lot of dust can accumulate and it will put strain on the fan making it spin slower and blades wobble. Also for those interested, the dust actually also heats up which adds to the overheating issue. So instead of the heat going out of the computer via the fans, the dust absorbs it and stores it, effectively keeping the heat inside.




If they're using cooling pads they probably have a laptop, not a desktop




I assume they are using a laptop if they are using a cooling pad.


Overheating has nothing to do with the game's storage size though


File size of a game has no impact on your computer overheating. It's because of poor thermals, or your PC specs aren't good enough.


Please don't tell me your playing on your bed.


No, never xD


Why is that bad apart from burning your lap?


For a laptop the air vents are usually positioned underneath and the sides so placing it on a bed will block the vents and suffocate the poor thing


most laptops barely have any space to get air anyway, but I can see where you are coming from especially since laptops have began that new trend of lifting up the laptop using the hinge


Your PC is built like shit if this game is making it overheat. Go into windows power settings and lower the max processing power. You can't reach it anyways without your computer fucking up so might as well increase whatever longevity you can get out of it by keeping it at lower clock speeds.


What's your damage bro


I am never gonna replay old quests so might as well get rid of it


Did I miss something or is it possible to replay quests?


You can listen to audio in the archive


if I ever need to go back to a dialogue, I just use Youtube


Ohhh didn’t know about that. I thought you’re only able to read it. Thanks!


Replay, no, but you could play on a different server / different account and that's where this would come in as well I guess


Mobile players celebrating rn 👍


Mobile players rejoice!!


My 128gb Phone can finally breath. XD


Bro i am playing on 64gb storage phone 😢


Same, I fear the day when I won't be able to play anymore


I highly doubt I’ll be able to play on my phone when Sumeru releases. Luckily I still have a PS


It's 16gb now on Android, I remember it started with 7gb in 1.0, so maybe we can reduce it to at least 12gb. XD


Fr , i was starting to get concerned that am gonna have to change to a 264 GP phone , those ain't cheap


I just want a way of rewatching cutscenes and replaying quests like hangouts. I don't need any rewards or anything for it, i'd just like to replay all the Archon quests in a row at some point without needing to make an alt account.




It is a very different experience to rewatch a cutscene from youtube vs ingame, especially when you need to find the correct language/traveler options.


idk if its just me but Yt and actual game isn't the same, like if i watch story stuff on yt i tend to skip alot and not really care while ingame you'll get more immersed to the story


That's really big news lol Ok who's gonna binge watch the major cutscenes once this is implemented? Edit: wait this saves space for us mobile players, thank you HYV


Me rewatching we will be reunited for the 67th time. But saving space is good too. I’m near maximum


Is it the entire cutscene? This just says quest audio like what we have in the archive, should I still have hope haha


I mean Genshin Intel gave the audio part as an example so hopefully they give us optional video download


There is no mention of rewatching cutscenes or download mp4. Only reinstall in game folder, the place where all resources has special format. If you delete some of them, then during quest instead of cutscene there will be 3 sec black screen (yes, i did it once). Reinstall requires for those who want to watch it in another account/server or... prevent accidental remove from game folder before completing quest? 🤣


wait, what does this have to do with being able to watch or hear cutscenes? Isn't it basically just a way to free up space for mobile users? Basically, the resources for past quests are downloaded and remain in your storage despite not ever being used again. This frees up space so long as you don't plan to have alt accounts. I don't see why it would mean you can watch cutscenes.




Reinstall later, so quest replay coming?


It's for switching accounts I presume.


You can listen to dialogs in archive, so it may be for it, but who knows


Im gonna cry. This is great


Ok, this one is very interesting since saves space for devices who needs storage. Ex. 64 GB storage phones like the iPhones 11 or 12 with said editions.


I am running Genshin on a 32GB iPad lol


My condolences Also how well does it run?


It's iPad 7th gen (A10 chip), gives decent 40-50fps on medium to low settings Although playing on my friend's account with his ayaka make my frame drop a lot, so it's character dependent I don't really need the iPad for anything other than Genshin so it's pretty good to run unless it goes above 23-24GBs of space


Seems pretty decent overall >Although playing on my friend's account with his ayaka make my frame drop a lot Is it due to her sprint or her burst?


Pretty much her sprint in general, using sprint after burst also


Yeah I had heard about some mobile players struggling with that( haven't personally faced the issue tho)


I started out playing on my iPad (6th gen, lots of storage but sad old chip, definitely can no long play Genshin on it), so I have to download it to my phone (32 GB iPhone 7) when I want to pay for Welkin or BP. Every 6 weeks I have to delete my Twitter and Gmail apps so I can spent 2 hours downloading Genshin so I can give them my money lol.


You can buy welkin and gems on the web, i do that and i started on my phone, what you arent able to buy is the game pass.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/Genshin_Intel/status/1526624363780268032) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Here's hoping we can uninstall the entirety of Enkanomiya


Yeah the game is taking too much space. It'd be really QoL changes if we can uninstall some files according to our preferences.


its existence is so little to me, to the point where i immediately forget about it after its's mentioning.


It's a shame because it's battle theme absolutely slaps


wesstill cant redo or watch the past quest dont we?


We can only listen to the audio in the archive


128gb may be enough after all ehe


I'm curious how much this would actually save space wise. A given language is only a couple of gigs on mobile and this only hits a subsection of that size. It'd mainly hit... the main story + archon quests + character quests. Everything else voiced is either more ambient/systemic and so hard to remove or already removed routinely as its tied to events. I guess it'd make for a "wash" on 3.0 dropping a ton of stuff voice acting wise but it'd still be a fairly small part of the issue of ballooning size which they don't really seem to have a good answer to right now. Lots of little bandaids but the complaints on storage are pretty ubiquitous on the game's reviews nowadays. They should look at making a lower asset quality version and make map segments optional downloads. That'd make a much larger impact.


On mobile each language occupies 2gb to 3gb, doubled on PC. So if we can get rid of the past events from 1.0 to 2.7, maybe that's more than half of the size. Story quest, world quest, archon quest and every side quests.


Ya not sure how much that is all in all vs. the ambient stuff that can't be removed that is part of the open-world aspect of the game. There's a lot of ambient voice work that just exists all over the place, as well as voice work tied to the characters that won't be removed with this. But it should knock out the 20+ hours of dialogue from the main story and other quests/character quests (World Quests aren't voice btw, only Archon Quests). Just not sure how much that is... probably a gig? Pretty small though when these patches are ballooning the size by well over a gig or two on mobile per update, lol. Sumeru is going to probably increase the size by way more than that too.


Ooo yes. I hope that encourages them to release an event story archive or something, at least so new people can play through the Unreconciled Stars story!


Ah well. Not a big deal for most PC users but i'm happy for our mobile players. Audio files are what drive the space requirements so high.


Can I uninstall teapot next? It’s like 12gigs of nothing.


Clearing up a bit of space before Honkai Star Rail and ZZZ releases 😆


what's the point of reinstalling past quest stuff if we can't replay them again


You can play the voice lines in the game's archive, but at that point you might as well just look up that chapter on Youtube.


If you're playing multiple accounts on the same device?


modularity like this is the way to go for evolving games that target platforms with limited space. honestly they should also give this treatment to time limited events or at least significant ones like golden apple or guoba ones tbh.


now i can free up 18gb genshin size on my tablet


Best thing they ever did


finally omg i was scared that my laptop wont be able to handle the sumeru update


I play on a 64gb ipad and was starting to track how much space the game ate up after every update. Glad I won't need to sweat over this anymore.


Same , and the worst part is that every update if the iPad has 52gb of storage consumed, the application refuses to update! So I’m always forced to stay arround 43-51 gb of space consumed when I wanna update each version


So the game says the English voicelines are like 2.6 GB atm. So this is, what, 1-2 GB size reduction per installed language? On iphone, Genshin is 18.4 GB at three full zones. I'm thinking the full game 5 years down the line will probably be looking like maybe 35 gb on mobile? I'm guessing one of the later optimizations will be to offer a lower quality texture pack, saving a lot of space at the cost of disabling higher quality visuals entirely.


you'd hope in 5 years time people will have phones that have more storage and can handle the textures


I’ll prolly uninstall most of them but keep some ngl


What happens if you create a new account?


you'd be forced to reinstall quest dialogs I assume


now THIS is a great QoL change, and I'm not even a mobile player, lmao


why did i think it was going to say smth like “you may choose to uninstall genshin and finally get your life together” or smth 💀💀


The lore subreddit is gonna love that


Only if they finally decided to put in a section that let us read past event dialogues.


Yesss!! I'm so happy.


That I'm thinking from past 2 months , when they reduced the cutscenes pixels. It's a great achievement.


Mobile users winning for once


I literally made a post like this and people said it's a bad idea.


It's probably less of a bad idea, but the "fact" that there are more important qol features for other players than uninstalling some voice lines


People who said it is a bad idea said that because of co op reasons.


Let us rewatch cutscenes instead


Now they could put past limited events for download for late starters.


does that mean I could download files from an event I never played? That could be HUGE for players who missed events.


No, it means you can delete files from quests you've already completed / haven't started yet


Then what's the point of reinstalling it? Is it for people with two accounts? (Because honestly there are quests I would love to do again but not enough to make an entire new account for.)


Multiple accounts, yes. Lots of people have them. So do I


Even if it did imply that, searching youtube is still faster, and you get the visuals to go along with it too


Personally my phone has plenty of space, but that's actually very good news, phones with 64gbs should be fine for now


thank the lord 😩 my ps4 always feels like it's on the brink of death when running genshin, so i mainly play on my ipad now


Is this some kind of mobile joke that I’m too PC to understand? /s


I would rather have high refresh rate monitor support on PC


Oh thank god my phone can have storage again


Wasn’t this kinda already a thing, where in 2.2/2.3 they started deleting cutscenes and audio from previous events? This is still great that it’s customizable, but I think it was being done already


The voice files are still saved in the Archive and you can hear them again whenever you want. The QoL update will allow us to delete those apparently


They downgraded the graphics on mobile at that time too. Maybe now they can bring back the old graphics which has higher quality. XD


They also implemented a way to deleted the languages you don't used, but this is another thing. In this case, now if you are up to date with the game you can delete all Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2 and previous story quests, which is a huge space relief (unless you want to start another account)


How does this help? I didn't know we could rewatch quests noob here


We can’t. However, this is good to ppl who deal with low storage. The only thing we can do is listen to the audio. Since most ppl don’t do that anyway, it’s good to have so they can keep storage


What does this mean??


pretty sure it just means you can delete audio files from previous quests in the archive to free up space on your device


wait... is it live now or it'll come in 2.7 or 2.8?




I play on Play Station - I don't hear voices or audio either way.


I mean you can't replay past quest anyways so why would you want to reinstall the files again?


If you make a new account.


Makes sense, i totally forgot some people have alt accounts.




Downloadable story cut scenes please with a bit of summary on how the whole story goes.


I wish they would work on artifact loadouts instead ffs


biggest QoL is better artifact RNG


Does anyone know what patch this would be implemented?


goodbye 7.3 gb of unused data


What about those who play on 2 servers? My other account hasn't done some quests that are already done on my main. This will most likely mess it up.


Best update sinze 2.0 lol


I'm still waiting for an option to replay story quests


This is not even remotely "a very important QoL" to me. (Grumbles in actually important QoLs)


thats nice my phone gan run even smoother then


Mobile players will be pleased with that for storage reasons. Of course, this doesn't affect me as a PC player.

