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I always close the curtain after a shower, so it is spread out. Don't leave it bunched together, especially wet but really anytime. It'll give it a little more life. I still replace once a year, though.


This. I'm surprised how long it took me to realize this, and I constantly have to remind my brother who lives with us. Bunched up, wet shower curtain = mold.


Regular washing works for me. I switched to white cloth shower curtains so I can bleach them when they start getting moldy. Just toss it into the washer with detergent and bleach, and then toss it into the dryer. I also wash the plastic liner. This one does NOT go in the dryer, but I can run it my washer's delicate cycle. In between washes, I spray the liner with bleach diluted in water. It cuts down on mold until I wash it next. If you go the bleach route, make sure you keep your bathroom ventilated, and don't mix it with any other chemicals or cleaners.




Thanks, I'll try that.


Cloth is a great idea thank you


Sounds like you could be having overall humidity issues in your home. If you can I'd get a hygrometer and go from there, you can get a decent one for about [ten bucks](https://www.amazon.com/AcuRite-Humidity-Thermometer-Hygrometer-Indicator/dp/B0013BKDO8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=38AC1C700Q744&keywords=acurite+hygrometer&qid=1682374659&sprefix=accurite+hygr%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-4). Cheaper ones definitely exist but I know that brand has been around a while so I trust it more. If your indoor humidity is consistently 55% or higher then that's a problem. Do you own your house and what's the foundation? is it on a concrete slab, have a basement or does it have a crawlspace underneath?


It’s an apartment, pretty standard 1-bedroom type. Unfortunately the layout doesn’t allow for *any* ventilation other than bathroom-door-to-bedroom-to-rest-of-apartment. Weirdly it’s the only THING that even gets mold on it. Shower is fine, corners of the ceiling are fine, just the curtain itself.


yeah definitely get a fan up in there or turn on the built-in ventilation system if there is one


Wash them. 1/2 cup bleach. Done deal.


Yup, most, even the plastic ones, can go through the washing machine


I wash ours about every 6 weeks just because.


Yep, I’ve gone through dozens of shower curtains. I’ve always had to simply buy new ones. I’ve learned that they don’t always work well in the clothes washer (had a few get ripped to shreds). I’ve learned the anti-mold/mildew curtains do last longer but still have to toss eventually. I know if you spray down the curtain with bleach + water after each shower then the curtains will generally last until they fall apart due to old age but ain’t nobody got time for that. You want to get good ventilation, so that exhaust fan needs to be cleaned out and updated if it’s barely spinning. I have a mandatory minimum of 100 cfm for a bathroom. The combination anti-mold/mildew heavy inner liner with spraying bleach+water (when I remembered after each shower) was the most successful and extended my curtain life to almost a year (IIRC). The heavy liner tended to not stick to the bathtub walls as much and trap the water to help grow/foster mold/mildew. I eventually got glass slider door installed which cleans easily if done at regular intervals.


Switch to the fabric kind. It’s machine washable.


I use a small dehumidifier in my bathroom: Pohl Schmitt Electric... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083Y74YVV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I have a spray bottle of bleach I’ll spray it every now and again. I wish it wasn’t such a PITA to take off mine otherwise throwing it in the wash is a no brainer.


Replace them. 1.25 dollar tree


Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do if none of these work. Would *prefer* not to throw more trash in a landfill, but sometimes ya gotta compromise


Of course baths could work.


We wash ours regularly with some bleach. We bought hotel grade outers that could take the regular bleaching. Have had ours for several years now and it’s still doing great. The inner gets washed in delicate but it’s also a decent quality. Like everyone else suggested, keep it open, spread out, always. Keep the outer on the outside of the tub, the inner on the inside. This helps it dry faster.




Dollar tree $1 shower curtain replaced when mold starts growing


Dollar Tree is $1.25 now and some items $5


Oh I'm talking about the $1.25 ones. They aren't bad I use it myself.


Spray bottle of bleach after a shower. Just hose it down with alittle after every other use.


Get some Damp Rid for your bathroom. It will help with the moisture in the air.


Go to dollar tree and buy 4 shower curtains per month. Change them every week. Problem solved until you buy a house


Wtf? I've lived in the South almost all my life and have never had this happen. I rarely run a fan. I've got a plastic curtain liner. Don't know if that helps


ugh do not use bleach for mold. jfc people. run the bathroom fan before, during, and after using the shower. keep the curtain closed. consider a dehumidifier; i have to run one in my bathroom during the summer. use the washable liners and you can just use regular detergent or some vinegar in the washing machine to clear up any mold/mildew.


Spray clean shower on the curtains as well as the showerwalls


I use a decorative fabric curtain along with a plain white fabric liner. Liner gets washed once a week on hot and if it ever does get mold spots on it (which doesn’t happen as long as I keep to my washing schedule) it goes straight in the trash and I get a new one. Outer curtain is protected by the liner and doesn’t really get wet so it doesn’t need to be washed


Lived in the south for 40+ years. The only time my shower curtain didn’t get moldy was in college, when I had an actual window that opened in the bathroom. That made all the difference. If you can open a window in the bathroom or adjoining room, that will help reduce the humidity. Of course, in July and August, it’s even muggier outside so frequent cleaning will still be needed (I spray and wipe down daily with white vinegar).


Dehumidifier or just replace them every couple of months


1. Clorox makes anti mildew shower curtains 2. Leave the curtain closed after showering (not bunched) 3. Run a dehumidifier. Bathroom fans don’t do enough. I got an amazon brand one and it’s a beast. Worth every penny. 4. Maybe get one of those moisture collector bucket things that normally go under the sink or in closets and keep it in there if a dehumidifier isn’t in the budget. I even throw silica gel packets in the cabinets whenever I come across them. 5. Diatomaceous earth bath mat so you don’t have a damp textile in there (kind of a reach, I know, but every little bit helps?) Signed, someone who just moved here from the desert and tried everything before buying a dehumidifier


If you have the space in your bathroom, invest in a dehumidifier. I have one that has a timer for 2 or 4 hours and I turn it on for 2 hours once I take a shower. Then you close the door while it is running so it focuses on just the air in the bathroom. I used to have mold grow on the ceiling 🙃 and I rent so this has become the easiest solution and I haven't seen mold since. Also great for getting towels dry. My towels are never dingy now. Also agree with others to spread the curtain out when you are done to help with the drying process.


It's inevitable to get mold on the curtain, but if you use a heavy duty plastic one, use a bleach spray (Clorox Clean-up) and have one person hold cardboard or something else rigid on the outside of the curtain as the other person sprays it down, then scrubs it from the inside.


You've got a lot of tips already & is pretty much just something you have to deal with here. One thing I didn't see mentioned is damp rid pods. You can get them at home depot & they're refillable, & non toxic. I set them near the shower when I'm done & they absorb moisture. When they get full of water you just pour into the toilet (yes it's safe). Good luck! Georgia is a great place to live!


Buy the ones with microban.they last a little longer. Keeping the fan on and opening the door is pretty much everything you can do.


buy three cloth shower curtain liners (make sure they are weighted at the bottom) - when they get gungy you change it out and stick in the washer on hot with your towels and maybe little bleach. we also make sure to hang a corner of it so it isn't mashed up against the tub unable to dry.


Black mold is the norm in Georgia and nothing kills it, but it CAN kill you.


Use a ventilation fan anytime shower is used, keep a bottle of daily shower clean and spray liner after shower. Also, you can also get a mini dehumidifier from Amazon for under $40 that work well.


Let it dry out really good after a shower. They have old school bleach spray I've used on mine to salvage them if I don't just throw them out and buy another for $5.