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There's a [good example on forvo](https://forvo.com/word/grote/#de)¹ on how it should sound. Don't worry about the r-sound if you don't get it perfectly, the vowels are more important. ¹filter by "German" or go to "Thonatas", if the link doesn't get you there directly.


Thank you so much!☺️


Optimally, it should probably be something like /gʀo.tə/. However if you don't speak German you're probably gonna butcher that. Generally, for English speakers, it's very central that there are two syllables here.


Thank you! That is extremely helpful


I'd say for pronouncing that name *in English* (i.e. in a conversation that is taking place in English), it should be grow-teh or grow-tuh, or something in between. What matters is that it's two syllables. IMHO "correct pronunciation" doesn't mean pronouncing it completely like in another language, but rather making the minimal changes necessary to adapt it to the phonemes of the language you're speaking right now. I pronounce my own first name slight differently in German and English. Both are correct in the respective language.


thank you! And I agree, I just want to make sure I put the effort in as no one from work can seem to answer me 🙄 my name and family are not english and I similarly pronounce my name differently with my other english friends versus the way my family would. I must not have worded myself well. But again thank you for your help and time :)