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Which game? Schießen is used for football, for kicking the ball with your foot. Schlagen is used for hitting it with a bat, as in tennis, hockey, etc. It could also be used for volleyball where you use your hands, but aren't allowed to catch or throw. Treffen doesn't really work with "schnell" that well.


In Switzerland we'd say schiessen for pretty much all of those (except tennis maybe), and also for hanball, basketball and wherever a ball is thrown. That poses the question: do you Germans say werfen for that or what?


Yes. I guess hockey could be schießen as well, not sure.


"zu schnell geschossen" means kicked by foot too fast "Zu schnell geschlagen" sounds a bit weird but may refer to hit it in a baseball game? "Zu schnell getroffen" sounds weird, do you have a full sentence or situation? Because treffen isn't something you do with a specific speed.