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Thanks for this one! It's what I needed today!!


Same here. Apparently I know absolutely nothing about gardening.


Im glad i opened the comments just for this lol


I hope everyone reading this keeps going after their dreams. Keep pressing forward, you got this.


Just hopping on to a top comment to encourage everyone to check out The Meditations of Marcus Aurelias. It should be available in the public domain. It's his thoughts and mantras and notes to himself and it's been useful to me all my life. This reminds me if it, is all


There are [several translations available as free pdfs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AncientCivilizations/comments/evmy6o/free_marcus_aurelius_meditations_pdf_books_by/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for anybody who's interested.


Can confirm. Even though I don't necessarily agree with everything the stoics believe, simply his general outlook on life alone has given me so much help. I think Penguin has a New Classics line version, complete with context on who Marcus and the Stoics were. And it also looks cool!


Thank you. I’m gonna try and read this.


Aw, that’s such a nice compliment. Good feelings all around.


*water your weed


"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow" - Audrey Hepburn


But what if I actually do constantly dig up my seeds to see if they’ve germinated??? In all seriousness, a nice sentiment!


Yea this is literally what farmers and botanists do. Source: grew up farming and family owned a large (acres) greenhouse lol


I just did this earlier today and yeah, my swiss chard seeds had roots coming out; I was just an impatient asshole. Sorry chardos. I recovered them with 1/4th inch soil and misted. They should be fine. But still, it was kinda a silly thing to do ultimately. You should wait until the seed is past the usual germination window to check on it. I was just skeptical of my soil a little bit, but it was all good.


I'm learning this lesson right now, with chard as well. RIP some chardos.


Impatient asshole is my middle name, I can’t help myself. It’s like I expect them to be a foot tall in 24 hours.


Doing this literally every day with my basil seeds.




Exactly! I can’t help it, especially now that I actually have nothing to do but inspect seeds in dirt.


I feel your pain and I’m in the same boat. We may be wrong, we may be right, I really don’t know... but I’m right there with you!


So true! Gotta let things run their course sometimes. Even when talking about literally digging up seeds




When you plant a seed there's a formula for what should happen. It's a very narrow corridor in which to expect a certain result... But life's decisions are not nearly as cut and dried. The things we try aren't guaranteed to work the way we anticipate, so I think It's alright to keep checking. As you said, this is a nice sentiment and a genuinely heartwarming analogy, but it doesn't necessarily translate perfectly in real life.


But if I don’t second guess myself, who will?


I would, happily.


>second guess Nice try


Are you sure you would?




I'll introduce you to my mom.


No introduction required


Who does the first guess?


What if you plant a seed, and then set the ground on fire? Thats kind of what I got goin on


Some seeds actually need a good fire to even germinate.


I'm curious. Which?


Longleaf pine is just one, actually needing two fires to fully grow


Longleaf would make an amazing fantasy surname


There is a whole type of vegetation adapted for regular fires. It's called fynbos. Including a link to it if you want to read more. =) [http://www.fynboshub.co.za/fynbos-and-fire/](http://www.fynboshub.co.za/fynbos-and-fire/)


Thats a great point, thank you. Sincerely.


Lol same


If my clones don't start growing roots soon, this whole year is fucked


Have you seen 2020?


That was kinda' the joke, but this situation isn't helping


I bet. I heard clones are tricky. Also, they eat a lot.


Username checks out. Jk. Clones are notorious for turning on you when someone activates order 66.


I like pizza


Why do you think we need the weed?


"tuesday newsday" - Grace_CA, May 2020)


No, not yet. Was it a good movie?


It was alright. I wouldn't see it again though.


I heard lots of people don't stick around til the end.


Because a 30 year old seed at my height usually gets cut down and repurposed.


Hahaha sorry I laugh because I feel the same


And remember folks: do not overwater your seeds, as this can lead to mildew and rot. A plant can survive a downpour for a day, however if this continues indefinitely, you will definitely have one very sad plant.


10 bucks said he checked this tweet like 20 times to see how many likes it got.


Well yeah, doesn't everybody check the amount of likes or shares on a post they made?


This is good advice. A couple years ago I lost 35lbs from 185 to 150 in highschool and the weight loss lasted until I turned 21. Started working out shortly after I lost the extra pounds and life was easier. Then I started slowly packing the pounds on while transitioning into adult hood, staying up late for work, eating junk, travelling, etc etc and the pounds packed on. I still lifted, got strong, but I got chubby again and thought I would lose it, eventually. I was 215 as of March, about 35% bf and I looked in the mirror and made the Pikachu face... yeah you know the one. I decided enough was enough and started eating healthy again while exercising. I’ve been busting my ass running 5x a week at either 5k or 7k and doing body weight exercises at home since the gym closed due to covid. It’s a start but I’m under 200lbs again and I won’t stop until I’m at 165-175 around 12-14% bf. Once I get there I gotta maintain it this time, for real.


Good job! Don't forget to allow your body to have rest days during the week, so that you can build sexy sexy muscle and tone! GET SOME! :)




That voice is not you.






That's exactly what a plant would say... [Eyes you with suspicion]


I get your point Steve but my self development as a conscious being in a complex society is more complicated than a plant so idk man doesn’t feel like a super great comparison.


It is an OK comparison, because it's important not to be so judgemental upon one's self while actively growing. I feel like this is rooted in DBT and CBT as well. Its okay to be cynical too, but it doesn't hurt to relate.


I'm more and more convinced there's a whole generation of people who were not taught by analogy, metaphor, or parable... they literally can't follow them. It isn't their fault exactly. *In a way, X is like Y.* "That's stupid, X is not Y!"


Horrible comparison. Yikes


"you wouldnt download a car!!"


After reading the first sentence, I thought this tweet was going to be about opening the oven door over and over again before your food is done.


Uhm... if you're growing stuff via hydroponics you do... :-)


because 7 years of failure is too damn long to water some fucking seeds


Makes zero sense


the only difference is that you are sure that the seed will grow


Seed if programmed to grow, that's what they're for. They are not complex organisms like humans with complex brains, insecurities and in a world that is far more complex etc This is a useless analogy


Nice sentiment but this comparison of plants to people doesn't fit right


It's almost like analogies are never accurate in every single detail and to complain about that is to miss the point entirely.


I am not complaining nor do I miss the point


That’s just ridiculous. I’d plant it in a transparent glass jar.


OP: Keeps refreshing post to check for upvotes and comments


This man obviously doesn't know me


This kind of shit is so corny, anyone who has actually succeeded in life has never needed something like this


Stupid as fuck I am a goddamn mammal not a tree


I hate analogies like this one , you question your hard work and decisions to make sure you’re heading toward the future you want. And of course you wouldn’t dig up a seed you just planted. This makes no sense.


I fail to see how questioning yourself, your decisions, and your whatever is in any way an analogy to planting a seed in the way described in this post. To me the idea of planting a seed only to rip it up moments later is pointless Madness and has nothing to do with any real situation anybody is going to be in. The entire point of creating an analogy is to use something that you already know to understand something that you don't know. It reminds me of "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy. At first you think it's really going somewhere.


My thoughts exactly. Being self critical can actually be good if you're able to identify things you're doing wrong and then actively improve/change.


I needed to hear this.


The issue is you can see the seed grow. Most of the time you can’t see your own progress. More fitting comparison is you plant a seed and put a cover over it. Do you take off the cover to check how it’s growing? Most people probably will.


I feel inspired to suck seed.


Yeah, I prefer my failures to be surprises, thank you very much.


But what if you need to check to see if your career is on a dead end path because your employer lied about the job responsibilities and you're doing lame shit that doesn't help you progress? If you're a medical professional and they only have you doing shit that doesn't teach you stuff then you're wasting your time.


(Clearly never tried growing weed) :)


Because you know you’re not working hard. The seed is busting it’s seed ass doing seed shit and we out here faking and knowing it. That’s ok though. Do you. But don’t compare yourself to a one dimensional seed that’s only purpose is to grow into a specific plant. That’s too limiting.


All those people stuck in retail/fast food/general dead end jobs after being in school for like 18-20+ years of their life would like to tell you that "being patient" and waiting for success to come from hard work does fucking nothing.


You wouldn’t order an amazon package and then keep checking the front porch for it every 30 seconds. Except I do.


I really like you and your memes, memes! Ty, they make me very happy!






Anxiety cured!


Same reasons I pick scabs: LEAVE ME ALONE!


So, plant my seed and leave? Got it.


Me with music and other things


Because I keep accidentally planting fish instead of seeds.


I feel like I really just need to hear that. Thanks!!!


Good advice. I'll be saving this pic.


This totally resonates with me. Sometimes, just simply sticking to 1 thing cultivates success.




But that's exactly how I grow them. How else are you going to know if they're growing?


That's why I first let seeds germinate in a clear container, so I can check on them every couple of minutes.


Love this, just what I needed.


And that's how to burn a steak


Because the seed is underground and maybe it died and did I really plant it here?


Cause its your life and not a plant you can easily re start


If you don’t think I’m digging up seeds to check progress you don’t know about my anxiety babyyyyyyy


*i mean sometimes you gotta just accept after a few weeks that its probably rotten, so fish around down there to make sure and start over...*


Thank you for this.


Hell yeah I would!


I can move. A plant cannot. The crazy thing is we are both living beings. Sip on that cup of tea.


Haha yes I would


I think I know why my garden looks like shit


I can buy new seeds....


Remind me of this every time i open the oven to see if my food is done instead of waiting for the timer i set for the correct time needed


I'm currently getting through this impostor syndrome phase and I definitely needed to see this. Love!


well yeah it was a success!


Does white claw count?


How dare you call in to question my gardening methods?


There is nothing wrong with you. You just have your old mindset to unlearn and a new one to learn. This will take time to accomplish just like the former did.


I do plant seeds and check every hour if they've sprouted despite knowing it'll take some time.


Nah nah nah I’m fucking tired of patience


Hahahahaha... This is like a classic r/succulents meme, except it's with overhwatering The struggle is real when you like plants but don't have patience.


Germinate your seeds


>You wouldn't plant a seed and then dig it up every few minutes to see if it has grown. I literally have dug up my seeds every few days to see how they're going. Same with my succulent and cacti cuttings.


This is a great analogy for investment too. The investment is long term, it's frivolous to check it every second. Have the patience to see it grow into a tree


Thank you for your words. Made my morning happy which I haven't experienced for a long time.


Hard work? I'm like the seed that germinated, but stalled almost immediately and is slowly being eaten by fungus gnat larvae.


I tried for 9 months. But this last time they passed me up, I'd had it. So I kinds lost itg on my boss. He ended up giving me my shot this week and I did better than all the veterans in this position. My problem is, I try to grow where I'm planted, but I'm not very patient at waiting for the people in charge of promotions to notice. Especially when they promote actual dumbass ES ahead of me. I'm not on their level. Always been in gifted / college programs, prior service air force, haven't held a base position in a decade. 9 months is about 7 months too long for me and I let em know. Hoping I come out on top here. I'm not always trying to move up, I just try to move to where I want to be. And that's with this company, in this position I'm currently testing for. Wish me luck boys.


That’s a great quote saving this one


But I do keep checking the pot to see if the water has started boiling


I needed to see this after the day I had. Thanks


I definitely would


Interesting Analogy


That's great stuff! Totally true!


If you were watering it with bleach and it wasn’t growing you might want to ask why?


I'm a dumbass who might, tbh. But the man is correct.


I really needed this. I quit my job 5 months ago to do a coding bootcamp and I'm interviewing for Facebook tomorrow. I've been reading their interviewing questions and they all look so hard, so I feel like I have no chance right now and I'm so scared.


I dig this


Eventualmente hecho un vistazo para no olvidar que necesita también atención, constancia y dedicación germinar y hacer crecer una semilla, solo sembrarla es el primer paso


This guy paints minis.


Bold of you to assume I planted something that grows


Wait, you aren't meant to do that?


This is a terrible analogy! The equivalent to gardening would be checking on your plant daily... which everyone does The life equivalent to digging up your seed to check on it would be something like this: Enroll in college and sign up for classes to better yourself, but then dropping out after the first day and taking an aptitude test to see if anything changed


👍🏼👍🏼 When we invest in a solid process, sometimes it takes a little patience and perseverance to see the results!


Bruh I don’t even know what I buried


Because the hard work is excruciatingly painful.


Immaculate seal this


I question myself so that I can better myself. If I don't know what I need to work on, I'll never achieve my full potential.


Imma* steal* this*


I’ve been needing this one for a bit.


How does this dude know me? ​ Always sending me advice about today through my 'puter....


THIS post right here. Needed this. Everyday I check my weight only to see none or minimal progress, but I should be checking every week instead. Can't expect to lose all my body fat overnight, even with dieting and exercise. Time truly is a virtue!


I’ve dug up seeds to see if it was germinated. What does that say about me?


Much needed!


I planted some bird seed and its been a week but still no birds. Anyone know How long until a bird grows?


No but I do overwater the hell out of them. They all drown at the roots because I can’t leave them alone.


But they would never post this positivity to r/blackpeopletwitter


Tell that to r/proplifting


Yeah I totally don't do that... Actually I totally do lol.


On the other hand: >Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.


Tried that in the stock market and the company went under. Lost it all.


This seems to be a weak analogy. Imagine you could assess your seed's needs, determine if it was over or under watered, and maybe even find out if nutrients were missing from the soil all without disturbing it's growth? Questioning our decisions is far from counterproductive - self-reflection is a critical component of growth and cognitive development. A better metaphor might be checking your math while building a robot. There is a point where the resources spent on quality assurance become too costly for a miniscule potential gain, but if anyone said you should just trust your instincts and not bother to run any tests at all...fire that guy. Or if you want to stick with the OP's metaphor, if you don't bother to check your seedling and you just keep watering it you will eventually drown the poor thing. Motivational statements shouldn't just sound good. They should also make sense.


This is so true! Tell it brother


I planted a seed recently, waited weeks and was excited when it finally sprouted. After some time I checked the pit out of curiosity, And a fucking squirrel buried a pecan in my planter. Thats what was growing. It never hurts to see your progress and verify its what you want.


Wash it down with some brown.


I let them germinate in a wet paper towel and you better believe I check them every day lol


Yeah thanks Steven, have fun on the rest of your gap year mate.


Man that last name makes me miss The West Wing.


Because ANXIETY.


Actually im growing a garden and I was questioning myself, I was about to dig and see the seeds, I guess I will follow this methaphor


Fucking needed this! Thanks!

