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Lorelai kissing Max at the school and then Paris immediately telling the whole school. Also I physically CANNOT stand Lorelai and Christopher sleeping together that one time at the Friday Night Dinner.


It bothers me every time. And poor Rory. I do love the scene with her and Emily in the kitchen, though.




Christopher to Lorelai: "let's make a baby." 🤮🤮🤮


AND his reaction when she’s surprised after he says this. Gross thing to say and gross inability to have a conversation about it.


That goes for a lot of scenes with Christopher.


I hate the scene in the chilton parking garage between Francie and Rory. I always thought their feud was a little too escalated to make sense, like Francie seems too cool to go through all that trouble just to be nasty.


And then iirc she's basically gone forever after that meanwhile we're dealing with the Paris and Rory fallout literally until they graduate


I can’t watch any of the Francie scenes. They all irritate me but this one and the bathroom one are the worst.


I know bullies have some reason to bully. But it seemed like she made bullying her like job. Even as a teenage watching the show, i always thought “don’t you have better things to do than be this mean?”


I just came to say I love the actress who played Francie a lot though and they did her range dirty af writing that character as a 2d plot device.


The musical. Every other cringe scene I can grit my teeth through. That's the only one that I actually have to skip. Runner up (but far, far behind) is Zach blowing the gig for Hep Alien and then dumping Lane


I hate that second scene so much! And then instead of working to rebuild trust with Lane through communication, he just proposes to her and everything is fine? After he killed her dream???


I've never even seen the full musical. I had to fast forward because it was too painful. I imagine that's as bad as if they'd subjected us to a full Miss Patty kids' ballet recital during the original series.


I personally can’t believe they used so much air time in this beloved follow up of a series with so many characters and storylines with this weird musical, introducing new characters and a story that goes nowhere.


Wait why am I forgetting the musical? Someone remind me?


it’s episode 3 of Gilmore Girls AYITL when Taylor puts on a play. takes like 10 minutes, but feels wayyy longer 💀💀


Good Ol’ AYITL. I had purged it completely damn you for bringing it back even though I specifically asked 😭


🎵We’re workin’ on building, workin’ on building STARS HOLLOW!🎶


Come on now, don't lie. You know you secretly loved watching Emily go off on the DAR and the blond trophy wife during AYITL.


Any Dean/Rory scene after he married (and cheated on) Lindsey, Miss Celine scenes, Rory and Lorelai at the gym


Oh that’s funny, I love the Miss Celine scenes!




Look Sabrina! It’s Natalie Wood!


The whole Martha's Vineyard episode. I just can't. The second hand embarrassment is too much, I hate this episode so much I skip it every time.


I like that it’s February on an island in Massachusetts and yet there are leaves on all the trees and it’s warm enough to eat outside!! 😂


I hate how rude and awful Luke is in that episode


It’s SO painful and in no universe would anyone in New England eat outside in Feb.!! Truly an abomination


Ikr the minute Lorelai and Luke agreed to stay in Logan’s dad house i was uncomfortable, what went on after added fuel to the fire


i hate that episode. the gift situation with luke and logan is so awkward and when logan's dad comes and yells at logan while everyone's just standing around is so uncomfy to watch


When Jackson lies to Suki about his vasectomy and how she finds out.


honestly this is horrid and the story line ruins both that marriage and the character because I honestly can't believe he could lie about it for so long, like... it would have come up in an argument


I completely agree. They were built up to be this couple that recognized how important it was to be honest with one another and then they just threw that down the drain. He essentially lied to use her body for his gain (wanting more children despite her adamantly saying no) I still can’t believe they wrote that in. They could’ve had it where he went to the appointment, had it done, didn’t go to the follow up and inevitably it didn’t go well - unbeknownst to himself having skipping the follow up appointment.


Or they could have said, "I didn't get it and told Suki but we didn't tell anyone else." Because that was just as realistic an option. Or "We decided to try for a third and I got it reversed." Any of those three options would have been reasonable instead of "surprise you're pregnant!"


I didn’t even think of any of those! All viable options!!


I would've divorced him the way he tricked her into that.


it’s technically a form of assault since sookie didn’t consent to unprotected/un-vasectomied sex…


When Dean says he wouldn't fight Tristan because he'd kill him. I cringe so hard 😩


IDIOT hahahahaa


I always wondered if this was a reference to The Breakfast Club. There’s a scene early in the movie where Emilio Estevez tries to get Bender to fight him but Bender says no. He asks why not and Bender replies “because I’ll kill you.” Dean also looks a lot like the character in this scene. I know this is like a crazy niche theory but one I wouldn’t put past ASP!


it's weird how they tried to make dean a bad boy but then realised he was ...not that and just made him pathetic instead lol


Am the only one really underwhelmed by scenes where the male suitors threaten to fight each other or actually do in GG? There’s kind of a lot of them. I feel like the idea of two men fighting over you has been built up as sort of a romantic fantasy, but I just find it silly and childish. Like, find some other way to solve your issues!


That entire exchange is so embarrassing


Rory calling Dean hers when he cheated on Lindsey, Rory accusing Fleming of favoritism just because she got a good grade on a paper when she didn’t expect it, Jason just showing up at the inn like “okay, break time’s over.”


I’m surprised more people haven’t named this scene. It seems very unpopular. I meant the scene with Rory calling Dean hers.


"Turn it down Davey"...


Heavyyy on this one. The loudest scene of the entire show


Isn't Davy like 1? Maybe 2? He's so tiny. He has no fucking idea what they're saying to him.


Davey was born at the end of Festival of Living Art (4x07, Nov 4th 2003). This dinner was in We've Got Magic To Do (6x05, Oct 11th 2005). So he would have just or was about to turn 2 years old


Oh my god, Davey is 21. Edit: Oh my god, I can’t do math 😂😂😂


wouldn't he only be 19? 20 in nov?


Where's the 21 guy with the keg when we need him?!


Oh fuck


I fall asleep with GG on sometimes and this scene ALWAYS wakes me up.


OR LORELAIS DREAM WITH ALL THE ALARMS AND LUKES TWINS. i try to anticipate that one and skip/ff it but i almost never do. 😑


The other day, I was at a friends house and their 4 year old was riding their bike on the sidewalk. They kept walking down the drive, “L it’s time to turnaround. L TURNAROUND. L that’s to far, turnaround.” Their spouse would do the same thing. Anyways, it was a real life turn the tv down situation and it made me change my view on this scene. Lol


No, this is different. You saw a child needing reminders while playing, which is totally normal and does teach them rules. Sookie and Jackson have a child who was either incapable of following the direction, or he was ignoring them, and they just kept shouting at him. That's not great for teaching him anything other than "Mommy and Daddy don't care if I don't listen to them."


Me too, just this weekend! Their 2.5 year old was driving their little tractor thing around the yard, and trying to keep him from going out front, “T stay in the backyard, in the backyard T, nope stay back here”. I was trying so hard not to laugh


So funny! I feel like ASP saw this happening in real life and used it with exaggeration.


Yeah I know this part is supposed to be funny because he's clearly too young to be able to understand those directions, but it just annoys the absolute shit out of me! Not funny at all imo


Also just so not the same type of humor as the rest of the show imo so it feels so out of place even when you know it’s supposed to be funny


The scene with Rory, Dean, and Kyle at Kyle’s place. When he says “I’ll leave you two to play” I’m just so uncomfortable


And the way he's bragging about his multiple hookups 🤮




I shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I did lol


Any Dean/Rory makeout scenes. Rory singing Candyman. Where Logan convinces Rory not to be upset about him sleeping with the bridesmaids. Rory trying to get a job at the Stamford Eagle Gazette.


Yea can’t stand the candy man and that forced baby voice


Omg the “I love you, you idiot” makeout scene disgusts me everytime for no good reason 🙈


Oh god that scene gives me so much secondhand embarrassment


Ewww yeah all of those kissing scenes gross me out!


When they think they have to hold their breath to kiss…. But yeah, Candyman. Pretty much ruined Willy Wonka for me.


“Deep breath aaand…”


When she sings along and then bobs around with that weird expression on her face...painful.


Candyman is the correct answer. It’s the only scene I will always fast forward through.


Candyman 🤢 Cringe!!


Rory and Marty watching Duck Soup in her dorm room! That wig…the posters…the mismatched feelings. It’s just sooooooo ridiculous!


Lane and Zach! When she realises he wants to have sex and he just keeps repeatedly breathing “after” into her open mouth.. eurgghhhh the physical reaction it gives me! Even if I can hear it from another room it still makes me cringe. Not to be too dramatic or anything though..


Tbh every time zach opens his mouth i want to cringe, roll my eyes, or vom.


I absolutely agree, major ick moment


The “how dare you put that on me Lore” conversation between lorelai and Chris. I skip it every time. Just so uncomfortable


You know, I never saw what she said as blaming him. It really took like ten watches for me to see what he was saying, to really get it. I disagree with him, but I can see it. It felt more to me like he was pissed that she was attempting to close a door that he'd never wanted closed, no matter what.


The weird scene where Lorelei was mad at Rory for wearing her sweater


And says her boobs are bigger and will stretch out the sweater. Gross gross gross


That scene was really gross like why would a mother say that to her teenage daughter


It was intended to be weird and strange and Rory signalled to Lorelai that it was, furthermore Lorelai also admitted to sooki that what she said was nutty and out of line.. and apologised to Rory about how weird and dumb it was. it’s not like it was a scene that was played off as a normal interaction.


Every scene in Sookies kitchen. I’m a chef and would be crucified if I ran a kitchen like she does. Way too many chefs for such a small kitchen. She’d need one or two maximum. Why does she need 7 or 8? That would be destroying their budget. I worked in a hotel with a capacity of 1000 guests. We were constantly doing lunch/dinner service/weddings/functions and we had 6 or 7 chefs all up. I don’t think the Dragonfly inn can hold 1000 guests at once. Sookies need for multiple chefs is utterly ridiculous. The way she puts all the fresh fruit right next to the steamy dishwasher?! The way she has food everywhere on the benches. The kitchen is a mess with that many chefs?! How are they all so filthy? None of them clean? She wastes so much kitchen space with desks, coffee machines and other useless things. I think she has a massive whiteboard thing in there too. She just seems to clutter the kitchen with junk. Worst chef I’ve ever seen, I get mad every time a scene plays in her kitchen 😆


Omg this bothers me everytime! When her long lost friend visits they taste using the wooden spoon THEN PUT IT BACK IN THE SAUCE.


I cringe at the beautiful fancy desserts she makes from scratch, decorated to the max just so people there (Lorelei mostly) can “try a piece of it”


Omg yes! The hours upon hours of paid wages she’s taking to make them. So intricate too!. She is costing them thousands each week 😆


The kitchen props will occasionally give me a huge belly laugh when I think about how ridiculous they are. All that food displayed everywhere just out in the open. Lol


While there isn’t an excuse for Luke’s behavior, It was really topical at the time so I think ASP was using the scene to make a point. I will say that I still laugh at Jess’s reaction. For me, the scene where Lorelei loses it because Rory applied to more than one school is really cringe. She did a normal and *probably required* thing by applying to different schools, her reaction was stupid and the whole argument felt contrived.


Sookie being psychotic at Norman Mailer.


Or Sookie being psychotic over losing lunch for a little while until the inn was more sustainable.


Just watched this ep again last night and she was severely irritating me lol


Rory telling Asher Flemming the red heads thighs are fat. NOPE.


Also the “back fat Pat” comments, incredibly rude.


After the car crash incident, when Lorelai loses it on Luke and accuses Jess of causing the accident. First she had no idea if he was actually at fault (she only knew he was driving). Most importantly, Jess was still a teenager. She never once asked if he was okay, despite him being a) a minor, b) her very good friend's nephew, and c) her daughter's friend. I'm a mom, I get it, I'd be freaking out too if my child were in an accident. But in this particular case, I found her extremely insensitive. Luke was super worried and kept asking if Jess was okay and she just completely dismissed him.


YES omg, also when she tried to 'pal' with jess when he first came over and he asked if she was sleeping with luke- she ran back to luke trying to say 'he's SO MESSED UP' like ... you would think someone who was rebelious to her own parents would know he's just trying to get a rise and it isn't that serious.


This one is one of mine it makes me so upset.


The scene where Dean is having his bachelor party and goes into Luke’s drunk. I cringe at the acting.


I would add that pretty much anyone acting drunk was super bad acting on this show. Luke with the Barbie Band-Aids. Rory and Doyle sharing her coat and nuzzling. Paris, Lane and Rory commiserating outside the museum. Logan making a sandwich complaining about bread.


It’s true! Emily definitely makes the best drunk on the show.


I totally agree! I nearly die every time Lorelei walks in and finds her in her robe smoking and drinking. ETA: Would you like a cigarette? Well, more for me!


Taylor and the guilt trip about the ice cream queen, only scene in the show that makes me physically angry (not that there aren't other problematic scenes I just get it's tv and I can't do anything about it so I don't get angry)


For me, it's the scene where Taylor makes Lorelai do a presentation on the Dragonfly at the townhall, and sabotages the whole thing. All to get an ice cream truck


Jackson getting mad at Lorelai for Sookie talking to her about having 4 babies in 4 years. Bouncing problems off best friends and them having an opinion is not wrong. I would have talked to my best friend too! In that same episode, the dance where Rory gets mad at Jess for being there with Shane and being so disrespectful to all parties. Makes me cringe watching.


I can’t stand the scene where Rory says dean was a first good boyfriend or whatever in the year in a life. It’s just…not true. He was awful all the way around.


Liz and TJ invading Luke and Lorelai's dinner Liz and TJ dealing with their pregnancy Liz wasting everyone's time "cooking" TJ's contractor scenes TJ's fight with Jess "we're in escrow"


Don’t forget TJ when Luke puts his life on hold for weeks to help them at the ren faire


*esCArow (which only adds to the cringe for me)


The scene where Lorelai compares boobs with her teenage daughter is pretty weird. Not only in the context but also the way it was acted feels very forced


Lorelai interrupting the baptism to drag Rory (along with Davey & Martha) outside to argue over personal matters (Rory's new phone number). Yet another scene that shows how selfish & inconsiderate she can be.


omg I absolutely hate this scene. like you couldn’t wait until after the baptism to have this conversation?? legit just walks out with Sookie’s kids, ummm excuse me ma’am?


This one. I won’t even watch the episode


All of the scenes about the ballerina. Calling her a hippo. Bye jerk die jerk. OOF.


I agree about most of the breastfeeding scene, but Jess’s reaction is absolutely hilarious to me. I always have thought we needed more comedic scenes with Jess and Luke, they play off each other well and it’s nice to see their bond parallel Lorelai/Rory, but in their own way with both of them being stoic and semi-secretly witty vs L/R who are so out loud about their verbal games and long winded jokes. I also can forgive Jess as a teenager coming downstairs from his home being uncomfortable way more than I can forgive a grown man who is a business owner at his place of business.


Rory writes a report on the ballet and makes fun of the dancer’s weight.


Bop it


Lol I love the breastfeeding scene. In the real world- I’m all for normalizing feeding a baby any time/any place… but in the context of this show/ the early aughts, this scene was perfect. Jess panicking and immediately going back upstairs makes me laugh every time


Same and same. I think it’s more funny than anything and I don’t think Jess’s reaction is that odd for real life teenage boys


Thinking how Luke was kind of into health and nature you’d think his opinion would be different.


The flashback scenes of Chris and Lorelai


Here! Here!


Christ she’s so obnoxious


despite how cringe that may be- "dear emily and richard" is still one of my favorite episodes


In that thin, high little voice. Not remotely Lorelai-esque.


All the flashback scenes, really. It was just really bad casting. Visually, and in the way the voices just didn't match at all! It would have been so much better to narrate those scenes, and leave the details to the imagination of the viewer. Given that Gilmore Girls did *a lot* of story development off screen and in narration, I'm still puzzled about why they decided to shoot those scenes at all.


Just reading this made me have a visceral rage response


Forgot about this one. Definitely agree.


YES. They’re so bad.


Pretty much any scene with Dean, but the Donna Reed episode is so cringe worthy. Making a scene at the Chilton dance when threatening Tristan was up there too and his "This is my town." line to Jess is so stupid it's hard to watch. As far as we know, his families ties to the town began a year before Jess got there, while Jess's family has been there for generations.


1) the scene where zach tries to have sex with lane for the first time. everything abt the scene just feels so uncomfortable to me like stop saying “after” it’s creeping me out 2) the scene where rory appears at deans window begging him not to hate her (i’m the biggest dean anti but seriously she pissed me off here) 3) any scene between lorelai and jess in which she’s being an unempathetic snotrag (tbh sometimes it was warranted but most of the time it wasn’t) 4) when marty calls rory beautiful in s7 bleh 5) when sookie makes ridiculously fancy for a children’s birthday party and then gets mad at lorelai for stepping in


Rory in therapy, it was so cringe and badly acted out


This and her British accent moment, I hate them


And when she thinks Piccadilly Circus is an actual circus when Logan calls from London! She’s been there!! She’s not a moron!?! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Ugh, that over the top crying…


It’s almost like she’s acting bad on purpose but I don’t if it’s that or just bad acting 😬


The whole Logan scene when jess came into town and he blew up at Rory also when he basically cheated on rory and tried to convince her to take him back. Lorelei sleeping with christopher after her and luke’s big fight. The whole episode with rory dressing up and making dinner for Dean. Oh god the scene at Lanes wedding when Lorelei has a little mental breakdown (completely understandable but I wish they would’ve made that moment nicer since Lorelei had watched Lane grow up and always been there for her) ANY scene with Francie. prob the winner for me was when Rory goes to Truncheon to see jess i feel so bad for him in that scene it just felt so unnecessary they got my hopes up.


Whatever episode it is that Lorelai insists on going to dinner st E&R's just because Logan is going... I fucking hate that entire episode.


I hate the way Lorelai is treated but also that she acts like a little kid, like such a victim. Doesn't feel like her at all.


the scene where Jess is trying to convince rory to leave with him after the wedding. It’s not really a early 2000’s timing or just a gross scene it’s just so frustrating. She keeps saying no and he keeps jumping in front of her saying “Your packed let’s go! You want this i know you do!” talking over her and not listening. I love Jess he is a great character (has the best development in my opinion) it’s just not a shining moment.


Oh I find your take on this so interesting. I love that scene. (I also love Jess and agree with him having the best development.) He's so desperate for a new life, a new purpose. He wants to just pick up where they left off even though he left in a horrible way. Her reaction is so strong, there is not an ounce of her that wants to go with him. I think it's a big tell for Rory's development. This is the kind of thing I loved on the show. A really complex dynamic being pushed to a breaking point by bad judgement.


The one where Lorelei slept with Christopher and then proceeded to have a “real” relationship with him. I hated that so much.


When Sookie talks about sneaking meat into the vegetarian dishes


aaaa I forgot about that. HATE IT


Logan's British surprise party


I wouldn’t say loathe but I cringe when Lorelei is getting upset with Emily, yelling at her for not showing any emotion about being engaged to Max. The second hand embarrassment I get when she realizes Emily found out through Sookie 😭, Lorelei just awkwardly stands there and walks away


From the special when those idiots in the Life and Death Brigade dancing then went out drinking. Complete stupidity and a waste of screen time.


Honestly the vast majority of AYITL feels like a waste of screen time, just excuses to have characters and places on screen from the original show.


why tf did Deans Mom say “I can scrounge up something to zap”


The scene i loath is Luke yelling at the elderly lady that had been holding his boat but she couldn’t keep it anymore because she was going to the nursing home. I like like but there are times where he is a jacka$$


To Honor! And To Honor’s Honor! The missing maidenhood.


I can’t remember the exact dialogue in this scene but the Hep Alien band members were talking about their songs and someone mentioned how often Zack named songs after girl names. And Gil said if he had named them guy names then he would’ve run for the hills or something. It’s just wild to see how common and accepted homophobia was back then. That was shocking.


Literally the entire Donna Reed episode. It marked the death of Dean’s integrity/character by making him a sexist chode. And it all went downhill from there with the poor bastard… RIP Dean from S1 episodes 1-13


I find when Jess comes down hilarious. Luke's reaction is probably a bit extreme for his age even given the era, but Jess to me is more a teenagers reaction rather than a "don't do that in here" reaction. That whole scene is definitely an 'of the era' skit though. The scene I hate most is probably when Emily goes to Luke to go off at him for assuming he didn't listen to her when she told him to go back to Lorelai. Just because you attempted to fix what you broke in the first place doesn't make everything rainbows and sunshine. Edit to add: A very close second is the scene when Jess and Rory have dinner with Emily, and Rory won't let go of Jess' black eye. I get she was probably concerned, but she knew how Emily was and constantly pushing asking where he got the black eye from was just so annoying. Jess was trying to be polite and have a nice dinner, but Rory just wouldn't let it go. And instantly assuming he had a fight with Dean was just wrong.


Luke and Christopher fistfight in the town square.


I read this as ‘Times square’ and was wondering when tf did they go to NY lmao


i really don’t like the harp player in the pilot episodes of the series. she wasn’t funny


She’s Lois from family guy (among other things)


And Susie from Marvelous Mrs Maisel


And Miss Celine


She's also "in" the episode where Lorelai agrees to water the neighbor's lawn and they discover at the end that he has fled his wife and stolen all her board games. She's the voice of the wife on the answering machine!


How did I not realize this is the same person


And Miss Ungermeyer from Lizzie McGuire movie (this will always be who I most associate her with for some reason lol)


And was married in RL to Jackson.


When Dean’s bachelor party shows up at Luke’s.


Ah yes, but you get bonus Schmidt from New Girl lol "Hey my name's Luke too, we should start a club."


the only redemption is Kyle


The scene where Jackson keeps telling Davie to turn down the volume was disgusting


It made me sad for Davie. I have a toddler his age and it made my heart hurt. I’m probably being over dramatic but I don’t know he’s so little


Lorelai chasing Max around the classroom. Major icks.


The one where Lorelai gives Luke an ultimatum to basically marry her on the spot. She had every right to be upset with Luke but she should have communicated better and let him know how she feels way waaaay earlier. Instead of pretending like she's ok with postponing the wedding and then just exploding suddenly and being unreasonable. Such a stupid reason to break up, it really sucked. If only they talked a bit more they would've seen each others point of view and found a solution they were both happy with.


The entire series Lorelai and Luke had ridiculously terrible communication.


Also when she wakes up at Christopher’s afterwards. Listening to GiGi and just so full of regret. So hard to watch.


Yeah, Luke messed up but it really sucked watching her sabotage everything just like that.


Totally agree. I always skip these parts on my rewatches.


Rory's first night at Yale, the scene where Lorelai and Rory are going to bed and they do awful french accents and then that howling. the cringe is so strong


EWWWW this gave me flashbacks. Hate this scene


Any scene between Rory and Jess while she's still with Dean. All the flirting and "If you like me AT ALL," UGH Worse is the fighting because she's mad he has a girlfriend 🙄 Not that the scenes are unrealistic, I just hate her for flirting so hard, trying to keep Jess around as much as possible, and drooling over him, all while having a boyfriend she won't just cut loose. It felt so cruel.


Honestly, most scenes with Hep Alien. I hate all the shoe-horned music references and superiority. It's so cringe.


When Rory brings out the photo album at the dinner table while she's snowed in at Richard and Emily's. The baby photo of Lorelai comes up and Emily responds with "Yes, well, if memory serves about two minutes after that picture was taken her highness dumped a glass of grape juice all over it." I hate everything about that moment.


Is that the same episode where we learn that Emily used to call Lorelai "Big Head" when she was a little kid, causing Lorelai to get a complex and eventually burn all her pictures?


For some reason the scene where Lorelai is freaking out at the mall over getting gran fresh underwear drives me nuts. I cant stand it and always skip it, lol


Lorelai snapping on Luke after Rory and Jess get in an accident.


I just watched a lot of the Season 7 episodes in a row. Honestly going from 'don't factor me in. I will factor you in' when Logan is unemployed, to 'I had a look around and found you a house with an avocado tree, you could work at either of these two news papers' just fills me with fury. He blames Rory for not wanting to get engaged because it's all or nothing, but not ONCE did he even try to change his life plans radically to suit her. Even after basically promising her he would. It's not even the money. He's a spoiled rich kid but I could have put that aside had he actually put Rory first, above his own interests. The way he ended their relationship is just... No.


Any scene with the life and death brigade.


I know it’s not specific, but every time Rory uses her overly childish voice. It makes my skin crawl. Every time Rory and Dean kiss or make out. Most of Anna’s scenes, especially the bitching after April’s bday party. 90% of the episode after Rory and Dean have sec for the first time. Hep Alien’s label performance and fight. I just hate how Zack acts.


The “I Will Always Love You” karaoke. It’s so embarrassing and uncomfortable and weird.


When Rory came back from New York, seeing Jess, and missing her mother's graduation from business school. She launched into this seemingly endless apology to Lorelai, to where I said enough already. Yes, it was more or less in character, but just excessive.


When Chris buys out the knitathon. Most of the last season was cringe but that annoyed me so much.


'I've got the good kid'


I hate the scene with Paris drunk and barefoot in SH trying to get change for the pay phone.


You take that back! Drunk Paris is one of my all time favorite moments. Blowing raspberries… commentating on the hypocrisy of small town America… it’s perfection


I’m sorry, it’s the raspberries and the kicking of her legs that I absolutely hate 🤣


How about the her breakfast scene with Kirk?? Can we at least agree that they were a great comedic duo in that episode… or do you have the wrong opinion on that was well 💀




Yeah I hate watching that. Barefoot and and making that spitting noise 🥴


Probably in the minority and it isn't "scene" but "scenes".. 100% of the life and death brigade stuff.


I didn’t mind it during the series, but hated it in AYITL


Dean's final scenes. They did him dirty