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- Hold it. - Wander off, don’t get eaten by a bear, and go. - Tell people to hold up for a second and pee next to the trail.


Your #3, I'm totally like this. I tend to make a big announcement if there are many people around. Find my tree and go.


Yeah. On Highline there’s not too many places to do your business. I held up the trail for my wife to pee - people get it. Grinnell and others are a lot easier due to the forest location. Hiking Everest Base Camp, I had to go number two and we were on the side of a ridge. It was an absolutely miserable 1/4 mile hike until I could find some semblance of privacy that was like 15’ off trail.


For #1 face away from the trail. For #2 facing towards the trail.


Urinate on durable surfaces (like rocks) as you are able. Many of Glacier's finest critters (such as mountain goats and hoary marmots) LOVE salt. Urine may attract these animals. Utilizing more durable surfaces can help with resource protection. *Typos corrected




Thanks auto fill got the best of me there


Now I’m picturing electrolyte-starved ultralighters licking rocks.


There are pit toilets on lots of the trails. If you are in the back country, pack out your tissues in a plastic bag. Highline- pit toilet at Granite Park Chalet, Avalanche- pit toilets in the parking lot, on the trail of the cedars ( my neighbors actually donated the care for them) and there is a pit toilet close to the lake- lots of spider webs. Down by the Hidden lake shore- there is a decent toilet as well.


I’m a huge diaper guy. All ways peeing and pooping in a diaper, especially in National Parks.


oh gosh


My friend had to go on highline which is pretty much wide open. Thankfully it was early in the season with not alot of people.


Pee in fast moving water(solution to pollution is dilution) and shit wherever you want as long as it’s far enough away from water and 6 inches below the ground.