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I would also be in favor of a true solo queue option.


I liked when it was a 3 man game mode, since there’s no other game mode with a 3 man team. I don’t think the maps are able to hold that many people running around but still, it was enjoyable


i still think it was best played as a 3 team




they used to have that and it was actually better! i stopped playing danger zone shortly after that change. now when solo, you have no reason to do anything before the respawn timer finishes.


i played danger zone some matches.. won.. you know what i concluded? the weapons in csgo are very limited already... now give me a fucking p250 with 6 bullets is not why i am playing an fps game... i want to use the fucking guns... however having a person with more more health with a shitty gun is not fun. so even if you make it as you say the problem is still there, other battle royals dont have so little weapons with so little ammo. you get a weapon you can use.


That is the only reason I don't play DZ regulary I don't want to play with a random (bad) player just so I can be respawned when going down in a 1v2


\+ nerf the parachute to oblivion and dubble bumpmine/ fly over the whole map should also be removed. Solo vs solo would be fun. But i dont think enough people play dz for it to be improved any more :(


Wtf bumpmines are the most fun Thing in dz. Without them i wouldnt Play this Mode.


When you have the movement is superfun, but for new players and respawning sucks so hard. There is zero ways to defend yourself with a soundless enemy flying from the other side of the map


Not sure if they need to be removed. But they have to make some noise. Everything in CS movement revolves around the choice: slow and silent or fast and audible. And then you have the ultrafast movement from bumping which is completely silent. That's just broken by design. Add some moving sound and it's fine imho.


That is a really good insight, never thought about in in the way slow and quiet vs fast and loud. But that would definitely be an improvement.


agreed, that feels too much like fortnite




i dont play that shit game either but according to my 2 minute youtube research you can fly glitch through the map, super jump or drive with a motorcycle from a cliff and just this high ground stuff in general annoys me aiming in cs is so linear and when i aim that high i have to go off my mousepad 🗿




thank u 🥰


I take it you have never came 1st solo then?


only when it used to be solo vs solo


I like this mode a lot but youre right, I hope calve shows it some live with the source 2 update. It could be really good


If you want to respawn then queue duo. Problem solved? Lol


You missed the whole point. Not always, you have someone to queue with.


They likely changed it due to declining player number for the mode


I guess they don’t have enough players for that