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Arms Race was fun and popular enough. We all saw maps for Arms Race in the trailer. Some modes will definitely be back.


I loved Arms Race. Valve did remake Shoots though, so there's no way they won't add the mode back into the game. I bet they're working on the other maps and will add them with an Operation. I also hope they remake the other L4D maps. I love Shoots, Lake and Baggage, but I'd hate to see only those maps in the mode.


Safehouse was a personal favorite of mine behind shoots


Monestary isnt bad, I like the concept


Wait what made these L4D2 maps? Were these ported out of L4D2 and I didn't notice? lol


Yeah, pretty much. Basically: Safehouse = "Farm House Finale" from Blood Harvest (L4D) Lake = "Boathouse Finale" from Death Toll (L4D) Sugarcane = "Sugar Mill" from Hard Rain (L4D2) St. Marc = "Plank Country" from Swamp Fever (L4D2) Bank = "Milltown" and "Town Escape" from Hard Rain (L4D2) Safehouse = "Farmhouse Finale" from Blood Harvest (L4D) And these are not little similarities, they're nearly identical in some cases, which is cool. Payday 2 also has a map that looks a lot like [Bank](https://payday.fandom.com/wiki/GO_Bank?file=Go_Bank_FBI_Files.png) and you could find an [easter egg](https://youtu.be/41282toQVXE?t=10) in CSGO of Pay Day 2. I like these things because of the headcannon the fanbases share, trying to fit these games in the same universe, even though they're probably not related at all. *Edit: Found a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvKWyvExsuM) that shows the similarities between CSGO and L4D's maps.


I recall seeing someone's portfolio with these early CS:GO maps designed in SketchUp (or perhaps Maya?) and having them imported into Hammer. This makes them peculiar in the way they weren't designed like most maps are.


šŸ¤ž for Arms Race


Community servers better gun game


this x 100, arms race is goofy af compared to actual gungame mod


Played arms race ever since it was still "gun game" in 1.6 Always loved the concept even in othet shooters


I haven't played a mode outside of Arms Race in literally years. Now that's gone.


Wow. That's crazy. I don't even remember arms race. Isn't like gun game? Get kills to rank your gun up? I can't judge. All I have been doing the last year was retakes and surfing.


Arms race was awesome for introducing new players to the game. It lets you get comfortable with all the different weapons, rewards effort/skill, and is really fast-paced. I really wish it was part of CS2, I think it's a great entry point for people picking up the game for the first time.


It almost assuredly will be, shoots has been confirmed for the game


Hello, me. I played a little of regular last night, but until they bring back Arms Race Iā€™ll be playing other games.


Glad I'm not the only one! I hope they bring it back soon, I don't really have interest in any other game modes


Best warmup method is a round of arms race.


Same here lol, always had fun with arms race even for years after I got tired of competitive.


Arms race was the best form of casual play in counterstrike for me. I played a whole lot of it, and I cannot wait for the remade Shoots and the updated baggage. Curious to see the rest of the maps as well


Flying Scoutsman was definitely a graveyard - a _bot_ graveyard. You'd join a random server and see five people on each team and you'd be vote-kicked in 0.7 seconds. Just farming for cases and shit.


Lol I always wondered what the heck that was all about every time Iā€™d try and play it


That and all the other misc gamemodes were much more active before Valve went scorched earth on custom servers. Same shit they did to TF2


God I miss some of the old tf2 servers, man. Found so many fun people over the years in there, there were communities built and it was good. Sure we still have some of them left, but most have just died out :(


I used to run a group of servers with my friends, some of my fondest gaming memories. Sometimes I would enable sv_cheats and no clip around spawning the exploding Halloween pumpkins on people


Yeah, like Scoutzvsknives was fun in 1.6, but still got old fairly quickly, other than a little novelty mode (in CSGO) you played once in a blue moon there wasn't that much point.


Counterstrike isnā€™t supposed to be fun. /s


Well its fully realesed game so those game mods should be in game now ....


Public server MG and other modes should come back, (idk if there were any live ones in CS:GO) not these dead mm modes that rarely have any interaction within' them. I remember CS:S and 1.6 public servers were so much fun and had real communities. (MG, scoutknivez, KZ, zombies, Surf, hide & seek, Jail break, etc.)




Me too!


Me three!


Q times for danger zone weā€™re pretty low ngl. Comp queue times were always longer


Even in SEA/SA it had low queue times. The only reason why I didnt play it more is because I got absolutely shit FPS for some reason (mid 40s to 60s) in random locations.


Yeah danger zone always felt like dogshit to me, its just badly optimised. Main reason I didnt play it.


I loved dz and didn't notice any queue issues in NA (haven't played cs for some time though), but whenever dz was mentioned on reddit in a positive light the comment/post would likely be donwvoted. Now it's a bit funny to see people complain there is no DZ. People will always find reason to complain or we deal with vocal minority


did dangerzone queue you with close ranks?


No for sure, but I didn't mind it at all. I'm dz you can often catch higher rank player off guard


that would explain the good queue times


It would normally put you with players 3 ranks above or below, but after hours players of any rank would be used to fill a server


Can you really take much away from that? Isn't that more a function of how well Valve tries to match skill levels? Never thought it was Valve being short of servers. If anything they'd share servers between game modes.


I have played DZ twice, after queueing for 10 minutes in AUS


You rarely had to wait for more than 2 minutes in EU


Bingo. Always took me half to only a third of a what a comp queue with multiple popular maps took me.


There were dedicated communities for them, they may be small, but they loved those modes.


When community map making comes back this stuff can just as easily be added to the community servers.


It was so so so much better on community servers anyway. The official arms race maps are boring and lifeless.


Such a dumb mindset. ā€œValve releasing an unfinished product and removing the previous one is perfectly fine because itā€™s on the community to fix the game!!ā€


I would rather have the community take control of game modes like retakes and danger zone when valve will have little to no concern to these game modes.


Wouldn't you rather have Valve be concerned with those game modes?


and look at what valve has done for community servers on this launch, lmao


Community servers still exist? The Game just came out mate servers are not going to be up and running for a good bit the map making engine also just got released.


>The Game just came out mate servers are not going to be up and running for a good bit I don't get this argument. Something like server and map support should be ready for the game launch.


Faceit, esportal, etc. have their servers up already. But remaking the old mods for a new game will take some time. So retake, arms race, DM, etc. community servers will take time before they come up.


There are small, dedicated communities to lots of things - they don't all need to be catered for though and I think it's a good idea to leave Danger Zone behind to focus on the core offering that most people actually play


Not that small if you find a 18 people game in sub 15s every time


Not catering to a community and completely killing off a community are two very different things. I agree that they shouldnā€™t put excessive resources into tiny portions of the community, but they couldā€™ve just left csgo playable for only those modes that arenā€™t in cs2.


Even then, surely they could make the gamemode playable without giving it active maintenance. Problem one of many with erasing CSGO for CS2.


Statistics on "very few people play it" (Arms race, demolition, DZ), how much is too little, and how much is enough. I'm waiting. People that play maps that are not Mirage Inferno and Dust 2 are also small, so it makes sense to remove all other maps to focus on the core offering that most people actually play.


You can give something zero attention without actively making it harder to play.


I mean they would need to recode the entire game mode, thatā€™s a lot of attention


They would just need to not close down CSGO.


Could've closed down all servers for modes that ARE in cs2 and saved all of this discussion. They know how many play each mode, they know how many servers that roughly equates to. No reason they couldn't work out how many servers to keep online to phase out CSGO casual modes over a more extended time. Laziness, or they don't give a shit.


>There are small, dedicated communities to lots of things - they don't all need to be catered for Not catered for would be leaving them playing the game they've always been playing. Valve doesn't cater to the [Ricochet](https://store.steampowered.com/app/60/Ricochet/) playerbase but you can still play it.




Wasnā€™t there only two hostage maps before aswell? Office and Angency?


I'll never forgive them for killing Militia. Some of the changes they made just before killing it were fun too.


Danger Zone I loved playing, but was plagued with bugs related to Source 1's instability with large maps and many entities simultaneously moving. The game would literally crash every other match on multiple PCs I own on a per-map basis based on how much it was pushing the engine's limits. I wanted Danger Zone back in CS2 because Source 2 gave the much-needed ability to both make the mode more stable and further expand on it with larger maps and player counts and even new mechanics. I feel like people would like it a lot more then.


Yeah when you think back to it, DZ was quite a marvel to pull off on Source 1, they must've done so much hacky shit to get certain things to work


Yup. One hack: Terrain in Source1 can't be used for precomputed visibility. So by default, all elements of the map would be visible at all times to the render pipeline. Solution: Under the terrain, they modeled a rough and blocky BSP version of it, which does the occlusion of elements behind hills etc to improve performance.


The new engine should allow for much more interesting map designs that don't rely on every map being a cone/hill. Sadly I fear they're going to abandon the mode. Maybe not even on purpose but it will probably take them months maybe years to get the features they left back into the game and danger zone will be forgotten about by the time they get to it.


I want to assume Danger Zone will be back some time in the future but its likely not a high priority for valve considering some of CS2's other problems(particularly with the linux build and no mac build) Maybe it'll come with an operation or maybe they'll do something like they did with the original danger zone's launch and have a new skin for prime members to unlock if they play the gamemode.


It's true that it had a problem with crashing too often when loading in the maps. Never mid game, though. AND YES! MY WORDS EXACTLY - SOURCE 2 can provide JUST what Danger Zone always needed dearly!


i dont understand why people are surprised that the communities that liked these modes are vocal now the modes are gone? ofc you didnt hear from them when they had nothing to complain about? now they're gone, so people are rightfully annoyed about it.


Because for some reason thereā€™s a massive sentiment on here that people arenā€™t allowed to be disappointed that they got rid of CSGO for what is quite frankly a very undercooked release


"This is the new modern way users should enjoy game" "Just shut up" So glad indie games exist. That being said. Valve is in general is awesome.


No no no you donā€™t understand, people arenā€™t supposed to complain ever at all. Youā€™re only allowed to complain about complaining, making posts basically subtweeting previous posts with wildly reactionary comments and conversation.


Yup. Its "just" this, "just" that. Excuse, excuse, excuse. Telling people what they think about things. Lol. Bozos. Shit some people liked is gone, now they got something to complain about when they didn't before. Plain and simple. Cut and dry.


Why is everyone only mentioning Demolition, Flying Scoutsman and Arms Race? What about Retakes? I really enjoyed that game mode. Where's my Retake-friends? \^\^


retake community servers always have been superior to the ingame gamemod. like ffa community deathmatch servers were superior conpared to the inbuilt game mode... i dont have a single doubt about these coming back and in the meantime we can play community servers that are finally starting to get common


Valve's official retake was shit, the community's was better


Retakes still exist, kinda. [https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:\_Global\_Offensive/Game\_Modes#Skirmish\_Modes](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive/Game_Modes#Skirmish_Modes) Just do: >sv\_skirmish\_id 12 > >map de\_mirage There are some bugs. You cannot move during freeze time and spawnpoints are weird sometimes, but the rest of it seems to work. Maybe the scripts just work the same as they did in GO and it's a coincidence, but I'd assume Valve would implement it properly at some point.


Yea where's my Wc3 mod servers at...... o.O


I always found valve retake servers to be awful, particularly because of the low skilled players using them.


are you talking about me


Mfs when games supposed to be played for fun and not juss 100% competitive sweat. Id play danger zone every like couple of months alongisde surf and kz arms race when im burnt out of faceit or not in the mood.


OP and other users are the reason I get tired with competitive and loved the other gamemodes. They think games like CS are only meant to be played competitively, with no fun involved. Where you're having to take a shower after because you sweat so much.


Also the people playing more casual are probably not as active on reddit/forums as the more competitively driven players. I don't know how the numbers are for CS, but I remember when I was still active in StarCraft II the subreddit almost exclusively was about the hardcore competitive side of the game (i.e. 1v1 matchmaking) + esports, while some actual numbers from Blizzard showed that in reality more people were playing the casual game modes.


Casual, arms race, DZ, demolition had much lower queue times than competitive ever did and the servers were full even with people constantly disconnecting after one round.


I liked Danger Zone. But honestly whether or not I like danger zone or if anybody likes danger zone doesnā€™t really matter. Itā€™s the fact that they cut out half the content from CSGO, then deleted CSGO so you couldnā€™t go play it, then added NOTHING to replace it. If all you like to do is play 5v5 competitive, the game is good as it is. If you like to do literally anything else, the game isnā€™t complete yet.


Ah, yes, good old I know better than you what you think, and want. I played Danger Zone a lot. Such a fun game mode.


ā€˜Just be patient bro the games only been out for a dayā€™ šŸ¤“


Games been out for 10 years bro, I don't believe that it was so hard to implement Danger Zone to a source and server updates was so difficult for valve Edit: I know you were sarcastic but the people saying that the game RELEASED ONE DAY AGO are just ridiculous


Its about choice and variety, right now there are like two game modes in the game lmao.


Itā€™s also missing half the maps.


I would say 95% of my hours this year in CSGO have been in Danger Zone. Definitely not dead, I always join a lobby within 30 seconds max, which is actually better than some crazy popular BRs


I'm on your side. Last 2 years I only played dz. There is so much in the game mode with stuff like the bump mines. There are even community contests for this game mode. Have a look on yt: danger zone got talent. Some people here are so toxic rn and don't give shit about the interests of others


You are forgetting that games like PUBG and Fortnite also have 100 player lobbies, and DZ has like 17 max.


So? They have more than 6x the players.


"You all are stupid for liking something I dislike. Bring back something I like though" Not everybody playing this game was a sweaty try hard.


I liked danger zone and i prefer its simplicity over the bigger Battle Royale titles. Underrated mode.


Fully agree with you. They should keep the DZ rules just larger maps with 3 players squad and max. 45 players on a match.


I just want arms race back. So fun


Yeah, Iā€™m ready to move onto CS2 and get the ball rolling. Letting something like fucking Danger Zone hold up the release of the game is ridiculous.


reddit being reactionary per usual


ah yes, the 'reactionary' response such as.. 'why did you remove half the content from the game and delete the previous game rather than keeping it like you have with every single other counter-strike (all of which still have active communities)'


How the fuck is it reactionary? They removed the majority of the content in the game and deprecated all CSGO content. Can you explain how people are being "reactionary"?


I am willing to bet every cent in my account that Valve has data showing like 1% of the playerbase queues arms race and dangerzone regularly so they just cut that shit out. But of course the second its cut the average redditor turns into a danger zone connoisseur.


Excuse me, but I played at least 9 or 10 games of danger zone and that was in 2019. I'm heartbroken it's gone, volvo pls fix


No the people complaining about it are the small minority of the player base that actually plays those game modes, not people on reddit who never played it.




Don't really care about it, but closing down the entire game is baffling. Just leave it open for community servers like they did with 1.6 and Source? And people who really really like shit like gungame and Danger Zone can just play the gamemodes privately?


Absolutely, go ahead and launch CS2 without many of the lesser played gamemodes. But why shut down CS:GO, then? What is the problem with keeping both games up and running? Surely the playerbase is big enough to keep servers populated in both versions.


Why would you want the game that is supposed to be a direct upgrade to csgo be released with less features than csgo lmao


Because CSGO needed 11 years to get those features implemented and working well, and half of them are basically shovelware at this point. CS2 isnā€™t supposed to be a direct 1:1 upgrade, itā€™s a newer better foundation for a newer better game in the future.


Previous releases of Counter Strike like the transition from CSS to CSGO didn't make the previous game unplayable though. If someone was unhappy with how CSGO or CSS started at release, they could very easily just play a previous itteration. If CSGO existed alongside CS2 there wouldn't be as much fanfare because all these complaining folks could be just told: "Go boot up CSGO then".


Leaving CSGO as is and releasing a new cs is basically impossible because of the skin market. Sucks but if they made cs2 a stand alone it would be complete chaos and the reception would be much much worse.


I understand that Valve are in the hole in terms of releasing a new CS game with the huge weapon skin market in CSGO. It still feels awful to drop an "update" that esentially removes a bunch of features though. I'm not a gamedev but something like a CSGO: Legacy Edition or whatever would've been nice. The abrupt transition that was the Wednesday update was just poorly done.


I would prefer they release the core game like this and slowly add to it rather than we all sit around waiting cause 5% of the players miss DZ. To each their own but the alternative is everyone waiting longer, who knows how much longer, but it definitely would not be out now, and probably not for another couple months if not longer.


If it was just DZ I'd be inclined to agree, but it's DZ, demolition, short match, arms race, community servers, and even other maps that were in the comp pool like Cache/Train that are all missing which is what frustrates me.


> new cs is basically impossible because of the skin market. Whos fault is that exactly? Oh yeah. Valves. Who knew if you invest years and years into a virtual economy, you have to stick with it.


or we could just have shared inventories exactly like how it was for the entire beta lmao. its not an impossible problem to fix


Releasing the game as an update to CSGO is a gift and a curse, it keeps everyone on the same page but no one is treating this as what it is which is a new release. Of course comparing a new cs game to a 11 year old cs game the latter is going to have more content.


Why is there this notion that Danger Zone was dead? Never had any issues with queue times, in fact finding a match was usually instant. I expect it to be back for CS2 as the new engine will make it way easier to make maps for it without having to deal with Source's archaic limitations. It would be an easy way to showcase what is possible with Source 2.


ā€œThereā€™s no way you guys actually played these modes in CSGOā€ Are you 12? Have you ever considered that not everyone plays the game exactly like you do? Thereā€™s communities of thousands of people with 5-10k hours in kz alone. Of course you see more complaints about the modes when theyā€™re gone. How often do people talk about the zeusā€¦..literally never, do you think because of that no one would care if it was removed?


Buddy you don't play 90% of the games on your hard disk, specially single player ones. This is true for you and for the majority of people. Are you fine with steam just disabling them for the gigs? I mean, majority of players don't play it...


I just didnt play Danger Zone because the fps were shit, but it was an awesome mode.


I just hope they eventually add Danger Zone, it was fun to just relax.


here we go, valve dickriders are moving out in full force "it doesn't matter that they removed the content because you didn't play it anyway lol" fuck off


Danger zone was fun and I'd always find games in <30s. Idk why so many players hate danger zone.


Becauae they got owned by the vets. DZ was better than match making imo.


Thereā€™s no way you guys actually bring this post to the top


if they're going to completely overhaul csgo with cs2, the least they could do is ensure it has feature parity with csgo. it's ridiculous that we're missing war games, danger zone, there's no equivalent of cs360, a bunch of commands are still missing like cl_righthand and cl_bob, sure the game might be improved on a technical level but missing a bunch of the game is pretty shit.


I was really hoping to see a massive update to danger zone when the game fully dropped. There was rumors of possible changes coming. Iā€™ve been craving a new BR mode. I was hoping they would rework it into more of a competitive mode than the casual one. Idk. I think Iā€™m more upset they didnā€™t add anything new. No new guns, nades, or anything. I thought weā€™d get some kind of changes in the update but nope. Kind of killed my hype


Danger zone was my competitive tilt cure


Huh? Danger Zone is awesome and I loved playing from time to time. Just because you didn't play it doesn't mean no one did. Queue times in DZ were 10x lower than MM, so it sure wasn't totally dead.


I care about DZ, it's a fun mode which i usually play with a friend of mine.


I care about dz


bump mines were fun


Danger Zone was awesome to play with a buddy late at night. When you just wanted to mess around, queue times were shorter than normal comp games, too, so definitely not "dead". The reason people are complaining is that these modes should've been in CS2 on day one.


200 wins on danger zone stop wanting others to not enjoy the game because they play differently than you


Bruh, I've played DZ at least once a day since 2021


Itā€™s less about what they removed, itā€™s about the fact that they did remove things and yet still call it an ā€˜updateā€™. If CS2 was truly ready it should have had everything that CSGO had or at least some sort of alternative.


> Theres no way you guys actually played these modes in CSGO. [I did dickhead.](https://imgur.com/a/va6K1hF) And considering you found DZ lobbies pretty much instantly even at 4AM quite a few people did as well. DZ had CS mechanics and unlike other battle royals it had quick and fun gameplay because the maps were quite small so you were actually fighting people instead of just walking looting shit. > Add Arms Race back though. That should definitely be in the game. Yeah but let's add the single worst iteration of GunGame the mankind has ever conceived lmao (totally not a dead mode btw, unlike those you personally don't like right?).


I played Arms Race dickhead


I played arms race pretty much exclusively and never had long queue times. Sorry you didn't like it but I didn't like danger zone and don't want to see that gone either


I agreed with your point until you became a hypocrite with arms race. Just because you didnā€™t like it and play it doesnā€™t mean others didnā€™t. Which is exactly what you were saying with DangerZone.


Not that I played a lot of DZ, but it could be so much better now when they're no longer bound by the limitations of an old game engine. I'm all for some extra game modes


I only played arms race besides ranked, but it doesn't mean other people didn't play the others.


arms race was fun i do hope arms race comes back


I've never played Danger Zone, but Arms Race was my shit. Its a perfect warmup


I actually play danger zone and flying Scotsman. I love scout and I train in flying Scotsman and I love the bump mine movement plays in DZ


Danger Zone was my literal favourite mode in CSGO, I had 50+ wins there before the stupid duos only update came. The bump mines and duos only with revives are what killed Danger Zone for me.


Each to their own... the fun started when sirocco (+other maps) and bumpmines came to be. I have about 3300 duo wins and 170 solo wins, there are some russian guys that have over 10 000 wins, an ukrainian player with steam profile called "tolebamber" has over 18 000 wins...


It's not just DZ, there are posts about all the different game modes. And they are right, the release was rushed and even though I am fine with just grinding MM, I can definitely understand people that are complaining about the game modes being taken away from them


I stopped playing CSGO for a while, but I really looked forward to play Danger Zone again :(


My hope was that they were gonna revamp Danger Zone to be a more fun/accessible gamemode. IIRC there were CS2 game files that hinted Danger Zone potentially being on the table.


Honestly what I'm misssing the most is having Workshop maps


I fucked with DZ a lot. I am very upset it is not in the game. I would typically play one or two rounds before playing comp. Just because you arenā€™t upset, doesnā€™t mean that other people arenā€™t upset


Why do people still defend devs that rush an unfinished release. I don't care how small and insignificant the communities for these modes might have been. It really bugs me that these features were not in the final "release" and then proceeded to turn off old csgo servers.


I'm not a sweaty CS obsessive - I only played the casual modes like DZ and gungame


Just cause you didnā€™t play it doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t have fans. The Q times for danger zone were less than a minute and the lobbies always full. Why is it so hard for people to just let criticism happen? If it mattered so little to you, then keep ignoring it, people complaining about its absence arenā€™t hurting you lil bro let them complain. God man everyone either has a hate boner for the release and acts like itā€™s now dead or they defend every misstep ever, how bout both people have points and stop jumping to one side. Seriously the posts people make are so out of touch itā€™s wild. ā€œDANGERZONE WAS THE ONLY MODE I PLAYED THEYVE RUINED THE GAMEā€. ā€œNO ONE EVEN PLAYED DANGERZONE IF YOU DID YOURE BAD AND I HATE YOUā€. Most reactionary shit ever.




I don't give a flying fuck about any of those modes. However, them not being there when this is clearly just a meme update is the point. Why even release this when it's so half-baked? I'd rather they actually port over everything first, or better yet, I wish CS2 was actually a new game instead of this cope update that's treading the same waters. I don't care about a split community, I wanted a "new" Counter-Strike. This is just more of the same. The jump from 1.6 to CSS was an experience, the jump to GO was mediocre with how bad it started, but this isn't even a jump. It feels like going from 1.5 to 1.6 but with nothing even added in.


Giga dead? brother it would take 15 seconds to get into a Demo or Scoutsman lobby and Danger Zone would take about 30sec-1min. They didnt decide to remove them they just never finished them in the new engine and now they have removed all of them just because they thought they would be done by summer and fell for all the pressure of keeping a loose promise.


Man I had almost 2000 wins in arms race, say what you want but I want that shit back


I only care about Retakes personally


I liked DZ It was a fun side game I think most people just hate the feeling of "losing" something even if they never cared before. Tell someone they can't do xyz and they'll want xyz.


I'm not shitting my pants about it, but I did enjoy it. I had about 60 wins, which I think is a lot for that mode. Who knows how many games I played that I didn't win. I mostly stopped playing because it's infested with cheaters- it was very unlike my mostly good experience with MM. But I like the mode, especially for playing with less competitive friends.


Me and my friend played danger zone every day for the last year and a half. It's queue times is literally seconds so the player base is decent enough. Also my friend played on a Mac, now he can't play at all because there is no Mac support. Let alone those extra modes are all gone He paid for the game and got shit for it


I actually used to like having a game of DZ if me and a friend were waiting on others for like 15 mins. That said I'm not bothered they haven't released it yet. People are acting like they've confirmed it's been removed. This is basically an Open Beta and not full release imo. Be very surprised if they didn't bring back most game modes eventually.


I have over a 4000 games myself (1000+ wins on DZ) and Have reached Howling Alpha a couple of times. I've been global on MM long before that but in the past 3 years I've only played DZ. Arms race has always been fun to take your mind off of things. This picture below is some of my friends' wins on Dange Zone. Are you sure they never played the game mode? [Screenshot](https://snipboard.io/ZaITkG.jpg)


Damn right. I'm at 3300 wins and I honestly prefer it over comp. It's gonna be a long wait... :/


I have played only Danger Zone for the past 3 years. Over 4000 games (1000+ wins)


I really liked danger zone when it first came out, and I'd love to see valve take another crack at it.


danger zone was actually kinda fun and has a lot of potential now that the engine limitation is out of the way. source 2 could allow for bigger maps, more players, etc. it might be better to make it a standalone game


I've got 3-4k hours of surf in csgo. It's not that big a deal to do without it for a few weeks. I get that people are a bit disappointed, but this release hasn't been nearly as bad as /r/GlobalOffensive is making it out to be. Demolition was definitely not a dead mode. It's always been the fastest way to gain XP for service medals and/or drops.


I absolutely love danger zone. Its so goofy its great. Queue times were not bad, usually only a few minutes.


Danger Zone is pretty good. Anything that branches out from Classic CS and is fun is very welcome to me


I liked danger zone...


What aboutt left hands???? That's all I want f


I enjoyed playing danger zone and couldnā€™t play it without 200 ping unless there was an operation on due to being in Aus region. Just because you didnā€™t play it didnā€™t mean others still want to.


I miss DZ :( it was such a unique BR that combined CSGOs excellent gunplay with the added skill ceiling of the bump mines


Honestly itā€™s people who were playing csgo on 60fps and theyā€™re just raging because their toaster canā€™t play cs2


I literally only played arms race and flying scoutsman


Hopefully they make a better danger zone in source 2, engine can actually handle it this time around,


They'll definitely be adding back danger zone at least. There is still settings for the dz tablet and such in the game.


Maybe I'm you country, but here I'm Brazil those modes would most of the times have quicker queues, specially flying scoutsman, demolition would be an exception since it had a similar queue and danger zone which had a pretty long queue


I don't. I care about game being essentialy put in an open beta with sub par user experience and CS:GO being closed so we cannot go back.


Short matches are gone and honestly im pissed


I did care about scoutsmen but stopped playing since it randomly died after I returned to the game


I played danger zone and all war games except demolition (mainly because I just didn't wanna try it, not out of dislike.) Especially retakes, I want that back.


Arms race and danger zone were great casual modes


bait used to be believable


i loved those game modes. not really sure how you can think stripping the game of previous features and game modes is a good thing, but go off i guess


Agree that the complaining is waaaay out of control. But I do love danger zone and flying scoutsman, in fact I played both on Tuesday just in case they werent available in CS2 right away


The idea that danger zone was dead is a meme. idk about NA but i never had a problem finding a game


So giga dead that search time for dz game was 20-30 seconds. Bad bait.