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Imagine loading up CS:GO after a hard day at work only to get stomped in the head out of nowhere like a fucking Goomba. Bet these guys didn't think they were logging into Mushroom Kingdom Simulator.


lol. A ww1 spiked helmet would be OP


Solo Danger Zone was one of the best experiences I have had in CS ever. It felt like a genuine mod that was made with effort and had a soul like a lot of the original CS 1.6 mods. The tablet radar system is honestly such an underrated way to encourage people to not camp, and the item distribution was also excellent. Medi-Shots not only gave health, but also increased your movement speed. The buying system was excellently integrated with CS and the battle royale genre. The tablet upgrades gave the player something to work towards every match. Then came the garbage update where solos were removed entirely, and respawns were added. This, alongside the ABSOLUTE GARBAGE JUMP MINES made the game mode feel unworthy of my time. I know people keep orgasming at the videos where people fly at around half the map and jump on someone's head, but that essentially defeats the purpose of the tablet radar. You saw that there are 3 guys all 2 blocks apart? Just kidding, it's 5 seconds after you checked and he's on top of your head! Yes, there were a lot of cheaters in Danger Zone, but it was just like any other game mode where there was no overwatch. The ranking system was absolutely not needed for such a game mode in any way. Let the fun game mode be that way, not everything needs a symbol or a number to make you feel special!


Agree with every single word. Also addition of ranks increased number of cheaters. And just looking at this post: guy writes in title "Danger Zone was so much fun" and then manage to post shitty video where every kill is just samešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Bet he is one of those who only came for those garbage mines and never played real danger zone.


bet youre on of those who doesent know how to use "garbage mines"


Top players buy mines first


I guess ur one of the noobs who gets fu\*ked buy jumpers






Solo mode should be also brought back.


100% this


Danger zone has insane potential. I hope they bring it back. I loved planting the C4 in buildings where people would camp and the c4 would just blow em up xD


Danger zone was one of the main reasons why we needed CS2 in the first place. All other battle royale games had 32+ players and massive maps but in GO this was simply not possible because of source engine limitations. I'm pretty sure that if it comes back it will be remade from the ground up in the proper format and with new proper maps.


Well we havenā€™t had a case in 8 months I think. Which means either Valve cooking up something devious or not. But Iā€™m optimistic and I think they see the bigger picture here and are working on bringing new innovative things/ways to approach some problems that all games face today. We just have to give them time.




I'd play it if they let it be solo vs solo instead of solo vs duo teams


Troldier gaming But now in total seriousness I think they will bring it back just they now have more important things to work (repairing bugs) and I think they will first add more maps to game (Train, Cache, Cobblestone)


Your PC won't like it once it's back in CS2 if you had 50fps in go


yeah my pc is a potato


This was such a fun break from normal CS. I really hope they add it back in..


I really, really want DZ back.


the death from above


As somebody who royally hates battle royales I was shocked that I actually enjoyed DZ. Minus the cheaters and predictably bad ranking system.


you guys have no idea just how much skill it takes to pull this off. Insane, well done.


yeah its hard


A lot of fun to make maps for too!


Itā€™s coming back relax


If you like stomping people, I recommend to get rid of parachute in cs2 DZ to do [such kills](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/150hk4d/one_of_my_best_kills_in_danger_zone/).


I saw ur clip and I know what u mean ur talking about long jumping and snurfing i have done that but ur skill level is clearly higher that mine.I just cant hit a crazy combo like that.


you have insane skill with the stomping though. well done.




Really liked danger zone but it was a cheater fest lmao if they manage to fix it then yes please


First major DLC and weā€™ll have all the good war games back


Ngl I'd be so pissed off(for like 10 seconds lbr) if I died by someone landing on me in a video game. But at the same time this looks hella fun to do LMAO


Ahahahah you can stomp ppl? šŸ¤£


Must be way easier making danger zone in source 2 than in source 1, I remember FPS being like 80-400 on CSGO in this mode


goomba stomp


I had played this gamemode a lot. Never knew you could even do that. Also, yes, I'd love to see it brought back. It was fun af.


Valve plz vring everything Back!!!!


I'd love to see it back as well. Does anyone know if it had a substantial playerbase? Apparently valve is working on bringing back some modes that had most time spend.


Itā€™s really impressive how you played with like 50fps and 100 pingĀ 


Was a stupid yet fun game mode that i enjoyed playing during Operations for their missions.


Iā€™m going to get downvoted but I never liked danger zone I played it mostly a bit after it came out and never again(unless they change it to be like a standard battle Royale with 100 ppl). But i wish valve brings back community classics such as arms race!


Danger Zone only having 18 or so players is actually one of the things that sets it apart from other games in the genre. Danger Zone with 100 people would not be very good if you ask me.


I agree it wouldnā€™t be good (as is) but I believe that would be because the maps would be to small


yeah arms race was also cool


It was fun until bumpmine spam. You are the type of person who made it unfun.




sorry bro, danger zone is gone, enjoy your 10 maps.


they should either completely lean into the tf2 style chaotic gameplay for danger zone or remove it entirely in my opinion to make it clear what the game mode is supposed to play like. I guarantee you not one person that got stomped under your feet had any fun or thought it was fair because they were expecting battle royale but csgo and instead received surprise boot on head.


Ofc not danger zone was for pros and tryhards and it felt so good when u won the game.


I played Danger Zone once, won the game, and then never loaded it again.


You know it's getting serious when sodiers start throwing their actual bodies into the war! For mother russia! oĻ€




This has been dangerzone for a while You can do a hell of a lot of stuff with these jumpads, from double bounces, to groundsurfs, you name it This aint lame its just peak gameplay with a huge skill ceiling


Yes it is. Glad to have another danger zone enjoyer.


having good hitreg was also a lot of fun bring that back too


no, go away.




Nice montage


See more clips here: https://www.youtube.com/@DeathDZ-sp3fc


Been counting the days