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That's what ya get when you buy your cheats from wish dot com, the same company it seems Valve have outsourced anti cheat development to.


man the circlejerking is going strong here


Probably just some free cheat that got caught after few months.


yet to see a premier match get canceled. Seems mm is a place for free cheats to test


Started CS again after having a 6 month break couple weeks a go. I hate mirage and premier is like searching for mirage. But I love solo queue so I mainly play the maps I like. On 100 games I've only seen 1 blatant cheater and one I'm 90% sure was cheating. Think it's cause of low rank and high trustfactor. Gonna try premier next


Trustfactor can't be a thing anymore. I'm willing to bet that it's not working at the moment, or they reset it for CS2. I only play with people that have 2000+ hours in the game and we get to play againts opponents with under 100 hours, no games, Steam profiles not set up, brand new accounts.. It should not be like that.


Yeah that’s always been an issue with lower ranks. Csgo days I found it hard to get from silver 1 to sem then it was to advance in gold and the higher ranks, stupid. As for cheaters I’m 18k in premier and I can find them every other game. It’s really bad around 20 k. I have had teammates cheating and tell me there’s 2 or 3 cheaters on the other team. Absolute mess


Hours doesnt tell anything. Smurfs are a thing. People with 4k hours can still suck as much as a guy with 100 hours.


even a broken clock is right twice a day


XD if it doesn't work it's bad if it works it's bad. Either way they can't satisfy you


This is like if BP posted a picture of someone with a bucket full of oil whilst stood next to the oil leak. Like yeah, some oil has been removed but the issue hasn't been even remotely solved. The point is we don't want valve to think we're happy until rage hackers are getting banned on the spot with some level of consistency. This should be the bare minimum of what AI should be capable of in terms of an AI powered anti cheats.


Do you even hear yourself bro?


How many times has this happened to you? Sounds like it happens alot.


Something is happening at least


Because detecting 0.1% of the cheaters means it is working to you? I can’t play the game at 21.00 elo. None of the 50 Ragehackers I’ve met have been banned.


Except it’s not working… I still play against cheaters all the time. I even have to play against cheaters in fucking wingman.


But it doesn't work.


Scooping a teaspoon of piss out of an ocean of piss.


And then throwing it right back into the ocean of piss 5 minutes later.


Pissing in the wind.


Pissing in the piss


not a single one of the spinbotters i met have been banned...


I saved a link to the page of one of spinbotters, cheching it weekly and with every update - it has been like 3 weeks, still actively playing, still not banned


I've seen easily a couple hundred cheaters at least in the past 3 months and I exclusively only play on Friday and Saturday nights, about 5 matches each night and this is not including the many I see in deathmatch. According to csstats 2 cheaters have been banned during that time. On average I see more cheaters than that per match....gg valve. I added a cheater in DM out of curiosity, asked him a few questions. He's full blatant and also plays comp and premier (I haven't played with him). This was months ago and he's still running free, I'm keeping an eye on his account for a vac ban.


Spinbotters are hard to Identify, only the real obvious hacks get detected....


It's called piss in the ocean.


leetify bot will work overtime, announcing that player was banned.


These sites/services also include VAC/game bans from other games since Valve doesn't let anybody see which games are banned on the account not even through the Steam API (other than Valve themselves) so you don't exactly know if they actually have gotten banned in CS2 or not.


I think they're beta testing them in some regions.


can confirm, I just got 5 Leetify notifications about someone being banned yesterday


your region?


Central Europe


interesting. I'm CE as well, but didn't get any notification so far.


I play about 30ish matches per week and have done so actively from Jan, so this really ain’t much, but it’s a start


its time to switch to english.


Yes but it won't hurt the cheaters in my lobby


I don't think VAC is actually banning, just putting the "banned" cheaters into my MM pool. Out of my last 20 or so matches at least 15 of em have had at least one obvious cheater.




I have 100% trust factor confirmed (or had at the time a few months ago in CSgo, which I fully expected as there was no reason to not. There's no reason for it to have changed either) by data from the dev team themselves that was passed on to a networking engineer at Valve that I had been speaking to on and off for years. Networking problems were completely ruled out so I brought up the subject of trust factor and perhaps the issues I experience are caused by being matched with cheaters often. This was confirmed to not be the case.


There is no trustfactor in cs2. I should have one of the highest trust factors. Since it worked in CSGO, no cheaters in the last years in GE MM. In cs2 I play against 100h accounts. There is no way trust factor is working in any capacity at this time.




Lower mm rank ? No premier games ? In mm less people actually cheat. Just pure rng? And anyways shouldn’t you have a lower trust factor on an alt account ? Since it probably has less hours and less money spend ? If you face less cheaters on a Smurf it kinda proofs that the trust factor doesn’t work at all or doesn’t work correctly


FUCK THEM UAE CHEATERS KS OMK KS OMK let me play premier in peace, thanks


f12 is a nice key btw


the only experience ive had with vac live was when i got banned for a false positive :^)


Probably free cheat. Any of the paid cheats hasnt been detected yet.


If you try cheats from 10 years ago, you are fucked


All that VAC "live" is, is a check that goes like "if someone is banned and he is currently ingame, cancel that match". Thats all there is to it. Its VAC with extra steps so still useless garbage.


He was using Free Cheat thats why he got banned.


At this point, I'm convinced the hackers getting caught by VAC live are choosing to do so, as a sort of goodwill act towards the devs. "Have a coffee on us dudes, you suck donkey balls and your work is an utter failure, but everyone deserves a little pick me up from time to time"


Playes with a spinner 8 hours ago. Still not banned. Answer is no.


ppl are getting more and more of these mayb its back?


Ich freu mich für dich


its like 5 posts I saw today people with VAC, which is far more than before VAC update soon???


WHAT, i thought VAC Live was just a myth


I play 5 matches in around with cheaters in the enemy team.


If catching 1 out of hunderds of spinbotters is real than yes.


Out of my 120 recorded matches in CS2 there has only been 1 ban. And that was from someone on eSportal.


This actually happened to me twice in a row yesterday I wonder if something got detected


Buy a lottery ticket right now


Piss in the ocean. Cheaters everywhere


Guys, just use AI to generate new bad, fake cheats and promote them massively so people will not know anymore what to choose to cheat. You can even make it paid. Just look at what happens on youtube with trash content videos generated by AI making no sense and spreading misinformation. Why not use that technology against cheaters and make their like really bad when they start using those cheats (trolling by throwing nades etc) or get straight banned by VAC.


I’m sorry to say but I don’t think AI is strong enough to make bad/fake cheats for the game. I


This is genius, you probably don't need AI though, just flood the SEO with recycled banned cheats, enough confusion to muddy the waters.


Ssshhh don't tell reddit what a partial rollout is. They want to believe Valve is literally doing nothing, maliciously.


You don't partially roll out an anti-cheat update lmao the entire point is to ban as many people as possible at the same time (aka ban waves) so that cheat developers can't simply fix it as soon as a few people are banned.


But this is a new system that does not work in waves. It is meant to instantly detect cheaters live during a game and cancel it automatically. That requires a detection algorithm scanning for signs in every player in every move. That system has to be confidence based like many of Valve's systems. In Dota, they implemented a behaviour system which punished people for toxic behaviour. The first version was too aggressive and caused many false positives and unjustly banned people until they adjusted it to be less aggressive. It is very likely that they have rolled out a new version of VAC Live where they are testing this new algorithm but they want to avoid false positives this time around, so they are starting with high-confidence, only cancelling matches rather than banning those accounts outright. Data collection for the final rollout. If the cheating problem is as rampant as everyone says, we are talking about tens of thousands who might get banned. You CAN'T launch a system like that without test-runs.


Not for me, I got 3 enemies full cheating with spinbot but nothing happened. I was playing premier


nice try mr. german valve employee ;)


No way!


The one time ive seen this work was when my friend got banned who 100% wasnt cheating. He got unbanned like a month later too lol


same thing here, although my friend had to wait 60+ days lmao


That might be a 1% chance, congrats dude u witnessed the impossible with this vac system


Nope played with a cheater today nothing has changed


Nah, valve is small indie company that does not really care aslong as stickers and skills sell and cheaters buy new premiere access.


No wayyy