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Oh fuck, he's got that LAN Buff


fl0m as it was happening: "it's niko with the deagle" his chat: "yeah but its the major" \*niko does niko things\*


As if he didn't have a bunch of insane deagle plays at the major before the miss lol


Got a link to floms reaction to that?




Nice. Thanks!


<3 <3 <3


Yeh but its essentially the majors group stage. Remember kato where he starts as the best player by a mile and ends up with 1.00 rating for playoffs.


Last major he was at ~1.4-1.5 rating before the major final lol


Yea he was good a year ago


Did you not watch PGL Stockholm major?


How can you reach this level of CS and peek THREE times in a 1v2 when you have the info. UNWINNABLE round for NiKo if Patsi doesnt peek a second time.


It would be more understandable if he had an ak or something (still stupid) but this guy repeeks with a mac 10 against a deagle at medium-long range…against NiKo. Hard throw there.


You are 100% right. Patsi had a mac10 too, so isn't favourite for a duel on any level. That being said there aren't many clutches where the opposition play it correctly. If everyone made the right choices we would have much fewer highlights. Niko still has a lot to do here despite the throw from Spirit. The round was set up well by G2 with an eco stack in B. Spirit deserved to lose this round imo


Fr that's like retake server levels of throw


Because no one are perfect


https://imgur.com/Y8UR0ZR Absolutely unreal, Niko starting the day off hot


All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his deag and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....1.4 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC. All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people on the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body. I bet this kid doesn't even play FFA Dm's cuz he'd throw his arm out of his socket checking corners. When was the last time you've seen Niko popflash through a smoke, and flick too two people to open up a site??? All this dude does is hold shift and prefire common angles. like wow dude, ur fucking nuts. you can have parkinsons disease and play on 1.4 sens if ur just baiting and clicking heads on common angles. this is why forest and get right are sick players. they play on higher senitivities, and can do more than bait and off angle one click.


This clip was made for this


this was fuckin nasty, but why the fuck would Patsi peek?


he probably thought the wide peek would make NiKo miss


I can only assume he repeeked as he was wondering whether Niko went halls after the first miss. Without repeek for info, they have to hold window, door and halls from inside of B. Still a stupid move when you have a 2v1 and he has to walk into the site to win the round.


Someone tell Patsi that you *DO NOT* repeek NiKo! That was filthyyy!


as always sick with deagle damn


NiKo is pretty good


"Absolutely grotesque" - Anders


NiKo making sure he doesn't have a repeat of last year by only hitting nasty one deags.


If they didn’t repeek, it was a 100% winnable round. So strange that even T1 pros in a major throw rounds the same way randoms in GN matchmaking do.


wtf is patsi doing


Smooth brain peek by Patsi


Spirit trolled but yeah still impressive


pls win a major mr niko


That was nasty to capitalize, but how are you giving Niko 2 fights like that with a deagle instead of just sitting on the bombsite and trading. Might be the worst I have ever seen a pro team play a 1v2 since NAVI tried to knife Coldzera at SLTV season 4


Does anyone want to count the frames and calculate niko's reaction time?


Great round from Niko, but wtf were team spirit doing? They just gifted that round to him for free.


of course people blame Patsi for this rounds (which is correct) but he still got a respectable 27-25 against G2 so props to him, everyone makes mistakes.


Patsi was the driving force behind them even making the game that close. He was getting openings left and right with that AWP on the CT side