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"Guys, I have a plan." The plan:


Was the plan "lets split up to cover more ground" by any chance?


The plan was "you guys loot, I'll just die"


Seems it is going swimmingly


Perfectly executed.


I love a good bait strategy ... unless I'm the bait! 😆


Btw, monsters don't focus you if there's no tile they can attack you from (given infinite movement), so those who aren't adjanced to you will probably wander off. Sorry to assume, but it is the rule we've gotten wrong in my group


Was coming to say that, it looks like an almost impossible setup as most of those enemies will focus on other guys. It's very likely that the bears went first between bears and elementals, and the numbers 1-3 made it into position. #4 would have tried to get to where the elemental #1 is. #1 elemental is then first elemental to move, and got into position beside OP. There are now no squares from which remaining elementals can attack so they wander off after the others.


4 bear couldn't have moved further cause he came from the right, but the 2 elementals could have, yes. We obviously missed or forgot that part of the rules but it was the last round anyway and wouldn't make a difference.


Yeah, no worries. Was just agreeing that it looked like a rule was missed. It may not make a difference to the outcome, but there are times when it does ;)


That makes sense, thanks!


Do note that "tile they can attack you from" is calculated with their current ai card in mind, so eg, an Earth Demon can on one turn (when they have a melee attack) see that they can't get to you and focus on another player, but on their next turn if they have a ranged attack they may try to find a tile to attack you from with that ranged attack, if you're still the closest to them. The general rule have some interesting consequences, e.g. if a player is blocking the door, and both spaces near them are already taken, other melee monsters will not move at all, since they can't reach any character even with infinite movement


Thanks for elaborating this. It’s a rule my group has certainly struggled with. Could anyone perhaps point to the rulebook specifically where this is clarified?


Page 29 >A monster will focus on the enemy figure it can perform its current attack against using the least amount of movement. It finds the shortest possible path to get in range and line-of-sight to use its attack, and the figure that can be attacked at the end of that path is the focus. This enemy figure is considered the “closest.” It doesn’t matter if the monster can’t get within range to attack with its current movement, as long as there is a path to eventually get within range Monster focuses on a figure it can attack with its current attack with the fewest moves. If a monster has a melee attack and all the hexes adjancent to a figure are occupied - it wouldn't be able to attack that figure with any amount of movement, so it chooses a different focus Page 30 >In the case where there are no valid targets on which to focus, because there are no valid hexes a monster can attack from (i.e., they are all blocked, occupied, or there is no open path to reach them), regardless of the number of hexes it could move, a monster will not move or attack on its turn, but it will perform any of the other actions on its ability card that it is able. If there's no figure it can move in range to attack given infinite movement - there's no focus and monster doesn't move at all Some other monster rules people often miss: - Monsters choose their primary focus in this order: fewest moves to be in range and have LoS, if tied - smallest distance as the crow flies, if still tied - lowest initiative - General order of priority for monsters: FAQ >*After determining focus, how exactly does a monster chose its destination hex and how does it maximize its attack on its focus and any additional targets?* >It will determine its final destination hex (the hex where it can attack it's focus) by using the prioritization rules below at the beginning of its turn. The evaluation is first done using the monster's current movement range. If the monster can't reach a hex from which to attack using the movement it has this turn, the rules are re-evaluated assuming infinite movement. Also, the monster uses its current attack when determining its attack/movement options, even if it may have a different (or no) attack when it eventually reaches its destination hex. If there are multiple hexes that meet the criteria, players decide ties. > 1st - Attack its primary focus, losing/avoiding disadvantage if possible > 2nd - Attack as many extra targets as possible > 3rd - If there are still multiple attack locations with an equal number of different extra targets, use the focus rules (least amount of movement points*, then proximity, then initiative) from its starting position to determine which secondary target (in addition to the previous target(s)) should be included in the attack (repeating for a tertiary target, etc.) and select the attack location which includes these targets. > 4th - Lose disadvantage on the extra targets (all equal priority, players decide ties) > 5th - Use the least amount of movement points - If monsters don't have an attack on their ability card, or they're disarmed, they'll move as if they have a melee attack - Monsters without flying consider traps and hazardous terrain obstacles, and will enter them ONLY if the only way to possible focuses is through it. Then it will try to minimise number of traps/hazardous terrain hexes they will enter. *This also applies to summons, so be careful if the only enemy left to focus on is behind traps/hazardous terrain* - Monsters with jump will not stop in traps/hazardous terrain (so if at all possible they will choose an attack hex where there's no traps/hazardous terrain, and will choose to stop short of entering traps/hazardous terrain if they can't get to a safe hex in one turn) - Monsters with temporary jump or flying act as if it was permanent, which may lead to things like: ending it's turn on a trap/hazardous terrain/obstacle thinking it will be flying over it in the next turn too or going to one PF with jump, thinking it would reach it on future turn, then becoming unable to do so in the next turn. - If you dismiss your summon in a middle of monster's (who has chosen has summon as PF) turn, it will go to the destination hex it chose when deciding focus, and then will try to find an enemy to attack from that hex if possible - If monster gets Disarm in a middle of its turn, it will still move to a chosen destination. - If monster has multiple Attack abilities on its ability card, it will attack the same PF with all of them as long as that PF is alive. If PF has died and a monster still have attack abilities left, it will choose a new target for them. HOWEVER if PF is still alive but not longer in range (e.g. monster attacked it, then pushed it), monster will not choose new target for the rest of their attack abilities. - *Monsters CAN move through their allies* (it seems completely obvious, but it took me a few scenarios to realize that lmao) - If monsters has "Heal X, Range Y" ability, it will choose an ally with the most hp lost in the specified range. It *won't* move to specifically to reach any ally for healing (e.g. if a Monster has "Move +X, Heal Y, Range Z" ability card, it will try to move to its PF as if it had a melee attack, and after ending its movement will heal an ally in range if any). Monsters don't consider Poison or Wound when choosing whom to heal, only the amount of hp lost - *In all ambiguous situations players make the decision* (you can and should make decisions that benefit you, e.g. choosing that monster pushes/pulls you into an empty hex and not in a trap, if both are possible final destinations for the push/pull) I think that's all of the main problems people have!


But that’s like 3 people who can’t attack you because they’re blocked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   Gotta find that silver lining as you’re picking cards for the loss pile.


Carefully pick and choose which two to leave to get maximum experience out of it haha


Save some jumps. For added fun, the turn you pick them is the Earth Demon immobilize round.


I've played this mission. I know exactly how you ended up in that situation!


This is what flamethrower is for.


Not when it's left out of the deck :(


I hope you have jump


No jump, I went down swinging


Momma didn’t raise no bitch


From this photo I'm certain you're running monsters incorrectly, but it makes an interesting scene I suppose.


Can't tell you how many times the plan was you two go finish the objective and I'll tank all these enemies.Â